The Most Romantic of the Three Kingdoms

Vol 10 Chapter 161: Zhong Yuan's constant progress and meritorious deeds (Part 1)

He wanted the horses to run and not to graze. Li Jue was a very particular person, and he wouldn't do such a thing.

To save others by himself, he thought that if Jia Xu wanted to give advice for him, he had to give Jia Xu a high-ranking official and a generous salary, because it was convenient for him to write to the court on the same day and ask Jia Xu to be the Xuanyi general.

——As mentioned above, the titles of generals nowadays can be divided into two categories, one is the permanent military positions such as generals, generals of chariots and cavalry, etc., which can participate in government affairs, and are generals with heavy titles, and the other is usually not. It is a military post that is only set up in wartime and other situations, and it is the second-class. The miscellaneous generals can be roughly divided into two categories, one is the general title awarded according to the task assigned, the other is the general title awarded according to the name, and the general Xuanyi is the latter category.

The word "Xuanyi" is used as a general title. This is Li Jue's first creation. There was no such general title before, and the reason why it is called Xuanyi is because Li Jue's intention is also obvious. It is to show that his side is just. one side.

The power of the imperial court is in the hands of Li Jue and Guo Si. Although Li Jue and Guo Si are in the court, they usually submit a memorial to a certain official, but they do it together with Xun Zhen, Yuan Shao and other Kanto princes. It's like a memorial for a person, but it's just a formality. The memorial goes up to the Shangshu Platform, and the Shangshu Platform forwards it to the Emperor, how could the Emperor reject it? An appointment of two thousand stones was granted so easily.

Because it was Li Jue's personal memorial, the approval process went very fast.

The book on the first day, just one day later, the edict that Jia Xu was appointed General Xuanyi was sent to Li Jue's camp.

——Jia Xu, as he said, has already moved into the camp outside Li Jue City.

Wen Dechao went down to the book, Jia Xu's face showed a little joy, and the gloomy mood for many days seemed to be relieved a little. He and his eldest son Jia Mu said: "You will serve your mother, look after your brothers, stay in the camp, and I will enter the palace to thank the emperor."

Jia Mu was puzzled and said: "Father, the chariots said that General Guo's side has finished the army, and it will be tomorrow or a day or two later, and General Guo will probably attack the chariot camp. The two battles are about to begin, why did my father enter the palace to see the emperor at this time?"

Li Jue wanted to appoint Jia Xu as a high-ranking official several times before, but Jia Xu refused, but this time, Jia Xu did not object to appointing him as General Xuanyi. Jia Mu was also puzzled about this. Questions were also asked, and when he asked Jia Xu, he said, "Furthermore, my father, I wanted to show my grandfather a lot before riding a chariot, but my father refused to accept it; this time the chariot showed my father Xuanyi General, but why did my father do it? Didn't you refuse again?"

There were no outsiders in the tent, only Jia Xu and Jia Mu and his son.

Jia Xu didn't hide it from Jia Mu, lowered his voice, and said to Jia Mu, "The reason why I didn't refuse is because after the emperor appointed me as General Xuanyi's edict, he used thanks as an excuse to enter the palace. Meet the Son of Heaven."

Jia Mu said, "Father's purpose is to wait for the edict to be issued..." He was quite at a loss, not understanding Jia Xu's purpose, and said, "Father, why do you want to see the Son of Heaven at this time?" Thinking of a possibility, He asked, "Is it possible that Father wants to invite the Son of Heaven to come forward and mediate the two generals Li and Guo so that they will not fight each other? Don't you listen?"

Jia Xu sighed and said, "The emperor does not have a single soldier or soldier, so why would Generals Che Qi and General Guo value the emperor's edict? You are right, even if the emperor issued an edict, I am afraid that General Che Qi and General Guo would not listen. ."

Jia Mu said, "If that's the case, then why does my father go to the palace to see the emperor?"

"You have to remember that your husband's life should be based on profit, but he should not ignore 'righteousness' in order to save his life."

Jia Mu said: "Can't ignore 'righteousness'?"

"The Son of Heaven is 'righteousness'!" Jia Xu said, "In front of Che Qi and General Guo, although the Son of Heaven lacks authority, he is still the Son of Heaven! The Son of Heaven represents the orthodoxy of the Han Dynasty and is the mandate of Heaven.”

Jia Muyuo understood Jia Xu's meaning slightly, and said, "So my father plans to take this opportunity to enter the palace to see the emperor, in order to tell the emperor that Li and Guo Er will fight with each other, and ask the emperor to make plans."

Jia Xu nodded and said, "That's exactly what I meant, but if I go to the palace to ask the emperor for no reason, it may cause the suspicion of Che Qi. Now that Che Qi and General Guo are strong, this is bound to be unfavorable for you and my father and son, so I am the General Xuanyi, and I did not refuse it, but because I wanted to seize this opportunity to meet the emperor." Fu sighed again, and said, "The chariot and General Guo are arrogant and arrogant. , after all, it is difficult to achieve anything. Earlier, I attached to them and gave them advice, but it was only a last resort, to find a way for you and my father and son to survive after the death of Duke Dong, so as not to be executed by the princes in the court. . . . I have never sinned against the Son of Heaven, and I have always tried my best to protect the princes in the court, so today, I have saved a ray of life for you and my father and son."

"But I don't know what my father is going to say to the emperor when he sees the emperor?"

Jia Xu thought about it for a long time, and he said, "After seeing the emperor, I will truthfully tell Che Qi and General Guo that they are going to fight each other, and why the two of them will have an infighting. Zuo and the emperor will know."

"Father is only going to report this to the Son of Heaven?"

Jia Xu pinched his beard and said, "The Son of Heaven will be surprised when he hears the news. Although the Son of Heaven is young, he is smart. I don't need to say more. The consequences, because I think about it, I will ask me what to do, what to do."

"Then what plan does Father plan to make against the Son of Heaven?"

Jia Xu said, "I would suggest that the emperor said He Cheqi and General Guo."

"Say peace? Father, just like what Mu Shicai said, even if the emperor ordered the minister to make peace, I'm afraid that General Li and Second General Guo won't listen. It won't help."

Jia Xu said, "You are confused! It's one thing to be useless, but it's another thing to show my loyalty to the Son of Heaven."

At this point, Jia Mu completely understood the reason why Jia Xu entered the palace to see the Son of Heaven.

Jia Xu's whole remarks, in short, are saying that it doesn't matter whether it is useful for him to tell the emperor about the infighting between Li Jue and Guo Si in advance, or whether the emperor sends ministers to talk about it or not. The important thing is that he can take this opportunity to show his "loyalty" to the emperor and let the emperor and the ministers in the court know that this is enough.

In other words, he doesn't care at all about the **** storm that Li Jue and Guo Si's infighting will set off. He doesn't care how many people will die because of it. He cares, and the only thing he cares about is whether he can Continue to save his life in the coming chaos in Chang'an.

Jia Mu said: "Father's intention, Mu has already understood, Father has good intentions, this is looking for another way back for my family!"

That's half the point.

Compared with the investment in Zhang Ji or Duan Xun in Hongnong County, if the investment in Zhang Ji and Duan Xun is regarded as a short-term future, then show loyalty to the emperor and let all the ministers in the court know, that is Jia. It is a long-term way back for it.

However, Li Jue and Guo Si are strong and strong, far better than Zhang Ji and Duan Yu, and they can't make things happen. Then Zhang Ji and Duan Yu are obviously not able to make things happen. Therefore, investing in Zhang Ji and Duan Yu is only an expedient measure; If so, the real way back still has to come from the Son of Heaven, or to use Jia Xu's words, it has to come from "righteousness". As long as he shows his loyalty to the emperor and does not lose his righteousness, sooner or later, Jia Xu believes that he will be able to find a reliable place for him to possess.

"Benefit" and "righteousness", Jia Xu has always looked at these two points thoroughly. Following Dong Zhuo and Li Jue is for the benefit of the near future. During this period, he has always been very respectful to the emperor, and he has indeed helped the poor. The minister in the Shao Dynasty avoided the calamity of death, and when he took office as the minister in charge of elections, he did recruit a lot of children from famous clans, and these were for long-term righteousness. Profits are real and short-term, while righteousness is empty and long-term. Gaining both profit and righteousness is the only way to truly seek life and establish a destiny, but there is no need to say more.

Just talking about Jia Xu, he asked to see Li Jue, asked Li Jue to enter the palace, and thanked the emperor.

Li Jue said with a smile: "Sir, the emperor appointed Mr. Xuanyi as the edict of General Xuanyi because of my performance. Why did the emperor go to thank the emperor and not thank me?"

Jia Xu said respectfully: "General Ming is so kind, and he wants to thank himself. However, as a courtier, since he has been appointed by the court, he must also thank the emperor for his kindness. This is ritual, and ritual cannot be abolished."

Jia Xu's whole family had moved to the camp, Li Jue was not afraid of him running away. Hearing Jia Xu's words, and knowing that this was how he always behaved in the Chang'an Dynasty, he agreed to his request. A team of soldiers was sent to **** him into the palace to thank the emperor.

Entering the palace and seeing the emperor, Jia Xuguo reported that there was going to be an infighting between Li Jue and Guo Si, and reported it to the emperor in detail. After speaking, he raised his head slightly and peeped at the emperor. look.

Today, Zi Liu Xie was born in Guanghe for the fourth year. He is only fifteen years old this year. He is still a teenager, but he has grown up and looks immature, but a hairy beard has grown on his lips. After listening to Jia Xu's secret performance, Jia Xu clearly saw that as he expected, Liu Xie's face showed a look of shock, but soon, Liu Xie became calm.

Jia Xu complimented him without realizing it, and thought, "In terms of intelligence and courage, the Son of Heaven is truly extraordinary! If it were placed in a time of peace, it would be impossible to say that he would become a wise ruler of a generation, but unfortunately, he was born at an untimely time and was placed in a turbulent world. And involuntarily.”

After waiting for a while, Liu Xie's voice sounded.

In the period of voice change, his voice was a little hoarse, but he heard Liu Xie say: "Chicai and General Guo each have a heavy army, if they attack each other now, the people of Chang'an will suffer. In the water and fire, I have heard that hundreds of thousands of Chang'an people have already died in ten or three or four. The dead are lying on the road, and the ditches are full of starvation. The generals are all familiar, I wonder if there is a way to make him stop the army twice?"

Jia Xu bowed down on the ground and replied respectfully: "Your Majesty is concerned about the suffering of the people, and this is the blessing of all people. This minister dares to play His Majesty, and the minister also knows that once the chariots and horses attack General Guo, it will inevitably cause the lives of the people to be ruined. When I heard about this, the minister quickly persuaded the generals of the chariots and cavalry not to raise troops rashly, and then asked to see General Guo, but, but..."

"But what?"

Jia Xu said: "But the minister waited outside General Guo's camp until midnight, and sent people several times to ask him to see him, but General Guo still refused to see the minister. When the chariots heard the news, they became furious and refused to listen to the minister's advice. Your Majesty, this minister is helpless now."

Liu Xie was silent for a while, and said, "What should I do? Are you just waiting for the two to fight with General Guo?"

Jia Xu bowed his head and said, "Only for now, the minister secretly thought that the only thing I could do was ask Your Majesty to trouble the minister, go to Cheqi and General Guo's camp, and talk to them separately."

Liu Xie knew his position in the minds of Li Jue and Guo Si, and after a while, he said, "General, Che Qi and General Guo are still unwilling to listen to you. Will General Guo listen?"

"Your Majesty is the most noble of the ninety-five, and the minister is the smallest ear. The two generals will not listen to the minister's words, but if His Majesty bothers the minister to talk about reconciliation, use His Majesty's mighty virtue, move it with affection, understand it with reason, and maybe ride a car or ride a horse. Both General Guo and General Guo will strike twice."

Or there is no other way can only use a dead horse as a living horse doctor, or Jia Xu's sincerity has given Liu Xie some confidence, so he accepted Jia Xu's suggestion and asked: "In this case, in the general's opinion, it would be better for me to trouble someone to go and make peace?"

"Yang Qi, the servant, is a son of the public family. He is honest and strong, and he is close to the faithful for His Majesty.

Yang Qi is the great-grandson of the former Taiwei Hongnong Yang Zhen, from Yang Zhen to Yang Qi's younger brother, the current Taiwei Yang Biao, the fourth-generation official of the Yang family, and like Runan Yuan, he is also the third prince of the fourth generation. , the family name is more important than the contemporary; Yang Qi himself, when he was young, had ambitions and festivals, not in the name of family status, he made friends with Yingyan, and did not communicate with Haoyou. Two hundred people, also famous in the sea. ——Yang Qi's name may not be known to future generations, but he has a descendant who is very famous, that is, Yang Jian, the founder of the Sui Dynasty.

Liu Xie said: "Okay, according to the general's recommendation, I will call Duke Yang, and trouble him to go and make peace."


There are many kinds of scholars, and Jia Xu is a typical representative of one of them, so he has a little more ink.

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