The Most Romantic of the Three Kingdoms

Vol 10 Chapter 158: Li? Hi Wang? Xu Xie?/a>

Although Guo Si was born in a military commander, but now he is proud of himself, he refuses to ride a horse. He usually goes out by car, and today's trip to Li Jue's house is no exception. He rode on a Zaogai chariot, led by three officers with swords in the front, followed by two officers in the chariot, and a cadre of military officers and soldiers wearing armor and weapons, shouting in front and back, but they went out to the north que On the avenue of the Jiadi District, this Guo Si is really intimidating.

Along the way, the rain did not stop, and the chariots, horses and soldiers walked slowly, splashing water and mud.

There are a lot of beggars in Chang'an City. Although Beiquejiadi District is a place where aristocrats live, or because it is a place where nobility lives, all the rich people live here, so it is no exception. In addition, it was no exception. Many beggars came in from outside to beg for food. Earlier, Li Jue and Guo Si were still in charge and sent troops to expel them, but they were unable to defeat them. On both sides of the road, because there are always two or three scrawny beggars, they hide under the corner of the wall timidly, while taking shelter from the rain, while staring blankly at the sky or toward the road, when they see someone passing by, they stretch out their hands to look Can please eat.

However, they obviously had no chance to beg from Guo Si.

When the officials leading the way saw these beggars, they ordered the soldiers to go over and drive them away, so as not to spare Guo Si's car.

Some of them ran slowly, or fell down due to slipping on the ground, and they were beaten even harder by those soldiers, their faces and bodies were stained with blood, and the blood flowed down, and was quickly washed away by the rain.

There were others who couldn't bear the pain and couldn't help shouting out loud. The soldiers were afraid that Guo Si would get angry, so they quickly drew out their knives and killed them.

Guo Si in the car seemed to have never heard of it.

Going through a few intersections, Li Jue lived here when he was a "li" away.

Guo Si did not get out of the car, and the officials guarding the gate would not stop him, so he drove straight in and went straight to the outside of Li Jue's house.

Seeing that Guo Si was coming, the servants of Li Jue's family did not dare to neglect him, and hurried to report to Li Jue, while opening the door and inviting Guo Si to be admitted to the hospital.

Li Jue heard the news and came out to greet him not long after. Guo Si had already got off the car and was waiting for him in the small hall. Li Jue grabbed his arm and said with a smile, "I knew you wouldn't wait until the evening! Come on, I've already prepared the banquet. As long as you come, we'll start drinking."

Guo Si smiled and asked Li Jue, "Are Zhuzhu and Cuicui here?"

Li Jue said with a smile: "These two maids are your favorite, how can I not prepare them for you!"

Guo Si was overjoyed, stood up from the table, took big strides, followed Li Jue out of the small hall, and went straight to the banquet hall.

Li Jue's house is comparable to Guo Si's house, and it is also very large. Walking along the veranda, the courtyard is full of exotic flowers and plants, mixed with water vapor from falling rain, fragrant and fragrant, and strange rocks. Interesting, sparkling ponds, pavilions and buildings are almost endless. The maids and servants who stood in various places saw Li Jue and Guo Si passing by, whether on the porch or in the courtyard in the rain, they hurriedly bowed down. Li Jue and Guo Si didn't care about them, they just laughed and talked while walking.

When we arrived at the banquet hall, it was resplendent and splendid, with carved beams and paintings. Needless to say, only the thick woolen blankets on the ground were worth thousands of dollars.

If Li Jue said, the table and seat are ready, and there are two maids kneeling and waiting beside each seat.

Guo Si glanced at the maid's face, took the seat on the left, and saw Zhuzhu and Cuicui, whom he had been obsessed with. Look, who's here?"

Zhuzhu and Cuicui greeted Guo Si with shy expressions on their faces.

Every time Li Jue invites Guo Si, it is a family banquet, and there are not too many people to accompany him. Usually, it is Li Jue's nephews and confidants, plus a few of Guo Si's servants, that's all. Everyone was seated separately. With the support of Zhuzhu and Cuicui, Guo Si also sat in the seat, hugged her from left to right, and put both of her on his lap. Guo Sixiongkui, and these two women are both thin, just enough to be embraced by him.

Li Jue sat on the throne, gave an order, and the Kabuki dancers came in a row, the music sounded, the dance was graceful, and the beautiful maids presented the wine and food like flowing water. But the maids and maids who accompany the wine are all dressed in gold and emerald, with gorgeous dresses and bursts of fragrance.

The wine is fine wine, Li Jue is attentive, and the fragrance is warm in his arms.

I have a drink from the afternoon to midnight until midnight.

Of course, Guo Si didn't go home as usual, so he stayed at Li Juehou's house.

Zhuzhu and Cuicui also accompany them to bed as usual. When it was almost dawn, Zhuzhu went out from the house with her legs between her legs. After a while, she brought back two Hu girls. After a while, the movement resumed. There are all kinds of things in between, but I don't know how powerful Guo Si is.

The next afternoon, Guo Si finally returned home, and his wife welcomed him.

Yesterday, he drank a lot and tossed until dawn. Guo Si didn't sleep well at all, his energy was lethargic, and he didn't have the energy to talk to his wife more, so he just pointed back and said, "Chicai has a new cook, and he makes a good sauce. , I tasted the wine yesterday, and it was really delicious. I liked it when I came back. When I came back, he specially asked the chef to make a few boxes and gave them to me to eat. taste."

The smell of alcohol on Guo Si's body has not disappeared, that's all, but there is still a strong fragrance of fat powder. Guo Si's wife is jealous, like a fire burning, forcibly restrained, without showing her face, she answered yes, and sent Guo Si first Going to the bedroom and waiting for him to sleep, Guo Si's wife returned to her room.

Her two pet maids came in with three or four gold boxes, and put them on the case.

Guo Si's wife asked, "What are you doing?"

One of the servants replied, "This is the sauce that the car gave to everyone. Didn't everyone ask the lady to taste it?"

Guo Si's wife said disgustedly: "Who rarely tastes these things from him? Take them down and feed them.

Dear, this chapter is not over, there is another page ^0^ dog! "

Two maids, you look at me, I look at you, how dare you do what Guo Si's wife ordered? But he didn't dare to offend Guo Si's wife again, so he took the golden box and stepped back. Before they could go out, Guo Si's wife suddenly stopped them and said, "Wait a minute."

The two maids stopped and looked at Guo Si's wife suspiciously.

The expression on Guo Si's wife's heavily powdered face changed, probably thinking about something.

After a while, she waved to the two maids and said, "Come here."

The two maids approached with a gold box in their hands. Guo Si's wife opened a box and looked inside. It was a box of fermented bean sauce, yellow and black in color, and fragrant. Just smelling it made her index finger move. It should be a good food for dinner. The craftsmanship is really good.

Guo Si's wife looked at the tempeh sauce for a moment, as if she had finally made up her mind, and whispered a few words to the two maids. When the two maids heard the words, their faces changed. A maid boldly said, "Miss, how is this possible?"

Guo Si's wife said, "Why can't you do it?"

The maid said: "In case everyone knows, the heads of the two little maids will not be guaranteed."

Guo Si's wife said, "I know about this matter, and you both know about it. How could your husband know?"

The two maids still hesitated.

Guo Si's wife said angrily: "My husband killed the two of you, can't I kill you? If you don't obey me, I'll take your two heads first!"

The two maids did not dare to say any more, and they agreed in fear.


Guo Si slept until nightfall, woke up feeling thirsty, called his servants to fetch hot soup, and before he took a few sips, he heard exclamations from outside.

Guo Si asked, "What happened outside?"

The maid serving him drinking hot soup shook her head and said, "I don't know, little maid."

Guo Si said, "Go out and have a look."

The maid went out of the door, about half an hour later, there was a sound of footsteps, and someone came in, but it was not the maid, but Guo Si's wife.

Guo Si's wife looked panicked and hurriedly said, "Husband, it's not good!"

Guo Si asked, "What's wrong?"

His wife said, "Husband, that tempeh sauce is poisonous!"

Guo Si just woke up, but his mind was still drowsy. He didn't understand what she meant, and asked, "What is poisonous in fermented bean sauce?"

His wife said, "It's the boxes of fermented fermented bean sauce that the car gave to my husband, they are poisonous!"

Guo Si was stunned for a moment and said, "Poisonous, how can it be poisonous?"

His wife said, "How dare I deceive my husband? It's time for dinner. I wanted to follow my husband's instructions and have a taste. Luckily, the black hair came up to my feet and looked greedy, so I took the cake. He dipped in some tempeh and threw it at him, but when Hei Mao ate it, he whimpered twice, foaming at the mouth, hesitating, and then he vomited blood and died."

Hei Mao is a puppy raised by Guo Si's wife, and Guo Si's wife loves it very much.

Guo Si was shocked and suspicious, and said, "Is what you said true?"

Guo Si's wife said: "Husband, how can this be a joke? How dare I talk nonsense!"

Guo Si stood up, got off the bed, put on a casual dress without shoes, and went outside, asked his wife, and said, "Where is the dog?"

His wife led the way and led him to a room not far away.

This is where Guo Si's wife usually eats.

Entering the room, Guo Si glanced at it, and there was a black terrier lying on the ground, with white foam on the dog's mouth and a pool of black blood on the side.

Guo Si said in surprise: "Actually, is it really poisonous?"

Before his wife arrived at the picked up the box of tempeh, showed it to Guo Si, and said, "Husband, this is the box of tempeh." With a look of fear, she said, "Fortunately, Xiao Hei cried and wanted to eat it. , I'll feed Xiao Hei first, otherwise I'm afraid this dead concubine will be a concubine." After a pause, he looked even more afraid, and said, "Fortunately, it's the concubine who plans to taste it first, otherwise, Husband will have dinner later instead? Husband, then it's you husband who died."

Guo Si took the golden box and smelled it, but he didn't smell anything strange. He turned his face and pointed at a maid, and said, "Take two bites."

The handmaiden accused was so frightened that she fell to the ground, begging endlessly. Guo Si was indifferent. Guo Si's wife also refused to intercede for her. Then two of Guo Si's servants opened the maid's mouth and poured a few mouthfuls of fermented bean sauce together. Guo Si looked at her attentively, the maid's face was pale, and after a while, she twitched, spit out a few mouthfuls of black blood, screamed and rolled a few times while covering her stomach, but she was poisoned to death.

Guo Si's wife peeped at Guo Si's face and said, "Husband, is it poisonous?"

Under the shock, Guo Si's mind was awake. Guo Si's wife clearly saw that the anger on his face gradually disappeared, and he smiled instead.

Dear, this chapter is over, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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