The Most Romantic of the Three Kingdoms

Vol 10 Chapter 157: Spring noon couple's indoor language

There is a distance from the li where Jia Xu lived, which is also in the Jiadi District of Beique, and there is only one family in the other li. The courtyard of this family is in the middle of the "li", and soldiers live in the courtyards on both sides. This courtyard is Guo Si's residence.

After Li Jue, Guo Si, and Fan Chou defeated Ma Teng and Han Sui last year, they forced the imperial court to give them the power to compete with the three princes and open the palace respectively. , and at the same time, their respective residences have also been expanded and repaired. ——The three of them are not like Jia Xu. Jia Xu knows the principle of fullness, and he never accepts high-ranking officials, and his residence is quite low-key. , the whole house is more luxurious.

The mansion in front of him was just renovated by Guo Si.

During the renovation, thousands of people were used to merge the four or five houses on the left and right into it. It covers a wide area and has pavilions and pavilions.

It is only said that the spring rain will not stop.

Last year was dry for more than half a year, and this spring rain was continuous, and the ground seemed to be sucking this rare rain with thirst.

Several people in raincoats came from the west in the rain, went to the front of the inner door, signed up their surnames, and the guards at the door let them in. These people walked along Lizhong Road, came to Guo Si's house again, passed their names again, and entered the house; after walking for more than a quarter of an hour, they passed through several courtyards, and finally came to the back house, and reported their own once again. The name, which is the head and the name of the thorn.

The guard at the house took the man's name and went to see Guo Si.

When Guo Si looked at it, Li Jue's official title and name were written on the name thorn, so he invited people to see him.

The person at the head was Li Jue's close official, Guo Si recognized it.

After seeing each other twice, the official bowed down to the ground and said, "My lord and General Ming have not seen each other for several days, and they miss them very much. I have specially prepared a good banquet at home. I will invite General Ming to drink tonight."

Guo Si is in his 40s. In terms of appearance alone, he can be called mighty. However, because he was born as a horse thief and had never read any books when he was a child, the reason for his success was that he was able to fight on the battlefield after he voted for Dong Zhuo. Although he is now a general and holds the power with Li Jue and others, he can't help but retain his original qualities.

He still retains his true character and speaks rudely. Hearing this, Guo Si nodded and said, "Okay, I haven't seen you for a few days, and I really want to ride!" He took the invitation in his hand and took a look.

Guo Si was illiterate at first, but as the official became bigger and bigger, illiterate is really not enough, and he can't read the official documents. So I invited a teacher and learned the characters for a few days. Although the characters are not yet fully recognized, I can generally understand the usual letters and official documents. However, the characters on the invitation were not well written, and they were half a pound with Guo Si's. Guo Si recognized it as Li Jue's own handwriting. What the invitation said was no different from what the official who sent the invitation said, because Li Jue wanted to invite him to a drink in the evening.

Guo Si said to the official close to Li Jue: "You go back and tell the car and I will be there in a while."

Li Jue invited Guo Si to have a drink in the evening. It was only after noon when Guo Si said it. It seemed a little strange, but the official knew it. Said: "Yes, yes, the subordinate will go back to resume his orders and wait for the general."

After two more bows, the official got up and said goodbye. Because it was raining outside, the official took off his raincoat and shoes when he entered the door, but there was rain on his body. When he bowed down and saluted, water marks were left on the ground in the hall. There was no need for Guo Si's orders to wait on the left and right, each wearing a dress made of silk and satin of different colors. They took silk scarves, walked over on their knees, and wiped the water stains dry.

Guo Si looked down at his clothes, smiled and said to the servants, "Last time I went to Che Qi's house for a dinner, he wore beautiful clothes, a jade belt is worth thousands of dollars! I'm laughing at my bad clothes. Today I go to his house, but I also have to wear good clothes!"

With that said, Guo Si stood up and went to find his wife. His clothes and accessories are all collected and stored for him by his wife.

It was only a back house, and it took up a lot of land. Guo Si was too lazy to walk, so the four maids carried him on their shoulders and walked along the veranda to the outside of his wife's house. Guo Si entered the house and said to his wife, "Chicai invites me to have a drink tonight. Come out with beautiful clothes and put them on for me."

His wife was married when Guo Si was underdeveloped, and the two are old and married. His wife is in her thirties, with thin cheeks, slender eyebrows, a slightly hooked nose, and thin lips. She cannot be called ugly, but she is not very beautiful.

Hearing Guo Si's words, his wife suddenly felt unhappy, and said, "I invited you before, yesterday, and now! Why don't you have nothing to do with this car? Why do you invite you to drink every day?"

Guo Si rubbed his stomach and said with a smile: "I and Che Qi are like brothers, and our friendship is inseparable, so he often invites him to dinners and drinks. This is not what he said in the invitation that he just sent, it's only two days. I have never seen me, and I miss you so much.”

His wife said: "I'm afraid that the car rides have ulterior motives!"

Guo Si asked, "What's your intention?"

His wife said, "Husband, have you forgotten how Fan Chou died?"

Guo Si was stunned and said, "What do you mean by that?"

His wife said, "In my opinion, husband, Li Jue can kill Fan Chou, and he can kill you too! He invites you to drink and feast every day, maybe he is looking for another chance to kill you."

Guo Si frowned and said, "You are talking nonsense. I have known Che Qi for more than ten years. Back then, we fought in the South and the North under Dong Gong's account. It was a life-threatening friendship. hurt me?"

His wife said, "You have a deadly friendship with Cheqi, so isn't Fan Chou and Cheqi a deadly friendship? Isn't Fan Chou also under the account of Duke Dong for a long time, fighting with you and Cheqi for Dong Zhuo?"

Dear, this chapter is not over, there is another page ^0^

Guo Si waved his hand and said, "That's different."

His wife asked, "What's the difference?"

Guo Si said: "Let me tell you the truth, Fan Chou is brave and arrogant, and has a turbulent temper. He can't say a word. If he doesn't agree with his heart at all, he will turn his face and be annoyed with you! Although he was also under Dong Gong's account, I fought for Duke Dong with Che Qi, but the relationship between Che Qi and him, and I and him are not normal. And Fan Chou is insatiable. Didn't I tell you why Che Qi killed him? He repeatedly asked Che Qi The cavalry and the soldiers also told the chariots, if the chariots and horses are not enough for him, I can transfer my troops and horses to him, which is totally unreasonable! I think that when the three of us were under the tent of Dong Gong, he was here. It looks like this, but if he wins a battle and gets captured, he must grab a big share. Not to mention that Che Qi kills him, even if he does not kill him, sooner or later, I will kill him. … Me and Che The friendship of riding is not comparable to that of Fan Chou."

What else did his wife have to say, Guo Si became impatient and said, "Hurry up and find my good clothes, don't be long-winded."

Thinking about this Guo Si stealing horses for a living when he was young, doing murder and robbery, and then joining the army, he even tried to survive. He said that Fan Chou had a turbulent temperament, but his temperament was actually not much better. , but he beat his wife a lot in the past. His wife heard what he said and saw him act like this. She knew that if she said more, it would only irritate Guo Si, but it would be counterproductive. .

Guo Si turned left and right in front of the bronze mirror, and after looking at it for a while, satisfied, he turned around and walked outside.

His wife asked, "What are you doing?"

Guo Si said: "Isn't it strange that you asked this?"

His wife said, "Why is it strange?"

Guo Si said: "I am going to the banquet."

His wife looked at the sky outside and said, "Chicai invites you to drink in the evening. It's just past noon, why are you going to his house?"

Guo Si said: "Women, what do you know? Drinking and drinking is just an excuse. The most important thing is that we sit and chat and discuss state affairs." After speaking, he continued to walk out.

His wife took two steps and asked, "Are you coming back tonight?"

Guo Si replied, "If you are not drunk, then come back."

His wife followed to the door and looked at his distant back with a look of jealousy on his face.

The two maids next to her are her confidants. Seeing her look like this, a maid asked, "Miss, the chariots are now in power, and he invites everyone to a banquet. Isn't that a good thing? Why is the maid unhappy?"

Guo Si's wife said: "Recently, my husband went to Cheqi's house for a banquet, and he stayed overnight at Cheqi's house almost every time. Tell me, why is this?"

A maid said, "When everyone came back, didn't they say he was drunk the night before?"

Guo Si's wife snorted and said jealously, "The maids in the Cheki family are all coquettish, especially the two Western Baihus, who are especially coquettish. He didn't come back after drinking, but he stayed at the Cheki's house, under the pretense of getting drunk. It's not that you are greedy for the beauty of the handmaiden in the mansion!"

A maid probably remembered what Guo Guoxi usually did to couldn't help covering her mouth and laughing, and said, "Miss, what is there to be angry with? Men are not like this. "

Guo Si's wife glared at her and said, "You are you, and the maid of the chaqi family is the maid of the chaqi family, how can they be confused! If the chaqi sees that his husband likes it, he will give him those beautiful maids? It's a man's nature to be greedy for beauty, and it's also a man's nature to love the new and hate the old! At that time, your husband has left you out, what will you do? Can you still laugh?"

The two maids understood why Guo Si's wife was angry.

To put it bluntly, it wasn't because he was worried that Guo Si would snub the servants at home, but because he was worried that Guo Si would love the new and hate the old and would snub her.

But jealousy is jealousy, worry is worry, Guo Si has already gone to the banquet, and there is no way to stop it.

A maid said this.

Guo Si's wife held the door frame, biting her thin lips, looking at the rain outside, her face uncertain, as if she was thinking about something.

Dear, this chapter is over, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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