The Most Romantic of the Three Kingdoms

Vol 10 Chapter 159: Guo Si drinks dung and stirs up soldiers

"You're coaxing me." Guo Binxiao said to his wife.

His wife said, "What do you say, husband?" Pointing to the maid who died of poisoning, she said, "Isn't she poisoned to death?"

"The fermented bean sauce is poisonous, but the poison must not have been caused by the chariots. Tell me honestly, did you get the poison?"

His wife complained and said, "Why did my husband say that! Don't my husband believe in a cheap concubine? Besides, for no reason, why would a cheap concubine poison the sauce!"

Guo Si said with a smile: "If the charioteer wants to poison me, he can poison me during the banquet, so why bother to poison the fermented bean sauce? I'm rough, but I'm not stupid, so don't coax me any further. I am! As for why you coaxed me, I can also guess one or two, but you see that every time I go to a car and ride banquet, I always stay at my house at night, so you are jealous.  … Right?"

His wife's mind was told by Guo Si, and she poisoned the bean sauce to frame Li Jue and provoke the relationship between Li Jue and Guo Si, which was indeed a bit low-end. It's an ignorant woman's little trick. It's not worth scrutinizing. A person with a little resourcefulness can see the truth and falsehood. Because it's dumbfounded for a while, there's nothing left to say. "Of course your husband is not a fool, but a cheap concubine is a fool! Even though a cheap concubine is stupid, I have heard the folk saying in the village, 'There are no two heroes in one place. It’s just two people with the charioteer, thinking that the charioteer can kill Fan Chou, won’t he kill the husband again for power? The concubine is stupid, I really don’t understand why the husband trusts the charioteer so much!”

The words of Guo Si's wife's words are quite reasonable, but at least for now, Guo Si has not been able to listen. Two days later, Li Jue invited Guo Si to the banquet again, and his wife stopped him again, but Guo Si still refused to listen.

At this banquet, Li Jue was more enthusiastic, not only called Zhuzhu and Cuicui to accompany him, but also summoned his two favorite concubines to accompany Guo Si, and persuaded Guo Si to drink together. The fragrance of the powder is full of nose, the tentacles are smooth and the skin is smooth, Guo Si is beautiful in her arms, and she is overjoyed, and Li Jue treats him with great respect, and he often calls him "Guo Gong". How can Guo Si know that Li Jue mentioned it privately? In fact, he is often called by his nickname "Guo Duo"? So I was dazed by Li Jue's superficial courtesy and the diligence and diligence of the beauties. Drinking cup after cup, I didn't know how much I drank. I drank it until midnight and didn't stop until the east was white. Just banquet.

Guo Si was born as a thief, with a strong body and a good appetite, but after drinking all night, he could not help but get drunk.

People vomit when they are drunk. Guo Si hugged the beautiful woman in his arms. Just after drinking a bowl of wine, suddenly the wine came up, and the stomach was like a river and a sea. Zhuzhu and Cuicui in their arms didn't react, and before they could dodge, he slapped their heads and spit all over their faces. They didn't dare to show unpleasant expressions, but quickly got up to help Guo Si clean up.

After drinking and eating all night, the roasted meat, raw meat, and delicacies from the mountains and seas were spit out by Guo Si, and they were in disarray.

After spitting, Guo Si was slightly awake, and he couldn't stand the pungent smell of the spit, so he moved to the side. Zhuzhu and Cuicui took water and silk scarves, and bowed down to clean up the hall. Guo Si looked at it, his eyes were drunk, and somehow he saw that there was a yellowish black mass in the vomit, and it was stained with red, like blood.

This piece of dirt, for no reason, reminded him of the tempeh sauce that Li Jue gave him; and for no reason, his wife told him that the tempeh sauce was poisonous and poisoned Xiaohei to death. This matter came to his mind.

Immediately afterwards, Guo Si felt a sudden cramp in his abdomen. Sweat like water, Guo Si pressed his stomach, his face changed greatly, and his heart was horrified.

But it turned out that although Guo Si did not believe what his wife said, Li Jue killed Fan Chou at the banquet, which was indeed very inauthentic. It would inevitably leave a thorn in Guo Si's heart. That's enough, but now that this section is in place, Guo Si must not be able to forget the word "poisoning" at first, and the thorns left before will slowly sprout because of it, but it finally appeared at this time. head over.

Guo Si immediately sobered his sense of drinking and looked towards the main seat of the hall, only to realize that Li Jue was nowhere to be seen!

Li Jue had already drank too much, and had already retired and went back to his room to rest, but Guo Si didn't know it. The **** scene of Fan Chou's killing appeared before him. Guo Si's stomach became more and more painful. The more he thought about it, the worse he became. After changing clothes, he held down the table, tried his best to get up, staggered to the door, and shouted loudly.

The military officers who came from him had no one for the whole night. They were waiting outside. They were all dozing off and in a daze. They suddenly heard Guo Si's cry, and hurried to the front, promising to answer. Guo Si waved his hand and said, "Quick, quick, come and help me!"

Then two military officials who had always been dear to him entered the hall, supported him, and asked, "General, are you going to Zhuzhu's room or Cuicui's room?"

"Not going anywhere! Hurry up and return the car home."

The two officers were surprised and said, "Return home?"

At this time, Guo Si, the pain in his abdomen became more and more unbearable, his face turned pale, and the cold sweat dripped from his forehead, he shivered and said, "Hurry up, hurry home!"

Seeing that his expression was wrong, the two officers did not dare to ask any more questions, so they hurriedly helped him out of the hall, and joined the other officers, shouting back and forth, escorting him to the front yard, and carrying him into the car. Without any delay, the car started and went out.

Li Jue had already fallen asleep, how could he have thought that Guo Si would go home drunk? So no orders were given to the gatekeepers. Seeing that Guo Si was going to leave, the doorman of his house would not stop him since he had not ordered Li Jue, so he opened the door and respectfully escorted him away.

On the way home, Guo Si's abdominal pain came one after another, and he urged him to speed up the driving.

Dear, this chapter is not over, there is another page ^0^ I finally got home, Guo Si is almost exhausted,

Nearly collapsed, with the help of the military officials, he reluctantly got out of the car, and he had no strength to go to the back house, so Quan Xian went to the front courtyard and lay down.

His wife heard the hurried reports from the military officials, and hurried to visit.

Entering the hall, he saw Guo Si crooked on the seat, his face pale, sweating, rubbing his stomach and constantly shouting weakly, his body was filled with the pungent smell of unpleasant vomit, his wife was frightened and scared, and asked: "Husband, what's wrong?"

Guo Si grabbed his wife's hand and said feebly, "You told me that Li Jue wanted to poison me, but I didn't believe it at first. But just now, I suddenly felt colic in his stomach when I was sitting at his house! What I said to me before, I couldn't help but think about it, I wondered if he had poisoned the wine and vegetables?"

His wife was shocked.

The maid next to her said anxiously, "Miss, please call the doctor!"

Guo Si's wife said angrily, "If you are poisoned, if you call for a doctor now, how can you be in time?"

The maid was also very panicked and asked, "Miss, what should I do?"

Guo Si's wife married Guo Si when Guo Si was a thief at the end of the day. After all, she had seen various scenes with Guo Si. She panicked, calmed down a little, had an idea, and ordered, "Bring the dung juice!"

The maid did not understand what Guo Si's wife meant and said, "Dung juice?"

Guo Si's wife said angrily, "Let's go soon!"

The maid led the two of them, ran to the toilet in the front yard, took out two buckets of feces, and brought them to the hall.

The stench filled the hall, Guo Si's wife retched twice, covered her nose, and said, "Pour it into a bowl."

A maid went to get a good jade bowl, and the maids and the military officials worked together to cover the mouth of the dung bucket with gauze, and poured a bowl full of dung juice. Guo Si's wife didn't care about getting dirty, she held it up with her own hands, went to Guo Si, and said, "Husband, drink up!"

Guo Si stole horses in his early years, and later became a soldier. He had experience in treating wounds and poisons, but he knew why his wife asked people to bring dung juice for him to drink. This **** juice has the effect of inducing vomiting. After drinking it, people can spit out what they eat. If it is really poisoned, then after the poison is spit out, the toxicity in the body will naturally be reduced or eliminated.

At this time, Guo Si's expression was indescribable. It was not only abdominal pain, his face was white and sweating, but also he was looking at this big bowl of yellow **** juice. There was still unfiltered feces floating on it. In the middle, it was true that he was in a complicated mood. After all, the stomach pain was unbearable. Preserving his life was the most important thing. Guo Si closed his eyes, took out the courage to fight the enemy, and said softly, "Come on." After speaking, he opened his mouth.

Then there were two maids, one supported him, the other took the bowl from Guo Si's wife's hand, tried her best to hold her breath, and carefully poured it into Guo Si's mouth. Guo Si only took a sip, and he couldn't help but want to spit it out. His wife hurriedly stopped it and said, "Husband can't spit! But you need to drink it before you spit it out. Only in this way can you spit out the poison."

Guo Si held back his vomit, his eyes were tightly closed, the blue veins on his forehead collapsed, he gritted his teeth and looked grim. , and finally drank it all.

After drinking, Guo Si couldn't bear it any longer, and turned over and vomited.

The smell of the two buckets of feces and urine was already unpleasant, and with the things he spit out, the smell in the hall was even more unpleasant, so Guo Si's wife couldn't help but vomit up. The hostess and the hostess in the house were vomiting, and the maids and military officials no longer held back, and all vomited.

The splendid lobby is now full of excrement and urine, and a group of men and women in luxurious clothes are vomiting relative to each other, but it is not a scene.

Guo Si vomited for a while, then the vomiting gradually stopped.

His wife wiped the vomit from her mouth and ordered her maid to say, "Don't vomit! Pour another bowl."

Guo Si was shocked, his eyes widened, he struggled to get up and said, "Pour another bowl?"

His wife said: "Just drink one bowl, I'm afraid I won't be able to spit it out."

The maids and military officials poured out another bowl of dung juice.

Guo Si lay back on the table, as if he had no love for life, he was lost, closed his eyes again, and said, "Come on."

Just like just now, I drank another bowl of **** juice. After drinking it, I started to vomit again, and vomited out a lot of what I ate last night.

His wife stepped forward and said, "Husband, please drink another bowl."

Guo Si stopped talking, just opened his mouth.

The maid fed him a third bowl. I drank the third bowl, retched for a long time, and didn't spit out any more. In the end, I vomited out all the green bile. Seeing that there was nothing to vomit, Guo Si's wife stopped letting her maid pour dung juice for Guo Si to drink. After the maid wiped Guo Si clean and let him rest for a while, his wife asked, "Husband, how are you feeling?"

I don't know if it was because he spit out everything in his stomach, or because of psychological effects, Guo Si touched his stomach, felt it for a while, and said weakly, "It doesn't hurt as much as before."

It smelled of excrement, bitterness of bile, vomit, and wine. Guo Si's mouth was like a big dye vat. As soon as he opened his mouth, the smell made his wife almost vomit again. His wife took a half step back unconsciously, but she was relieved and said, "Husband, that means you have spit out all the poison!" He instructed the maid, "Hurry up and take the general to the house to rest." He said to Guo Si. , "Husband, the concubine sent someone to ask for a doctor, and then prescribe some medicine for the husband, as a guarantee for everything."

Guo Si nodded.

When his wife was about to go out and send someone to ask for a doctor, Guo Si suddenly remembered something and stopped her.

His wife stopped and turned around


Dear, this chapter is not over, there is another page ^0^ asked: "What is your order?"

Guo Si said, "You must keep the matter of asking for a doctor a secret, and you must not let outsiders know about it!"

His wife said, "Don't let outsiders know about it?" He immediately understood what Guo Si meant. If Li Jue really put poison in the food and drink, then once the rumor about Guo Si asking for a doctor goes out, Li Jue will know about it. It is very likely that he will strike first again, but if Li Jue did not actually poison him, Li Jue would have to ask a doctor to come to treat the poison. Li Jue knew about it, and Li Jue would definitely be suspicious because of this. Because of that, he replied, "Husband, don't worry, this lowly concubine must be kept secret."

At about noon, the doctor was invited over to diagnose Guo Si, but he was not sure whether he was poisoned or not.

——However, the sudden abdominal pain at Guo Si's banquet was actually not due to Li Jue's poisoning.

Investigating the reason, it may be because he ate too much sashimi, the sashimi is cold, and the wine is hot. Overdose, so stomach discomfort. As for the yellow and black thing he saw that seemed to be stained with blood, he didn't know what it was. The blood stain might be real, but even if it was real, it could only be caused by his excessive drinking. In short, no matter what the reason is, the abdominal pain is definitely not caused by Li Jue's poisoning.

However, after this incident, whether or not Li Jue cast the poison, the knot between Guo Si and Li Jue was settled.

Li Jue didn't know that after Guo Si ran back from his house that day, he drank three bowls of dung juice and invited a doctor to come over to prescribe medicine. He only knew that he invited Guo Si to a banquet after a few days. Guo Si refused to be invited again, and his attitude was still very bad. Li Jue was inexplicable, so he had to say to the left and right: "A horse thief is a horse thief! Why didn't I think Guo Duo's temperament was so capricious before? It's really difficult to serve now."

Li Jue and Guo Si are in power. Li Jue's status is higher than Guo Si, and there are many things to deal with. Guo Si refused him and refused to attend the banquet. Although he felt strange, he couldn't spend all his time here. The boss was thinking about it, so he put it down temporarily, thinking about it for a few days before making an invitation.

But on this day, Sima from Guo Si's military mansion came to Guo Si angrily.

Seeing Guo Si, Sima bowed down to the ground and said, "Ming Gong, the chariots are too deceiving!"

Guo Si asked, "What's wrong?"

Sima said, "Didn't Che Qi promise Duke Ming to give half of Fan Chou's parts to our army?"

Guo Si said, "Yes, I was about to ask you, did the chariots and chariots come over to me for the part of Fan Chou that was assigned to me?"

Sima said: "Where is the number of people who have been sent over! First of all, it took a long time, but he refused to call. This is finally called, but it can only be said that the 'number of people' has been sent. ... Duke Ming, Why don't you go to the camp and take a look?"

"What do you mean it can only be said that the 'number of people' was dialed in?"

Sima said angrily: "Just checking the number of people is enough. You can check the quality of the soldiers, and half of the soldiers allocated to our army are weak! The elderly are more than sixty, the young are only about ten, and there are many more. They are refugees who have been kidnapped by them, all with Luoyang and Sanfu accents, and they are not soldiers under Fan Chou's tent at all. Duke Ming, you said that the chariots are not deceiving people?"

When Guo Si heard this, he was furious, and his former hatred and new hatred came up together and sent the Sima Xian back to the camp. He came to the back house angrily, and told his wife about this, and said angrily: "First in the Poisoning me in fermented soy sauce, I don't care about him, he invited me to drink at his house, and he poisoned me in the wine and vegetables. For the sake of the overall situation, I still endured this sigh, but now I'm fooling myself with my promise. To me! Li Jue Shuzi, can't be handed over."

His wife sneered and said, "Husband, isn't this more than unacceptable?"

Guo Si asked, "What did you say?"

His wife Senran said: "Husband, Li Jue has tried to poison the general three times and twice, but he has not kept his promise to clean up the weak soldiers and the husband. Expose! Husband, the concubine is stupid, it is time to take advantage of her unpreparedness and rush to attack and kill her! If you don't kill him first, your husband will be harmed by him tomorrow! Don't you see Fan Chou coming?"

When things have developed to this point, it doesn't matter whether Li Jue poisoned Guo Si or not.

The two things before and after drinking dung juice and fighting the weak were enough to make Guo Si make up his mind to attack Li Jue first.

Let’s talk about the first thing first, the three bowls of dung soup, Guo Si felt uncomfortable when he drank it, and he felt even more ashamed when he drank it; vital interests.

In addition, what his wife said before, "two males do not live together" and what Shicai said about starting first is also makes sense.

Guo Sisui summoned many of his cronies and commanders that night to discuss it in secret.

These generals are either Guo Si's clan children, Guo Si's wife and party, or Guo Si's robbery friends when he was stealing horses in his early years, but why are they far-sighted people? All rely on brave and strong people. In unison, they all agreed with Guo Si's wife's suggestion to rush into the army and kill Li Jue.

Some people looked forward to the future and said to Guo Si: "The rulers of the present are the generals and Li Jue. If Li Jue is killed now, then the general will be in charge of the affairs of the state. Isn't it beautiful? Li Jue can be a chariot and a general. Can't you be a general?"

There was a response in the hall.

Guo Si made a decision on this, and ordered the generals to enter the camp tomorrow, all the troops of the headquarters, and three days later, gather troops to attack the camp outside Li Jue City.


The reason why Li Jue was able to be the leader of the generals in Liangzhou after Dong Zhuo's death, because he was stronger than the generals, he had already bought one of the generals under Guo Si's account. Hearing about this, this person hurriedly ran to see Li Jue at night.

Dear, this chapter is over, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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