The Most Romantic of the Three Kingdoms

Vol 10 Chapter 156: Father and son light on rainy night

In the drizzle, a bird flew over Hangu Pass, over the mountains and mountains, and flew into the boundary of Sanfu.

The Wei River flows from west to east, passing through the north of Chang'an, leaving Fengyi on the left, and joining the Yellow River. At the end, it merged into the Wei River.

With rich water systems and surrounded by mountains on all sides, this fertile yellow land in Guanzhong is indeed the best in the world, worthy of the "country of four forts".

In this fertile and vast plain, there are nearly a hundred counties and towns, some of which have existed for hundreds of thousands of years. The county towns, at this time, are all bathed in the rain. Under the drizzling rain, at this time, if you look down on it from a high altitude, it is really majestic.

But if you go down from the sky and fly to a closer look, the counties of nearly a hundred large and small are now sparsely populated.

The lonely rain hits the decadent city bricks; the spring breeze is cool, and wherever I go, only the desolate echoes of the grass and trees are exchanged. The soil that was supposed to be yellow turned black and red, which was stained with blood. Although the rain was constantly washing away, it could not wash away the dazzling color. The world is in turmoil, just like Guandong, and Guanzhong is also divided into competition. In addition to Li Jue and others, more than ten warlords are now occupying the counties and counties, fighting each other. Nearly a hundred counties and towns have long been without a peaceful and pure land, and many people have died. , the people have been suffering for a long time.

Chang'an, an ancient city that was a famous capital in China in the pre-Qin period, is now in a completely miserable state.

In the late spring of March, although the city is surrounded by lush green grass, blooming flowers, and shady trees, it does not give people joy. Instead, if you look closer, you can clearly see that the city is more than ten miles away on Saturdays. This majestic city has only its appearance. In the "li" enclosed by tall walls, some grand, majestic, or luxurious houses are half-cold, and people are rarely seen.

Just in the evening, when it is time to cook and eat, and in the past, there were thousands of smokes from the kitchen, where is the scene of the often quoted literati Yaxing? Cool and cool. Even with the rising smoke, it was sparse and sparse, and with such a scene, it looked weak.

Flying along a plume of black smoke, the black smoke started from a large area, which should belong to a certain noble family's mansion. Thinking back to the old years, there must have been thousands of servants in this house, and the exchanges were either respectable or noble, luxurious and bustling; now, with more than ten entrances in the front and back, looking around, the extravagance of the past has disappeared, only Weeds and thorns everywhere. Black smoke starts in a backyard full of weeds and thorns. The firewood was piled up and the fire was lit. A pot was placed on the fire. The water in the pot had just been boiled, and some meat appeared, but upon closer inspection, the meat was clearly a human arm. Beside the fire, two or three trousers and skulls were casually thrown. There were three or four people squatting around the pot, all of them scrawny, staring at the arm of the man in the pot, with a green light like a wolf. ——I don’t know which person by the pot or the head by the pot is the old owner of the house!

From April to winter last year, there was no food to eat on one side, while Li Jue, Ma Teng and others plundered and looted. Together with the people who were forced to migrate from Luoyang, there were hundreds of thousands of people in Chang'an. Starve to death, or die under the sword of the soldiers, or the weak fall into the belly of the strong.

How is this Chang'an still a human world? It's almost a ghost!

The head of Qian could not live, even the Son of Heaven often starved, but the top leaders of the Liangzhou Legion still lived their lives in fine clothes and food.

In the west of Chang'an City, Beique Jiadi in the north of Weiyang Palace is a first-class aristocratic residential area in Chang'an City. But it's empty now. Inside and outside of one place, there are two teams of soldiers on duty. In this room, there lived a few of Li Jue's henchmen.

Jia Xu lived in this "li".

As the night wore on, Jia Xu's study was lit up. The rain wetted the window lattices and rustled. The window paper reflected the figures of two people, not far from each other, one was sitting and the other was standing, talking in a low voice. One of them is Jia Xu, and the other is Jia Mu, his eldest son.

Although the voice of the conversation was low, he was afraid that it would spread out and be heard in the dead of night, but Jia Xu's face was full of uncontrollable anger. He reluctantly resisted the urge to slap the case, clenched his fists in resentment, and said, "Shuzi! Inadequate and conspiracy."

But why did Jia Xu get angry? Naturally, it was nothing else, that is, Li Jue killed Fan Chou.

Before Li Jue killed Fan Chou, he communicated with Guo Si, but did not talk to Jia Xu.

——This is because Li Jue knew that Jia Xu would definitely not agree with him. Jia Xu's policy has always been that everyone is from Liangzhou, and they must unite and work together to go abroad. In the past, Jia Xu did not less painstakingly instilling this concept of his own on Li Jue, Guo Si, Fan Chou and other generals. To be honest, Li Jue did not object to Jia Xu's point of view, but the problem is that it is one thing not to object, "the specific issue is another." Fan Chou had already flirted with Han Sui, wondering if they had already colluded in private, and again and again asked him for troops and horses under the pretext of going out of Hangu Pass to recover Yin from Henan. Li Jue asked himself, would it be okay not to kill Fan Chou? no. So he could only kill Fan Chou. But then again, although Li Jue thought that killing Fan Chou was a last resort, he knew that Jia Xu would not approve, so he did not tell Jia Xu before killing Fan Chou.

After Fan Chou was killed, the whole city shook and Jia Xunai learned about it.

Jia Mu placed his hands beside Jia Xu's seat and said in a low voice, "Father, General Li killed General Fan in the seat. As far as I know, all the generals in the current camp and in the city are suspicious of each other because of this. It's already a mess. If you don't think of a solution early, I'm afraid things will get out of hand."

Jia Xu closed his eyes, was silent for a moment, opened his eyes, his anger gradually faded, and turned helpless, and said, "This is the end of the matter, people have been killed, soldiers have been swallowed, what else can I think of!"

Jia Mu said, "Father, is there nothing left?"

"I took the trouble to persuade Li and Fan to work together, but after all, every man is a man!"

Jia Mu said, "Father, is there really no way to clean up the situation?"

Jia Xu said: "If there are other troubles, I might be able to come up with a solution, but you need to know that the most difficult situation in this world to deal with is the human heart! Li Jue killed in public for no reason, just because of suspicion. Fan Chou, as you said, the generals in the city and the camp are now suspicious of each other, and the soldiers are in turmoil. After a pause, he continued, "Even if I have the magical powers of an alchemist to turn Fan Chou from death to life, and if Fan Chou comes back to life, what will be the first thing he will do? What, chaos is inevitable!"

Jia Mu said worriedly: "Father, if it's as serious as you said, what should we do?"

Jia Xu was silent again. After a while, he said, "What else can I do? Find a way back as soon as possible and leave Chang'an."

Jia Mu said: "The way back..., Father, do you mean General Zhendong?"

Jia Xu slowly shook his head and said, "No."

Jia Mu didn't understand what Jia Xu meant, and said: "Father, last time Duan Xun sent a letter asking if he wanted to send troops to obstruct Zhendong's general Xu Rong and his troops to settle in Henan Yin. Father suggested that he not Obstruction. At that time, Dad didn't say, this is looking for a way back for us? If so, when we need to go back, why, why...?"

Jia Xu said: "General Zhendong is certainly a way to go, but for now, it is not the best policy that my father and son can choose."

Jia Mu asked, "Father, why?"

Jia Xu said: "For one thing, I have no friendship with Zhendong, and I'm not in the village. Although I persuaded Duan Xun not to send troops to obstruct Zhendong's entry into Henan Yin, this is just a little effort, not a great achievement, and it is not enough for our father and son's safety. Life is on the order of life; both, I told you before, my old master Dong Gong made a mess of the Han Dynasty, people complained about the anger of heaven, and Li Jue and these ordinary people are even more outrageous. In people's eyes, they are their comrades. If he rushes to Zhendong, will he allow me? It's hard to say."

Jia Xu is not only Li Jue, Guo Si, but also Dong Zhuo's accomplices, but also their senior accomplices.

Since Dong Zhuo's troubles in Luoyang, he has followed Dong Zhuo and actively advised Dong Zhuo. Dong Zhuozhi was in charge of the court and now Li Jue, Guo Si, Fan Chou and others are in charge of the court. Although he can't be called the culprit, but he helped Zhou to abuse and act for the tiger, and he didn't run away at all. Jia Xu knew this.

Jia Mu said, "Nevertheless, but Mu Wen Zhendong is a talented man, and with his father's ingenuity, if he were to join him, wouldn't Zhendong not welcome him?"

"Zhendong Mansion is full of talented people, Xi Zhicai and Xun Wenruo are all heroes in the world. Although I am not a mediocre person, I am not a must, and I am not a must. Degree."

Jia Mu said, "Father, if Zhendong can't vote for him now, who should he vote for?" Thinking of one person, he asked Jia Xu, and said, "I heard my father's comments on domestic heroes, but my father thinks there are heroes in the state and county today. Most of them are mediocre people, but Zhendong and General You have the money to make things happen. Could it be that my father wants to go to Yuan Benchu?"

"Benchu's strength lies in his clan reputation and family reputation, but what is the difference between Toubenchu ​​and Touzhendong? I have no friendship with Yuan Benchu, nor are we from the same town, and we should not rush to invest."

Knowing that there is a high probability of chaos in Chang'an, but Xun Zhen can't vote, Yuan Shao can't vote, what should I do? Is it possible, stay in Chang'an and wait to die? Jia Mu couldn't help being frightened and asked: "You can't vote in the east of town, and you can't vote in the right general. Father, Chang'an will be in chaos, so what should you and my father and son do?"

Jia Xu stood up from the Jia Mu quickly stepped forward to help him.

Because of sitting on knees for too long, his legs were a little sore. Jia Xu pressed his legs, took two steps down the hall, and said, "Do you understand?"

Jia Mu was at a loss, and said, "Dare to ask Father what does he mean?"

"Walk and see!"

Jia Mu said, "Walk and see?"

"Zhendong and General You are not yet able to vote. Zhang Ji and Duan Xun are my father and son's fellow villagers, and they are not in Chang'an, but in Hongnong. If the situation in Chang'an deteriorates, we can vote for him first. The two of you, then watch the time, and then discuss it."

Jia Mu thought about it for a while, and said with a smile on his face, "Yes, yes! Father is right! Second General Duan and Zhang are very respectful to Father. Last time, it was Duan Xun who sent a letter to ask Father if he wanted to obstruct him. When Zhendong enters the occupation of Henan Yin Moru and goes to vote for it, he will definitely respect his father.”

Jia Xu listened to his son's words and didn't say much. He just had a thoughtful expression on his face, not knowing what he was thinking.

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