The Most Romantic of the Three Kingdoms

Vol 10 Chapter 155: Xuankang's construction policy into Hongnong

On the south bank of the galloping Jishui, surrounded by the wilderness, there is a city with a radius of several miles.

The city is more than zhang high, and the bricks used to build the city are neat and tidy. Because the repair has not been done for a long time, the color is still yellow and black. Flags of various colors were erected behind the crenels of the city wall, and soldiers were shuttled and patrolled with spears.

This city is the state administration of Yanzhou, the county administration of Sanyang County, and the county seat of Changyi where the current Xunzhen shogunate is located.

Today is the day when the grass market is opened in the village near the south of the city. Before noon, the grass market in the south of the city is already crowded with people.

There are small traders selling all kinds of goods, and there are villagers who come to shop from the surrounding villages. The sound of hawking could be heard for miles around the city gate. Villagers shopping, including men and women, old and weak, children running around in the crowd, adults saw the urgently needed things at home, they squatted down and bargained with the owner. Those who bought the goods brought them home with them. There were women carrying pieces of meat that they were usually reluctant to buy, and old men carrying jugs of wine. Very crowded, but not annoyingly crowded, full of fireworks and market atmosphere.

The grass market is a market formed spontaneously by the people. Different from the "city" in the city, the city in the city is open every day, while the grass market is held at a fixed time, and it is different from the city in the city where there are special officials to manage it. There are no official temple managers in Cao City.

Not all cities have a grass market. If the city is small and there are few people, the grass market obviously cannot be formed.

Changyi is a big city, so there is not only a grass market, but more than one grass market. At the peak of previous years, there were grass markets on all sides of the suburbs, three of them near the city gates, at regular intervals, but now, after the chaos, there are not so many grass markets, but there are also grass markets in the south of the city. be restored. ——This alone is enough to prove that although Xun You has not ruled Yanzhou for a long time, under the correct policy, along with the improvement of the security in the territory, and the people's money is slightly better, the vitality of Changyi has gradually been gradually improved. The restoration is still not comparable to the grand occasion of the past, but it is also much stronger than when the Yellow Turbans were in chaos, and even when Liu Dai ruled the state.

The location of the grass market in the south of the city is on the official road, and there are endless fields on both sides of the road.

At the beginning of March, the spring wheat has been planted. Looking at it now, it seems that the field has not changed much from when no wheat was planted, but after a few months, green wheat seedlings will grow; The ears of wheat will be endless, looking like a golden ocean. The autumn breeze is refreshing, and I think of the scene at that time. If it is matched with such a lively grass market, the fireworks and the market atmosphere will be even stronger.

People who come to Cao Market to buy things are not only the villagers from the nearby villages, but also some people in the city, because although the goods here are not similar to the city in the city, there are many fresh and rare things shipped from afar, but they are all Common daily needs, and the price is not expensive.

From time to time, county residents who have finished shopping will return to the county and return to the county with the things they bought.

Or if you know the city gate officials, stop and chat.

Into the city, the streets are clean. Just like the city wall, after Xun You took office as the prefect of Yanzhou, he paid for work and renovated the roads and other public facilities in the city, which were very smooth.

Trees are planted on both sides of the street. In this late spring season, looking around, there are green shades everywhere, and the birds are singing, which is pleasing to the eye.

There are a lot of pedestrians coming and going, the cars and horses are sparkling, and the scholars are mixed. The city in the city is also open. When passing by the city in the city, the sound of hawking is heard, but it echoes the sound of hawking in the grass market outside the city.

Going forward and crossing an intersection, the county residents who returned to the city usually slow down their pace, become more respectful, and respectfully pass through the gate of a majestic official temple. This official temple is the newly built Xunzhen's new shogunate official temple.

In front of the door stood a towering watch.

On the top of the stone steps is a spacious gate, which is opened to the left and right, and dozens of armored warriors stand on each side.

On the horse tie stone next to Huan Biao, seven or eight horses were tied at this time, and more than ten cars were parked beside them. These came from the prefecture of Yanzhou, from the camp outside the city, or from Xuzhou, Qingzhou, etc. He came to Xunzhen to report to Xunzhen the horses and chariots of the officials who reported military and political affairs.

Shortly after several county residents who had returned to the city passed in front of the official temple, a cab came from the east.

Standing in the car was a Bai Shili in his twenties.

When the car stopped, the young officer got down with his sword, climbed the steps, and went to the gate of the official temple, saying, "I have an urgent matter to report to the general."

Yuan Zhongqing, who was in charge of the prefectural guard, recognized this official as Sima Xuankang of the shogunate, so he did not stop him and invited him in.

Xuankang entered the mansion, and he was greeted by a screen wall.

Turning around the wall, there is a stone tablet on the edge, inscribed on the tablet: Er's salary and Erlu, the people are fat and the people are anointed, the lower people are easy to be abused, and the gods are hard to deceive.

- But needless to say, this is a policy that Xun Zhen pirated and implemented in advance in the future. Every state, county, and county government and temple under his rule will erect such a stone tablet, and his new shogunate is no exception.

Xuankang had long been accustomed to this, and he did not pay much attention to it. He passed by this stone tablet, passed through the front yard, and entered the main courtyard where the Xunzhen Auditorium was located. The layout of the main courtyard is roughly similar to that of Xun Zhen’s shogunate in Tan County.

In the middle of the flowerbeds on both sides is a bluestone road.

Xuankang walked along the road to the front of the hall. Today, the guard is Dianwei.

Dian Wei stood on the porch with his chest out and protruding belly. When he saw Xuan Kang, he bowed and said, "Sima is here."

Xuankang didn't care to talk to him, and while bending over to take off his shoes, he replied, "I have an urgent report."

Dian Wei turned around and said in an urn in the hall, "Ming Gong, Sima Xuankang is asking for an interview."

Dear, this chapter is not over, there is another page ^0^ Xun Zhen's clear voice came from the hall: "Call him in."

Xuan Kang had already taken off his shoes, so he stepped over the threshold, entered the hall, bowed and saluted, and said, "Ming Gong, Kang has just received an urgent report."

Xun Zhen was the only one sitting in the hall.

Xun Zhen put down the official document she was looking at, put the pen she was reviewing on the pen holder, raised her head, and asked, "Where did the urgent report come from?"

"Ming Gong, from Chang'an."

Xun Zhen was stunned for a moment, and said, "Chang'an?"

Xuankang said: "Yes, Duke Ming, it was sent by Zhong Shilang!"

After winning Henan Yin, it was much easier for Xun Zhen to communicate with Zhong Yao from Chang'an, but the distance was too far, and Zhong Yao's letter was still rare.

"What's the content?"

Xuankang stepped forward and presented Zhong Yao's secret letter to Xun Zhen, but he couldn't hide his excitement and replied, "Ming Gong, Li Jue killed Fan Chou!"

Xun Zhen stretched out her hand to receive the secret report, paused for a while, and subconsciously repeated Xuan Kang's words, saying, "Li Jue killed Fan Chou."

"The specific process is in this report of Zhong Shilang, please read it, Duke Ming."

Xun Zhen calmed down, caught the letter, and opened it to read.

The first two sentences of the letter were Zhong Yao greeting Xun Zhen.

Immediately afterwards, there was a detailed account of Li Jue's killing of Fan Chou, which Zhong Yao carefully wrote in the letter.

But it turned out that during the battle of Changpingguan, Fan Chou and Li Jue's son Li Li had a conflict. At that time, Fan Chou ordered his troops to attack Ma Teng and Han Sui, but Li Li was not very effective in fighting. Fan Chouyin rebuked him and said, "How dare someone want to cut off your father's head? I can't cut Qingxie?"

Fan Chou was born in the army, with a rough and arrogant temperament. He has always been well-mannered and well-mannered. When encountering wars, he was generously rewarded for meritorious deeds. It is to hate Fan Chou.

Later, when Ma Teng and Han Sui were defeated, they went west, and Fan Chou led his troops to pursue them. Han Sui was also a native of Liangzhou, and he was from the same town as Fan Chou, so he sent someone to say to Fan Chou, "What you and I are arguing against is not a personal grudge, and the Wang family has something to do with it. You are different from people in Zuxia Prefecture who want to talk to each other."

Han Sui was well-known in Liangzhou, and he was a famous hero in Liangzhou. Although he was defeated today, his followers were still numerous, probably because he could be stronger if he had Han Sui's help, Fan Chou agreed to Han Sui's request. . So the two of them retreated from the cavalry, and both went forward alone. Li Li was in the army and saw these clearly.

After returning to Chang'an, Li Li immediately reported the incident to Li Jue, and said to Li Jue, "Han and Fan exchanged a smirk, but I don't know what to say, but the love is very close."

Fan Chou was a well-known brave general in the Liangzhou army, and he was able to win the crowd. Li Jue was always afraid of him. After listening to Li Li's words, he became more and more afraid of Fan Chou. That is, in August last year, when the Qiang people of Fengyi on the right were in trouble, Fan Chou and Guo Si led the army to defeat him.

But at the beginning of this year, last month, Ma Teng returned to Sanfu, was attacked by Wang Cheng, and after he was defeated and went west, Li Jue, Guo Si, Fan Chou and others really discussed whether to attack Henan Yin? Fan Chou volunteered and offered to lead his troops Ma Dong out of Hangu Pass, join forces with Zhang Ji, and recapture Henan Yin.

Since Li Jue was already afraid of Fan Chou, how could he be willing to give him more troops? He was vague, neither refused nor agreed.

Fan Chou didn't know Li Jue's intentions, but he really wanted to take Henan Yin back, so he made this request to Li Jue again and again. The more times Fan Chou made requests, and the fact that Li Li kept saying bad things about Fan Chou to Li Jue, Li Jue finally made a decision in late last month, that is, in late February.

Li Jue first communicated with Guo Si in private, and promised Guo Si that after killing Fan Chou, he would divide his troops with Guo Si equally, and then set up a banquet to invite Fan Chou, Guo Si, Li Meng and other generals to gather. Fan Chou didn't take precautions and was drunk. Li Jue's nephew, the commander of the cavalry, Hu Feng, took the opportunity to kill Fan Choula while sitting.

Pulling to kill means killing with a stick. Being beaten to death in public with a cane, blood must have splashed everywhere at the banquet, and the generals who were drinking at the banquet must be panicked. It is conceivable how cruel and chaotic the scene when Hu blocked Fan Chou would be. .

Although Xun Zhen did not see it in person, he could roughly imagine it from the brief description in Zhong Yao's text.

Li Meng was also a general that Li Jue was afraid of. He took the lead, and Li Jue also killed Li Meng.

At the end of Zhong Yao's secret report, he wrote: "Since Fan Chou and Li Meng are dead, Li Jue's thieves are bound to doubt each other, and it is expected that the civil strife of their generation will not be long!"

Xun Zhen read the secret report, put it on the case, laughed and said to Xuankang: "This is really unexpected! At the beginning of the year, we were still worried on the way to Changyi. Yuan Benchu, especially Li Juehu thief, When will they send troops to fight with us for Henan Yin, but in the blink of an eye, after only two months of effort, the thieves of Li Jue killed each other!"

Xuankang smiled happily: "Ming Gong, thieves are thieves, and they are short-sighted! When a powerful enemy is fighting each other, it is self-destruction!"

Xun Zhen caressed her short mustache and smiled and said, "Those who are desperate to see small Yes." Having said this, she shook her head unconsciously.

Xuankang asked, "Ming Gong, why are you shaking your head?"

Xun Zhen pointed at Zhong Yao's letter and said, "It's just these short-sighted and far-sighted thieves, but the princes of the imperial court have nothing to do with them. The emperor has been held by them for several years!"

Xuankang said, "Although there are quite a few dukes in the DPRK who are famous at home and abroad, there are none if the dukes are very talented! It's not surprising that the emperor has been threatened by thieves." After a pause, he made a suggestion to Xun Zhen and said , "Now Li Jue, Guo Sizhu

Dear, this chapter is not over, and there is another page ^0^ Not only has the thief ceased to pose a threat to me, Henan Yin, but also as stated in the secret report of Zhong Shilang, the thieves may have civil strife in the near future, ... Ming Gong, Kang Zhi's humble opinion, is this the time for our army to invade Hongnong County and take the opportunity to seize the Chang'an court? "

Xun Zhen pondered for a moment and said, "This matter must be discussed in the long run. You go and invite Zhicai, Wenruo, Gongda, Wenqian, and Fengxiao over, and I will discuss it with them carefully."

Dear, this chapter is over, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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