The Most Romantic of the Three Kingdoms

Vol 10 Chapter 154: Luo Ye Fengshou returned to Hanoi

In the setting sun, the wind was cold, and a black carriage was driving on the road.

This road is wide and straight, apparently a thoroughfare, but it has not been repaired for many years, and it has long been bumpy.

In front of the coach is a limousine. Compared with the limousine, the limousine is lighter and smaller. There is a hood on the top. There is no room for people in the car. Passengers must stand by the railing in front of them. At this time, in the chariot, there was a middle-aged man wearing a crown and a sword.

At the back of the carriage were fifty soldiers in red uniforms, together with the military officers at the head, which was exactly a team; and three or four servants dressed as servants followed on foot on both sides of the carriage.

The person sitting in this carriage was none other than Yin Luoye from Henan, and the middle-aged man leading the carriage was Ren Jun.

Xun Zhen and Zhang Hong wrote a letter to Henan Yin passing by Henan Yin the day before yesterday.

In accordance with the requirements in the order that Xun Zhen sent along with the letter, Zhang Hong had already taken office and took up the post of Yin of Henan.

Xun Zhen was a little worried about whether Luo Ye would run away with Henan Yin's seal, - this had not happened before. The seal is the symbol of the official family, and officials can express themselves, but the seal is naturally best to be an official. The original version of the family is authoritative, and there are officials who have been deprived of their official positions by other princes. Whether it is to show loyalty or integrity, or for other reasons, they simply go to Luoyang or Chang'an with their seals and return them to the court. Karma didn't do that, it didn't happen.

Luo Ye simply handed the seal to Zhang Hong.

Zhang Hong asked him if he wanted to stay in Henan Yin, or return to the DPRK, or return to his hometown? Luo Ye chose to return home. So Zhang Hong sent a team of soldiers, the soldiers who followed behind the carriage, to **** him north to Jizhou.

As for Ren Jun, Luo Ye was his old master after all, and for the sake of his always-honest reputation, perhaps there was also the guilt for Ren Jun brought about by his private investment in Xun Zhen, so he offered to be the leader and send Luo Ye a favor. Leaving the boundary of Yin County, Henan. Luo Ye also followed him.

——Luo Ye knew that Ren Jun had been attached to Xun Zhen, because along with the letter and the order, there was also an order to appoint Xun Yan and Ren Jun to be the chief adjutants in charge of Henan Yintuntian matters. There is a saying that a good bird chooses a tree to live in. Luo Ye can understand this and has no resentment.

Luo Ye, Ren Jun, etc. left Luoyang City before dawn. After walking for more than a day, they had already left the city for more than 20 miles.

The curtain of the car was opened, and the cold wind blew in. Luo Ye sat on the couch, holding the heater in his hand, looking at the roadside fields through the car window.

The fields on both sides of the road are mostly barren and overgrown with weeds. In the bleak evening wind, weeds swayed with the wind, or crawled on the ground.

I just passed a pavilion. This pavilion is only 20 miles away from Luoyang City. In the past years, when it was peaceful, it was quite lively. There were endless flow of merchants and pedestrians. Not to mention being majestic, it is also majestic, but now the pavilion is empty and no one is seen, only in the courtyard where miscellaneous trees grow, wild birds perch, vines climb the wall, the door is broken, full of cobwebs, and the front of the pavilion is tall and tall. The Huan Biao was probably chopped down by the refugees for firewood and fire, and he was also chopped up cleanly.

Inadvertently, Luo Ye's peripheral vision swept a pale white, and he didn't need to look again, he also knew that it must be a human bone.

Along the way, bones will be revealed from time to time in the ditch by the roadside. They are all civilians who died in the war or starved refugees. Some of them are the remains of people who died when Dong Zhuo forced the capital to move to Chang'an five years ago. .

After he was appointed as Henan Yin, Luo Ye also had the intention to gather up these exposed bones and bury them, but he had insufficient manpower and no money to do this, so these bones have been exposed until now. .

Luo Ye stuck his head out and looked back.

Under the vast twilight, in the dim light of the setting sun, there is a city far away, standing at the intersection of heaven and earth. Although it is far away, I can still feel that it occupies a vast It seems that it is still the majestic city of the gods, and it is impossible to see the ruins. This city is not Luoyang City!

In the air that was so silent that only the sound of the wind could be heard, there was a burst of barking.

From the two servants on the side of the carriage, they followed the sound.

Inside and outside the wild fields and grass, two wild dogs and a fox were fighting for something, perhaps to scare the fox away, so the two wild dogs barked wildly. Luo Ye and other vehicles were riding close, but the two wild dogs and foxes were not afraid, and they didn't do anything to avoid them.

The young servant was curious and trotted over to see what they were fighting for.

When he got close, a rotting baby corpse suddenly appeared in front of his eyes. Although this young servant was only fourteen or fifteen years old, he had come to follow Luo Ye from Chang'an to Luoyang. He was used to all kinds of things, but he was not afraid. He just frowned and took out the sword in his waist to swing After a few times, the two wild dogs and foxes were driven away, and they trotted back to the car to report the matter to Luo Ye.

"Gong, there is a baby corpse in the field, and the wild dog and the fox are fighting for its meat."

The coach is very spacious, enough for several people to ride. In addition to Luo Ye, there were two scholars in the car. These two scholars were from Luo Ye's village, and the three of them were still classmates in the past. After Luo Ye took office as Henan Yin, he hired the two of them. Now that Luo Ye was going to return to his hometown, these two scholars felt that it would be meaningless to stay in Henan Yin, so they returned home with Luo Ye.

One of the older scholars said, "How can there be a corpse, or a baby corpse?"

White bones are not uncommon, but corpses are rare.

Another younger scholar said: "Perhaps the nearby villagers had no food to support him and died of starvation."

The older scholar said, "There are still a few families in the village nearby!"

Dear, this chapter is not over, there is another page ^0^

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