The Most Romantic of the Three Kingdoms

Vol 10 Chapter 153: Zouma School Shooting Camp (Part 2)

Yuzhou is said to be a plain area, but the state is not flat, and there are quite a few hills. For example, there are Songshan Mountains in the west of Yingchuan County, and the Funiu Mountains in the border area with Nanyang County in the south. The southern boundary of Runan County borders Jiangxia County in Jingzhou, where the mountains in the north of Jiangxia County stand tall, and the rest of Runan County also has rolling hills.

The county government in Runan is surrounded by mountains, with mountains in the distance, water close by, and fertile fields and fertile fields. The eight characters of "the mountains and rivers are dangerous and the fields are peaceful" are used to describe the geographical conditions of Runan County. The public opinion is also suitable, and it is indeed a small form of victory.

Pingyu has been the government of Runan County for a long time. In the early days of Taiping, the city was very prosperous. There were many wealthy scholars and powerful people. There were many people in the "li" who ruled pavilions and pavilions. The cultural heritage of this place is rich. When a friend comes, or if you are interested, you will inevitably climb up to the wind and play the piano on the stage. But in the past, in the middle of the spring season, on the high platform, if you look far, you can see a touch of green mountains in the sky, and if you look closely, there is a jade-like water flowing through the south of the city, with beautiful mountains and rivers. , this is also called.

After years of war and chaos, today's peace is naturally incomparable to that of the past.

The mountains are still green and green, the waters are still like jade, and the fertile fields outside the city are now deserted. On the four sides of the county’s outskirts, originally large and small, more than a dozen Wubao manors were attached to more than a thousand, and a few to more than a hundred, but nowadays they are all deserted. There are even several docks that have been turned into ruins, with broken walls and traces of fire. These docks were not destroyed by the Yellow Turbans, but by Sun Jian. Sun Jian was in charge of Yuzhou. After discussing the dissatisfaction of Chen State and other places, he turned to rectify the territory of Runan. Especially when he was at war with Lü Bu, quite a number of scholars and tyrants in the counties of Runan went to Yuan Shu. Sun Jian sent troops to destroy all those who were willing to obey orders or violated the yin and yin. The few broken docks outside Pingyu County were destroyed at that time.

However, although the inner and outer parts of the county are not as prosperous as they used to be, it is the county seat after all, and it is now where Sun Ce's military and state capitals are located. The lost population has gradually been supplemented by this. The civil servants and military generals under the Sun's tent, as well as the more than 10,000 soldiers and their families stationed outside the county, were still quite lively compared to other counties.

On the street, pedestrians come and go.

Most of them were people from Qianshou, some of whom went out of the city with farm implements, and some came into the city with goods such as firewood and vegetables.

There were also limousines, carriages, or passing by. Needless to say, the people in this car were either officials under Sun Ce’s command, or scholars from the county or from other counties who came here to visit relatives and friends. There are also scholars who do not ride in cars, but walk. The serious people wear Confucian crowns, and they are meticulous and walk in the direction of scholars; When they meet on the road, whether in the commoner world or the scholarly world, there are people who know each other, and they will salute each other by the side of the road, pause, and say a few words.

No matter who sees this scene, I am afraid they will praise: worthy of the world's famous county, the state of etiquette.

However, compared to Tan County, the roads in Pingyu County, and the houses along the road, are all a bit dilapidated. This is because, from Sun Jian to Sun Ce, his father and son have never repaired Pingyi County. This is different from Xun Zhen, but it is no wonder that his father and son did not take a rest, after all, their state capital is not as rich as Xun Zhen's state capital.

It is not as rich as Xunzhen Prefecture, not only because the land under its jurisdiction is not as large as that of Xunzhen, but more importantly because Sun's father and son employ too many soldiers.

When Sun Jian was alive, it was for objective reasons and also because of his eagerness to build up his achievements. He focused almost all of his political and military management on the use of troops, and he continued to fight both internally and externally. First, he settled the dissatisfaction in Yuzhou. He left the country and fought with Zhang Yang for Hanoi County, and then fought fiercely with Lu Bu. In the short period of time when Sun Jian ruled the state, Yuzhou could be said to be fighting every day.

After Sun Ce inherited the position of the prefect of Yuzhou, compared to Sun Jian's time, one is that Sun Ce is young and lacks prestige. At present, the most important thing is to stabilize his rule in the prefecture, not to use foreign troops. Both are also Sun Jian. Most of the dissatisfaction in Yuzhou has been settled, so the use of troops is a little less. However, they also had a big fight with Lu Bu, and now they have sent troops to help Xun Zhen occupy Yin in Henan. It only took more than a year. It has also used troops on a large scale twice.

With a large number of troops, the treasures and grains of the Yuzhou treasury will of course be stretched.

In addition, there is another reason that the father and son of the Sun family did not implement the policies of attracting refugees, large-scale military and civilian settlements, suppressing the powerful, and only adding households to Qimin as Xun Zhen did.

These need not be said.

Sun Ce's military mansion was originally Runan's prefectural mansion, located in the south of the city.

Xun Zhen's letter just arrived today.

In the hall, Sun Ce took it apart and read it carefully.

After he finished reading, one of the people in the seat asked, "Adi, what did Zhendong say in the letter?"

Asked that this person was not very old, only a few years older than Sun Ce. This person was named Sun Hao, the eldest son of Sun Ce’s concubine’s father, Sun Jing.

There are four brothers and sisters of Sun Jian, Sun Jian is the second and Sun Jing is the third. Sun Jing's character is Youtai. When Sun Jian rebelled against the soldiers, Sun Jing was in Wu County, their brother's hometown, and rallied five or six hundred people from the township and clan, and built the fort to protect themselves. Later, when Sun Jian died in battle, and Sun Ce succeeded as the prefect of Yuzhou, he felt that his reputation was not enough, and he felt that Yuzhou scholars despised him and could not use it for him. Therefore, in order to strengthen his ruling power, he sent a special trip to Wu County, where he Sun Jing and many other clan elders and peers received Pingyu. - Sun Hao has grown old and has martial arts, so he also came.

After Sun Jing and Sun Hao and their sons arrived at Pingyu, Sun Ce listed Sun Jing as the general and Sun Hao as the general.

Dear, this chapter is not over, there is another page ^0^ Beside Sima.

Sun Hao was Sun Ce's elder brother, so he was called "Adi".

Sun Ce replied: "In the letter from Zhendong, it is said that there has been a change in Sanfu."

Sun Hao asked, "San Fu? What happened?"

Sun Ce sent Ma Teng's troops back to Sanfu from Liangzhou, and soon after they were defeated at Changping Antou, they went west again, and told Sun Hao, Sun Jing and the rest of the hall to hear about it.

Hearing this, Sun Hao frowned and said, "Adi, does Zhendong want us to send troops to Henan Yinxiang to help him again?"

Regarding the situation in the Yin area of ​​Henan, Xun Zhen discussed it repeatedly, and Sun Ce also discussed it.

The conclusions drawn by Sun Ce's advisers, such as public hatred, are basically the same as those drawn by Xun Zhen, that is: as long as Ma Teng is no longer a threat, Li Jue, Guo Si, and Fan Chou are likely to use their troops to retake them. Henan Yin.

Now that Ma Teng was defeated and left, it is obvious that Sun Hao deduced from this, and thought that "Li Jue and others may not be long before they will send troops to compete with Xunzhen for Henan Yin", because this is the reason for this question. Surprising.

Sun Ce said: "Zhendong did not mention this section in the book."

Sun Hao looked like he was full of complaints and said, "Adi, we are not rich, and we are also nervous! Zhendong has repeatedly asked you to send troops to help him occupy Henan Yin. You are also honest, what Zhendong said, you Just what to do, first send General Cheng's department, and then send Han Xiaowei and other departments. In just a few months, we have already sent nearly 5,000 cavalry to Henan Yin, and they are all our army. The elite of you!...Adi, occupying Henan Yin, that's the matter of General Zhendong, what's the benefit to us? Zhendong also didn't even provide enough food to General Cheng, Colonel Han and other departments, so we have to transport it again. some food in the past.

"A-di, Brother Yu thought that what Zhendong did like this was too much!"

Sun Ce said, "Brother, you can't say that."

Sun Hao asked, "Did I say something wrong?"

Sun Ce said: "Brother, Zhendong, my teacher! After my father was killed by the thief Lu Bu, Zhendong gave me his full support. If it wasn't for Zhendong, how could Lu Bu be able to get rid of it? Runan is afraid It is no longer for us now! Yuzhou, let alone. Zhendong has the grace of teaching me, and the great kindness of helping me avenge my father's revenge. Zhendong has orders, and I should respectfully follow them. ."

Sun Hao and Sun Jing came to Yuzhou only a few months later. They had never met Xunzhen, let alone knew each other. Especially when Sun Hao was young, in his opinion, Yuzhou was the foundation of their Sun family. It was Sun Jian who led the members of the Sun family. They worked hard, fought **** battles, and beat them down. They had nothing to do with Xun Zhen. He knew that Xun Zhen was now alone in the southeast and had strong forces, and he did not object to the alliance between Sun Ce and Xun Zhen.

In fact, this view of Sun Hao cannot be said to be universal in Sun Ce's army, but it is indeed a common view of some people, especially Sun's clansmen.

Sun Hao said: "Adi, even if Zhendong is your teacher, even if he helped to destroy Lu Bu, but as a human being, you can't be greedy! In order to thank him, we should give something in return. Whether we can bear it or not is too much.”

Sun Ce was not happy with what Sun Hao said, but in the end Sun Hao was his brother-in-law and his own family. Sun Ce had always been very kind to his own family, and he didn't want to refute him in public, so he just pretended he didn't hear Sun Hao's words. , carefully folded Xun Zhen's letter, put it back in the envelope, and handed it over to Wei Teng, his honorary officer, who ordered him to keep it, and was about to divert the topic and talk about something else.

Sun Hao went up to one person and said, "Bofu, in this letter, Zhendong did not ask you to continue to increase troops for Henan Yin, but Li Jue, Guo Si, Fan Chou or Yuan Benchu ​​will indeed compete with Zhendong for Henan Yin in the future. At that time, it is expected that Zhendong will definitely ask you to send troops to Henan Yin to help him. Until then, in my humble opinion, it is best not to respond."

Sun Ce looked up and saw that the speaker was his uncle Wu Jing, the younger brother of his mother, Mrs. Wu.

Sun Ce asked, "Uncle, why did you suddenly say this?"

Wu Jing replied: "If there is nothing in the state, that's fine, but Bo Fu, didn't Bo Xu send you a secret letter two days ago, saying that Jingzhou can be planned? Yuxia has sent our army to Yinwu, Henan. Thousands of people, if you send troops to Henan Yin again, then if the time to seize Jingzhou comes, our army will be stretched, and there will be insufficient soldiers. That is why I think that if Zhendong asks you to send troops to Henan Yin again, Better to decline it."

Assuming that the words that Sun Hao was dissatisfied with were just complaints; Wu Jing's words involved the vital interests of Sun Ce and his small group. Hearing Wu Jing's words, Sun Ce stroked his short mustache, and his handsome face showed a brooding look.

"Bo Xu" is the character of Huanjie.

Huanjie was a meritorious officer of Sun Jian when he was the prefect of Changsha, and his man was from Linxiang County, Changsha County. Sun Jian named him Xiaolian, and Huanjie was worshipped as Shangshulang because he was able to enter the court. For Huanjie, Sun Jian was not only his old master, but also had the grace of recommending him, and he was also his master, so he had a very close relationship with Sun Jian. After Sun Jian raised his army, Huanjie had followed him. Later, after his father died, Huanjie returned to his hometown to go to the funeral, because he was separated from Sun Jian. Later, when Sun Jian was killed in battle, Huan Jie heard about it and burst into tears. He even disregarded the danger and set off north to Nanyang, wanting to get Sun Jian's body back from Yuan Shu. However, Lu Bu did not agree, and Huan Jie ran for nothing, so he had no choice but to return to Changsha County. Sun Ce succeeded to the throne and was in charge of Yuzhou. Although Huanjie was still in Changsha County, there were frequent correspondence between him and Sun Ce. Just four or five days ago, a secret letter from him was sent to Sun Ce's case.

Huanjie is a native of Changsha County, because he was the military officer of the county government when Sun Ce ruled the county, as well as Xiaolian and the old Shang Shulang.

Dear, this chapter is not over, there is another page ^0^ identity, - of course, because of his family's influence in Changsha, he is now quite used by Zhang Xian, the current prefect of Changsha. And Changsha County Governor Zhang Xian, as mentioned above, did not deal with Liu Biao. Huan Jie keenly saw an opportunity for Sun Ce to take Jingzhou.

In the letter, he and Sun Ce said: "Before Yuan Gonggong invaded Xiangyang, I tried to write a letter with Zhang Gong, the prefect of the county, hoping to get Zhang Gong to help. Enter the tiger. If Liu Jingsheng is destroyed, Yuan Gonggong will inevitably invade south, and Zhang Gong is worried that he is not the enemy of the road, so he did not raise an army. Yuan Gonggong, Lu Fengxian and General Ming have a revenge for killing their father, and this is not shared. Why not take this opportunity now , the general communicated with Zhang Gongshu and became allies? In this way, when Yuan Gonggong and Liu Jingsheng fought again, the general would raise his troops from Runan and go down from Changsha. Since I have to avenge the Ming general's revenge, I have to divide Jingzhou with Zhang Ping."

To the north of Nanyang County is Yingchuan County. Yuan Shu tried it, but he couldn't take it down. To the northwest was Henan Yin, and now there are ten rooms and nine empty spaces. There are two directions, south and east. This is also the reason why he fights with Liu Biao again and again. This time, although he retreated again and again without success, it is expected that sooner or later he will invade Xiangyang. The battle between Yuan Shu and Liu Biao will continue in the end. Therefore, Huanjie's letter has something like "on the eve of another battle".

This letter from Huan Jie was discussed privately several times by Sun Ce with Wu Jing, Sun Jing, Hong Zi and other relatives. Everyone thought that Huan Jie's strategy could be used. If this strategy is successful, if it can capture Lu Bu and divide Jingzhou equally with Zhang Xian, then not only will it be possible for Sun Ce to avenge his father's death, but it will also help to boost the morale of Sun Ce's army. - Sun Ce's troops, soldiers The backbones are known to be from Jingyang, and most of them are from Jingzhou. Most of them are the old Sun clan who followed Sun Jian in Changsha County when he started the army. , the boost to morale can be imagined.

Huan Jie's proposal, although it has not yet officially become a decision, has been basically decided in the core circle of Sun Ce's "planning and deciding", but it has not officially started.

In this way, as Wu Jing said, helping Xunzhen to keep Henan Yin must be considered separately.

Who knows when Yuan Shu will attack Xiangyang again? If too many troops and horses are sent to Yin, Henan, then when Yuan Shu fights against Xiangyang again, then if he transfers his troops and horses back at that time, he may not be able to catch up, and it will be too late. Even if he is transferred back, it will definitely not be as good as raising his essence. Sharp warriors are easy to use, so Sun Ce must keep enough soldiers and horses in his hands to spare.

Sun Jing and Sun Ce's brother-in-law, Hong Zi, were all present in the hall and spoke in succession, all agreeing with what Wu Jing said.

Sun Cemo remained silent and just stroked his short mustache. His short mustache imitated Xun Zhen's beard, but he was more than ten years younger than Xun Zhen, and he looked better than Xun Zhen, so similar short mustaches were given to him. People's perception is more attractive, and it is really handsome and heroic.

He raised his face, touched his short mustache, and thought for a while. After everyone had finished expressing their opinions, he finally said his attitude, but he repeated what he said just now and said, "Zhendong, my teacher. The teacher has an order, and if you are a disciple, why can't you follow it? Although what the master said is true, if Zhendong will pass on the book again and ask me to send troops, I can't refuse it."

Sun Hao puzzled and said, "Is there anything I can't refuse? Adi, if you don't have a good face, you can send me to see Zhendong, and I'll tell Zhendong!"

Sun Ce smiled and said, "Why is this." Seeing that everyone wanted to say more, he stopped and said, "There is no need to discuss this matter."

Wu Jing said: "Bo Fu, I think it's better for you to think about it again!"

Sun Ce said: "Uncle, Zhendong has not asked me to send troops to Henan Yin again. This is the first one. On the Jingzhou side, Yuan Gonggong and Liu Jingsheng have just fought a battle, and it is expected that they will not fight again in the short term. The second, so I said. There is no need to discuss it again, ... when it is really necessary to discuss it, we will discuss it again.”

He secretly made up his mind to go back to the back house tonight and ask his mother, Mrs. Wu, what her opinion was on this?

However, because Wu Jing and others mentioned this matter, Sun Ce remembered something else, and pulled out a letter from the box on the case, and laughed and said to Sun Jing, Wu Jing, Hong Zi, Sun Hao, etc.: "This is Kong's work. I wrote a letter to me two days ago. It is a coincidence that Kong engaged in this letter, and he did not mention other things, but suggested that I should add troops to Henan Yin. "

Sun Hao didn't like Kong De at all. Hearing this, he spat and said, "This Kong De is all about Zhendong! I can't get used to him for a long time. Every time you talk about Xuzhou, you can't get used to it. He keeps saying that he is Zhendong, but he doesn't know whether he is Bofu's official in your mansion, or Zhendong's lackey!"

This Kongde wanted to join Xun Zhen wholeheartedly, but Xun Zhen thought that his intentions were not right and he was not a loyal person. If he used it at the same time, it would inevitably cause Sun Jian and Sun Ce to be unhappy, so he refused to use him. Staying in Yuzhou Prefecture and doing a job, and considering that he and Xun Zhen are old acquaintances, Sun Jian, and now Sun Ce, have always treated him politely and respectfully.

Sun Ce said, "Brother, you can't say that! There is some truth to Kong Zong's reason for suggesting that I increase troops from Henan Yin."

"What reason, what makes sense?"

Sun Ce said: "Kong Zong said in his letter that if Henan Yin can be stabilized and controlled by Zhendong, then my Yuzhou will only have enemies in the south, and the rest will be safe, which will help me rectify the peace in the prefecture. Send troops to Jingzhou."

Sun Hao snorted and said, "It's nothing but an excuse! In the end, he still wants to help Zhendong!...Adi, the officials of your state and military, I think it's time to change some people. Although it has not been a long time since I arrived at Pingyu, I have already seen that among the officials of your two prefectures, those who have a heart for Zhendong.

Dear, this chapter is not over, there is a next page ^0^, in fact, it is not Kong De alone! "

Wu Jing and Sun Jing looked at each other.

The two of them thought at the same time: "Speaking of which, most of the officials in our prefecture's government and the military's government are local scholars in Yuzhou, and they are from the prefecture in Zhendong, and the Zhendong family is a noble in Yuzhou with the right surname, and they are similar to them. There are indeed many people who have a good impression of Zhendong! ... Bo Fu refuses to accept my suggestion and refuses to reject Zhendong's request. Could this be the reason?"

No one knew what Sun Ce was thinking, he didn't say.

Sun Ce looked up at the sky outside the hall, and said, "Zhendong repeatedly told me that political affairs should not be focused on military affairs, and cultural and educational matters should not be neglected. The current slack season is when children are entering school. I have already agreed with Zhou Lin that I will go to the village school outside the county to inspect today. It is almost noon, I have to get up and go, please return to the house. "

"Zhou Lin" is the character of Sun Cegong and Cao Weiteng.

Wu Jing, Sun Jing, Hong Zi, Sun Hao and others agreed and sent Sun Ce out of the military mansion. After Sun Ce mounted on the horse and Wei Teng in the carriage, they were escorted by more than a hundred soldiers. After leaving, everyone returned home.

But when he went out of the city, Sun Ce had no interest in culture and education, so he was perfunctory. He hurriedly visited two township schools, but he was too lazy to visit again. He said to Wei Teng and others, "I've been touring two township schools in a row, and I'm tired. The front is Deng Sima's camp. I'll wait and rest."

Wei Teng knew his temperament and smiled.

Seeing that Sun Ce was coming, Deng Dang's guard at the gate of the camp hurriedly informed Deng Dang and opened the gate to invite Sun Ce to enter.

When he entered the camp, and when he was in school just now, Sun Ce's performance was completely different, and he was really refreshed.

There were soldiers practicing on the school grounds, and the screams of killing spread throughout the camp.

Sun Ce, accompanied by Deng Dang and other generals who arrived after the report, went to the side of the school to watch him.

Hundreds of soldiers, holding flags of various colors and following orders from drums, sometimes shouted, marched forward with spears, in an offensive posture, stepping on the ground and trembling slightly; sometimes their shields were erected, forming a defensive formation.

Deng Dang is not from Jingzhou, nor from Yangzhou, but from Runan County, but although he is not from Jingyang, he is brave and loyal.

Sun Ce, Deng Dang and the military officers in his battalion were all familiar with each other.

Seeing that Sun Ce was in good spirits, a Marquis of Qu Jun pointed to a shooting range not far away for archery, and in a Runan accent, he said, "I haven't seen the general for several days, and since the general is here today, why don't you show it to me? The general's sharpshooting technique, let me feast my eyes again?"

Sun Ce glanced at the shooting range and said, "What's the point of shooting an arrow alone!"

The Marquis of the Qu Jun said, "What does the general mean?"

Sun Ce ordered Deng Dang to send officials to chop off three willow sticks and bring them. They peeled off half of the willow bark, exposed the white ones inside, and put them on the ground. He also ordered the officials to lead his horse, wait for the horse to arrive, turn over the horse, and hold the bow. With a whip in hand, he ran a few laps around the three wicker sticks from a distance, and the horse quickly picked up, about a hundred paces apart, and drew his bow.

But the arrow is like a shooting star, in the middle of the white part of the wicker.

Deng Dang and the others who were onlookers reacted, and Sun Ce fired two more arrows in succession, and none of the three arrows failed.

Deng Dang and the other generals, as well as the school grounds just stopped to practice, watching Sun Ce's archery soldiers recover, UU reading www. applauded loudly, and shouted in unison: "Sun Lang! Sun Lang! Sun Lang!"

But looking at Sun Ce, who was galloping and raising the dust, with a red horse and a white robe, holding a carved bow, his attitude is unrestrained, and his smile is full of smiles. He is called peerless and well deserved.

That night, Deng Dang returned to his home outside the camp, still full of praise for the demeanor of Sun Ce he saw in the camp in the afternoon.

Among the people in the room, a 14- or 15-year-old boy couldn't help thinking, "That's what a hero should be!" He went outside, went to the house where his mother lived, bowed down to the ground, and said to his mother, "Ah! Mother, I want to fight in the army."

When his mother heard this, she was very surprised and said, "How old are you? How can you join the army?"

The young man got up, pointed to the walls of the house and the furnishings in the room, and said, "It's hard to live in poverty! Mom, although I'm still young, I'm strong enough to fight in the army. If you make a contribution, you can get rich and noble! Don't explore the tiger's den, Ander Huzi?"

Although only fourteen or fifteen years old, his words were full of courage and pride.

The boy's name was Lu Meng, and Deng Dang was his brother-in-law.

Dear, this chapter is over, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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