The Most Romantic of the Three Kingdoms

Vol 10 Chapter 152: Zouma School Shooting Camp (Part 1)

The so-called "what's good for the top, what's good for the bottom", Xunzhen is very careful about setting an example. Whether he is in the state capital or in the back house, the things he uses in his daily life are simple and simple. This is not like Liu Yu, who is simple and simple, even wearing patched clothes and straw sandals, but the wives, concubines, and slaves in the family are all silk and satin, and delicious wine. Xun Zhen can be said to be the same outside and inside.

The reason why he did this was because people's livelihood was difficult during the war and turbulent years, so in order to concentrate his strength and limited wealth to do important things, and not to waste them, he needed to set an example for the people below. The effect is still very significant. I don’t know the back residences of the chief officials of the prefectures, counties, and counties under his rule, but at least the furnishings of the official temples are very simple and frugal, and there is no extravagant phenomenon.

Xun You was the son of Xun Zhen, and he was a dear believer of Xun Zhen. In this respect, he certainly had to look up to Xun Zhen.

Therefore, in the hall of the Yanzhou State House, all those gorgeous and precious utensils and extravagant and gorgeous decorations that Liu Dai had made during his time were removed. After Xun You took office, he removed them and replaced them with a batch of new ones. The spare equipment is mainly practical.

Whether it is the main seat in the hall, or the seats for officials on both sides, the banquets laid out have no gorgeous embroidery on them, and the materials used are not unusual.

- The word "banquet" means banquet. "It's called a banquet to lay out, and a banquet is to be borrowed." Banquet and banquet mean the same thing, the difference is that banquet is longer and larger than banquet. The big table spread on the bottom is called "banquet", and the one or two floors of small seats for people to sit on the big table are called "banquet" according to the needs. "Seats" are either rectangular or square. The rectangular seats are divided into long and short ones. The long ones can be used for several people, the short ones can only be seated for two people, and the square ones are called solo seats and can only be used by one person. The elderly or venerable people often sit alone, which is a ceremonial utensil for entertaining the elderly or people of higher status. Such as the seat of the main seat and the VIP seat, it is usually a sitting alone.

Deep in the hall, there is a folding screen placed behind the main seat. There is also no tattoo on the surface of the screen, but a topographic map of the counties in Yanzhou is drawn. number of mouths. The characters were written by Xun You himself. The wood material of the folding screen is not just mahogany, or other good wood, just made of bamboo.

On the screen, draw a map of the jurisdiction and write the number of people in each county within the jurisdiction. This is what Xun Zhen did when he was in the prefecture of Tanxian County.

It is still the principle of "what is good for the top, what is good for the bottom", Xun You and Xun Cheng of Yanzhou and Qingzhou at this time, including some county magistrates of Xu, Yan, and Qingzhou, and even Liu Bei of Yingchuan, also After learning this set of Xun Zhen, they imitated Xun Zhen, and they also made this type of screen in the hearing hall of the official temple.

However, they said that in the prefectural hall of Yanzhou, the state officials below Xun You, as well as all the county officials below Lejin, the prefect of Shanyang County, were all present at this time, and Xun Zhen was welcome to arrive. Xun Zhen sat alone on the main seat, with Xun You, Le Jin, Xi Zhicai, Xun Yu, Chen Qun, etc. on both sides, or two or two, or sitting on the long seat. , was delivered by Xuankang's officials.

Xuankang took it and presented it directly to Xun Zhen.

Xun Zhen opened it to see.

The military newspaper said two pieces of news, Xun Zhen read it, and was surprised and delighted.

Xi Zhicai noticed Xun Zhen's unusual expression and asked, "I dare to ask Duke Ming, what was said in the military report, but what happened in Guanzhong?"

Xun Zhen put the military report on the case, stroked his short mustache, replied Xi Zhicai, and said, "That's right." Immediately, he smiled at the officials in the hall and said, "The content of this military report, I think you will wait for it. Can not guess."

After all, Xuan Kang was young and had an extroverted temperament. Hearing Xun Zhen's words, he couldn't hold back his breath. He was eager to try, and immediately answered, guessing: "If there is a change in San Fu, then Kang dare to guess, Just when Duke Ming was reading the military newspaper, Kang saw that Duke Ming was delighted, … Duke Ming, did Ma Teng and Han Sui’s troops return to San Fu from Liangzhou?”

Xun Zhen smiled and said, "You have sharp eyes!" Nodding slightly, she said, "Yes, just as Qing et al. and Kong Ming expected, Ma Teng really did not long after the Spring Festival this year. Its parts also entered Sanfu from Liangzhou, and are now stationed at Changpinggantou."

Xuankang asked, "Ma Teng?"

Xun Zhen knew what he was asking and said, "Yes, Han Sui did not lead his troops back, only Ma Teng led his troops to return San Fu."

An official in the hall asked, "Changping Antou? Where is this? But near Changping Temple?"

After Xun Zhen conquered Dongjun and Chenliu, Xun You removed a total of more than ten local right-surnamed and powerful children from the two prefectures into his state government as officials, and this official was one of them. Not very big, under thirty, and don't know much about the military.

Xun Zhen didn't blame him for rushing in, but answered him casually, saying, "Changping Guan is located at the intersection of the Wei River and the Jing River. Since it is called 'Changping Antou', Ma Teng led his troops back to Sanfu this time. The place where the army is stationed can only be found on the shore near Changpingguan."

The young official from Dongjun County wondered: "What kind of treasure is this Changping View? Ma Teng never forgets that he was defeated here and returned to the army, but he was still stationed there."

Xun Zhen raised her hand, took a point in the air, and said, "This is Chang'an." At this point, she drew a diagonal line that approximated the east-west direction, and said, "This is the Wei River." Then she was on the Wei River, which was almost facing Chang'an. , drew a diagonal line in the northwest and southeast directions, and said, "This is the Jingshui." Finally, at the place where the Jingshui and the Weishui meet, that is, the place where the Chang'an is separated by the Weishui, I clicked, and said, "Changping The view is roughly here." He asked the official with a smile, "Are you talking about the local treasure or not? Is it important?"

The official suddenly realized, and said:

Dear, this chapter is not over, there is another page ^0^ "So it is!" He got up and bowed and said, "Thank you Junhou for your advice."

"Sit down, sit down."

When the official was seated, Xun Yu asked, "Brother Fang Cai said, 'What is expected from Kong Ming'?"

Xun Zhen gave an "oh" and said, "I haven't told you yet that after we discussed the military affairs of Sanfu in the hall that day, I went back to the back house and happened to see Kong Ming, so I asked him about this, and Kong Ming gave him the answer. My answer is exactly the same as the result I discussed, and I also judge that Ma Teng will definitely stay in Liangzhou for a short time, and he will return to Sanfu at the latest after the spring of this year. I just didn't expect that Ma Teng would return to Sanfu. Back so early."

Xun Yu knew that Xun Zhen liked Zhuge Liang very much, and had already promised his daughter to him. Although he was not married yet, Xun Zhen had already treated him as a "half son". Zhuge Liang was smart, polite, and good-looking. Who wouldn't like this? juvenile? Xun Yu also liked him very much. Hearing Xun Zhen's words at this moment, Xun Yu couldn't help but admire and said, "Kong Ming is only fourteen or fifteen years old this year, right? With such knowledge, he is indeed a young man!" Wen, you are much stronger than when you and I were young."

This is Xun Yu's self-deprecating remarks, but Xuan Kang is not interested in whether Kong Ming is a "juvenile hero" or not, and now he just wants to know if he guesses right, so he asks Xun Zhen and says, "Ming Gong, then Did Kang guess right?"

Xun Zhen said, "You only guessed one level right."

Xuankang said: "Kang only guessed one level correctly? Duke Ming, is there another level in this military newspaper?"

"Ma Teng led his troops back to Sanfu, and not long after he entered the army camp to the shore of Changping, he was defeated again, and now he has gone west."

As soon as these words came out, even Xi Zhicai, Xun Yu and others couldn't help but be stunned.

Xi Zhicai said, "Ma Tengfu is defeated again? Duke Ming, who was he defeated by? Li Jue, Guo Si, Fan Chou?"

Xun Zhen waved her hand and said, "No, he was defeated by Wang Cheng."

The name Wang Cheng was very unfamiliar. Xun Yu thought about it for a while, but couldn't think of who this person was. He asked, "Brother, who is Wang Cheng? I don't remember Li Jue, Guo Si, and Fan Chou under the name of Wang Cheng. Warriors."

Xun Zhen said: "This general is definitely not a famous general, but probably because he is not a famous general, Ma Teng will lose to him."

So, he told Xi Zhicai, Xun Yu, Xun You, Le Jin and others about the reason and process of Ma Teng's defeat as stated in the General's Daily.

Because of the critical terrain here at Changpingguan, Ma Teng was very familiar with it. When he returned to Sanfu this time, he still came to station troops near Changpingguan. But after his defeat last time, Li Jue had transferred Wang Cheng to lead his troops to station here in order to control Changpingguan. Ma Tengcai fought with Li Jue, Guo Si, and Fan Chouda. Although the two sides made peace, they were still enemies. Ma Teng came back in the name of "Vagu", and he was brave and good at fighting. How could Wang Cheng be able to do it? not afraid? Fearing that Ma Teng was plotting against him, Wang Cheng first attacked him. But this Ma Teng didn't take Wang Cheng seriously at all, and didn't take him into his eyes. How could he think that Wang Cheng would dare to attack him? Neglecting vigilance, he was defeated in a battle. When Li Jue heard the news, he hurriedly sent troops across Wei to help Wang Cheng. Ma Tengyou had to retreat westward.

Just as in the original historical time and space, when Lü Bu ran out of food and troops and retreated, he was defeated by Li Jin of the Cheng clan. When a horse stumbles, no matter how strong a general is, he will inevitably suffer losses in unexpected places, such as Lu Bu's defeat by Li Jin and Ma Teng's defeat by Wang Cheng.

After listening to Xun Zhen's retelling of what the military newspaper said, everyone understood.

Xun You and the others said: "So it is!"

Xuankang frowned slightly and said, "Ming Gong, it was a good thing for Ma Teng to lead his troops back to Sanfu, but he was defeated by Wang Cheng in an instant and retreated to the west...on the way to Changyi, when he was in Rencheng County. , got Henan Yin's former military report, saying that the imperial court called Yuan Benchu ​​as the right general, and now that Ma Teng is defeated and left, will Li Jue and the thieves start planning to use troops against Henan Yin?"

Now the rulers of the Chang'an court are the generals Li Jue, Guo Si, and Fan Chou. Not only are the political infighting in the court fierce and the contradictions sharp, but there are also Ma Teng, Ma Teng and other generals in Sanfu and its Western Liangzhou. Han Sui and other more than ten warlords, big and small, for their own interests, the military struggle is quite fierce, and the fact that Yuxiahedong County is remotely controlled by Cao Cao is equivalent to another variable. Therefore, Chang'an, San The situation of Fu can really be said to be changing every day, and together with it, whether there will be a major war in Henan Yin will follow the trend, and new changes will continue to appear. It is really difficult to determine only by looking at the surface.

When Xun Zhen heard Xuankang's question, he kept calm, asked Xi Zhicai, Xun Yu, Xun You and others, and said, "What do you think?"

Xi Zhicai was quite safe, and shook the fan and said, "The current situation in Chang'an is uncertain, but various changes, as long as they do not involve the fundamentals, are nothing but clouds that cover the eyes. In Zhong's humble opinion, the Yin side of Henan should be Unchangeable and ever-changing.”

Xuankang thoughtfully said, "Doesn't involve the fundamentals and cover your eyes?"

Xi Zhicai said: "Whether the famine situation in Guanzhong has been alleviated, whether the combat power of Li Jue's thieves has been restored, and whether Yuan Benchu ​​will tend to Li Jue's thieves to fight against Ming Gong, these three principles are fundamental. Other than that, it's nothing. We've discussed many times about Henan Yin's specific strategies for defending the war. As long as these three points have not changed at all, there is no need to change our agreed countermeasures. At present, these three points are fundamentally the same. What has not changed is the strategy of defending the war, and Zhongyu believes that there is no need to change."

Xun Yu agreed, but he also had his own understanding, and added: "What Zhicai said is true, but now that Ma Teng has been defeated again, he has been defeated twice, and Ma Teng's threat to Li Jue's thieves has been greatly reduced. It wasn't because of the news that Luo Ye had illicit affairs with Zhang Ji, but Zhang Ji seemed to be interested

Dear, this chapter is not over, there is another page ^0^ Are you sending troops to Luoyang? Even if the thieves of Li Jue would not use Henan Yin in large numbers, would they give Zhang Ji reinforcements and ask Zhang Ji to commit my Henan Yin? This is unavoidable. "

Before Xu Rong and Cheng Pu had defeated Zhang Yang and Zhang He, they had obtained scout reports, reporting that Zhang Ji of Hongnong County had gathered troops, and if he intended to attack Henan Yin, it was only later that Zhang Yang and Zhang He were defeated in the north. , Zhang Ji did not launch this offensive in the end.

Xun Zhen thought for a while, agreed with Xun Yu's opinion, and said, "Wen Ruo's words are not bad." asked. "Wen Ruo, in your opinion, what kind of corresponding deployment should be made?"

Xun Yu said: "One, Brother A has officially moved the shogunate to Changyi, and the number of cavalry and horsemen from Brother A to Changyi is 15,000, so we might as well choose three to five thousand soldiers. People should be transferred to Chenliu County. In this way, it can not only further suppress the middle of the county, to deter disobedience, and prevent Jizhou and Hanoi County from disturbing the border, but also in the case of Henan Yintu encounters war, it can help Henan Yin in a timely manner, and at the same time compare the The troops and horses are directly stationed in Yin, Henan, and it can save a lot of losses on the way to transfer grain, which is also a three-pronged approach."

Xun Zhen currently has about 2,000 troops stationed in Chenliu County.

Two thousand soldiers and horses to guard a county, it is reasonable to say that it should be more than enough, but the situation in Chenliu County is a bit special.

First of all, the south of the west of Chenliu County is bordered by Henan Yin, the north is bordered by Hanoi County, and the northwest border is not far from Ye County in Jizhou. The overall situation in the west of the county is not stable. Secondly, Zhang Miao has been a chief official in Chenliu County for many years. Although he has no special talents, he treats scholars very generously and helps those in need. He is worthy of his reputation as one of the "eight chefs" in the past, so he has a good reputation in Chenliu. . There are still quite a few scholars and aristocrats in Chenliu County who have privately communicated with Zhang Miao. In other words, there are actually hidden worries in the territory.

—The reason why Yuan Shao sent the brothers Zhang Miao and Zhang Chao to Ye County, as mentioned above, was precisely because of this.

Furthermore, the two counties of Chenliu and Dongjun were the latest to be captured by Xun Zhen among the other counties in Yanzhou. Xun Zhen's control over these two counties was still relatively weak, although Xun You recruited more than ten scholars from these counties to enter the state. However, more than ten people told the truth, and Xun You originally conquered more than ten people, but also four or five people, but they rejected Xun You’s conquest, so Xun Zhen’s ruling foundation in Chenliu was still unstable. .

Therefore, 2,000 soldiers and horses were stationed, especially as Henan Yin was about to have a major battle, gradually becoming insufficient.

It will be a matter of time before sending more troops to Chenliu County.

Since it's a matter of time, why not just send more troops now? It doesn't cost anything, just do what needs to be done in advance, and as Xun Yu said, it can also play the role of guarding the border and reinforcing Henan Yin, which is indeed three birds with one stone.

Xun Zhen agreed to Xun Yu's suggestion.

Xun Yu went on to say: "Two, the follow-up reinforcements sent by Brother A to Luoyang have arrived in Luoyang. Most of these reinforcements are not familiar with Xu Rong, and the soldiers of this group of reinforcements are also from different prefectures and have yellow turbans. It is acceptable in peacetime to surrender soldiers, but in the event of a major war, there may be a lack of coordination and coordination, etc., because Yu thought that it was appropriate to order Xu Rong and order him to get acquainted with the generals while there was no war at the moment. Familiarize yourself with the various generals, and let the various ministries who have arrived in Luoyang join forces for some drills, so as to make all the existing troops stationed in Luoyang run in as soon as possible, and make 'confidantes' the first. In this way, when the war begins, No worries inside."

The second batch of troops that went to Luoyang had already arrived in Luoyang in the middle of last month.

This batch of reinforcements consisted of two parts, one was Wang Rong and Gongsun Du, and the other was Wu Ba.

Wang Rong and Gongsun Du were from Taishan County. They joined Xunzhen when Xunzhen attacked Taishan County, and their troops were both from Taishan County. Wu Ba was originally the commander of the Runan Yellow Turbans, and was defeated by Li Tong, because he became Li Tong's subordinate, and his troops were all from Runan. The reason why Wang Rong and Gongsun Du were transferred to Luoyang was because Wang Rong’s late brother Wang Kuang had served as the prefect of Hanoi when the princes were begging Dong. After all, it was Sun Ce's territory, so it was not suitable to stay too many of Xun Zhen's works, and Li Tong owned more than 7,000 families, with more than 10,000 strong soldiers, this number was inevitably too large.

Xun Zhen followed the advice like a stream, and also accepted Xun Yu's suggestion.

So he ordered Shi Yuansui and Sima Xuankang, the chiefs of the shogunate, to choose 3,000 soldiers who dared to fight from the troops who were relocated to Changyi, and transferred them to Chenliu County on the same day. He was familiar with the reinforcements from other troops in Luo, and ordered him to concentrate on various troops and do more drills, so as to be able to play a good role in the future Henan Yin battle. The letter was written and issued on the same day.

- Xun Yu's second suggestion is really very important and very necessary. Don't say anything else, just the language, the Taishan soldiers under Wang Rong and Gongsun Du and the Runan soldiers under Wu Ba, if they don't get to know each other more, I'm afraid the other side is talking about each other's dialect. What, the other of them couldn't understand. These two counties are mountainous and the dialects are difficult to understand.

That night, in the state hall, Xun You set up a banquet to wash away the dust for Xun Zhen and others.

Chen Zhi's daughters have already lived in the back house of the new shogunate.

Before they arrived, Xun You sent someone to clean up the new shogunate's back house.

However, Chen Zhi and others brought a lot of old things from their original residence in Tan County, and Tang Er really transplanted some of the flowers and trees she planted in the backyard of the prefecture's house in Tan County, so Xun Zhen is here. In the state hall, they talked and drank with everyone. Chen Zhi and the others instructed the maids to keep busy until the second watch. Xun Zhen was slightly drunk and came to the shogunate from the state government.

The courtyard was brightly lit, and more than a dozen maids went back and forth.

Dear, this chapter is not over, there is a next page ^0^ Go in and out, move all the old things that you brought to the house where Chen Zhi is the master and distribute them to the daughters; the flowers and trees brought by Tang Er , It took less than half a day to plant, and new mud was dug out.

When Xun Zhen saw this scene, she entered Chen Zhi's house and smiled and said to her, "Why are you in such a hurry? I told you to take a break. If you haven't finished it, you can do it tomorrow." Chen Zhi answered her promise and was about to go out After ordering, Xun Zhen stopped her again and said, "Bring me a pen and paper."

Chen Zhiqin took a pen and paper and came over.

Xun Zhen grabbed the pen, wasn't it the Zhao Guotu pen that Cao Cao gave him? Looking at the paper, he shook his head and said, "I want to write big characters."

Chen Zhi suddenly woke up and understood what Xun Zhen meant, so he took a large brush for writing large characters and presented it in a long format.

Xun Zhen grabbed the brush, dipped her feet in ink, still using regular script, flying the brush like a fly, and wrote two characters.

A picture of "Han and thieves are not at odds", and a picture of "the worry of the world before the worry, and the joy of the world after the joy".

But it must be practiced, UU reading www. As he said before, after arriving at the new shogunate, he will write these two characters and hang them on the shogunate hall.

After writing, Xun Zhen put down the pen and instructed Chen Zhi, saying: "Tomorrow, ask the maid to send these two characters to the front courtyard and hang them up for me."

Chen Zhi smiled and replied yes.

Xun Zhen exchanged the rabbit pen and asked Chen Zhi to get the letter paper again, spread it out on the table, and thought about it a little.

Chen Zhi asked, "Husband, who are you writing to?"

"The situation in Sanfu has changed a bit, and I have to tell Bo Fu about this change. Bo Fu sent me a congratulatory letter and congratulations when I moved back to govern Changyi, and I also had to send him a letter and a gift to show it. gratitude."

There are only four hundred miles from Changyi to Pingyu in Runan County, Yuzhou. After leaving Changyi, head south, pass through the east of Jiyin County, enter Yuzhou, then pass Liang and Chen countries, then enter Runan County, then pass Ruyang and Nandun counties, and then arrive at Pingyu County on the north bank of the Tanshui River.

A few days later, on this day in early February, Xun Zhen arrived at Sun Ce's military mansion in Pingyu County.

Dear, this chapter is over, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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