The Most Romantic of the Three Kingdoms

Vol 10 Chapter 143: The general is really the enemy of ten thousand people (below)

Like Taiyuan and other places, Luoyang is also a basin.

It is surrounded by mountains, with Beimang Mountain in the north, Xiao Mountain and Xiong'er Mountain in the west, Wan'an Mountain in the south and Song Mountain in the east. These mountains enclose the Luoyang Basin and Luoyang City. , completely surrounded by it.

The Eight Passes of Luoyang are located in these mountains or at the foot of the mountain.

In addition to these mountains, such as "eight waters around Chang'an", there is a saying, "five waters around Luocheng". Luoyang is also rich in water systems. The five waters refer to the Yellow River, Luoshui, Yishui, Gushui and Lushui. ——Luo Shui is the origin of the name of Luoyang. Luoyang City is located in the north of Luoshui, hence the name Luoyang. Fire was the virtue of this dynasty. This "Luo" should actually be written as "Luo".

These five rivers are crisscrossed and twisted, and in addition to the five large rivers and their tributaries, there are two artificial canals on the east and west sides of Luoyang City. These two canals are used to connect the Luoshui and the Yellow River. he.

In particular, the Yang Canal in the west of the city was built as early as the Western Zhou Dynasty. After Guangwu was revived, it was repaired and rebuilt twice during the Jianwu period, and the third expansion was carried out during the Emperor Shundi. This third construction is unprecedented in scale, employs an unprecedented amount of labor, and has achieved remarkable results. In short, the excavation and expansion of Yang Canal made it possible for boats in Shandong to travel from the Yellow River, through the Canal, to Duxia. This canal not only solves the water supply problem of Luoyang City, but also meets the supply needs of Luoyang City's grain trade commodities and other aspects.

Zhang Bai rode his own troops in Hongnong County. He came to invade Henan Yin, and he came from the west. He did not pass through Hangu Pass, but bypassed the south of Hangu Pass. First, he followed Luoshui in Hongnong County. The river section runs northwestward, passing through Laoshan Mountain and Xiong'er Mountain, and then after reaching the western border of Henan Yin, it follows the westernmost end of Yang Canal and goes up the edge of the canal, thus entering the territory of Henan Yin.

Although three years ago, when Dong Zhuo moved to Chang'an with the emperor, most of the people of Henan Yin were also forced by Dong Zhuo to leave their hometowns and go to Chang'an. As a result, the population of Henan Yin was greatly reduced, and there were ten rooms and nine empty spaces. , In the area of ​​people's livelihood, he put a lot of effort into comforting the rest of the people, reclaiming the abandoned fields, and the people who were moved to Chang'an, and some of them escaped one after another, including the people of Jizhou, Hongnong and other counties. Unbearable persecution, and some people have flowed into Henan Yin, so compared with the tragic situation after the great chaos three years ago, the area of ​​Yin Minkou in Henan is still slightly more, and it cannot be said that there are no common people.

After this white cavalry entered, it was quite possible to loot some goods, food and other things along the way.

——Xu Rong and Cheng Pu guessed right, Zhang Baiqi's entry into the bandits was under the order of Zhang Ji to make a test.

Let's say that on this day, Zhang Bai's cavalry and troops sacked the nearby people and camped on the spot. He received a military report that a military horse had moved out of the camp outside Luoyang City and came towards them.

Zhang Baiqi asked the scout, "How many soldiers are here?"

The scout replied, "About two thousand rides."

Liu Bei's headquarters had a thousand people, but Xu Rong was afraid that he would not have enough troops, so he added a few hundred more.

Zhang Baiqi asked again, "Who is the general?"

The scout replied, "Look at its flag, the flag it is playing is Liu Bei, the prefect of Yingchuan."

Xun Zhen is now famous all over the world. The generals, scribes and scribes he uses and value highly, and many of them are known by the lords of the Quartet and Zhang Baiqi.

Liu Bei was Xun Zhen's favorite general, and he was the prefect of Yingchuan County, which borders Yin in Henan. Zhang Baiqi had heard of his name.

He said, "But for Zhendong's beloved?"

The generals on the left and right said: "Because the name is Liu Bei, and he is the prefect of Yingchuan, I think it should be him."

The first general said: "General, Liu Bei's army is only 2,000 people, and our army is far more than his, it is better to take advantage of him just out of Luoyang, when his foothold is not stable, let's rush to attack him, and we will be destroyed in one fell swoop. !"

Most of Zhang Baiqi's trilogy followed him to escape from the Black Mountains to Hongnong County. There are about three or four thousand, more than twice the number of troops and horses led by Liu Bei. Advantage.

However, unlike most of the Heishan Qushuai, who escaped the fate of being annihilated by Yuan Shao, ran from Hanoi to Hongnong, transferred to Zhang Ji's account, and still lived a free and happy life, this white cavalry is naturally not a man A mediocre person, just as Cheng Pu said of him, "cunning and brave", brave and cunning. He thought about it and said, "No!"

The left and right generals asked, "General, why not?"

Zhang Baiqi said: "I heard that since Zhendong raised his army, he has been invincible in battle and invincible in attack. Tao Qian, Xu Yanqing, Huangjin, Cao Mengde, and even the flying general Lu Bu are all his defeated generals, and he is extremely good at using soldiers. Yes; since Liu Bei is Zhendong's favorite, he must have his own advantages, although his soldiers are small, they should not be underestimated! And Xu Rong may be able to help him."

The first general asked, "How dare you ask the general, how are you going to meet the enemy?"

Zhang Baiqi stood up, put his hands on his hips, turned around a few times on the ground, came up with a plan, and said to the generals: "Liu Bei has just traveled from Yingchuan to Henan Yin, he is not familiar with the terrain around Luoyang, but we are more familiar with it. The terrain in this area...I think otherwise, we will send light cavalry to attack first, and then deceive defeat and retreat to lure him, if Liu Bei chases, we will set up ambush and defeat him, what do you think?"

Before heading west to Hongnong, Zhang Baiqi and his troops wandered in Henan Yin for a while, and they were indeed familiar with the territory of Henan Yin, especially the terrain around Luoyang.

First send a small group of troops to attack, feign defeat and escape, set up an ambush and wait for it, so as to win, this strategy was used by Xu Huang in Hedong County, but this white cavalry was the same as Xu Huang, and also thought of this strategy.

——It seems that the two coincidentally coincide, but in fact it is not. This is actually determined by the similar war experiences of the two of them in the past.

Before Xu Huang and Zhang Baiqi

Dear, this chapter is not over, there is another page ^0^ They are all members of the "Thief Army", Xu Huang was a member of the Xihe Baibo Yellow Turban Army before, and Zhang Baiqi was a member of the Black Mountain Army before. Both the Baibo Yellow Turbans and the Heishan Army are regarded as thieves by the Han family. Although they are numerous and powerful, they are at a disadvantage compared to the Han army in terms of the quality of their soldiers and their weapons and equipment. Therefore, when they fought against the main force of the Han army, they often had to adopt the tactic of "lure them with soldiers, set up ambush and annihilate them".

Therefore, Xu Huang used this strategy in Hedong. Zhang Baiqi attached great importance to Liu Bei and did not want to fight him head-on, so he also thought of this strategy.

When Zhang Bai's generals heard about it, they all said, "General's strategy is brilliant!"

On the next day, he went to explore the traces of Liu Bei's troops.

In the afternoon, the scouts came to report that Liu Bei's troops were only more than forty miles away from Zhang Bai's cavalry camp. The location of Zhang Bai's cavalry camp should have been detected. Liu Bei's troops temporarily stopped their march and turned to building a camp.

The first general said, "General, Liu Bei wants to raise the physical strength of the soldiers, and he will probably attack tomorrow with his troops!"

Zhang Baiqi agreed, so he ordered the bull to kill the sheep, rewarded the three armies, and prepared to fight the next day.

The next morning, the scouts made an emergency report that Liu Bei led his troops out of the camp and continued towards them. Judging by their posture, he really wanted to start a fight.

Zhang Baiqi then summoned the generals, issued military orders, and arranged combat missions.

He ordered his younger brother to lead three hundred Qingqi to the north to lure Liu Bei's troops; Zhang Bai and the rest of the generals led the troops to set up an ambush at a suitable place.

Zhang Baiqi's younger brother was good at using spears, and he was the champion of the three armies.


In Liu Bei's army, a scout rushed to report: "Duke Ming, more than ten miles ahead, found the bandit soldiers under Zhang Bai's cavalry!"

Liu Bei asked, "How many soldiers and horses?"

The scout reported: "About three hundred or so, all light cavalry."

As soon as the general heard it, he stepped forward and said, "Duke Ming, the military report said that Zhang Bai's cavalry group had 4,000 people, and now there are only 300 light cavalrymen in front. This must be the vanguard of Zhang Bai's cavalry group, or he was sent to rob the villagers. of."

It was Zhuo Ying who made this analysis of the enemy's situation.

Before another battle, he was eager to try and said, "Duke Ming, the thieves only have three hundred cavalry. Our army hastened to press it up and wiped it out first. How about a victory and a blow to the morale of the white cavalry thief army?"

Liu Bei pondered for a while, and said, "But they are all light cavalry. If our army rushes forward, they will turn around and run when they see our army. I'm afraid we won't be able to catch up."

Cheng Ding said, "Ming Gong, what should we do? Just watch them and don't fight?"

Liu Bei thought about it for a while, and when he had a plan, Yu Chengding said: "You lead your troops to fight. After the fight, you pretend to be defeated, flee back, and lead them over..."

"Bring it in?"

Liu Bei touched his smooth chin and said, "I am setting up an ambush here. When you lure the thieves and horses, I will ambush and kill them!"

Cheng Ding was overjoyed and said, "Master's plan!"

That is, according to Liu Bei's order, he led 200 troops from his headquarters, went out of the marching team, went straight forward, and went to meet Zhang Spear's troops.

Liu Bei commanded Zhuo Ying, Shiguan and other generals to gather their own soldiers and set up an ambush on both sides of the road.

After waiting for a long time, I heard the sound of shouting and killing from the south.

Zhuo Ying lay beside Liu Bei and said, "Ming Gong, this must be the battle between Chengding's department and the thief."

Liu Bei leaned forward and looked south.

The distance was too far to see where the battle was being fought. All I could see was a road rammed by loess stretching out silently. On both sides of the road were originally fertile fields, but now in the fields overgrown with weeds and shrubs, one or two foxes and rabbits sometimes sprang out. The screams of killing gradually became clearer, and soon, they saw dust and smoke rising from the road to the south.

Liu Bei knew in his heart that Cheng Ding must have lured the thief's cavalry over, so he hurriedly sent an order to make all the ministries stabilize, not to move rashly, and not to scare the thief's cavalry away. After waiting for a while, Liu Bei and others saw that the soldiers of Cheng Ding's army had appeared at the southern end of the road. More than a hundred people fled in a panic. Behind them, there was a lot of dust. Needless to say, it was obviously the cavalry of Zhang Bai's army. Chase.

Liu Bei took the knife in his hand, and passed the order: "When the thieves ride into the ambush circle, they will kill both sides together!"


Zhang Mao led his troops with three hundred cavalry. Zhang Mao thought that there were too few soldiers and horses in Chengding's army, so he didn't want to chase, but Chengding took the lead. The two hundred enemy troops fled and scolded Zhang Baiqi and them from top to bottom. , Foul language, can not be heard, Zhang Mao is furious, because the lead horse is in hot pursuit.

But he was chasing hard when he heard the sound of drums, and Liu Bei's ambushes were killed on both sides of the road.

Zhang Mao became angry and was surprised at first, and then remembered Zhang Baiqi's military order. He couldn't help but rejoice. Gu Yuzuo said: "This ambush must be Liu Bei's main force! Hurry up, hurry up." Just drop by the road and run to the south.

All of his troops were light cavalry. Although they entered Liu Bei's ambush, they were not easily trapped. Most of them followed Zhang Mao and killed him.

Zhuo Ying said anxiously: "Ming Gong, you can't let them run away!"

There were also cavalry in Liu Bei's army.

He ordered the cavalry, and Liu Bei himself led it, with the support of Zhuo Ying, Shi Guan and other generals, in pursuit of Zhang Mao and his bandit cavalry who were fleeing.

Chasing and shooting arrows all the way, Zhang Liao's light cavalry fled while some took time to shoot arrows behind, but the arrows they still shot were sparse and inaccurate; on the contrary, Zhang Liao's light cavalry soldiers occasionally fell off their horses when they were ready to ride.

Zhuo Ying, Shi Guan and other soldiers saw this scene, and their thoughts of annihilating this band of thieves and horses couldn't help but become stronger.

To say that this victory over the enemy

Dear, this chapter is not over, and there is another page ^0^ In the whole army of Liu Bei, Liu Bei is the strongest.

He really wanted to wipe out Zhang Baiqi's troops cleanly and neatly. He hoped that he could make Xu Rong request Xun Zhen so that he could still stay in Luoyang after Guan Yu and other main reinforcements arrived; or Xun Zhenwen After the report, he will take the initiative to spread the word and ask him to help guard Luoyang.

When people ask for something, no matter how calm they are, they may often lose their impatience.

Besides, Liu Bei had thrown himself into the tent of Xun Zhen and followed Xun Zhen to fight in the south and the north, but he had not lost any battles.

Therefore, Liu Bei tried his best to lead his cavalry to chase, and chased after nearly twenty miles. He felt that the wind blowing in front of him was getting cooler, and the light around him was getting dim. Only then did he realize that it was already evening. Further ahead, it was Zhang Bai. The camp of the riding department.

And looking at the escaped Zhang Spear, he was still two or three miles away.

Liu Bei reluctantly held back his thoughts of annihilating the thief riding in front of him, full of regret, and said, "It's a pity, in the end, this thief riding is still running away!"

After chasing him for a long time, he was sweating all over, Shi Guan's face was gray, and he heard the words and asked, "Ming Gong, are you not chasing?"

Liu Bei said: "The sun is approaching, and the main force of the White Cavalry Bandit is not far away, so we can't pursue it any longer." He ordered the troops to stop chasing.

He was about to withdraw, but at this moment, drums sounded on both sides of the road.

Before Liu Bei could react, thousands of soldiers and horses emerged from the hills and bushes on both sides of the road, holding flags of various colors, most of them in Hanoi dialect, a few in Hong Nong dialect, shouting from east to west, towards the direction. Kill on the road.

In the midst of the enemy army, an enemy general came out, riding a white horse, with a spear in the saddle, looking up to the sky and laughing loudly, shouting from a distance, "Lord Liufu, I have a plan!"

Zhuo Ying was stunned and said, "Ming Gong..."

Liu Bei sat on his horse and held his whip for a while. He finally came to his senses. Seeing the complacent look of the enemy general, he became furious and furious.

He used a trick to lure Zhang Liao, but he did not expect that Zhang Baiqi would also use this trick to lure him.

Zhuo Ying, Shi Guan and other generals also reacted, and they quickly protected Liu Bei, turned their horses, and retreated north.

At this time, the enemy's ambushes in the east and west had already reached the front; the light cavalry under Zhang Mao, who had been fleeing, also turned back and attacked from behind. The number of cavalry Liu Bei brought to pursue Zhang Mao was only about three hundred.

Liu Bei knew that he must never fight, so he issued a series of orders, urging the generals and cavalry to break through immediately.

Fortunately, Xun Zhen had never owed Liu Bei's rations and armaments, and under Liu Bei's careful training, all his soldiers could be called elites. Among the 300 or so cavalry, there were hundreds allocated by Xu Rong to Liu Bei. , and even more brave people, so although there are few people, Zhuo Ying clears the way, after the stone cut off, he still protects Liu Bei, forcibly kills a **** road and rushes out of the encirclement.

Liu Bei was surrounded by him, and after walking about several hundred paces, one person shouted, "Shi Sima didn't come out!"

Liu Bei turned his head and looked back, and saw that in the encirclement, there was a small group of cavalry fighting in a **** battle, surrounded by the foot soldiers of Zhang Baiqi. This small group of cavalry that was surrounded was obviously Shiguan and other cavalry.

Liu Bei didn't say a word, and immediately turned around and rushed over there.

Zhuo Ying was shocked, hurried to catch up, and asked loudly, "Ming Gong, what are you doing?"

Liu Bei said: "Shiguan was cut off for me and was surrounded by a heavy siege, how can I ignore it?"

In the past, on the battlefield, when his own troops were surrounded, Liu Bei refused to give up, and it happened that he went to save him. When Zhuo Ying heard this, he didn't ask any more questions, and called the cavalry that broke through the encirclement to keep up, just killing the general from Liu Bei. Liu Bei held a spear and raised his sword, and immediately rammed into the enemy again. He stabbed with a spear from a distance, and stabbed it with a sword when he was close. Although Liu Bei had nothing to do with Zhang Zhiyong, he was also a warrior. Zhuo Ying and others were inspired by Liu Bei's loyalty. They all worked hard to fight, but they were united and killed to the place where Shiguan was surrounded.

The arrows on Shiguan's armor were clustered with arrows, and the shoulder armor was cut with several gaps. He was already covered in blood, and his strength was almost exhausted. When he saw Liu Bei come back to save him, he didn't know how to describe his mood at this time. Can shout several times: "Ming Gong, Ming Gong!"

Liu Bei laughed and said, "Follow me to kill the generals and go out!"

Two cavalry, one big and one small, cooperated with one, and rushed north to kill. Although Zhang Bai's cavalry team tried their best to stop it, the morale of Liu Bei's generals was so strong that they couldn't stop it, and Liu Bei and the others broke out again.

Looking at the figure of Liu Bei and the others heading north, Zhang Baiqi, who was in the distance, sighed in admiration: "What a heroic general!"

Although Shiguan was successfully rescued, after all, the disparity between the strength of the enemy and the enemy was too great, and they fought in and out of the heavy siege twice. The three hundred cavalry that Liu Bei brought to chase the enemy also inevitably suffered a lot of casualties. Lost nearly half.

However, when they retreated to the headquarters, Zhuo Ying and other generals and all the cavalry were in high spirits.

Shiguan went down to the ground, before bowing down to Liu Bei's horse, with snot and tears, he wept and said, "Duke Ming disregarded the danger and left Guan out of the siege. There is no way to repay the kindness of Duke Ming. Guan can only die for Duke Ming!"

Liu Bei also got off his horse, helped Shiguan up, and said, "I see you as brothers, and brothers are like brothers and sisters. How can we not help you if you are in trouble?" He said, "I originally wanted to destroy that band of thieves first, so that I can report military merit to the public! Unexpectedly, Zhang Bai's cavalry scheme turned against him! The casualties of the cavalry were heavy. This is all my fault! My fault!"

The generals comforted Liu Bei not to mention it.

In a battle with each other's plans, although neither side defeated the other, Liu Bei actually suffered a big loss. Next, Liu Bei did not dare to fight easily, fearing Xun Zhenwei's name.

Dear, this chapter is not over, and there is another page ^0^. I also admire Liu Bei's bravery and loyalty, and Zhang Baiqi did not take the initiative to challenge him again.

The two sides were deadlocked for several days, and Liu Bei was worried that Zhang Ji's reinforcements might arrive at any time.


Back to Luoyang City.

Seeing Xu Rong and Cheng Pu, Liu Bei felt ashamed and apologized to Xu Rong, saying, "Bei was incompetent, he didn't repel the bandits of Zhang Bai's cavalry department, but the fine cavalry that Xu Gong allocated to me was affected and suffered a small loss. Please be punished."

How could Xu Rong punish him for this? Hearing that the cavalry soldiers that Liu Bei returned to him told him about Liu Bei's return from the encirclement and rescue of Shiguan, not only did he not blame or complain, but he also praised Liu Bei, saying: "The truth is a man of righteousness."

Cheng Pu said: "Victory and defeat are common affairs in military affairs, and Duke Liu doesn't need to worry about it; and it is not the fault of the public that he lost this time, and the reason why the army is far less than the soldiers of the thieves. The army was reported a few days ago, and the reinforcements sent by my lord Han Dang , Sun He and other troops will arrive at Luoyang in two days at most. After my master's reinforcements arrive, I will wait to make a proposal to enter the battle. What are the mere white cavalry thieves? They will definitely be destroyed."

Liu Bei said, "I have heard for a long time that General Han is both capable of cavalry and archery, and his courage is unstoppable. Since General Han is waiting for his arrival, Zhang Bai's cavalry troops, as Duke Cheng said, must be able to defeat them!"

The three agreed to wait for the Yuzhou reinforcements led by Han Dang, Sun He and others to arrive before making plans to attack Zhang Bai's cavalry.


The news of Liu Bei's failure to repel Zhang Bai's cavalry and the failure to return to the city quickly spread to the Henan Yinjun Mansion in Luoyang City.

A clear-faced scholar in the late 40s took out a letter from the secret box, opened it and looked at it, with a sad look on his face, finally put the letter back in the box, and walked to the front of the hall with his hands behind him, looking outside. In the vast night, he sighed.

This scholar is Yin Luoye from Henan.

The letter he read just now was the book of Xu Youzhi that was brought to him by someone who was quietly sent into the city a few days ago.

A respectful official next to him asked, "Mingfu, why are you sighing?"

Luo Ye said: "Boda, you know Xu Ziyuan's letter. He wants me to be Zhang Yang and Zhang He's inner responder, but..."

Having said this, Luo Ye's words stopped, looked at the night, and sighed again.

The official who was replaced by him as "Boda" was nearly fifty years old, with a long beard and an ordinary appearance.

This person's surname is Ren Mingjun, a native of Yinzhongmu County, Henan Province. "Boda" is his character.

When Dong Zhuo threatened the imperial court to move the capital to Chang'an, the then Henan Yin was Zhu Jun. After Dong Zhuo went to Chang'an, Zhu Jun sneaked through the Guandong princes who were stationed in Suanzao and Hanoi, and wanted to join forces to fight against Dong, but the Guandong princes had their own thoughts. At that time, the only response to him was Xun Zhen and a few others. It was too difficult to handle. Zhu Jun was afraid that the news would be leaked. Dong Zhuo came to attack.

At that time, Zhongmu made Yang Yuan terrified when he heard the news, and wanted to give up his office and leave. Ren Jun said to him: "Dong Zhuo's first chaos, the world will look at him, but if there is no first mover, he must have no heart, and he will not dare to listen. If the Ming government can advocate it, there will be peace." Yang Yuan asked him. "Then what should I do?" Ren Jun said: "Today there are more than ten counties in Kanto, and those who can defeat the army will not reduce the number of ten thousand people. If the power is used in Henan Yin affairs, it will be good to use it." Ren Jun here refers to Yin of Henan; those who are victorious are those who can join the army.

According to his plan, Yang Yuan used Ren Jun as the bookkeeper, and Ren Jun represented Yang Yuan's conduct of Yin affairs in Henan, and ordered the counties to stand firm, defend against bandits, and gather troops and horses. Later, Xun Zhen, Cao Cao, Sun Ce, etc. entered the army one after another, and their advance was in line with Ren Jun's suggestion to Yang Yuan that "there is no first mover, . . . , because Ren Jun thought that Xun Zhen, Cao Cao, and Sun Ce were far superior to the other princes, and thought that among these three, either Xun Zhen or Cao Cao could succeed. Because it was not clear which Xun Zhen or Cao Cao would be able to make things happen in the end, it failed to make it in the end, and he stayed in Henan Yin.

Later, Yang Yi and Luo Ye were worshipped as Henan Yins by the imperial court successively. Naturally, Yang Yuan's "Xing Henan Yin" could not be done. Talent, Yang Yi and Luo Ye left him in the county house.

Ren Jun said: "However, Duke Ming has not many troops and horses, which is not enough for Zhang Yang and Zhang He to respond internally. This is one thing; Yuan Benchu ​​has the heart of not being a minister. Dare to ask Duke Ming, I wonder if Jun's guess is correct?"

Luo Ye said: "Ever since Xu Rong and Cheng Pu entered Luoyang, they have respected me, but they entered our county and the capital without an edict. What's the difference? Although I have no choice but to pretend to be a snake, Luoyang is the capital of my Han family. "Hanjing is in all summers, and it is great in all directions." How could Xu Rong and Cheng Pu be allowed to wreak havoc here?

"Boda, you know my intentions. I really want to expel them both from Luoyang and Yindijie in Henan! However, as you said just now, for one thing, I am short of troops. It is extremely difficult to achieve this wish with my own strength, but if I do Yuan Benchu's inner response, both of them are also what you have just said. Yuan Benchu ​​wanted to embrace Liu Youzhou as the emperor with unpredictable ambitions. If this Luoyang falls into his hands , I am afraid that I will still not be the king's land, and sooner or later I will sully the name of my great Han, and I will curse the people of the world!"

Ren Jun said: "Mingfu, in Jun's view, this matter is not difficult to solve."

Luo Ye asked: "Boda, do you already have a high policy?"

Ren Jun said: "The Ming Palace is short of troops and horses, just as the Ming Palace said, it is absolutely impossible to drive away Xu Rong and Cheng Pu with the strength of our army, and Yuan Benchu ​​had ulterior motives, if Luoyang was taken by him, he would also It will damage the reputation of Mingfu's loyalty, so why not believe the best policy at the moment?

Dear, this chapter is not over, there is another page ^0^ Hongnong Zhang Ji? Tell him that if he takes advantage of the opportunity of Zhang Yang and Zhang He to attack Luoyang, the Ming government is willing to respond internally. "

Luo Ye said, "Zhang Ji?"

Ren Jun said, "Exactly!"

Luo Ye said: "Zhang Ji is a henchman of Li Jue, Guo Si, and Fan Chou, who has caused chaos in the court and bullied the emperor. He is also a thief!"

Ren Jun said: "But Mingfu, Li Jue and others are in the court after all."

Luo Ye closed his eyes for a while, then opened his eyes, grief-stricken, and said, "It's too difficult for me to be a pure minister!" Acknowledging that what Ren Jun said was reasonable, Li Jue and others were regarded as thieves again. They are in the court and still represent the Son of Heaven.

Ren Jun said: "When Xu Rong and Cheng Pu entered Luoyang before, the reason why Zhang Ji and others rushed to help in the future, Jun has investigated and learned that it was all because of Xu Rong's plan to alienate him, and Zhang Ji and others would be picked by him. They were worried about each other, and neither dared to send troops, so they would help them in the future. But now, Zhang Yang and Zhang He have led more than 10,000 people to join the bandits. Xu Rong and Cheng Pu's two armies, even if Liu Bei's troops are included, are currently only three or four in Luoyang. Thousands of people. If Zhang Ji can lead 10,000 troops and join Zhang Bai's cavalry, he will attack him in a hurry. With Mingfu and Jun, etc., he will be able to do it in one fell swoop! Hearing that Luoyang has been acquired by Zhang Ji, Xu Rong and Cheng Pu's troops are in Chenggao. If there is no way for the soldiers to go back, they will be scattered; Zhang Yang and Zhang He can only return to Hanoi in the north. Zhang Ji cannot stay in Luoyang for a long time, and at that time, Luoyang can still be guarded by Duke Ming as the emperor!"

Luo Ye thought for a while and said, "This policy of yours..."

Ren Jun said, "Do you think Mingfu Jun can use it or not?"

Luo Ye said, "You can give it a try."

After returning to the case, he picked up a pen and wrote a secret letter to Zhang Ji, handed it to Ren Jun, and asked him to send a reliable person to Zhang Ji.


Two days later, reinforcements from Yuzhou led by Han Dang and Sun He arrived.

Xu Rong and others welcomed them into the camp.

After the ceremony, Cheng Pu told them that Zhang Bai's cavalry department had harassed the west of Luoyang City.

After Liu Bei's withdrawal to Luoyang, Zhang Bai's cavalry department became more and more unscrupulous, and the harassment became more severe these days. Even the day before yesterday, Zhang Mao brought hundreds of light cavalry and approached the suburbs of Luoyang. The defenders on the city can be seen from a distance.

I asked about the Chenggao front line, but Zhang Yang and Zhang He still haven't launched an offensive, and the enemy and us are still at peace. Discuss the policy of retreating Zhang Yang and Zhang He.

Cheng Pu said: "First defeat the white cavalry thieves, and then retreat Zhang Yang and Zhang He. This is a good policy that I negotiated with Xu Gong and Liu Gong, so the white cavalry thieves have not been defeated so far, so there are few soldiers. Yigong, now Your aid has arrived, and you are invited to fight again, so the white cavalry thieves will be troubled with you!"

Han Dang agreed and said, "Within three to five days, a good news will be delivered."

After two days of rest, Han Dang, Sun He and others led the troops out of the camp. Liu Bei had experience in fighting Zhang Baiqi and wanted to be embarrassed, so he led his headquarters to go with him.

Compared with the last time, the total number of soldiers and horses this time was more than 3,000, which was not much different from the soldiers and horses of Zhang Bai's cavalry department.

Han Dang and Liu Bei's troops left Luoyang, followed the Yang Canal, and headed southwest in the direction of Zhang Bai's cavalry.

On the march, Han Dang and Sun He first bumped into each other and discussed strategies to defeat the enemy.

Sun He said: "General Liu is a veteran in the field, and he failed to defeat Zhang Bai's cavalry. Today our army is joining forces with General Liu. Although the strength of the army is rising, we should not be careless in the next battle."

Han Dang disagreed, scratching his beard and saying, "Although General Liu has been fighting in Zhendong for a long time, I have never heard of him being on his own, nor have I heard of any great achievements he has made. The white horse will surely win."

Han Dang didn't look down on Liu Bei. In fact, because Sun Ce thanked Liu Bei for helping him when Runan attacked Lu Bu, he was very polite to Liu Bei. He sent people to Yingchuan to give Liu Bei some gifts. He still respects Liu Bei, but respect returns to respect, and puts it on the specific battles. Liu Bei is under the tent of Xun Zhen. So far, he has not performed particularly well, so Han Dang thinks that Liu Bei has no "military talent". "It is reasonable to not pay attention to him in this regard.

Also, Han Dang was good at riding and archery, and his physical strength was excellent. When he followed Sun Jian in the past, he was a number of brave generals under Sun Jian's tent. As a native of Liaoxi County, he was able to join Sun Jian's team, mainly composed of Jiangdong's children. He was heavily used in his army, and this alone shows his bravery; after Sun Jian's death, he followed Sun Ce and was still used under Sun Ce's tent.

Whether it was with Sun Jian before or with Sun Ce now, Han Dang has made great achievements.

Combining the two, it is not surprising that he said such a thing.

Sun He said: "Although this is the case, but General, Zhang Bai's cavalry is originally a black mountain bandit, and he is used to fleeing. If he refuses to fight our army decisively, then our army is probably not easy to destroy him.  … I don't know if the general has a plan for this?"

Someone next to him said, "What's so difficult about this!"

Han Dang and Sun He turned their attention to the past.

The person who spoke was not very old, and Guan Zhi was only eighteen or nineteen years old.

This young general's name is Chen Wu, a native of Lujiang County.

Sun Jian fought against Dong Yi and became famous, and he was already famous in Jiangdong.

Sun Ce inherited the foundation laid down by his father, not only continued to control the Yuzhou site, but also after Sun Jian died, joined forces with Xun Zhen to drive away Lu Bu, who was under the control of Runan, and accomplished what Sun Jian failed to do. , its "Sun Lang" name is even more distant Jing Yang.

Chen Wu heard about Sun Ce's reputation, and also learned that Sun Ce was only in his early twenties this year, and was only a year or two older than him. Whether it was "heroes and heroes", or "seeking for the same kind", I would treat him well. of this state

My dear, this chapter is not over, and there is a next page ^0^ Sun Ce, a native of China, naturally sympathizes with each other and loves each other very much. His family was originally a strong man in Lujiang, so he actually brought more than 100 people from his clan and guests to the north of Lujiang. After passing through Jiujiang, he entered Runan, Yuzhou, and was put under Sun Ce's tent.

One, Chen Wu was the first one who came from Yangzhou so far to defect to him; two, although Chen Wu was young, he was an unusual southerner, tall and burly, seven feet seven inches long; three, Here in Lujiang County, there is still the old style of Wu and Yue. Human nature is restless, and the style is resolute. It hides disasters, sees death as home, and fights for deceit. In short, it has a very light chivalrous style. After talking about it, the two were quite speculative, and Sun Ce let him be the Sima of a certain department.

This time to help Luoyang, Chen Wu actively fought, and Sun Ce sent him to join the army.

Sun He said, "Zilie, do you have a plan?"

"Zilie" is Chen Wu's word.

Chen Wu took a sigh and said: "Although Zhang Bai's cavalry team is wandering around the bandits, it is not easy to wipe them out, but if our army does not fight against him in the field, but if we lure him with soldiers, set up an ambush on the road, wait for him to chase, and then again If we do an attack, how difficult is it to destroy it? Even if we still can't wipe it out, at least we can inflict heavy damage on it, and as long as we can inflict heavy damage on it, our army will take advantage of the victory and attack, and Zhang Baiqi can only flee far away. ."

Han Dang said happily: "Sima's strategy is very good!" He asked Sun He, and said, "Why do you think it is like this?"

Sun He didn't have any other countermeasures. He was not known for his ingenuity. The reason why he was used heavily was because of his close relationship with Sun Ce, so he said: "Then tonight, let's discuss with General Liu and see what General Liu has to say. Bar."

After marching for twenty li, he chose a place to camp and rest.

At night, Han Dang invited Liu Bei to meet him, and told Liu Bei about Chen Wu's plan to defeat the enemy.

After hearing this, Liu Bei was hesitant.

Sun He asked, "Duke Liu, do you think Zilie's policy is inappropriate?"

Liu Bei sighed and said, "The thief is quite cunning. To be honest with you two, I have used this tactic mentioned by Chen Sima when I was fighting the thief before, but instead of it working, I fell for it. Zhang Baiqi's strategy... If you still use this strategy, I'm only afraid that Zhang Baiqi won't be fooled."

Sun Ke asked, "Dare to ask Duke Liu, is there any other way to defeat the enemy?"

Liu Bei thought about it, but there was no other way.

Han Dang said: "One cannot be two, Zhang Baiqi may not be able to predict, we will use the same strategy twice. Otherwise, let's try Zilie's strategy first, if it can be successful, of course it is best; If it doesn't work, let's think of another way, how about it?"

Liu Bei often had correspondence with Sun Ce in Yingchuan. He knew that Chen Wu was Sun Ce's priority recently. He was a good man, so of course he wouldn't lose Chen Wu's face, and said, "It's fine."


But it is as Liu Bei said.

Two days later, the combined forces of Han Dang and Liu Bei met with Zhang Bai's cavalry.

However, Zhang Bai's cavalry unit refused to fight with Han Dang and Liu Bei's troops. When Han Dang and Liu Bei attacked, Zhang Bai's cavalry team scattered; if Han Dang and Liu Bei retreated, they made a comeback. Chen Wu used several tricks to lure the enemy, but Zhang Baiqi ignored it and was not fooled at all.

In this way, you come and go, and the two sides fought for a few days, but Han Dang and Liu Bei still had no results at all.

In the neighboring villages, more and more people were mutilated by Zhang Bai's cavalry department.

Seeing the tragic suffering of the people, Liu Bei felt indignant and helpless.

Han Dang and Sun He realized that fighting like this was not a problem, so they came to discuss with Liu Bei today.

Sun He said, "As General Liu said, Zhang Bai is really cunning, and it is difficult to destroy him for a while." He suggested, "Why don't I return to Luoyang for the time being, and report this thief to Duke Cheng and Duke Xu, Make another plan to see if there is a way to defeat the enemy.”

The generals led their troops back to Luoyang.

Zhang Bai's cavalry received the report and sent light cavalry to chase after them, following them far behind, harassing them from time to time, and even making Han Dang and Liu Bei so angry. As before, they are scattered and cannot be chased.


On the night when Han Dang, Sun He, Chen Wu, and Liu Bei led their troops back to Luoyang, they were in the camp outside Luoyang.

One person asked to see Xu Rong.

This person is forty or fifty years old, isn't it Ren Jun? Xu Rong asked him to enter the account.

Ren Jun entered the tent and bowed down.

Xu Rong said: "Master, please get up."

——After Luo Ye succeeded Henan Yin, he still made Ren Junren his master.

Ren Jun got up and said respectfully, "I wanted to pay homage to the general for a long time, but I have been busy."

Xu Rong looked at him and said, "I don't know why the master came here at night? Did Lord Luofu call you here?"

Ren Jun said: "It's not under the order of Duke Luo. General Ming, a few days ago, Jun sent his servants to send a secret letter to the general. I wonder if the general received this letter?"

Xu Rong stroked his hair and said, "I have already received this letter. You said in your letter that Lord Luo Fu wrote a letter, ordering you to send officials to Hongnong County, and ask Zhang Ji to lead his troops to attack Luoyang. ."

Ren Jun said, "Yes!"

Xu Rong narrowed his eyes slightly and said, "How did I hear that you gave this plan to Luo Fujun?"

However, according to the rules of the Han family, there were 927 officers under Yin's command in Henan. Although there was a great chaos, Luo Ye's officers did not have so many officers, but there were still 300 or 400 officers. And among these three or four hundred people, about ten people were trusted and used by Luo Ye. Since Xu Rong and Cheng Pu entered the city, they have not been idle, and have bought a few of these more than ten people. Xu Rongzhi learned that this plan

Dear, this chapter is not over, there is another page ^0^ It was dedicated to Luo Ye by Ren Jun, and it was someone among the officials who had bought it to inform him.

Ren Jun was not panicked, and said calmly, "It is indeed what Jun offered."

Xu Rong sank his face and said: "Master, when I first entered the city, I heard that the Lord of Luofu was willing to welcome me and Cheng Gong into the city, thanks to your persuasion. After I entered the city, you showed me privately many times. Not long ago, you also sent someone to tell me secretly, Xu Ziyuan wrote a letter to Lord Luo Fu, asking Luo Fujun to respond to him, ... and now you offer this strategy to Luo Fujun, why?"

Ren Jun calmly replied, "General Ming, this strategy is simple. Even if I don't offer it, Duke Luo can think of it."

This answer is not wrong, this strategy is indeed simple, and Luo Ye can also think of it if he does not offer any sacrifices.

Xu Rong said: "Although this strategy is simple, if Luoyang is attacked by the enemy on both sides because of this strategy, what will happen?"

Ren Jun talked eloquently and replied: "Zhang Yang has no heart to fight, so after crossing the river in the south, he refused to fight; Zhang He may have the will to fight, but he has insufficient troops and is unable to fight, so he became the front line of Gao. The enemy and our armies are still stalemate to this day. I heard that General Han, General Liu, etc. had attacked Zhang Bai's cavalry, and when the white cavalry was broken, General Ming concentrated his forces and took advantage of the opportunity that Zhang Yang and Zhang He could not work together to attack them, and they would definitely be defeated! Zhang Yang and Zhang He have been defeated, and Zhang Ji has led his troops to join the bandits, so the only way is to withdraw his troops." Xia Yi said, "With the wisdom of General Ming, we would not have thought of this countermeasure!"

Xu Rong looked at Ren Jun again, and felt that he could not see through him. After a while, he said, "Mr. Ren, since you have offered this strategy to Lord Luofu, why did you send your servant to send a letter to tell me about it? ?"

Ren Jun said: "Although Jun is far away in Henan, he has never listened to Zhendong's teachings, but Jun also knows that the peace of the world must be in Zhendong!"


Ren Jun went on to say: "It is Jun who persuaded Duke Luo to welcome the general into the city, and Jun has repeatedly shown his favor to the general in private! There is no other plan for what Jun wants, but I just hope that Zhendong can settle down in Henan Yin as soon as possible, so that I can The surviving people of the county will no longer suffer from military disasters!"

"you want?"

Ren Jun said: "If General Ming is not ignorant of Jun, Jun is willing to do his best to serve General Ming!"

Ren Jun said these words with deep affection, Xu Rong believed him, changed his face, and asked him to take a seat.

Ren Jun said: "Jun is bold and dare to ask."

Xu Rong said, "Please tell me."

Ren Jun said: "Luo Gong, the lord of Jun, please don't harm General Ming."

Hearing this, Xu Rong smiled unconsciously and said, "Zhendong is a benevolent person, as long as Lord Luofu understands the situation, Zhendong will only respect it and will not harm him. When Zhang Yang and Zhang He are retired, I will faithfully honor the king's merits. You and Zhendong, Zhendong will definitely reuse it for you.”

Ren Jun bowed down in the hall and thanked him in advance.

Xu Rong asked him to get up, waited for him to take his seat, and said, "Ren Jun, I have a doubt and want to ask you."

Ren Jun said, "General Ming, please speak."

Xu Rong said, "Jizhou is close at hand, the fourth prince of the Yuan clan, why didn't you persuade Lord Luo Fu to follow Xu Ziyuan's wishes and help Zhang Yang and Zhang He come to take Luoyang, but are willing to surrender to my lord?"

Ren Jun said: "Li Jue, Zhang Ji and the others coerced the emperor, murdered courtiers, and killed famous people. They were thieves. I would not help them. As for Duke Yuanchu, when the princes asked for Dong a few years ago, they went forward bravely. The only ones who attacked Dong Zhuo were the Dukes of Zhendong, Cao Mengde, Sun Wentai, Yuan Benchu, Zhang Mengzhuo and others, who had strong soldiers, but held banquets and refused to advance one step. From this, it can be judged that they are not people who can achieve things, they are all people who hide their selfishness! Therefore, even though Jizhou is close at hand, even though the Yuan family has four generations and three princes, they are stern and stupid, and cannot follow!"

Xu Rong listened, and did not ask Ren Jun why Xun Zhen, Cao Cao, and Sun Jian who attacked Dong Zhuo at that time, Ren Jun now chose to vote for Xun Zhen. In fact, there is no need to ask. Among the three, Sun Jian, let alone dead, was not dead, and he was not valued by scholars and officials; Cao Cao, after occupying Yanzhou, had a good momentum, but he was immediately defeated by Xun Zhen and had to go far to Taiyuan. . Among the three, Xun Zhen was the only one below, who had a vast territory and a large number of soldiers. He had already become a king and hegemony. Ren Jun was not a fool, so of course he would only choose Xun Zhen.

This is actually Ren Jun's idea, and it is the choice and decision Ren Jun finally made from Cao Cao and Xun Zhen.

Xu Rong smiled and said, "If you are like a king, you can be said to know people."


The next morning, a scout suddenly came to report that several troops were coming from the direction of Yingchuan County.

It turned out that Guan Yu and others led reinforcements to arrive.

I heard Zhang Hong, Xun Yan, Zhang Fanlai, Xu Rong and Cheng Pu went to greet him, and Luo Ye also went out of the city to meet him.

The two met several miles outside the city.

Xu Rong, Luo Ye and others met Zhang Hong and the scribes, as well as Guan Yu's generals.

Guan Yu asked Xu Rong, and said, "I heard from the Han Juncheng that my eldest brother was escorting grain and grass. He came to Luoyang early and dared to ask the general, but why did he not see my eldest brother?"

The so-called "eldest brother", Liu Bei, Guan Yu, and Zhang Fei met at the end of the day. At that time, Guan Yu and Zhang Fei were brothers to Liu Bei.

Xu Rong said: "Xuande is not in the camp now."

Then he told Guan Yu about Liu Bei, Han Dang and others going to discuss Zhang Bai's cavalry department.

Guan Yu heard that this was the second time Liu Bei had gone to beg Zhang Bai's cavalry department, the first time he was unsuccessful, and this second time it had been eight or nine days since he went, so he said: "So my eldest brother is going to beg a thief. Well then, general, I won't enter the camp first, I'll help my eldest brother to annihilate Zhang Bai's cavalry department, and then it won't be too late to enter the camp."

Xu Rong said: "Chang Yun, you lead your troops from Xu

Dear, this chapter is not over, there is another page ^0^ The journey is more than a thousand miles, and the soldiers are tired, why not take some rest first, and then go to help Xuande? "

Guan Yu said: "I don't need to bring many troops and horses, I only need to ride seven or eight; my soldiers will have to ask the general to place them in the camp first."

Xu Rong was surprised and said, "Seven or eight rides are enough?"

Seven or eight follow the ride, which is equivalent to not bringing troops, in fact, Guan Yu is going there alone.

Guan Yu stroked the beard bag and replied, "Enough is enough."

Xu Rong agreed to his request without any reason to stop him.

Guan Yu acted resolutely, he gave Zhang Hong, Luo Ye, and others a salutation, temporarily bid farewell to Xu Rong and the others, mounted his horse, picked up his spear, led the cavalry seven or eight, and ran to the southwest.

In the afternoon, seeing the dust flying in front, I sent two cavalry to inquire, but I knew it was Liu Bei, Han Dang and other troops returning to the city.

Guan Yu patted the horse to meet him.

Liu Bei didn't expect to see Guan Yu here. He was overjoyed. He grabbed his hand and said repeatedly, "Yun Chang, Yun Chang, but I really miss you for my brother!" He introduced Han Dang, Sun He, and Chen to him. Generals of Wu.

The march stopped for a while, and a mat was laid on the yellowed grass beside the road, and everyone sat and talked to each other.

Liu Bei said: "Yun Chang, I received a letter from my brother, I knew you were going to help Luoyang, but I didn't expect you to be so fast!"

Guan Yu said, "I know that the situation in Luoyang is critical, so after we set off, Captain Chen, Captain Xun, and others will ride day and night, because we arrived this morning."

Liu Bei asked with a smile, "Why don't you go to the camp to rest first, but come to find me after a long journey?"

Guan Yu said, "Since I miss the eldest brother, and I heard that the eldest brother and General Han are waiting for thieves in the southwest of Luoyang, I have come to help." He asked Liu Bei, and said, "How come the eldest brother and General Han and others led troops back to the city, but Zhang Bai has already been sent to the city. The cavalry is destroyed?"

Liu Bei said, "Where can I destroy him! It hasn't been destroyed yet." He told Guan Yu that he couldn't win after a few battles.

With Han Dang by his side, the pride of winning was gone, and he shook his head again and again and said, "The thieves are indeed cunning! It is not easy to annihilate. Therefore, I have decided to return to Luoyang, and wait for the military discussion with Duke Cheng and Duke Xu. , and then come to slay the thieves."

Guan Yu stroked his beard bag and said, "It's nothing but a thief, how hard is it to destroy it!"

Han Dang asked, "Chang Yun, what do you mean by this?"

Han Dang's attitude towards Guan Yu was completely different from that towards Liu Bei.

As a close ally of Xuzhou soldiers, Guan Yu's martial prowess, Han Dang is like thunder, knowing that he is one of the best generals under Xun Zhen's tent.

Guan Yu said, "I just heard the elder brother say that Zhang Bai's rider is also a white horse?"

Han Dang said, "That's right. Zhang Bai rides this thief very wildly. He usually rides a white horse, and he also rides a white horse when he fights with our army."

Guan Yu nodded and said, "Brother, let's go back and fight him again."

Han Dang said, "Then what?"

Guan Yu stroked his beard bag and said lightly: "I am the eldest brother, and I will solve this trouble for you and others."

Han Dang was stunned and said, "Is it that simple?"

"It's that simple."

Han Dang, Sun He, Chen Wu and others looked at each other.

Liu Bei said, "Okay! Chang Yun, listen to you!"

Anyway, the soldiers and horses have not yet returned to Luoyang, and Guan Yu has a reputation for being unparalleled in bravery, so you might as well listen to him, so Han Dang, Sun He, and Chen Wu have no objection. The generals then led their ministries to turn back.

In the afternoon of the next day, they encountered Zhang Bai's cavalry again.

Chen Wu still led the cavalry to lure him forward, but Zhang Bai couldn't be fooled. Liu Bei, Han Dang and others ordered the soldiers to shoot indiscriminately, and then Ming Jin retreated as in the previous battles. Zhang Baiqi was also the same as before, chasing after Zhang Mao and other leading horses, and doing the most wanton nuisance.

Everything was a reappearance. On the way to the retreat, Han Dang and Sun He said, "Yun Chang said, to relieve General Liu, it seems that it is just a big talk!" After speaking, he turned to Liu Bei's army at the rear of the headquarters, and looked for Liu Bei. and Guan Yu.

I only saw Liu Bei who was surrounded by Zhuo Ying, Cheng Ding, Shi Guan and other generals, but did not find Guan Yu.

"Hey, where did Yun Chang go?"

Suddenly, the chasing enemy cavalry slowed down, and the screams came into Han Dang's ears.

Han Dang, Sun He, Chen Wu, and the others looked at them and saw that they were riding like lightning. They were going backwards alone, carrying thousands of troops and horses from Liu Bei and Han Dang who were retreating, and rushed into the hundreds of enemy cavalry. The enemy cavalry was caught off guard, and was attacked by him, trying to block it, but no one was the enemy of this cavalry admiral. Seeing that Zhang Bai, who was riding a white horse, rode away! Han Dang, Sun He, and Chen Wu held their breaths.

But the general on the ride was Guan Yu.

Zhang Bai rode his horse and was about to leave, and Guan Yu was riding a good horse that was given to him by Xun Zhen. He picked one in a thousand miles. Although Zhang Bai’s horse was not bad, how could he run well? Zhang Mao and other warriors shouted to block, Guan Yu urged his horse, the spear stabbed swept across, and a patch of enemy generals fell on the ground.

Sun He shouted, "Zhang Mao was stabbed to death by Yun Chang!"

Guan Yu was invincible, chasing Zhang Baiqi.

Zhang Baiqi was no longer arrogant, panicked, and while desperately whipping his horse to escape, he turned his head and asked, "Who is coming?"

Guan Yu didn't answer, he hurriedly chased after him, deftly pushed aside the spear that Zhang Baiqi had stabbed back, raised the spear in his hand, stabbed Zhang Baiqi and fell off his horse, reined the horse around, knocked off his pocket, bent over and grabbed his arm. The bun pulled his head up, chopped it off with a knife, and galloped back.

Hundreds of enemy cavalry from far and near were all horrified when they saw this scene.

Someone tried to intercept them, but they were all stabbed by Guan Yu; no one else dared to stop them, and they hurriedly gave in.

A single horse, entering and leaving the enemy's cavalry formation, chasing and beheading its chief general, as if entering a land of no one, giving what he gave and returning, Han Dang, Sun He, Chen Wu and other soldiers watched from afar, and they were all shocked. Han Dang paled,

Dear, this chapter is not over, there is another page ^0^ murmured: "Yun Chang is really the enemy of ten thousand people!"

Before returning to Liu Bei's horse, Guan Yu threw Zhang Baiqi's head on the ground, dismounted and said, "I have relieved the trouble for the eldest brother."

Liu Bei was overjoyed, jumped off his horse, held Guan Yu's hand, and said, "My real brother!"


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Dear, this chapter is over, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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