The Most Romantic of the Three Kingdoms

Vol 10 Chapter 142: The general is really the enemy of ten thousand people (middle)

He welcomed Liu Bei into the hall.

Xu Rong asked, "Xuande, why are you here?"

Liu Bei took his seat and replied slowly, "The follow-up grains raised for the Second Gong's Department should be shipped out a few days ago, and just as they were about to leave for transportation, it was reported that Yuan Benchu ​​had used Xu Youjian Zhang Yang and Zhang He to lead the troops to cross the river, and went south to attack Luoyang. There are quite a few thieves in the Yin territory of Henan taking the opportunity to make trouble, and they are worried about the safety of the grains on the road, so I simply escorted the second public over here in person."

Cheng Pu said: "So it turns out, Liu Gong has a heart!"

Xu Rong also said: "Xuande, your father is really cautious, but you are tired of this trip."

Liu Bei said, "My elder brother always said that soldiers are murderous, and they must be cautious; if you are more careful, there is no big mistake. As long as it helps the second prince to defend Luoyang, a little hard work is nothing!" , looked serious, asked Xu Rong and Cheng Pu, and said, "When I entered the city just now, I saw that the military camp of the second prince outside the city seemed quite deserted. I wonder what the situation in Luoyang is now?"

On the wall of the lobby is a very large map, painted in red, black, green and other colors, which is quite conspicuous. When entering the hall, Liu Bei saw it. This map depicts the situation in the counties of Luoyang, Hanoi, Hongnong, and Hedong. Hearing Liu Bei's question, Xu Rong got up and walked to the map, and Cheng Pu and Liu Bei also got up and walked to the map.

Xu Rong said to Liu Bei, "Xuande, you came just in time. Cheng Gong and I are discussing strategies for defending the enemy. Look here..." He pointed his finger to the vicinity of Xingyang, which is less than two hundred miles southeast of Luoyang, and said. , "The main force of Zhang Yang and Zhang He is here now."

Liu Bei said, "I heard that Zhang Yang and Zhang He crossed the river from Huai County?"

Cheng Pu said, "Yes, that's right."


Huai County belongs to Hanoi, just north of Xingyang, and the two counties face each other across the Yellow River.

The Yellow River is the dividing line between Hanoi County and Henan Yin.

The Yellow River passes through the whole area between the two counties. Therefore, there are many places that can cross the river from the south of Hanoi County to Henan Yin.

Xu Rong and Cheng Pu had limited forces, and all they could defend was a stretch of the river 100 or 200 miles north of Luoyang.

Luoyang is located in the west of Henan Yin, or it can be said that it is at the western end of Henan Yin. From Luoyang to the east, through Henan and Gucheng counties, a total of more than 40 li will reach the boundary of Hongnong County; from Luoyang to the east, it will take more than 200 li to reach the Chenliu boundary.

The Yinzhu counties in Henan along the Yellow River are: Pingyin County (Mengjin) in the north of Gucheng and Pingxian in the north of Luoyang. Between Pingxian and Luoyang is Beimang Mountain, passing through Beimang Mountain and Beimang Mountain. Yanshi County and Gong County in the south, Chenggao County to the east, and Xingyang County to the east.

The section on the south bank of the Yellow River, now under the control of Xu Rong and Cheng Pu, starts from Pingyin County in the west and ends in Chenggao County in the east. Xu Rong and Cheng Pu did not have enough troops to station in the south bank of the Yellow River in the east of Chenggao, so they just scattered some scouts there.

Therefore, Zhang Yang and Zhang He chose to cross the river from Huai County in Hanoi and go south directly to Xingyang in Yin, Henan.

There is a ferry in Xingyang called Yumen, which is the ancient ferry of the Yellow River. Legend has it that the real name is "Yumendu", which is the old site left by Dayu when he controlled the flood. In the past, King Wu of Zhou attacked Zhou, went out of Haojing, and attacked the Sishui Pass. It was the Yellow River that crossed this way and attacked Chaoge in the north. Chaoge now belongs to Hanoi County, which is the Hebi County of later generations. This county is located in the northeast of Huai County, about 200 miles away from Huai County. When Chu and Han were fighting, Liu Bang's army was defeated by Chenggao, and he also crossed the Yellow River from the north, conquered Xiuwu, captured Han Xin's army at night, and regained his military power.

This ferry can be said to be famous, and it has witnessed many major events in the previous history.

Although they knew that this crossing was more important, Xu Rong and Cheng Pu were unable to station troops here due to the limited military strength. ——Of course, there is no reason for the lack of troops here, and there is another reason that this crossing is in the east of Chenggao County, and there are two major passes in Chenggao, one is Hulao Pass and the other is Luoyang. The revolving door, one of the eight passes, was under the control of Xu Rong and Cheng Pu, that is to say, even if the enemy crossed the Yellow River from Huai County to Xingyang, they could not attack Luoyang directly.

The Revolving Gate Pass was built by Emperor Ling of the Han Dynasty for the preparation of the Yellow Turbans. Hulao Pass is the famous pass in ancient times. There are two major gates in Chenggao. This place is actually the gateway to the east of Luoyang. As mentioned earlier, Liu Bang was defeated in Gao, and Liu Bang and Xiang Yu fought fiercely here for a long time.

The cause of this Chenggao battle between Han and Chu was that Liu Bang took advantage of the opportunity of Xiang Yu's attack on Qi, and joined forces with various princes to capture Xiang Yu's stronghold, Pengcheng, which is now Pengcheng County in Xuzhou under the rule of Xunzhen. Satisfied with the victory, drinking for pleasure, and neglecting the guard, Xiang Yu heard that Pengcheng had fallen, and led 30,000 elite soldiers to rush back. After several battles, Liu Bang's allied army was almost wiped out, and Liu Bang finally broke through with only a dozen cavalry. Liu Bang's father and wife were captured by Xiang Yu in this defeat. Then came the Battle of Chenggao.

Chenggao is adjacent to the Yellow River to the north and Songshan to the south. It has always been a barrier to Luoyang, and then ensured the military center of Guanzhong. There is an Ao warehouse dozens of miles northeast of this place, which contains a lot of grain, so Liu Bang was defeated by Chenggao, and he Han Xin and the others gathered the remnants and retreated to Xingyang. After Xiao He transferred the old, weak and minors from Guanzhong to join the army, after the army was revived, they collected grain from Aocang and held on here.

Xiang Yu chased the troops and confronted Liu Bang's troops at Chenggao. The battle of Chenggao was very fierce, lasting two years and three months. It can be said that this battle determined the final rise and fall of Han and Chu. During this war, Chenggao changed its master four times. Liu Bang crossed the Yellow River north to take Han Xin's army, which happened after Chenggao changed hands for the third time and was recaptured by Xiang Yu.

These need not be said.



Dear, this chapter is not over, there is another page ^0^Bei is a Han clan, and he has always been proud of this identity. Naturally, he is very clear about the glorious achievements of his ancestors and the process of the establishment of the Han Dynasty. Gao's importance here.

After listening to Xu Rong and Cheng Pu's briefing on the situation of Chenggao's enemy and us, he nodded, and said, "Although Zhang Yang and Zhang He have already crossed the river, as long as Chenggao is in our army's hands, Luoyang will be in a short period of time. No worries." Asked Xu Rong and Cheng Pu, and said, "Xu Gong, Cheng Gong, then I don't know how Er Gong plans to deal with the enemy?"

Xu Rong said: "The specific enemy situation has not yet been clearly investigated. Zhang Yang and Zhang He claimed to have 50,000 soldiers and horses, but according to the scouts' investigation, their soldiers across the river were at most more than 10,000 on foot and cavalry. They only brought these more than 10,000 soldiers and horses to cross the river. Incoming criminals? Or are these more than ten thousand people a cover? It is still unclear at the moment. To prevent them from attacking the east and the west..." He pointed his hand to the Yellow River section north of Luoyang, and said, "I and Cheng Gong have already sent troops to Pingyin County for reinforcements. I also sent some troops to Pingxian to prepare for Zhang Yang and Zhang He's other troops to go south from here."

After a pause, Xu Rong then pointed his hand to Hangu Pass and Luhun Pass, which bordered Hongnong County in the west of Luoyang, and said, "When we took Henan Yin before, Zhang Ji and others did not send troops to attack. Because I used your strategy, Duke Liu, I persuaded Duan Xun to make the three generals intrigue, but none of them dared to move. But now, the situation has changed. Zhang Yang and Zhang He suddenly attacked with troops. Will they attack me in Luoyang while our army is fighting against Zhang Yang and Zhang He in Chenggao? This is also inevitable. Therefore, Cheng Gong and I have also sent troops to these two places to help.”

Cheng Pu added: "In the direction of Chenggao, Duke Xu and I have also sent troops to help."

Liu Bei frowned and asked, "Dare to ask Er Gong, how many soldiers and horses are there in Luoyang now?"

Xu Rong said: "Xuande, didn't you see it when you entered the city just now? There are not many troops in the camp outside the city. The two troops of Duke Cheng and I have joined forces, but there are only three thousand or so."

Liu Bei pondered for a while, and said: "Engong Xu, Duke Cheng, although Yin Luoye of Henan was forced by the prestige of the second prince, he had to welcome the second prince into the city some time ago, but he was prepared for it, and he would be unwilling. If he is here Times change, but elbows and armpits don't change? How should we deal with it?"

Xu Rong said: "Xuande, I have considered this point with Duke Xu, and we have already ordered the competent military officials to monitor him day and night. As long as he dares to make a change, he will be captured immediately, and the city gates on all sides of Luoyang will be captured. Take over all. But..." Xu Rong looked at Cheng Pu and said, "Engong Cheng, just as Xuande was worried, Luoyang is a little empty now."

Cheng Pu knew what Xu Rong meant, and said, "Eng. Xu, my main reinforcements will be ten days in the morning and half a month in the evening, and they should be able to arrive."

Zhang Yang and Zhang He crossed Henan to commit the crime of Henan Yin, and Cheng Pu certainly had to report it to Sun Ce. When Sun Ce returned, he sent Han Dang and Sun He to Luoyang. Runan is closer to Henan Yindi than Xuzhou, and Sun Ce's reinforcements will arrive earlier than Guan Yu and others.

Liu Bei seemed to think for a moment, and then said: "The brave generals Zhang Yang, Xu Youzhi, and Zhang Ji are all looking at each other. Since the situation in Luoyang is so critical today, Duke Xu and Duke Cheng, otherwise I will stay for the time being and help each other two. Gongshoucheng?"

Xu Rong asked Liu Bei, "Xuande, how many soldiers and horses did you bring?"

Liu Bei said: "I didn't bring too many troops and horses. Although Yuan Highway is now attacking Xiangyang in the south, Yingchuan will not be invaded by foreign enemies. However, the military discipline of Yuan Highway is extremely bad, and its troops are stationed here on the border with Yingchuan. He would often disturb our county and plunder the people, and even in the high mountains, there are still some remnants of him, and they have not yet been wiped out, so I only brought a thousand people on foot and horse."

Although there are only a thousand people, in the current situation in Luoyang, it can indeed play an effective supplementary role.

Xu Rong was very happy and said, "Xuande, it's hard for you to go to disaster for you, but if you want to stay and help me and Cheng Gong, you can't ask for it!"

Liu Bei then led his troops to stay in Luoyang.


In the next few days, Xu Rong and Cheng Pu rectified Luoyang's city defense, and stepped up to repair the broken parts of the city wall; while staring at Henan Yin Luoye, beware of any changes in him; in addition, they continued to send scouts to further investigate Zhang Yang, The specific strength of Zhang He's troops and their movements, as well as the situation of the enemy on the other side of the Yellow River north of Luoyang, and the situation in Hongnong County.

Information came in continuously.

However, Zhang Yang, who crossed the Yellow River down the Yellow River and reached the boundary of Xingyang, has remained silent until now. He has only dispatched small-scale troops several times to harass Chenggao.

——This gap is the gap that Liu Bang and Xiang Yu agreed upon as the dividing line between the two sides after the Battle of Chenggao. In the original history, the battle of Guandu between Cao Cao and Yuan Shao was also in this area. The Great Wall is a canal, and the Guandu River is also a canal, both of which were dug as early as the Warring States Period to connect the Yellow River with the nearby water system.

Xu Rong and Cheng Pu judged that there were two possibilities for harassing Chenggao.

One possibility is that Zhang Yang has a negative attitude. Although Xu You is in charge of the army, he is still reluctant to fight. Zhang He has insufficient troops. Although he wants to seize the time to capture Luoyang before the reinforcements of Xun Zhen and Sun Ce arrive, he is not strong enough. .

Another possibility is that Zhang Yang and Zhang He are using small-scale harassment battles to find out the actual strength of Xu Rong and Cheng Pu's troops in Chenggao to prepare for their next general offensive.

As for the division of troops to the east, there is nothing to guess. Zhang Yang and Zhang He are obviously prepared to prevent the Yanzhou soldiers from attacking them from the direction of Chenliu. The gap is quite long, the southwest communicates with the Yellow River, and the northeast enters the territory of Chenliu.

But just when he was mainly focusing on Chenggao's side and analyzing the intentions of Zhang Yang and Zhang He, a military report came from the west.

I heard that the military newspaper came from the west, and it was stepping up the military newspaper, Xu Rong,

Dear, this chapter is not over, there is a next page ^0^ Cheng Pu was taken aback.

By coincidence, both of them were worried that Zhang Ji had sent troops to invaders?

If this is the case, the two of them plus Liu Bei now have a total of only 4,000 soldiers and horses, and there is Luo Ye who may be Zhang Ji's inner responder. Now this is Luoyang City, whose city walls are still severely damaged, they are really afraid. Can't hold it.

So he hurriedly ordered the officers who passed the military newspaper to come in.

The official entered the hall, and the general reported to Xu Rong and Cheng Pu.

Xu Rong started watching.

Liu Bei was also in the hall, and Cheng Pu's eyes fell on Xu Rong, but Xu Rong's expression relaxed a little after seeing the military report for a while.

After he finished reading, Liu Bei asked, "Eng. Xu, why is the military situation urgent? Did Zhang Ji commit the crime?"

"It wasn't Zhang Ji, it was Zhang Baiqi who led thousands of troops to invade our western border."

Who is Zhang Baiqi?

Zhang Baiqi was a well-known commander of the Montenegrin Army.

Qu Shuai of the Montenegrin Army is often referred to by nicknames, such as Zhang Feiyan, and Zhang Baiqi. He likes to ride white horses, so he got this name.

Zhang Baiqi and his troops were originally active in the Heishan Valley of Hanoi County. Last winter, due to Yuan Shao's generals Chunyu Qiong and Zhang He, he could no longer settle down in Hanoi, so he led his troops to flee south from Hanoi, first crossing the river. He fled into Henan Yin, Henan Yin was too dilapidated, often more than ten miles or even dozens of miles without people, and he couldn't grab any food, so he went from Henan Yin to Hongnong County in the west.

Although he was a thief, he had a large number of troops, and secondly, he had a reputation for martial arts, and he was originally a strong man in Hanoi. Thirdly, he was willing to ask Zhang Ji for attachment. For the sake of enhancing the strength of his own troops, Zhang Ji also He was accepted and allowed to eat in Hongnong County.

Cheng Pu said: "Zhang Baiqi must have been ordered by Zhang Ji to come to Henan Yin! Duke Xu, Duke Liu, Bai Qi is known for being cunning and brave, although he escaped from Hanoi and entered Hongnong County. , but there are still thousands of its parts, and most of them are long-standing thieves, which should not be underestimated."

Liu Bei's expression changed slightly and said: "Xu Gong, if this white cavalry is sent by Zhang Ji to test our army, then if our army can't push him back quickly, then Zhang Ji is very likely to send another army. Attack me in Luoyang! When the time comes, Luoyang will have Zhang Yang and Zhang He in the east, and Zhang Ji in the west. Even if my brother and Sun Yuzhou's reinforcements arrive, I am afraid that Luoyang will be in danger!"

Xu Rong nodded and said, "What Ergong said is very true!" He asked Liu Bei and Cheng Pu, and said, "With Ergong's high opinion, what should we do now?"

Liu Bei said: "As for the plan now, to prepare for my stupidity, it is advisable to send troops urgently to exterminate Zhang Bai's cavalry!"

Xu Rong pondered for a while, and said, "The public statement is solid, but I and Cheng Gongbu currently have only three thousand soldiers in Luoyang."

Liu Bei stood up high, and said sternly: "I am not prepared, I am willing to relieve this trouble for Er Gong!"

Liu Bei said that he personally escorted the grains to Luo because he was worried that the grains might be taken away by Zhang Yang, Zhang He's soldiers or bandits in Henan's Yin territory. This was just an excuse.

Xun Zhen had already issued the order for Guan Yu, Chen Wu, Chen Bao, and Xun Chang to help Luoyang. Chen Bao and Xun Chang were all in Yingchuan. If you were worried that the grain supply would be robbed in the middle, even if the early battle preparations had not been made, it would still be complete. You can ask Chen Bao and Xun Chang to separate some of the troops and horses first, without having to wait for Guan Yu and Chen Wu to go to Luo in advance to transport food along the way.

However, the reason why Liu Bei brought the grain in person was actually for two other reasons.

One is that Luoyang is the capital of the Han Dynasty. In the world, Xunzhen is now entering Luoyang, and Henan Yin is about to become a battlefield for Xunzhen, Yuan Shao, and Li Jue to fight. It can be expected that the sight of the emperor, the imperial court and the princes of all parties will be the focus of attention. At this moment, they must have already invested here, and Luoyang, the capital of Han Dynasty, has once again become a place of attention in China.

Liu Bei was in Yingchuan so close at hand, how could he sit still? How could he be willing to follow Xun Zhen's orders and only take on the logistical responsibility of supplying grain? He is eager to participate in it, eager to join the battle for Luoyang between the enemy and the enemy, so that his reputation can be raised among the lords in the north and the south, and the key is, he can be raised in the ~ Again, through Xun Zhen's order to Chen Bao and Xun Chang, he knew that Guan Yu would come to aid Luoyang.

Since Guan Yu and Zhang Fei were all transferred from Liu Bei's side by Xun Zhen, Liu Bei has been feeling the predicament that he has no one to use all the time, like a tiger being taken to his wings, although he has won Chengding, Shiguan, etc. , but how can this generation compare with Guan Zhang? I haven't seen Guan Yu for a long time, and we only exchange letters. Although Guan Yu will pass through Yingchuan when he goes to Luoyang, Guan Yu must not be able to stay in Yingchuan for a long time. Therefore, Liu Bei also wants to participate in the battle for Luoyang so that he and Guan Yu can stay longer. Together, let's consolidate the old feelings.

Of course, for these two reasons, Liu Bei would not tell Xu Rong and Cheng Pu.

Hearing Liu Bei's words, Xu Rong was overjoyed and said, "Don't avoid danger, take the initiative to ask Ying, be honest and strong warriors! Then there will be Duke Lao."

Liu Bei said generously: "Removing thieves, defending the land, and resolving my brother's worries are our equal share of internal affairs, so what should we share with each other? Brave and brave don't dare to be."


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