The Most Romantic of the Three Kingdoms

Vol 10 Chapter 144: Biao Zhang? Henan Yin

Guan Yu beheading Zhang Baiqi with a single horse seems to be easy, but it is not.

To accomplish this, three necessary conditions are indispensable.

To have a good horse, this is one of them. If the horse is not fast enough, it cannot catch up with Zhang Baiqi. There must be outstanding force, this is the second, lack of force, even if the horse is fast and catches up with Zhang Baiqi, but in the hundreds of enemy horses, it is not a battle to kill the enemy generals, it is likely to become a suicide. . The enemy general must have a conspicuous sign. This is the third one. In the chaotic horse formation, the dust is obscured. If the enemy general has no obvious sign, it is difficult to find him. Of these three, the first two, Guan Yu had no problem; the third, Zhang Baiqi did it for Guan Yu.

Han Dang and Chen Wu, both brave generals, saw with their own eyes the scene of Guan Yu beheading Zhang Baiqi in the formation. In addition to being amazed, they couldn't help thinking about themselves, can they do this? Don't think about it, there is a conclusion, you can't do it.

Can't do it, not only because of Wuyu's good mounts, but also because of their strength.

In the previous battles, Han Dang and Chen Wu had seen Zhang Mao's agility, and few of them and the strong men under Liu Bei were Zhang Mao's rivals. Although Zhang Baiqi has never been in battle, for one thing, he is the commander of the Montenegrin Army. The Montenegrin Army is mainly composed of "bandits" and advocates "the strong is king". To be a commander of the first division, such as Zhang Feiyan, must be outstanding in martial arts; both, Zhang Bai dares to ride a white horse, and the enemy and us are fighting, how conspicuous is the white horse? One of the reasons why he was beheaded by Guan Yu was this, but from this he could also see his confidence in his own martial arts and riding skills, so Zhang Bai was definitely a warrior. In addition, this Montenegrin army is a long-standing "old thief" who has rebelled for a long time. It has fought many times with local powerful clan soldiers, with the Han army, with Yuan Shao's troops, etc., and the soldiers are all dead. The knights are also brave.

Han Dang and Chen Wu measured their own strength. If they were one-on-one, they might be able to defeat Zhang Baiqi, and if they added a spear, they should not be able to. Cavalry, as well as the hundreds of enemy cavalry scattered around Zhang Baiqi, it is extremely difficult for the two of them to be like Guan Yu. Taking the heads of enemy generals in the ten thousand army formation is like searching for something.

"Bandits" worship the strong, and military generals and soldiers also worship the strong.

Han Dang, Sun He, Chen Wu and others drove their horses to the vicinity of Liu Bei and Guan Yu. You said a word, and I could not stop praising Guan Yu. Young as Chen Wuzhe, and his three followers, all looked at Guan Yu with admiration and admiration.

Liu Bei and Yourong Yan, Guan Yu looked as usual.

After Zhang Baiqi and Zhang Mao were dead, their cavalrymen fled, Liu Bei said, "We should take advantage of Yunchang to kill Baiqi. The thieves have no chance to take this opportunity. Our troops rush in pursuit to wipe out this group of thieves!"

Han Dang, Sun He, and Chen Wu all agreed.

So the generals urged their headquarters, turned around, and chased after them. Race to the north until nightfall. Not only did the cavalry of Zhang Bai's cavalry unit capture half of Thailand, but the infantry of Zhang Bai's cavalry unit were unprepared. Checking the results of the battle, the divisions combined, captured more than 2,000 thieves and soldiers, and Zhang Bai's cavalry division only had more than 1,000 cavalry.

Although more than a thousand people escaped and failed to achieve complete annihilation, but Zhang Bai was dead and the main force of his army was also wiped out, so those who escaped were not a cause for concern. They would definitely not dare to stay in Henan Yin again. Either go back to find Zhang Ji, or go to another place and continue to be a bandit.

Liu Bei and the others then rested their camps overnight, and the next day they triumphantly took the prisoners and captured weapons and grains.

Xu Rong and Cheng Pu received the news and were overjoyed.

In the military newspaper, it was mentioned that Guan Yu killed Zhang Baiqi in an array.

Zhang Fan's days under Xun Zhen's tent have not been long, so he was very surprised and said, "How could Yoko Ye have the courage of Ben and Yu?"

"Yokano Colonel" is Guan Yu's current official position.

Comparing Guan Yu with "Ben and Yu" seems to be a compliment, but Zhang Hong knew that Guan Yu was arrogant and that Xun Zhen loved Guan Yu very much. Said: "Ben, educate, two brave husbands, what is Yunchang! Gongyi, Yunchang is loyal and righteous, pity the poor and the poor, love the soldiers and soldiers, the lord often compares him with the ancient sages and gentlemen!"

Liu Bei and the others returned to Luoyang, went to worship Zhang Hong and Xu Rong, and reported in detail the process of destroying Zhang Bai's cavalry.

Xu Rong and others praised Guan Yu again.

Xu Rong said with a smile: "In this battle, Yun Chang's formation has killed the bandit generals, which is a great achievement; the defeat of Zhang Baiqi will greatly help our army's defense against the enemy. Your lord will reward you for your merits and deeds, Yun Chang, I want to come. In the next day, the letter of the lord's promotion to the general will be sent to Chang'an!"

Guan Yu said indifferently: "Scholars die for those who are confidants, and what Yu asks for, how can officials and nobles benefit?"

Zhang Fan was amazed by these words and gestures, which were indeed unusual for generals to do.

-Zhang Zhang Fan is a son of the public family, his family is a family of hairpins, and Guan Yu was born in desperation, and his family is a commoner in Hedong. Guan Yu's words and deeds. And needless to say.

The troubles in the southwest of Luoyang have been resolved. Although Zhang Ji and others from Hongnong County have not yet sent troops, according to the latest information, Zhang Ji has been writing letters to Duan Xun and Yang Ding recently. Xu Rong judged that Zhang Ji was in high probability. Plan to send troops to Luoyang.

Therefore, Xu Rong and Cheng Pu said: "You can't hold on with Zhang Yang and Zhang He for a long time! Luo Ye is supposed to be an internal response, Zhang Ji may send troops, and things will change after a long time. Now Zhang Bai's cavalry has been destroyed, and Sun Yuzhou and my lord Our reinforcements have also arrived in Luoyang. Our army has more than 15,000 troops, enough to fight Zhang Yang and Zhang He. In my humble opinion, we can plan an attack on Zhang Yang and Zhang He!"

Cheng Pu agrees.

After sending Xun Zhen a military report to destroy Zhang Bai's cavalry department, Xu Rong and Cheng Pu began to concentrate their forces to realize the strategy they had agreed on before: "Destroy Zhang Bai cavalry first, then attack Zhang Yang and Zhang He". second stage.

Dear, this chapter is not over, there is another page ^0^

At the beginning of November, it began to snow, and it continued for three or four days. The heavy snow gradually became smaller, but it did not stop.

Although Xuzhou is not as cold as the secluded land, the eaves of the prefecture have long ice ridges, which are crystal clear, and the pool water in the courtyard is also covered with a thick layer of ice. Even though the water was dripping into ice, Xun Zhen still went to the Auditorium for administrative office every day.

Under the specific responsibility of Xi Zhicai, mainly Xun Yu and Chen Qun, the work of moving the shogunate to Changyi went smoothly.

In Changyi, Yanzhou, the site selection and construction of the new shogunate and military camps are also progressing rapidly. Xun You has not only selected the site for the new shogunate, and obtained permission from Xun Zhen, but has already started construction.

Some shogunate officials and some soldiers and horses who were assigned to Changyi have also gone to Changyi in advance.

Some of the shogunate officials went there first to make a forerunner for the entire migration of the shogunate.

Part of the army went first, not only to prepare for the subsequent relocation of the large troops, and to build some grain depots and military depots along the way, but also because Xunzhen did not want to overwork the people of Yanzhou because of the relocation.

If only one shogunate was to be built, according to Xunzhen's order of "frugality and generosity, enough is enough, no extravagance", even with the addition of official residences and residences for the officials' families, it would not require much people's strength.

But if you add the camps of the troops and the residences of the family members of the troops, the whole project will be very large.

Yanzhou is not very stable now. After all, it is a newly acquired land. There are Cheng's Li family and other families who were exterminated due to rebellion, and madmen like Wang Chang were killed. More importantly, Xun Youfeng. The decree of Xunzhen, the measures that were vigorously implemented in Yanzhou to suppress the tyrannical powers, and to collect the apprentices of the tyrants and strong families to attach importance to the establishment of Qimin under the government's jurisdiction, etc., directly and seriously damaged the interests of the tyrants and gentry of Yanzhou, so some in the state Scholars and tyrannical men still hold a mentality of resistance and even rejection to Xun Zhen until now.

Under this circumstance, Xun Zhen certainly didn't want to give excuses to such tycoons and scholars, and let them take the opportunity of building the shogunate and the barracks to accuse him of building large-scale projects, driving the common people, and even causing turmoil. Even after the busy farming season, Xun Zhen still did not allow Xun You to use too much of the local people's strength, and would rather send some troops over and ask the soldiers to do camp building and other tasks.

On the one hand, he paid attention to the matter of the shogunate's relocation. On the other hand, Xun Zhen approved the list of officials who "recommended to follow the relocation" reported by Xun Yu and Chen Qun. These officials were not the original officials of the shogunate. They are officials of the prefecture, and a few are officials of various counties in Xuzhou. Xun Zhen eliminated a few and added a few. After the list is determined, those who are suitable for the post are listed. Those who expressed their positions were appointed as shoguns instead, and both gave them new seals.

Previously, in Guangling, Pengcheng, and Langya counties, one or more canals were newly built to provide water for the military and civilian settlements in the counties, but they were not completed. After urging the county governors of the counties to start repairs.

Water conservancy is related to the development of agriculture, and the construction of canals is not only beneficial to military and civilian settlements, but also to local people's cultivation. If the construction of large canals such as the Yang Canal near Luoyang and the Great Wall, it will also be beneficial to the military, such as the transportation of troops and grain. Therefore, in the past few years in Xuzhou, Xun Zhen has always attached great importance to water conservancy and vigorously developed it.

In addition, Qingzhou has been ravaged by the Yellow Turbans for many years. Although the Yellow Turbans are flat now, the development of agriculture cannot be achieved overnight. Xun Cheng wrote that Qingzhou is quite short of food. Xun Zhen asked Xun Cheng to estimate the specific number of grain shortages, and ordered Xun Yu to transfer grain from the warehouses of Xuzhou Prefecture and various counties, and transport it to support.

The granaries of the shogunate were all military rations, most of which came from military and civilian villages. Usually, it was not used by troops, and Xunzhen would never use it elsewhere. This time, he took it out and shipped it to Xun Cheng. Some shogunate officials couldn't figure it out. Some people said, "Henan Yin is about to start a war. At this time, it is time to increase the military ration reserves, but how can they be transported to Qingzhou?" Xun Zhen was patient and explained to them, saying: "This is not only It is only to provide relief to the people of Qingzhou, to help the poor households in Qingzhou to survive the winter, but also to avoid chaos in Qingzhou again. Qingzhou has just been settled, the place is not settled, there are still quite a few yellow scarves scattered in the mountains and fields, if there is a lack of food, there will be large-scale If there is a famine, it is very likely that there will be a rebellion again, and the one that has already fallen may also rebel again, coercing the people, and Qingzhou will become a thief again. At that time, will it be necessary to send troops to suppress the rebellion? Is it necessary to send troops to suppress the rebellion? Need military rations? And the amount of military rations needed is more than the amount of military rations currently transferred to Qingzhou! Because the military rations are currently being transferred to help, on the surface, the military rations are used for other purposes, but in fact it is suitable for its use, and it may be a saving. "

The bigger the site, the more things will happen.

In short, the government affairs reported by Qianzhi and local state and county newspapers, as well as the military affairs reported by various military and horse newspapers, even if Xun Yu, Chen Qun, Yuan Sui, Xuankang, etc. first deal with and filter, the final report to Xunzhen is still here. Papers are like mountains.

Xun Zhen had to work until late almost every day to finish her work. There is no need to say much.

Mid-November, this afternoon.

As Xu Rong guessed, after reading the military report "Da Po Zhang Bai Cavalry", he just sent Guan Yu's letter to Chang'an as "Yoko Zhong Lang", and at the same time, he sent the completed seal to Chang'an. A few days after Luoyang gave Guan Yu, another military report was sent to Xun Zhen's case.

This military report was sent from Luoyang and written by Xu Rong himself.

When the army reported, Xun Zhen was in the hall, listening to Xun Yu and Chen Qun reporting to him on the two matters of relocation and support for food in Qingzhou - Xi Zhicai was not there, he was sick a few days ago, the weather was cold, Xun Zhen went Tell him to rest at home without having to come to the shogunate.

Suspend foreign exchange

Dear, this chapter is not over, there is another page ^0^ newspaper, Xun Yu, Chen Qun and other Xun Zhen browse the military newspaper.

After reading it, Xun Zhen was quite happy and laughed with Xun Yu, Chen Qun said, "Zhang Yang and Zhang He have been defeated and have retreated to Hanoi."

Chen Qun was stunned for a moment, and said, "Didn't the military report on the extermination of Zhang Bai's cavalry bandits arrive at the beginning of the month? How long did it take to defeat Zhang Yang and Zhang He again?" He praised, "General Xu used his troops, and his illness was very serious. Such as the wind! Ming Gong did not make a mistake in choosing him to be the main commander of Luoyang!"

Xun Zhen stroked her short mustache, she couldn't tell if she was proud or humble, and smiled leisurely: "Chang Wen, my political skills are not as good as Wen Ruo, my wisdom and foresight are not as good as my ambition, and my courage is not as good as Yun Chang's generals, but I can do what I am today. Achievement is only because of three things, diligent to make up for one's selfishness, one is the ability to know people, the second is the ability to use people without doubt, the third is. "

"It's because of people" is what Mao Sui said, satirizing mediocre people who rely on others to make things happen, but Xun Zhen used it to describe herself.

Xun Yu laughed and said, "Brother, how humble! Those who can do these three things must be heroes!"

Chen Qun took it seriously and said sternly: "In the past, Gaozu said to himself, 'All three are outstanding people, I can use them, and this is why I take the world'. If you can recognize and employ people like Gaozu, you are a man!"

Hearing this, Xun Yu glanced at Chen Qun, as if he wanted to say something, but he didn't say it after all.

The two joined in, and followed Xun Zhen's words, and said a few words to Xun Zhen.

Xun Yu turned back and said, "I have heard that in Zhang Yang and Zhang He's army, Yuan Benchu ​​sent Xu You to be the supervisor of the army, and Xu Ziyuan was a resourceful man. Yu Shang was worried that this battle would not be easy to fight, and it might be delayed. Time! And if Zhang Ji took the opportunity to attack, Luoyang would be in danger. I never expected that General Xu would be victorious so quickly!" Asking Xunzhen, he said, "Brother, is there a report in General Xu's military newspaper? What is the economic situation? Is there any change in the Liangzhou three generals in Hongnong County?"

Xun Zhen smiled and said, "You two have a look at this military report first. Chen Wu's contribution to the victory in this battle is quite great."

Saying that, Xun Zhen handed the military report to the subordinate officer who was at the side of the case, and the subordinate officer held it to Xun Yu and Chen Qun to watch.

Xun Yu and Chen Qun took turns to watch, they knew how Xu Rong, Cheng Pu, Liu Bei and others won the battle.

As Xu Rong said in the military newspaper, the first contribution of this battle was indeed made by Chen Wu.

However, Xu Rong established the military strategy for the key battle of this battle.

On that day, I negotiated with Cheng Pu that we should concentrate our troops and seize the time. After defeating Zhang Yang and Zhang He first, Xu Rong invited Zhang Hong and others. Left to guard Luoyang, Xu Rong, Liu Bei, Guan Yu, Han Dang, Chen Wu, and Chen Wu led the main force to Chenggao to participate in the war.

Afterwards, Xu Rong and others led his troops out of Luo and went to Chenggao to meet Zhang Yang and Zhang He's troops.

In Chenggao, although Xu Rong and other ministries had a favorable geographical position, and the number of troops and horses they dismounted was comparable to that of Zhang Yang and Zhang He, they were no longer at a disadvantage. "Unfavorable" state.

Chenggao City, Hulao, and Xuanmen are definitely in the hands of Xu Rong and others. However, Zhang Yang and Zhang He have not fought in large numbers since they arrived here, especially the soldiers of Zhang Yang, who spent most of their time here. The fort has been built, and their camp is now quite solid.

After the two sides fought, they fought a few battles, and Zhang Yang was not active in the battle. Chenggao, Hulao and Xuanmen gates were not able to be defeated by the Jizhou soldiers. times, can't beat it.

Soon, the enemy and I fell into a stalemate.

Xu Rong wrote in the military newspaper: "Zhang Yang avoided the war, and the last generals and other forces could not attack the wall by force, but Cheng Gongshu arrived, Luo Ye went to secret letter and Zhang Ji, worried that Zhang Ji would send troops, and the last generals and Xuande, Yigong At the meeting of the lords of Yunchang, you may think it is appropriate to divide your troops back to help defend Luoyang."

However, Zhang Yang did not have the heart to fight, and was passive and slack. At this time, it became an advantage in their favor.

And just when Xu Rong and others were worried about this, they continued to discuss the military for two days with no results. On this day, it snowed.

The day it snowed was the beginning of this month, and it also snowed in Xuzhou.

The snow began to fall at noon, and it fell for half a day and a night. The next morning, when the tent was opened, the eyes were white, and it had already fallen a thick layer. The biting cold wind was blowing, Xu Rong shivered, and a plan suddenly occurred, and he immediately summoned him. Han Dang, Liu Bei, Guan Yu, Chen Wu, Chen Wu and others came to discuss.

Xu Rongjun newspaper wrote: "The last general, because of a plan for his life, talked to the monarchs of Xuande."

In the tent, Xu Rong, Liu Bei and others said: "I think we might as well take the matter of splitting our troops back to Luoyang."

Liu Bei, Han Dang, Guan Yu, Chen Wu, and Chen Wu did not understand their meaning. It should be known that Xu Rong was the most opposed to the division of troops during the two-day military discussion. change idea?

Liu Bei asked, "There must be something in what Duke Xu said, so dare to ask what Duke means?"

Xu Rong said, "We've been fighting against Zhang Yang and Zhang He's group these days, and Zhang Yang's group is indeed idling..." Having said this, he smiled, changed the subject, and said, "Speaking of which, it's all Cheng Junmou's work. Credit!" Turning back to the main topic, he continued, "Since he is idle, if our army divides troops and returns to Luoyang at this time, he will definitely become more passive and idle when he finds out. The general does not want to fight, and his soldiers naturally It will also relax because of this. The snow fell yesterday, and it happened that we had a truce with them. I see that the snow will not stop for a day or two. That is to say, our army and Zhang Yang and Zhang He have at least a truce for several days! Slacken, if the truce lasts for a few more days, its soldiers will definitely be more slack! Why don't I quietly prepare today and choose the best

Dear, this chapter is not over, there is a next page, ^0^ gentleman, Hou Xuexiao, attacking him in the middle of the night? "

But Xu Rong's plan was to attack the camp on a snowy night.

Liu Bei thought for a while, and said, "The espionage has been in the air for a few days. It's not that Zhang Yang's army is slacking off, or Zhang He's camp. He also hears songs and music from time to time. It is said that Xu Ziyuan often feasts and watches dances. The army is very strict, and it is expected that its morale will be slack now! The soldiers in the battalion should also be relatively slack! Xu Gong's strategy is great! If you follow this strategy, you will definitely be victorious!"

Han Dang, Guan Yu, Chen Wu, and Chen Wu had no objection.

According to Xu Rong's strategy, he pretended to divide his troops and returned to Luoyang the next day.

Then, Yu selected 800 Ruishi from the army, and Chen Wu and Chen Wu personally led them to prepare for Xue Xiao to attack the enemy camp. Why wait until Xue Xiao and not until Xue Xiao stopped? The snow is small, but it is still going down, and people will feel a sense of continuation psychologically; and if the snow stops, the guards of Zhang Yang and Zhang He's soldiers will be strengthened accordingly.

At night, the snow reflects the moonlight. Compared with usual, the field of vision for the defenders is relatively good. The Han is still hot, and the uniforms are all red. The snow is lined, and it will definitely be very eye-catching. Therefore, Xu Rong passed the military order, and Hundreds of white cloaks were temporarily made and distributed to the selected warriors, asking them to wear them when they attacked at night, so as not to be discovered by the guards of the enemy camp before they reached the enemy camp.

Everything is ready.

On the third day, the snow became lighter.

After the second watch, Chen Wu and Chen Wu each led 400 people and quietly left the camp, heading towards Zhang Yang and Zhang He's camp. Zhang Yang's troops were numerous, and Chen Wu went to attack them, while Zhang He's troops were few, and Chen Wu went to attack them.

Although Zhang Yang and Zhang He were part of the same army, they were united troops after all, one was from Hanoi and the other was from Jizhou, so the camp was not one, but two, but they were not far from each other.

In the past few days, Xu You has indeed been drinking and watching dances in the camp every day.

Xu You is a smart man, and a smart man who is unwilling to do useless work. He knows that Zhang Yang is unwilling to fight, and he knows that Zhang He's troops are not enough to control Zhang Yang. Even if he forces Zhang Yang, it is useless. , then why did he bother? Not to mention that Zhang Yang surreptitiously gave him rich gold and silver goods as bribes, so it would not be a waste of time. To put it bluntly, let's make publicity here, and perfunctory Yuan Shao over there, that's all.

I just didn't expect that Xu Rong would use the strategy of attacking the camp in the snowy night.

While sleeping on the warm couch, he was suddenly awakened by the movement outside, and Xu You called the servants outside to come in.

The servant rushed in in panic and shouted, "Xuzhou army raids the camp!"

Xu You was a chivalrous man in his early years, and in the first year of Zhongping, he also planned with Wang Fen, the prefect of Jizhou, to abolish the spirit emperor and change the Hefei Marquis as the emperor.

The servant said, "It's urgent!"

Xu You stayed, got dressed, and ordered, "Take me to Zhang He's place."

"Xu Gong, why don't you leave the camp quickly and go to Captain Zhang's office?"

Xu You said: "You and I are out of the camp, can you resist the more than ten thousand Xuzhou soldiers? Zhang He is strong and strong, and can keep me safe."

Zhang He is not only strong, but also clever and good at the formation of the camp. Although his troops were feasting every day because of Xu You, listening to songs and dancing, and because Xu Rong pretended to divide the army, his morale was indeed a little slack, but he laid a good foundation. The camp was well built and the response was timely. Chen Wu led his troops to kill him. Although he took the lead, he was stopped under the wall.

From the third shift to the fourth shift, Zhang He's camp has not been captured.

Chen Wu was anxious, and the noise in Zhang Yang's camp in the north suddenly became louder. The two of them looked and saw that there was a fire in Zhang Yang's camp.

"It was Colonel Chen who captured Zhang Yang's camp!"

After Chen Wu was cast under Sun Ce's tent, he was deeply loved by Sun Ce. This was the first battle in which he led his troops to fight alone. How could he be willing to fail? Not to be left behind. When Chen Wu came to join Sun Ce from Lujiang, he brought more than a hundred people with him, and several of them were now by his side. He took off his armor, and in the blizzard and snow, bare-chested with a knife, he led this group of people, took the lead, climbed the camp wall, and once again Braving arrows, he stormed Zhang He's barrier.

The capture of Zhang Yang's camp directly affected the fighting spirit of Zhang He's soldiers.

First, a section of the camp wall of Zhang He's camp was captured, and then most of the west camp wall to the south of the Yuanmen of Zhang He's camp was lost.

Zhang He gathered his troops, retreated from the east of the camp wall, gathered at the southeast corner of the camp, and continued to resist stubbornly. He sent military officials to find Zhang Yang, hoping that Zhang Yang could lead his troops to withdraw from his base camp, and the two armies would cooperate with one another to make a further effort. war.

In the camp of Xu Rong, several miles to the east, the sound of drum horns was heard in the wind.

Zhang He looked at it and saw that it was the main force of the Xuzhou soldiers.

Going to Zhang Yang's military officials to report, Zhang Yang's camp was in chaos, and the Hanoi soldiers of Zhang Yang's department fled in all directions, but Zhang Yang could not be found. Governor Zhang He had no choice but to abandon the camp, protect Xu You, and retreat after the battle.

Xu Rongjun newspaper wrote: "Zhang Yang's camp was captured by Chen Wu, and his battalion was in chaos. Zhang He's army was a little tidy, and the snow was a little thicker, which was not good for quick pursuit. Zhang Yang was not captured because Zhang He and Xu You escaped. ."

Famous generals always appreciate each other. In the military newspaper, although Xu Rong did not express his appreciation for Zhang He, the four words "the army is still a little tidy", compared with the previous "his battalion and horses are in chaos", it is enough to see Xu Rong. Appreciation for Zhang He.

Zhang Yang's army was defeated and the casualties were heavy. Zhang He's army had few troops and horses. Now that the main force of Zhang Yang's army was gone, it was obviously even more incapable of attacking Chenggao. After Zhang Yang was finally found, Zhang Yang, Xu You, and Zhang He led the remaining soldiers. Crossed the Yellow River northwards and went back to Hanoi.

Xu Rong's troops have now been expanded, and they have the strength to occupy more important military positions. Xu Rong sent a troops to Xingyang and stationed them there.

Dear, this chapter is not over, there is another page ^0^ It is to advance the defense of Luoyang eastern front a step, and according to Xun Zhen's previous military order, leave Chen Wu to guard Chenggao, since Liu Bei, Han Dang, Guan Yu, Chen Wu, etc. led the remaining main forces to Luoyang.

However, after Xu You, Zhang Yang, and Zhang He were defeated and retreated to Hanoi, another incident happened.

Xu Rong didn't know about this, so he didn't report it to Xun Zhen in the military newspaper.

Xu You was ordered to supervise Zhang Yang and Zhang He's army to attack Luoyang. Before leaving Ye County, Yuan Shao gave him an order, telling him to finish the battle and return to Ye County to bring the brothers Zhang Miao and Zhang Chao who were in Hanoi to him. From Ye County.

Following Yuan Shao's order, Xu You sent someone to invite Zhang Miao and Zhang Chao on the day they retreated to Hanoi, and told them Yuan Shao's intentions.

When Zhang Miao heard the words, he immediately lost his color.

Zhang Chao also changed his color.

Zhang Miao has an identity in the end, and he lost his color and did not speak.

Although Zhang Chao also served as the prefect of 2,000 Stones, who would call him less famous than Zhang Miao, Zhang Miao's younger brother? Zhang Miao did not speak, at this time, he could only speak. He asked in panic, "Empress Xu, why did Eunuch Yuan summon my brother to Ye?"

Xu You didn't smile, and said, "Do you have any doubts?"

There was no one else in the hall, Zhang Chao simply pointed it out, asked Xu You, and said, "But Duke Yuan wants to kill my brother?"

Zhang Miao and Yuan Shao had a good relationship earlier, but when they were discussing Dong, there was a conflict between the two. This is known to everyone in the world. At that time, Yuan Shao’s army was in Hanoi, and he was the leader of the coalition army. Zhang Miao and most of the lords were stationed in Suanzao under his rule. He criticized Yuan Shao face to face, which dealt a blow to Yuan Shao's prestige.

Yuan Shao hated him for this. Later, Yuan Shao secretly asked Cao Cao to kill Zhang Miao for this reason. It's just that Cao Cao didn't do it. Cao Cao is not a fool, Yuan Shao clearly wanted to use him as a swordsman. If Cao Cao listened to what he said, it would not only be a thorn in Yuan Shao's side, but Cao Cao would lose a help, and Cao Cao's own reputation would also become very bad. , Yuan Shao's plan can be described as killing three birds with one stone.

Cao Cao did not kill Zhang Miao, but told Zhang Miao about it.

From that time on, Zhang Miao was deeply wary of Yuan Shao. However, at this time, they heard that Yuan Shao wanted Xu You to bring his brother to Ye County, because of reason, Zhang Miao and Zhang Chao were afraid, whether it was Yuan Shao who wanted to kill them, Zhang Chao asked this question, it seemed All are not wrong.

But in fact, they guessed wrong.

Xu You smiled and said to Zhang Chao, "Meng Gao, you are confused!"

Zhang Chao said, "Where is the servant confused?"

Xu You said: "Zhang Gong's virtue is highly respected in the world, and your lord is also a famous person in the sea. Yuan Gong is a virtuous corporal, and he and Zhang Gong have been on good terms in the past. Now I invite Zhang Gong and Jun's brothers to enter Ye, for the sake of saying goodbye, but why? Will you kill Duke Zhang and Jun?"

Zhang Chao didn't believe it and said, "Xu Gong, is this true?"

Xu You's words are not false, Yuan Shao really did not want to kill Zhang Miao.

Xu You saw that Zhang Miao and Zhang Chao were so insensitive, and felt contemptuous. However, Zhang Miao was known as the elder, and he valued it at home. In the old years, Xu You and Zhang Miao were both heroes, and the two were also old friends. The respect still had to be given, so he didn't show it. In order to reassure them, he told them bluntly, saying: "Although Duke Zhang is now forced by Xun Zhen to leave Chen Liu, but when the Duke administers Chen Liu, he respects scholars and officials very seriously. The love of the county officials, even if Duke Yuan didn’t have a good relationship with Duke Zhang’s former Mo Ni, just to prevent Chen Liu from being taken away so easily by Xun Zhenzhi, Duke Yuan would not kill Duke Zhang and Jun!”

After listening to Xu You's words, Zhang Miao and Zhang Chao's mood was settled for the time being.

Although it has been decided that this time in Ye County, even if it falls into Yuan Shao's hands completely, what will be the future? It is estimated that food, clothing and accommodation will not be bad, and all kinds of grievances will be indispensable. The two brothers thought about this and looked at each other sadly.

In the time of Taiping, with Zhang Miao and Zhang Chao's clan reputation and fame, it would be more than enough to be a county magistrate. That's it, it ended up like this.

But having said that, compared to the current situation with the former Jizhou Mu Han Fu, Zhang Miao and Zhang Chao, they are still a lot stronger. That Han Fu was not as good as Zhang Miao, and it was a useless thing to let Jizhou give to Yuan Shao. In the end, Yuan Shao was so frightened that he committed suicide in the toilet, which was even more humiliating and useless.

But he said, since it wasn't to kill Zhang Miao, why did Yuan Shao want Xu You to bring Zhang Miao's brothers to Ye County?

This is because, although the present day is not as good as in the past, the current Zhang Miao has long been left behind by Yuan Shao in terms of strength and is far behind. In fact, even Zhang Miao, who was the prefect of Chenliu before, can no longer compare with Yuan Shao in terms of strength. , but his virtue still exists. He stayed in Hanoi for a long time, Yuan Shao was inevitably suspicious. What if he betrayed Yuan Shao as Zhang Yang said?

Without Hanoi as a barrier to the south of Jizhou, and without the natural danger of the Yellow River, if the enemy attacks from Hanoi from the north, and Wei County borders Hanoi, what will Yuan Shao have to defend? Especially considering that Yu Fuluo tried to kidnap Zhang Yang and betray Yuan Shao before, Zhang Miao couldn't let him stay in Hanoi! Therefore, Zhang Miao had to be taken to Ye County.

In fact, Yuan Shao had given Zhang Yang a book before and told him to send Zhang Miao and Zhang Chao to Ye County. Zhang Yang made an excuse to refuse and did not accept his order.

At this point, I might as well say one more thing. On the way to the east of the army, Cao Cao sighed after receiving a letter from Zhang Miao saying that Zhang He's troops had entered Hanoi, "Meng Zhuo has no place to stand." At that time, Cao Cao had already expected that Yuan Shao would send troops to fight Luoyang together with Zhang Yang this time, and he would definitely take care of the brothers Zhang Miao and Zhang Chao by the way. But it was Zhang Miao's important issue that was related to him. He didn't even understand it, but he kept on going all the way.

Dear, this chapter is not over, there is another page ^0^ I have been honestly staying in Hanoi until now.

The world of the Han family collapsed because eunuchs took power and corrupt officials provoked civil upheaval. It also collapsed because of these literati who boasted of being pure, lacking real talents, relying on the voice of the clan, and being able to wear hairpins. Such.

It was sent together with Xu Rongjun Newspaper, and a letter from Zhang Hong.

The content of Zhang Hong's letter mainly pointed out a problem to Xun Zhen and recommended a person to Xun Zhen.

The problem pointed out is that with the increase of troops stationed in Henan Yin, only relying on the transfer of grain from Yingchuan and Yuzhou, I am afraid that it will gradually become insufficient. Therefore, he suggested that Xunzhen should not develop farmland in Luoyang as Xuzhou had done before.

The person who recommended was none other than Xu Rong, who told Xu Rong that he had taken refuge with Xun Zhen. The poor sects at home and abroad, Zhou is anxious to follow the lack, and is known for his loyalty." He thought that "it is also useful for him", and suggested that Xun Zhen, if he felt that his proposal to develop the land in Luoyang was feasible, he could use Ren Jun to take charge of this responsibility.

After Xun Yu and Chen Qun read Xu Rong's military newspaper, Xun Zhen also read Zhang Hong's book.

He then showed Zhang Hong's book to Xun Yu and Chen Qun to read, and when they read it again, Xun Zhen said, "Master Jijiu suggested that I settle the fields in Luoyang, and recommended Ren Jun, the registrar of Henan, to take up this position. Is it feasible for the Jijiu to discuss these two things?"

Although Zhang Hong is now engaged in sacrificial wine in the non-state government, Xun Zhen is used to addressing him, so he still refers to him as such.

Xun Yu and Chen Qun each fell into thought.

When it comes to farmland, Chen Qun has more say than Xun Yu. Because Xunzhen established the shogunate, UU reading www. Chen Qun has always been in charge of logistics and finance, and the military camp is under his jurisdiction.

After the two thought about it, Xun Yu was the first to speak, and Xun Yu's remarks did not seem to be related to the matter of Tuntian.

Xun Yu said: "Brother, in General Xu's military report, Yu Jian mentioned the matter of Luo Ye collaborating with the enemy again."


The matter of "Luo Ye collaborating with the enemy", Xu Rong reported it to Xun Zhen as soon as he learned of it, and asked Xun Zhen how to deal with it. Xun Zhen replied to him at that time, and he first repelled the troops of Zhang Yang and Zhang He before speaking.

Xun Yu said: "Brother, in Yu's stupid opinion, can you denote the Jijiu Gong as Henan Yin?"

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