The Most Romantic of the Three Kingdoms

Vol 9 Chapter 102: If you want to attack Changyi, cut off your aid first

Xun Zhen sent a letter to Cao Cao some time ago, instructing him on the situation and persuading him to withdraw to Dongjun.

Although the letter cited several disadvantages of Cao Cao today.

For example, Cao Cao became the prefect of Yanzhou through the operation and support of some Yandi scholars without the court's decree, and his name is not right, and he has just taken office. Attached, is one of them.

Cao Cao was first defeated in Rencheng, and then Bao Xin was defeated and died in Shouzhang. After several major defeats, Yanzhou's morale had fallen to the bottom, which is the second.

Yuan Yi, Wu Zi, and especially Zhang Miao, at this time, each had their own thoughts and could not rely on them, which was the third.

It seemed that the words were straightforward, as if the winning ticket was indeed in Xun Zhen's grasp.

But in fact, Xun Zhen did not have no intention of fighting Cao Cao at that time, and what he said in his letter was only intimidation.

Because the Xuzhou soldiers came to fight fiercely in Japan, Xunzhen believed that Le Jin, Zhao Yun, Xu Xian, Chen Bao, Liu Bei and other troops were already exhausted, but they had already made a plan to withdraw their troops when they were ready.

It was all Xi Zhicai who made suggestions, gave Xun Zhen an in-depth analysis of the situation of the enemy and us, and proposed to Xun Zhen:

Although our army is tired, the Yanzhou soldiers are also very tired, and the Yanzhou soldiers still have the biggest problem of instability after repeated defeats. In contrast, the Xuzhou soldiers still have the upper hand. Therefore, he actively suggested to Xun Zhen that not only should he not withdraw his troops, but at this moment, he should continue to advance and seize the favorable fighter opportunities in order to further defeat Shanyang and Jiyin.

After serious consideration, Xun Zhen thought that Xi Zhicai was justified, so he followed the good manners, changed the idea of ​​​​withdrawing troops, and turned to lead the troops and horses of the township to attack Shanyang.

As Xi Zhicai expected, the guards of Gaoping and Hulu cities, if the army's heart is shaken and morale fluctuates, from generals to soldiers, none of them have the will to defend the city resolutely. The city surrendered one after another.

He also used the tactic of playing Zhicai to send Ren Du to lead a hundred warriors, pretending to be fleeing people, and infiltrating Fang and the city, and regained the lower and the lower after a battle.

Now that the battle has been fought, not only Xun Zhen, but also middle and low-level military officials like Ren Du are full of confidence in the prospect of conquering Shanyang and Jiyin counties.

The soldiers used their lives, and the morale of Xuzhou soldiers rose to a new height.

Fang and the county hall.

At this time, Zhang Zhao, who was engaged in the governance of Xuzhou Prefecture, looked worried.

Shanyang and Jiyin are both big counties, and there are many famous people in the counties. In order to do a good job of comforting and recruiting after the war, and to eliminate the resistance of local scholars to Xun Zhen to the greatest extent, Xun Zhen temporarily summoned Zhang Zhao before joining the township to send troops. in the army.

Zhang Zhao was one of the most prestigious scholars under Xun Zhen's account. Having him by his side would greatly help Xun Zhen's "United Front" work.

Zhang Zhao said: "Changyi, the county seat of Shanyang, is only a hundred miles away from the Cheng family, and there is no danger. If Changyi is acquired by our army, it will pose a huge threat to the Cheng family. If it falls, I expect he will send troops to aid Changyi.

"Although Caodong County was defeated several times, in recent months, he has gathered soldiers from Shanyang, Jiyin, Chenliu, and Dongjun counties, and has recruited people from all counties. No less than 20,000 or 30,000 people. If he supports Changyi in a big way, ... Duke Ming, this will be a big battle! Our army is not as strong as Caodong County, and if the battle is deadlocked, the outcome will be unpredictable!"

Xun Zhen agreed and said, "What Zhang Gong said is very true." He asked Xun You, Xi Zhicai, etc., and said, "What are the best strategies for you?"

Xi Zhicai smiled and said, "Don't worry about Duke Zhang. If Yuan Boye didn't abandon the county and flee, and the army and the people of Shanyang were united in sticking to Changyi, the battle would be unpredictable. But now, Yuan Boye has fled with half of the county soldiers. When I went to the Cheng family, there is currently no owner in Shanyang, and Changyi lacks major generals. I expect that Changyi County will be in a state of fear at the moment, but it will not be difficult for our army to attack it.”

Zhang Zhao asked, "What if Cao Dongjun sent troops to help?"

Xi Zhicai got down from the couch, asked Xunzhen to borrow a sword, walked to the map in the hall, pointed to the location of Changyi City with the scabbard, and said, "Although Changyi is close to the Cheng family, it is separated by Sishui. Changyi is on the south bank of Sishui. If Caodong County is helping Changyi, there are only two ways to go."

He moved the scabbard to the Cheng clan in the northwest of Changyi, and drew down to Changyi County, saying, "The Cheng clan will send troops, cross the Jishui, and enter Changyi County. This is a road."

He moved the scabbard to the southwest of Changyi, stopped at Dingtao, the county seat of Jiyin County, and said, "Dingtao is not far from Changyi, and it is also a hundred miles away. The other road in Caodong County is from Dingtao. To send troops to aid Changyi. From Dingtao to Changyi, although it is necessary to cross the Jishui, but the Jishui is in the south of Dingtao City. Compared with the Cheng family, you have to cross the river outside Changyi, but it is much safer."

Zhang Zhao looked at the map attentively, listened to Xi Zhi's words, and asked: "What you mean is that Cao Dong County will not send troops from Cheng to aid Changyi, but will send troops from Dingtao to aid Changyi. Yi?"

Xi Zhicai shook his head slightly and said, "The way of the military is true and false. Where will Caodong County send troops to aid Changyi, I can't judge."

"What do you mean by that?"

"What I mean is, although it's hard to tell where Cao Dongjun will send troops, there are only two roads for him to send troops. Then, as long as our army blocks these two roads, we can cut off Changyi. Is there any foreign aid? Yuan Boye has fled, the guards are depressed, and there is no reinforcement outside, Changyi, you can go down with one drum!"

Zhang Zhao thought about it for a long time, and then said: "This road from Cheng's to Changyi, do you think Laijun wants to ask General Xu to isolate it?"

Xu Xianbu's current location is in the countryside of Juye and Jin.

Juye and Jinxiang are north of Chengshi and Changyi.

Xi Zhicai said with a smile: "This has to be decided by the lord."

Xun Zhen smiled slightly and said, "I will trouble Junqing for a while."

Junqing, Xu Xian's words.

Zhang Zhao asked, "How should the road from Dingtao to Changyi be cut off?"

Xi Zhicai took the scabbard and pointed to a location in the southwest of Changyi County, and said, "As long as our army can occupy this place first, Dingtao's reinforcements will be at a loss!"

Zhang Zhao looked and saw that the place where Xi Zhicai pointed was an old town called Liangqiu.

This city is on the only way from Dingtao to Changyi.

Zhang Zhao nodded and said, "If you can occupy this place, you will be able to stop Ding Tao's reinforcements." Instead of asking Xi Zhicai, he asked Xun Zhen, and said, "I don't know what general will be sent to occupy this place?"

Xun Zhen had already selected a candidate, and said: "The reinforcements from Caodong County may leave at any time. Liangqiu City is a hundred miles away from Fangyu.


In a camp outside Chengshi County.

Cao Cao discussed with Cheng Li, Chen Gong, Man Chong and other subordinate officials.

The military reports of Gaoping, Hulu, Fang and successive losses came in an endless stream.

Although Cao Cao knew that because of Yuan Yi's escape, Shanyang County must be distracted at this time, but he really did not expect that the progress of Xuzhou soldiers would be so fast. In just three or two days, they defeated Gao Ping three in a row. A city.

From the side and to the west, after passing through Dongjin, it is Changyi.

Chen Gong said in a firm tone: "Duke Ming, Changyi must help! And it's time to wait. If you dare to invite Duke Ming, send your generals out of the camp immediately to rescue Changyi! Otherwise, it will be too late."

Cheng Li is not in favor of fighting to the death with Xuzhou soldiers in Shanyang, Jiyin, and in his opinion, the best countermeasure at present is to temporarily avoid Xuzhou soldiers' Fengrui, withdraw to Dongjun, rely on the Yellow River to defend themselves, and wait for Xuzhou. After the soldiers are dull, look for opportunities to fight against them.

But after the conversation with Cao Cao that day, he also knew that Cao Cao was worried that if he disregarded the request of Chen Gong and other Yanshi to "protect the family and defend the country" and withdraw into Dongjun now, I am afraid that this will happen. Lost most of the Yanzhou scholars.

In all fairness, Cao Cao's political consideration is very correct.

Therefore, although Cheng Li was against Chen Gong's suggestion, from the perspective of Cao Cao's concerns, he could no longer raise objections.

Not only did he not raise objections, he also tried his best to advise Cao Cao.

He said: "There are two ways for our army to rush to aid Changyi. One is to send troops from Cheng's family, and the other is to send troops from Dingtao. If we send troops from Cheng's family, we need to cross Jishui in the north of Changyi city. Now Xu Xian's troops are in Changyi. From the north, he will definitely stop our army from crossing the river. If you take Dingtao to send troops, you can walk along the south bank of Jishui without worrying about Xu Xianbu. Two roads, I think that Dingtao is the best."

Cao Cao pondered for a long time, but he had different opinions.

He said: "If you go to Changyi from Dingtao, you can certainly not worry about Xu Xian's troops. However, there is Liangqiu City in the southwest of Changyi City. If it is preemptively occupied by Xuzhou soldiers, it will prevent my reinforcements from advancing."

Cheng Li said, "But if you go to the Cheng clan, how can you show your ministry?"

Cao Cao said: "I intend to divide my troops into two paths, one way to go to Dingtao, with great fanfare;

Cheng Li understood what Cao Cao meant and said, "This is the way of truth and reality!"

"Exactly! With the wisdom of the public, since it is proposed to take Dingtao to aid Changyi, I expect that nine out of ten Xunzhen East will also think so, and judge that our army's reinforcements will take this road. In this case, I will simply use Dingtao to help Changyi. Tao's reinforcements came to attract Xun Zhendong's attention, urging him to gather heavy troops in Liangqiu City, and at the same time, to make Xu Xian take it lightly; and those who aided Changyi were actually the reinforcements of the Cheng clan."

Cheng Li praised: "Ming Gong is well versed in the art of war, and it is not as good as it is!"

When the strategy of aid was decided, Cao Cao ordered Wu Zi, the prefect of Jiyin stationed in Dingtao, to send a small number of troops to aid Changyi with great momentum, and Liu Ruo led his troops to sneak under the Cheng clan.

When the order was passed down, Shi Huan led 5,000 soldiers out of the camp that day.


Square and City.

In order to gain time to attack Changyi, Xun Zhen did not stay in the city for a long time, and when his soldiers rested for a while, he went out of the city and led the battalions to Changyi.

At this time, it is like looking down from the sky.

It can be seen that more than a hundred miles to the east of Changyi, a group of Xuzhou soldiers and horses rushed to Changyi; from the Cheng clan to the northwest of Changyi, two soldiers and horses set off one after another, and another group died quietly and went to Changyi. Sixty or seventy miles away, he went to Jishui Ferry; another horse, Juechen, headed south from Chengshi to Dingtao County.


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