The Most Romantic of the Three Kingdoms

Vol 9 Chapter 103: There is no magic in space

During the reign of Emperor Shun of this dynasty, about sixty or seventy years ago, there was also a prefect named Wu Zi, a native of Taishan County, who was the prefect of Ba County.

When the prefect of Berkshire Wu was in office, the weather was good, and the harvest was almost constant. Therefore, he was quite loved by the local scholars and people. After the current affairs, my people will be generous." After this prefect of Wu left Berkshire, the county people were fond of him and said: "Looking far away, I can't see it, and I feel melancholy and low.

These two so-called ballads, with careful wording and rhythm and rhythm, were obviously written by scholars from Berkshire, and they were probably composed by a certain pen in the prefecture's mansion. In any case, at least this Wu Taishou has kept his name to this day.

Compared with this Wuba County with the same name and surname and the same official position, the subordinate Wu Zi, the prefect of Jiyin, appears to be a lot worse.

Seeking truth from facts, as long as anyone who can serve as a county governor in such a large domestic state as Yanzhou and Yuzhou, for more than 100 years, all of them have been outstanding people, or have extraordinary talents, or have high morals and lofty ideals. The rich and powerful background, after all, Yanzhou and Yuzhou have developed culture, and the most important thing in the state are scholars and celebrities who have formed a party.

Take Yuxia's Shanyang, Jiyin, Dongjun, and Chenliu for example, the current prefect, Shanyang Yuanyi, is a son of the Yuan family; Dongjun Cao Cao, not to mention his own talents, is also from the Han family. Noble and noble; Chen Liu and Zhang Miao, one of the "eight chefs". Then there is Li Zan, the son of Li Ying, a first-class scholar, who is now Prime Minister of Dongping. Even if it is small, it can't be smaller. There are only three counties, and the north and south, east and west are no more than 200 miles away. Cao Cao and Xun Zhen have just fought there. The former Liu Ru, Yang Bing, etc., were either famous all over the world, or after the Three Dukes, or both at the same time.

Among them, Wu Zi, the prefect of Jiyin, seemed to be a little obscure.

But this does not mean that Wu Zi has no ability.

Wu Zi had been the prefect of Jiyin for several years. He promoted local scholars and cared for the people. He was also highly praised by the people of Jiyin.

It is only because he lacks military strategy that he is a little powerless in the current chaotic world after the turmoil of the Yellow Turbans and Dong Zhuo.

However, unlike Zhang Miao, Wu Zi has no ambitions.

Therefore, when Cao Cao summoned soldiers from Jiyin County last time, Wu Zi immediately obeyed the order; this time, Cao Cao asked him to send troops out of Dingtao to pretend to aid Changyi, and he did not refuse in the slightest. He summoned Yang Zhang, the cavalry commander under the tent, and gave him a thousand soldiers and horses, and ordered him to act according to orders.

Yang Zhang got the military talisman, and went to the camp to pick up a thousand soldiers and horsemen. Without delay, he left Dingtao, crossed Jishui, and went to Changyi.

Along the way, Yang Zhang really held a big banner, and the horses followed, and the momentum went first.

After going east for about 60 li, we left the border of Jiyin County. If we go further, we are in Changyi County of Shanyang County.

A cavalry came from the north, claiming to be a part of Liu Ruo and Shi Huan, and asked to see Yang Zhang.

Yang Zhang was in the middle army, on the side of the reined horse road. When this horse came, he saw that his face was full of dust, and he knew that it was because of the speedy travel on the road. He asked, "Has Captain Liu arrived at the north bank of Jishui?"

The rider got off his horse, lowered his hands respectfully, and replied: "Liu Xiaowei and Shi Sima, after leaving the Cheng family, chose a small road to sneak, because it was a small road, and they had to hide their tracks. On the way, they encountered hundreds of thieves. After a battle, they were all killed, so the road was slow. When the villain was ordered to look for the governor, Liu Xiaowei and Shi Sima were still twenty miles away from the Jishui Ferry in the north of Changyi."

To the northeast of Cheng's family and to the west of Juye, there is a large swamp with a radius of hundreds of miles, and the ocean is endless. This lake occupies a wide area, and there are many plants and reeds along the coast. In the past, when the world was quiet, thieves often gathered here. Now the civil war is chaotic and the people are displaced, and many have fled here. There are far more thieves in Zezhong than ever before. When there are more thieves and bandits, the courage will be strong, and they will inevitably go out to the surrounding counties and townships to plunder.

Liu Ruo, Shi Huan, and their subordinates encountered such a group of thieves from Onozawa on the way.

Yang Zhang is a native of Jiyin, and his family is in the Cheng family, so he is not unfamiliar with the situation of Onoze. Hearing the answer from the horse, he nodded and said, "The thief I encountered, I think it was Onoze. Ze's thief, right?"


Yang Zhang sighed: "My lord of the prefecture, Duke Wu, has long wanted to rectify Dayozawa and wipe out all the thieves who were hiding in it. However, there was the Yellow Turban Rebellion first, and then Xun Zhen's invasion of our territory. Duke Wu actually I can't do it. It's really hard for the people of Yanze counties! Liu Xiaowei and Shi Sima have killed hundreds of them today, and it can be regarded as a little harm for my people in Yin!"

The knight who was ordered to find Yang Zhang was just a brave soldier, and he could not understand the meaning of Pili Yangqiu in Yang Zhang's words.

Li Tong and others have been stationed in Chengshi for a long time under the order of Cao Cao. During the period of stationing, in addition to frequently asking the magistrate of Chengshi County for grain, wine and meat, they paid little attention to local security. The southwest tip of Dayozawa is only forty miles away from the Cheng family. However, Li Tong and others turned a blind eye to the bandits in the Zezhong and allowed them to plunder their townships and cities.

Yang Zhang heard about this matter from fellow scholars in his hometown, and it was inevitable that he would criticize Li Tong and others.

Yang Zhang did not understand the suffering of Cao Cao. How could Cao Cao not know that the thieves of Dayozawa were a scourge of Jiyin? Cao Cao is not a ruthless person, he is also very sympathetic to the people. However, Cao Cao had just been appointed as the prefect of Yanzhou, and his foundation was not stable. In order not to arouse the vigilance and hostility of Wu Zi, he explained to Li Tong that he was not allowed to interfere with the military and political affairs within Jiyin County.

The knight replied, "Yes."

Yang Zhang asked, "Why did Liu Xiaowei and Shi Sima send you here?"

"Liu Xiaowei and Shi Sima sent villains to smuggle across Jishui, and went south to look for the governor general to see where the governor general has gone. Liu Xiaowei asked the governor general to speed up the advance as much as possible to attract Jishui. The sight of Xu Xian, the general of the Xuzhou army on the north bank, is convenient for Liu Xiaowei to transfer his troops to cross the river."

"Where is Xu Xian's department now?"

"I don't know what its main force is at present, but the ferry along the Jishui River, according to the investigation of our scouts, are all haunted by Xuzhou cavalry."

Hearing this, Yang Zhang understood why Liu Ruo and Shi Huan asked him to speed up the march, and said to himself, "It turns out that the ferry crossings on the north bank of Jishui River all have Xuzhou scout cavalry. Liu Ruo and Shi Huan can do it now. The whereabouts are temporarily hidden, but once they start to cross the river, then in this case, they will definitely be discovered by Xu Xian's scout.

"And what is the main force of Xu Xian's department, Liu Ruo and Shi Huan have not yet figured out. In this case, it is very likely that Liu Ruo and Shi Huan are crossing the river, and Xuzhou soldiers of Xu Xian's department suddenly arrive. Bandu If you strike, Liu Ruo and Shi Huan will be defeated."

Now that he understood the current predicament Liu Ruo and Shi Huan were facing, Yang Zhangsui said, "I see. You go back and sue Liu Xiaowei and Shi Sima, and tell me that within two days, I will be able to arrive outside Changyi City."

The knight replied, "Yes."

He made a salute to Yang Zhang, got on his horse, and did not rest, so he went back to his life without stopping.

Yang Zhang passed down a military order, ordering the soldiers to speed up their march.

March till dusk, stay overnight.

Early the next morning, we set out to continue our journey.

Passing by a pavilion, the pavilion has fallen, and there is no one there.

Two foxes, squatting beside the crumbling door, peeped at the military horse on the road.

Yang Zhang's skill was itchy, he took out the bow and arrow, and shot with the bow. Two arrows shot out in a row.

The two foxes didn't even have a chance to react, and were instantly stabbed to death by two arrows. The bow used by Yang Zhang was strong, and after the two arrows shot the two foxes to death, the force was still strong and pierced into the ground. But the two foxes' bodies were firmly fixed on the ground.

From the dozens of cavalry on its side, they applauded in unison.

The two horses galloped over, pulled up the arrow, and brought the two foxes over.

The two foxes were yellow, their fur was normal, and they were dirty and unsightly.

Yang Zhang glanced at him and said with a smile, "I'll give you a reward!"

Jiyin and Shanyang border each other, and Yang Zhang is very familiar with the geography of Shanyang.

This pavilion is called Jinting. After passing this pavilion, it is less than 20 miles to go to Changyi County.

Yang Zhang put away the bow and arrow, thinking in his heart: "The lord of the government has instructed me, saying that Cao Dongjun said: Xuzhou soldiers may seize Liangqiu City to block the way of our troops. However, the scouts I dispatched yesterday will report back this morning. , Said that Liangqiu City was still under the control of the soldiers of Shanyang County, and the facial features of Shanyang County, Tanjie, personally led four hundred soldiers and horses, and the guards were very strict, and there were no Xuzhou soldiers inside or outside.

"Mo Xuzhou soldiers are blocked by Dongjin County, so they can't seize Liangqiu before our troops arrive? If so, why should Cao Yanzhou divide his troops into two groups? Just go out from Dingtao all the way to help. Changyi, can't you do it?"

Yang Zhang knew that Cao Cao had a reputation for being good at military use, but he did not underestimate Cao Cao because of his defeat in Rencheng. If he can seize Liangqiu, then there must be his reason. I can't be careless. When I send scouts again, go to inquire, be sure to investigate thoroughly."

He stayed there for the time being, and selected a few more scouts and ordered them to investigate Liangqiu.

Liangqiu is thirty or forty miles southwest of Changyi City.

Yang Zhang's trilogy is now also in the southwest of Changyi City, just in the middle of Changyi and Liangqiu line to the east. If the current position of Yang Zhang and the two positions of Changyi and Liangqiu are connected to each other to form a line, the three points just form a triangle.

In other words, if Yang Zhang went straight to Changyi regardless of Liangqiu, while Xuzhou soldiers were in Liangqiu, then the backs of Yang Zhang's troops would be exposed to Xuzhou soldiers. This is a military taboo. No wonder he was so careful.

The dispatched scouts returned at noon and told Yang Zhang: "The villain waited until Liangqiu and was not able to enter the city, but Duke Tan of Shanyang County had a conversation with the villain and others at the head of the city. According to him, In recent days, I haven't seen any Xuzhou soldiers appearing nearby."

Yang Zhang was completely relieved, and while sending someone back to Dingtao to report to Wu Zi, Chen said that Liangqiu was still in the hands of Changyi, and asked Wu Zi to consider whether to send troops to help Changyi; while leading the troops, they began to continue. Eastward.

It was almost dusk, and the city of Changyi could already be seen in the distance.

Changyi is a relatively large city, six li in length and breadth, and more than ten li in circumference.

About ten miles southeast of Chengyi County, there is a mountain, which is Yangshan among the two mountains "Yangshan and Jinxiangshan" mentioned by Liu Wei, the head of Shanyang County. Five miles northwest of Yangshan and not far to the north, there are two mountains, one Geshan and one Yushan. Because Yangshan is in the sun of the mountains, it gets this name. In the early years, the county seat of Sanyang County was at the foot of Yangshan Mountain.

Yangshan is famous for its many beautiful stones, standing side by side with Geshan and Yushan, and guarding the northwest of Changyi.

Because these mountains are not far from Changyi, when seeing Changyi County, the black and green peaks of these mountains also came into Yang Zhang's eyes.

There are mountains in the northwest, Jishui in the north, and Changyi is located in it.

Water and mountains, beautiful scenery.

Yang Zhang remembered that when he was a child, his father took him to visit friends in Changyi.

The people in Changyi County are like weaving, the voices are full of people, they are shoulder-to-shoulder, sweating like rain, and when they enter the city, it is the same.

The lively, noisy and full of fireworks smell of the market makes Yang Zhang deeply remembered and unforgettable.

"The past can't be traced back! I don't know what year and month, my Yanzhou land and my Chinese Shenzhou can be wiped out by war, and the people can live and work in peace and contentment again!"

Yang Zhangfang sighed to himself, and suddenly heard the soldiers rioting.

Among the cavalry following him, several of them pointed to the east in unison, and shouted in panic: "General, look!"

Yang Zhang turned his eyes and saw that a cavalry was galloping towards them along the official road to the east.

The speed of this cavalry was very fast, and it was close in the blink of an eye.

In the middle of this cavalry unit was a red flag with five black characters: "General Yingyang Xin".

Yang Zhang immediately guessed where the cavalry was.

General Yingyang Xin Ai was a well-known general under Xunzhen's tent in Xuzhou. This cavalry, needless to say, must be the soldiers and horses of Xuzhou.

Yang Zhang didn't have time to think about where Xin Ai and his trilogy came from, and hurriedly ordered the cavalry on the left and right to go up to meet the enemy immediately, and command the remaining infantry to form an array, trying to take advantage of the time when the cavalry of the headquarters blocked Xin Ai. Create a defensive formation.

His idea quickly fell through.

The dozens of Jiyin cavalrymen only met Xin Ai's troops, and they were killed and scattered before the battle was half-hearted.

The Xuzhou cavalry shouted, drove their horses and spears, and attacked the infantry of Yang Zhang's army. The infantry of Yang Zhang's group was in chaos, and most of the soldiers dropped their weapons and turned around and fled. The queue was chaotic, you crowded me and trampled on each Yang Zhang had the courage, he drew his bow and arrows, led more than ten personal soldiers to ride, urged the horses to bypass the chaotic infantry, and galloped to the The southern flank of the Xuzhou cavalry hopes to rely on their archery skills to kill the first and second generals of the Xuzhou cavalry, hoping that this can temporarily stop their offensive momentum.

Under the **** of seven or eight Xuzhou armored cavalry, a prancing horse ran forward.

Yang Zhang noticed that he was well-armored and expected that this man would be a brave general of the Xuzhou cavalry, so he drew his bow and shot quickly.

The arrows hit, but the armor of that rider was really good. Even with a strong bow, Yang Zhang couldn't shoot the arrows.

The rider turned his face to look at Yang Zhang.

Yang Zhang saw that he was wearing a bronze mask on his face.

This rider turned the horse's head, like the wind and lightning, and ran close to Yang Zhang's horse. Yang Zhang was about to leave, but was caught up by this horse. The spear in the rider's hand stabbed out and hit Yang Zhang's armor. The huge impact made Yang Zhang unsteady on his horse and fell to the ground.

Following several cavalry around this cavalry, some intercepted Yang Zhang's personal soldiers who came to the rescue, and two jumped off the horse, held Yang Zhang down, killed him, cut off his head, and hung the horse's head.

When Yang Zhang's personal soldiers saw Yang Zhang's death in battle, they all had no will to fight and fled in all directions.

The one wearing the mask is Xin Ai.

Xin Ai's army covered up and killed, and the soldiers of Yang Zhang's army either died or surrendered.


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