The Most Romantic of the Three Kingdoms

Vol 9 Chapter 101: light work

It is said that Yixing came from a noble family, and he was also a talented and ambitious person, but because he had no self-knowledge, did not know that he had no talent for military strategy, he insisted on defending Sangzi, and ended up doing nothing and dying on the side of the road.

Yixing wore the black official robe of a hundred stone officials and a sword. At first glance, he was not an ordinary soldier. He should be a county official in Shanyang, and he was an official in size. Two or three Xuzhou cavalrymen rushed to his corpse and wanted to dismount and cut off his head.

The Xuzhou cavalry general who stabbed him to death wore a newly made bronze mask.

Taking off the mask and revealing a beautiful face, it was Xin Ai.

Xin Ai glanced at the corpse of Yixing who fell to the ground, stopped the movements of the cavalry, and said lightly: "It's just a little hundred stone official, why should he take his head? The little officials who are not in the mainstream, can the lord give me a promotion and a reward for this? The soldiers who sneaked into the city led by Ren Du have already captured the city gate, don't delay here, you will follow me into the city!"

Xin Ai has a good appearance, and has long been in charge of the cavalry unit in the Xuzhou Army, and has a high prestige in the hearts of the knights.

Hearing his words, the cavalry stopped their plans to cut off Yixing's head, and agreed in unison.

During these years in Xuzhou, Xunzhen did not smuggle the people’s livelihood and did not impose excessive taxes. However, he never stopped smelting iron in the mountains. In addition, the fine iron smuggled from Qingzhou, Yanzhou, Yangzhou and other neighboring prefectures through merchants is now available. Today, Xuzhou's infantry and cavalry troops, and even the newly recruited soldiers, are not lacking in armor. Although it is still impossible to wear armor for everyone, all the elite troops in Xuzhou have a considerable amount of armor. sufficient.

These hundreds of knights who followed Xin Ai first were not the first-class elites in Xuzhou's army.

Half of them are wearing iron armor, and the war horses also have relatively rough armor protection.

Xin Ai put on her hideous mask, put her spear in her armpit, and re-ready for battle. She tapped her horse's stomach with her heels. The snow-white mount immediately released its hooves and galloped forward like a dragon.

Hundreds of armored cavalry, urging the horses to sound one after another, closely behind Xin Ai, they are either using spears or bows, like a group of wolves and tigers going down the mountain, galloping in the direction.

Hundreds of horses galloped on the road, and the momentum was not small. The dust filled the sky, and the rapid sound of horses' hooves hitting the ground was heard far away.

On the road, the refugees with the old and the young hurriedly dispersed to both sides.

There are fields by the road.

It just rained a bit last night. Field land is muddy. Some children sunk their feet into the mud and pulled their feet out, and the straw sandals were gone.

Some people compare Qianshou and Wanmin to sheep, and seeing the scene in front of them is really fitting!

However, Xin Ai and hundreds of armored cavalrymen did not look at the people in the field, but kept their eyes on Fang and the city gate, which was getting closer and closer.

At the gate of the city, more than ten men dressed in common people's clothes and covered in blood stood by the gate with swords in hand.

One person is sturdy and is the leader of the dozen or so people.

Xin Ai came to the front and recognized him, wasn't it Ren Du?

Ren Du not only had his clothes soaked with blood, but his face was also covered in blood. He bared his teeth and rushed to Xin Ai, who was in front of him and said loudly, "Ying Yang, you are late! Fang and county lieutenant, what is the name of Zhang? Xi's Shanyang County officials have all been killed by me! The guards of this side and the city are really impatient, I only killed thirty or twenty of them after waiting, and they were defeated and fled!"

"Yingyang" is Xin Ai's current official, and is the abbreviation of General Yingyang.

Although Ren Du's current official position is not high, he is only a Sima of a few ministries, but he is an old man of Xun Zhen when he was in Xixiang.

Seeing that at this level of relationship, Xin Ai was polite to him.

Xin Ai took hold of the rushing ride, turned twice in front of Ren Du, and said, "Really?"

As if thinking of something, Ren Du sighed and said: "Although Fang Yu's guard is impatient, the Shanyang County official named Zhang Xi is still a little timid. Ying Yang, you know, the lord always seeks talents. Desire is like thirst, love is like fate, and when I came here to get a prescription, the lord also warned me beforehand that I should not kill Xiushi. Therefore, I captured him first, and persuaded him to surrender with good intentions, but he scolded him. To keep talking, I would rather die than surrender.”

Having said this, Ren Du shook his head, privately incomprehensible to Zhang Xi's insistence on death, and then said, "His foul language is really outrageous, how can I let the lord hear it? I have to kill him!"

Xin Ai knew in his heart that if he was scolding people normally, Ren Du would definitely not kill this man named Zhang Xi. Nine times out of ten, it was Zhang Xi who insulted Xun Zhen's father, so Ren Du had to kill him.

Ren Du continued: "That Zhang Xi said that there was another person who came with him and guarded the city, the postal supervisor of Shanyang County, whose name was Yixing. He also said that Yuan Yi, the prefect of Shanyang County, was already there. Abandoned the county and fled, went to the Cheng clan, and went to Caodong county. General, now there is no owner in the mountains, this is a good opportunity for the commander of our army to drive straight ahead! Dare to invite the general, hurry up to send horses, and report this information to the lord!"

Xin Ai said "Oh" and frowned, "Yuan Boye escaped?"


"Our army and Zhang Xi are enemies, why did Zhang Xi tell you about this?"

However, Xin Ai was careful. Before reporting this piece of information to Xin Er, he had to make sure that it was true and not false.

Xin Ai's question also makes sense. To save others by oneself, Xin Ai and Ren Du were replaced by Xin Ai and Ren Du. When confronted by the enemy, even if they were defeated and captured, they would definitely not tell the enemy about the truth of their own family. .

Ren Du guessed and said, "When Zhang Xi said this, his mouth was dirty. He was so angry that his voice was split.

"Where is Yixing now?"

"I asked the prisoner and said that he took eight hundred Shanyang soldiers and went out of the city to the shore of Sishui, trying to seize the ferry." Ren Du smiled, "With the strength of Fang and the guards, the eight hundred soldiers Ma, just want to grab the ferry? This Yixing, I'm afraid he won't be crazy, right?"

Xin Ai remembered the Shanyang Baishi official who died under his spear just now. At that time, there were hundreds of Shanyang soldiers around him. He understood and knew that the person must be Yixing.

Then he summoned the knights, and Xin Ai ordered: "Go back the same way, find the Shanyang county official who was stabbed to death by me just now, find a place and bury him."

The knight didn't ask the reason, he took the order and left.

Ren Du said, "It turns out that Yixing was beheaded by the generals. But since he was killed..." He looked at Xin Ai and the horses he was riding, but could not find Yixing's head, and said, "I won't take it. His head is nothing more than that, why did the general send another person to bury him?"

Xin Ai said calmly: "As you said, Yuan Boye, the prefect of Shanyang, has abandoned the county and fled. Yixing and Zhang Xi are nothing more than minor officials of the county government. My heroic division, leading troops to defend Fang Yu, is also considered a martyr. I don’t take his head, because I despise him as a low-ranking officer; burying him is to respect his integrity.”

When Ren Du heard this, he instructed the soldiers beside him, saying, "Go and bury Zhang Xi, Fang and county lieutenants."

The soldier was ignorant and asked, "What about the heads of the two of them?"

However, Ren Du did not dislike the low official positions of Zhang Xi, Fang and Xianwei, and had already taken their heads.

Ren Du said angrily, "Can't you be buried without a head?"

Xin Ai is known as Yulang, a man like a jade tree facing the wind, just standing in front of Xin Ai's horse, Ren Du is already ashamed, for fear that Xin Ai will underestimate him again because of this, Ren Du's words are out, and he regrets it.

He thought in his heart: "Fang and this city, no matter what, it was me who made it! This credit cannot escape. Zhang Xi, Fang and county lieutenants were also killed by me, and the credit for beheading the enemy and generals is also I can't run away. Although it is like the two heads of Zhang Xi are missing, when the generals and the generals will be under the lord's account in the future, when the others are all piles of heads, I am empty here. It's not good-looking, but the most important thing is that now Yulang can't let Yulang underestimate me and think I'm a mean and rude person."

Ren Du gritted his teeth, changed his mind, and said, "It's just two heads. Since the lord's battle, I have more than a hundred enemies! I don't care about these two heads! Take them and give them to him. Sew it to the neck, and then do the burial."

Xin Ai praised: "Sima's actions can be justified!"

Ren Du was like drinking the sweet rain, and the little thing just now was so distressed that he disappeared, stood proudly, and said, "How dare you be praised as an eagle for such trivial matters!"

Xin Ai and Ren Du enter the city.

The guards in the city either escaped from other city gates, were killed by Ren Du and others, or surrendered, and there was no need for street fighting.

Xin Ai dispatched his cavalry to find Xun Zhen and reported Yuan Yiben's news to the Cheng clan; he divided his troops to patrol the city to maintain law and order; at the same time, he dispatched a few cavalry and scattered out of the city, telling those who had fled from Gaoping and Hulu to come here. People, you can enter the city with confidence and boldness.

All kinds of measures, needless to say.

One day later, when all the soldiers from Xuzhou crossed the river, Xun Zhen personally led them to Fangyu.

Xun Zhen issued a strict order: "Soldiers are not allowed to enter the city, and those who dare to disturb the people will be executed!"

Arriving in the city, Xun Zhen followed the various li in the city, and saw that the city was in good order, and there was no incident of soldiers and civilians, nor any incident of the county's Qing Xia taking advantage of the opportunity to cause chaos. She was very satisfied. A few compliments.

Hearing the stories of Yixing and Zhang Xi, Xun Zhen asked Xi Zhicai and others, and said, "I have heard about Zhang Xi's name. Is he after Zhang Yuanjie?"

Zhang Yuanjie is Zhang Jian. Yuan Festival, is the word of Zhang Jian.

Xi Zhi didn't know.

Xun You replied: "Zhang Xi is not after Zhang Yuanjie. He is of the same clan as Zhang Yuanjie, and he is a child of Gaoping's Zhang family."

Xun Zhen sighed regretfully and said, "It's a pity! You are also a righteous person! Du, you did a good job of giving him a whole corpse."

Ren Du Fubai is humble.

Xun Zhen thought for a while, and said: "The day I captured Gaoping, I entered the city and met Zhang Yuanjie. He excused his old age and refused to see me. And Zhang Xi died, it seems that Zhang Yuanjie will not be seen. I am."

He said to Xi Zhicai, Xun You and the others, "There should be a lot of Zhang family's children who are serving in the prefecture, and if they meet again, they are not allowed to be killed! Treat them with respect, if they are willing to surrender, send them to see me; Those who are willing to descend will be sent to Gao Ping."

Zhang Jian's most famous story is that he had to stop at the door.

During the reign of Emperor Huan, the disaster of party entanglement arose, and Hou Lan, the chief minister of the middle school, framed Zhang Jian and twenty-four other people in Shanyang County as a party. The court ordered a wanted man, and Zhang Jian was forced into exile. The official arrest was very urgent. Zhang Jian fled in embarrassment. Wherever he went, he went to hide in the homes of the nobility. The nobility along the way he fled, no one disrespected his reputation and character, and they all accepted him. Home is broken. In what he experienced, there were more than a dozen people who were punished by the clan alone.

Many people died because of Zhang Jian, but Zhang Jian himself has lived to this day.

A few years ago, the party was lifted and Zhang Jian returned to his hometown of Gaoping. He Jin and others have been recruited to him several times, but he has not accepted them, and has lived at home idle until now. He is in his early seventies this year.

To be honest, Xun Zhen had some criticisms about Zhang Jian's past when he "watched the door to stop", but the criticisms turned into criticisms. Zhang Jian's reputation was still there, but he had to give enough respect.

Therefore, with his command of this military order.

After patrolling the city, Xun Zhen and Xi Zhicai arrived at the county house.

Sit down in the hall.

Xun Zhen said: "Yuan Boye rushed to the Cheng family, but there is no owner in the sun. What should our army do next, you can speak freely."


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