The Most Romantic of the Three Kingdoms

Vol 9 Chapter 100: Abandoning the county and leaving Yuan Boye

The news that Gaoping and Hulu were besieged by Xuzhou soldiers spread to Changyi, the county seat of Shanyang County, many officials of Shanyang Prefecture, more than ten people including the chief bookkeeper Liu Wei, Gong Cao Zhang Xi, the postmaster Yixing, and Wuguan Tanjie. , and together they asked to see Yuan Yi.

Yuan Yi went to the hall to see him.

Liu Wei was the first to say: "The east of Xunzhen invades the border of our county, and it is very urgent to attack Gaoping and Hulu. These two counties are the gateway to the east of our county. If there is any loss, Xuzhou's troops will be in the east, and Fang and, Dongjin can come down in one go. Changyi is in danger! Dare to ask the Ming government, what are the strategies to deal with the enemy?"

Yuan Yi, although he is different from the famous chatter of the time, is more like the one who only prayed to God when facing the enemy. Jiao He, the prefect of Qingzhou, who gave all the orders that people don't know what to say, has some victories, but his victories are limited. What he likes in his life is only reading. He is indeed knowledgeable, but in terms of military ability, it is good to compare it with nine out of ten apertures.

Hearing Liu Wei's question, he was at a loss as to how to answer.

This Liu Wei, from an extraordinary background, also belonged to the Han clan, and Liu Biao and Liu Jingsheng, who now occupy Jingzhou, are still relatives. They both come from the Liu clan in Gaoping, Shanyang.

Liu Wei is known for his courage in the county and county. Seeing Yuan Yi was speechless, he knew that the current situation was urgent, but he did not care about Yuan Yi, so he offered his own strategy of thinking hard and said: "Although my county is small and dangerous, it is high and peaceful. In Changyi, there are still several mountains such as Yangshan and Jinxiang Mountain, especially Jinxiang Mountain, which stretches for more than 300 miles, northwest and even Juye. During the Yongyuan period, Lu Gong served as the prefect of our county. The expeditionary servants dug tunnels in this mountain, and now all the mountains in Jinxiang have holes in the air where soldiers can be hidden; there are also several rivers such as Jishui.

"Using this mountain and water, even if it is not enough to repel the invasion of Xuzhou soldiers, in Wei's humble opinion, it is enough to wait for the rescue of Chenliu, Jiyin and other counties!" He volunteered and said, "Wei Dare to invite a thousand soldiers from the county to defend the Ming government from the enemy in Jinxiang and Jishui!"

Yuan Yi said, "Your words are very true. However, although Jinxiang Mountain stretches for three hundred miles, there is no high danger; when looking at the mountains of Jinxiang, most of them are hills. I am afraid that relying on this mountain, it is impossible to resist Xuzhou soldiers. of."

Liu Wei said eagerly: "Xuzhou soldiers are already under the city, and Mingfu is still worried that Jinxiang Mountain may not be able to serve as a barrier! Wei dares, ask Mingfu, are you planning to retreat without a fight and abandon my Shanyang?"

Yuan Yi was silent.

The five senses are covered with sandalwood, and he is nearly sixty years old. He wears a high-crowned Confucian dress, and has a long beard. He looks like a virtuous young man.

He said: "Mingfu! I heard that Xuzhou soldiers are extremely brutal. Wherever they pass, there are no survivors. I live in Shanyang and live in 100,000 people, all relying on the care of Mingfu. Shanyang must not be abandoned!"

Tanjie is also from a famous family, and his family is in Xiaqiu County, Shanyang.

There is a Tan Township in Xiaqiu County, which is also called Tancheng.

His elder brother Tan Fu, who was as famous as Liu Biao in the past years, was collectively called "Baji". Tanfu is a man, his family is poor and his ambition is clear, and he does not receive favors from the village. More than ten years ago, he was appointed as a decree. Industry, descendants come out in the same clothes.

Tanjie is similar to Tanfu in terms of conduct, and it is also upright and awe-inspiring.

At this time, what he said was very affectionate. It was Yuan Yi's determination to abandon the county, and he couldn't help but be moved.

Yuan Yi said sincerely: "Five senses, gentlemen, I dare not hide the truth. As long as there is a glimmer of hope and can protect the mountains and the sun, I will definitely not abandon the county and leave. However, Xuzhou has a large army, and Xu Xian is disturbed by the giants. Ye, Cheng clan; Kang’s father was trapped in Liu Bei, etc.; and Xun Zhendong’s own troops attacked me Gaoping, Hulu, and I descended from the mountains and the sun, and I was attacked on three sides!

"Thinking of my Shanyang, it is more than a hundred miles from north to south, and only two hundred miles from east to west. How can it be able to resist the three-way enemy?

"Abandoning Shanyang for now, I hope you and others will enter Jiyin westward from me, and join forces with Duke Cao, so, when we still have our eyebrows, if we insist on fighting to the death, only jade and stone will be burned, and my generation will die without mortals! Is it suitable for local and county people?"

The meritorious Cao Zhang Xi and the thief Cao Yi Xing were both furious.

Zhang Xi is the clan of Zhang Jian, a famous scholar in Shanyang; Yi Xing and Liu Biao are fellow villagers, and their elder brother Yi Ji is from Liu Biao in Jingzhou.

Like Tanjie and Liu Wei, both of them are local natives living in Shanyang. First, they have a strong sense of locality. Second, their ancestors, fathers, brothers, and clansmen are all well-known moralists. , but he couldn't walk away just by patting his **** like Yuan Yi did.

Zhang Xi said angrily: "If Mingfu must abandon the county, then please let Mingfu go! I only hope that Mingfu can leave the soldiers of the county to me, and I will fight Xun Zhendong to the death!"

Yi Xing had a strong character, raised his eyebrows, clenched his fists, and said loudly: "Xi Yingbu plots a rebellion, and his words and deeds, 'All generals suffer from Huaiyin and Peng Yue'! Peng Yue also? Mingfu will take care of you, please go, and Shanyang will be guarded by me!"

Among the heroes of the founding of the former Han Dynasty, there were three famous generals with the most outstanding military exploits, namely Han Xin, Peng Yue and Ying Bu. Peng Yue was from Changyi, Shanyang. Yixing, this is compared to Peng Yue.

Yuan Yi felt that Yixing and others were heroic and heroic, so he divided up a thousand soldiers from the county, left them with them, led the rest of his troops, sneaked out of Changyi that night, and headed straight to Chengshi County, Jiyin County, a hundred miles west of Jiyin. go.

When Cao Cao, who was stationed in the Cheng family, heard the news, he was shocked.

Chen Gong, Cheng Li and the others also looked at each other in dismay.

When Yuan Yi arrived, Cao Cao went out of the village to greet him and returned his hands to the camp.

Considering that the battle against Xun Zhen's Yanzhou would probably end up relying on Yuan Shao's strength, Cao Cao resisted the urge to blame Yuan Yi, and asked him diligently about the hard work on the road, so he said slowly: "I am about to send Cao Cao. Chun, Man Chong, etc., went to Changyi to help Yu Qing, but you have already arrived at our camp! How is the situation in Changyi now? How is the situation in Shanyang County? Where are the Xuzhou soldiers?"

Yuan Yi said, "I am a city from Kuiye, and the people of Changyi County don't know it. When I left the city, Gaoping and Hulu had not yet been captured by Xuzhou." He added, "The county clerk Liu Wei and others are now leading a thousand county soldiers. People, deploying defenses in Jishui and Jinxiang Mountains should be able to block the east of Xunzhen a little."

Cao Cao inquired about the situation of Liu Wei and others.

Yuan Yi was like this, and he told Cao Cao about Liu Wei and others' invitation to battle.

After Cao Cao heard it, he was disappointed, and Gu Yu Chen Gong, Cheng Li and others said, "What a pity! I didn't know Liu and Yi Zhujun before!"

It was almost evening, Cao Cao held a banquet to wash away the dust for Yuan Yi.

The feast is over.

When Yuan Yi left, Chen Gong said to Cao Cao: "Duke Ming, Changyi is only a hundred miles away from the Cheng clan! There is no danger in the middle of it, and a horse is flat. If Changyi is lost, the Cheng clan will be uneasy; There is Dongjun! Once Xunzhen East breaks Changyi and invades our Cheng clan, our Yanzhou will be in danger of falling!

"Changyi must be guarded! Duke Ming should increase his troops and Yuan Boye, and make him return to Changyi to be stationed!"

Cao Cao said in his heart, "Yuan Yi fled after hearing the news. His guts and guts are lost, and he has no will to fight. Even if I order, he probably won't obey!" Abandoned residence, peek at his behavior.

Not long after, the staff under the tent came back and reported, "Yuanfu Jun just lights up the lamp and reads it at night."

This return was completely beyond Cao Cao's expectations.

He was stunned for a long time, and once again felt lost, sighed and said: "When you grow up and can be diligent in scholars, it is only me and Yuan Boye's ears."

The words entered Chen Gong's ears.

Under the candlelight on the case, Chen Gongpin sighed for a long time, but he could not feel whether Cao Cao was praising Yuan Yi or mocking Yuan Yi.


Fang and the city.

This morning, Yixing and Zhang Xi rushed to the rescue with four hundred county soldiers and more than a thousand temporarily recruited strong men.

The city gate opened, and the county magistrate came out to greet him.

Yixing and Zhang Xi asked, and only then did they know that Fang and the magistrate were the same as Yuan Yi, and they had also abandoned the city and fled.

Yixing was furious, pulled out his sword and chopped the tree, and said angrily, "Those who do bad things in the country know this generation!"

Zhang Xi was also resentful, not knowing whether it was because he reprimanded Fang and the county magistrate who had fled, or he was scolding Yuan Yi, and said indignantly: "I live in the county on weekdays, I live in fine clothes and jade, and I know what I eat. The local people anointed! Once a foreign enemy invaded, they smeared oil on the soles of their feet and slipped away! It’s hateful, hateful!”

The two were unable to enter the city together with the county magistrate.

The people who fled from Gaoping and Hulu in the east were like tides.

Yixing grieved for the suffering of the people, and immediately called the shots and put them all into the city.

He is the postal governor of the county, with high power and high position. Although the county magistrate felt that his move was inappropriate, he did not dare to stop him, so he could only let it go.

Fangyu is on the south bank of Jishui, from Fangyu to the east, along the Jishui, about thirty or forty li, that is Sishui.

The two waters meet here.

Sishui is a large river that flows through the east of Yanzhou and the north of Xuzhou. Its flow direction in Yanzhou is north-south.

Gaoping and Hulu counties are located on the east bank of Sishui.

Yixing discussed with Zhang Xi, Fang and the county magistrate.

Yixing thought: "If you want to defend Fang Yu, you should rely on Si and Ji. The first priority of the plan right now is to defend the ferry on the west bank of Sishui! As long as the ferry is not lost, Fang Yu will be fine."

Zhang Xi, Fang and the county magistrate all agreed.

Yixing said to Zhang Xi, "I will lead eight hundred troops and rush to guard the ferry; you and the county lieutenant can help me in the city."

Zhang Xi replied, "Your Majesty is a wise policy, as it should be!"

So Yixing led eight hundred soldiers out of the city that afternoon and went to the west bank of Sishui.

There were still more than ten li from the west bank, and a large group of people, men and women, together with the old and the young, came from the direction of Sishui. Yixing stopped his troops, summoned a few people, and asked them. He knew that Gaoping and Hulu, one was destroyed and the other surrendered, but they all belonged to Xuzhou. The Xuzhou soldiers had not only begun to cross the river, but their forward had already reached the west bank of Sishui.

Yixing looked up and saw that far in front of him, the smoke and dust were everywhere, and he seemed to be the vanguard of Xuzhou. Only turn back.

After traveling back and forth forty or fifty miles, Yixing's troops were already exhausted when they returned to the outside of Fangyu City.

Worried that the Xuzhou striker, who was hanging far behind, might launch a rush attack at any time, Yixing did not dare to stay outside the city for much longer, urging his followers to speed up. However, when he arrived at the city, he suddenly heard a commotion in the city. Yixing didn't know what was going on, so he hurriedly sent people to investigate. Soon, the man came back and reported: "There are spies from Xuzhou in the city, and they took down the city gate!"

It turned out that the refugees who had been put into the city by Yixing earlier were mixed with many soldiers from Xuzhou soldiers.

Yixing's color changed in shock, and he planned to attack the city gate and retake the city, but he was all exhausted; but if he didn't attack, the Xuzhou soldiers' forwards were not far behind, and Fang and the city would definitely fall.

After a moment of hesitation, two heads were dropped on the city head, one was Zhang Xi and the other was the county lieutenant. Immediately, the ground shook.

Yixing ignored the shock of Zhang Xi and the county lieutenant's death, and looked back.

Hundreds of Xuzhou soldiers' vanguard Jingqi appeared in front of him.

Yixing took the lead, and the electric light flint kung fu had already arrived in front of Yixing and his followers.

Yixing's men shouted and fled in all directions.

The spear stabbed and killed Yixing on the road.


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