The Most Romantic of the Three Kingdoms

Vol 9 Chapter 96: Bao Yuncheng was defeated and killed

But Bao Xin heard that Cao Cao's army was defeated, and retreated to the Cheng clan.

It is suitable for Bao Xin's army to control ten thousand potentials in the middle. Bao Xin summoned Wan Qian for business planning and said: "I will fight against Dongping with Li Zan and Jiang Hu. Li Zan is a famous and virtuous scholar; Jiang Hu is a warrior of Xuzhou. I am a strong enemy. Cao Gongxin was defeated by Rencheng, Xu Xian, Chen Bao's tribes may join forces with Li and Jiang to attack me. First, Liu Yanzhou was killed by a thief, the army of the state has fallen, and Cao Gong has unfortunately lost a little. The plan will be released?" Wan Qian said, "What Mingfu said is true. Shouzhang is two hundred miles away from the Cheng clan. The only plan is to abandon Shouzhang, Xuan master Cheng clan, and Cao Gong's division, it is still acceptable. The first battle." Bao Xin exclaimed: "This is a bad word in governance! Rencheng has been defeated, Xuzhou threatens Shanyang, and steps on the east of Duke Cao; now if I abandon Shouzhang, Duke Cao's north wing will open. There will be no day to die! Shouzhang's north neighbor Wenshui, south of Onoze, I will defend the city, enough to defend against the enemy! Take care of the flank for Duke Cao. How can you abandon it and destroy the door!"

Wan Qian said: "The public statement is true, but the morale is sluggish and it is unbearable to use. What can I do?" Bao Xin said, "I use the righteousness to describe it!" Bao Xin stepped on the stage and looked forward to it, standing under his banner, and said: "The Yellow Turbans rose, Tao Xuzhou was ordered in danger, and the five counties were pacified, and the people praised. Go down to Yangzhou, and defile the southern land! Invade my Rencheng, Dongping, and Jibei, kill the people of my state, plunder my children, the sins are piled up, and people and gods are indignant! This is Dong Zhuo! The thief is crippled? I would like to report to the country with a loyal and righteous person, protect the people, and jointly execute this thief! The cowardly are let go!" The tone was generous, shaking far and near. All the officers and men in the audience raised their troops and shouted: "Dare to follow the generals to kill the thieves! Report it to the country, and protect the people."

Bao Xin was assigned to the general school and guarded Shou Zhang.

Zhang Fei returned to the army, joined with Xu Xian, Chen Bao and others, and settled in the city of Kangfu.

Xu Xian's digital attack was fruitless. The crowd will gather. Liu Bei said: "Xiahou Dun stubbornly defends the strong city, and there are many swamps outside Kangfu, which is not conducive to launching a major attack. Cao Dongjun is in Chengshi, and he has summoned soldiers from Jiyin and Chenliu, waiting for their troops to come together and help Kangfu. The war will be unfavorable." Xu obviously

After that, he asked the generals and said, "Do you have any good strategies?" Zhang Fei said, "I will send troops to the west through Kangfu to attack Jinxiang, along the south of Sishui, disturb Shanyang County, govern Changyi, and provoke the Cheng clan. Caodong County is newly defeated. For An Shixin's sake, it is determined to attack me. I will withdraw my troops and go back. The generals set up an ambush on the road, and since Caodong County has been destroyed, Father Kang will take it easily!" Chen Bao said: "The captain of the school is brave, but this is the plan. No." Zhang Fei asked, "Why not?" Chen Bao said, "Cao Dongjun is good at using troops, but I have already been defeated by my ambush, so how could it be my plan? To the west of Kang's father, the enemy is in the heart of the enemy. In the face of setbacks, there is Caodong County in the front, Yuan Taishou of Shanyang in the south, and later was blocked by Kang’s father, and the advance and retreat are lost, I belong to the class of no one!” Xu Xian asked Chen Bao, and said, “What is the plan of the captain?” Chen Bao laughed: "It will be three days later, and it is expected that the Ming Gong will have an order. Ming Gong's soldiers are like gods, and their wisdom and wisdom are bestowed by heaven. We can follow the order."

Before three days, two days later, Xun Zhenguo received a military order.

Xu Xianzhan looked at the view and read the order: "Kang's father is not easy to overcome. When Mengde's army regains strength, the general can only return. Mengde was defeated, and the people of Yanzhou were unstable. Father, send Xun Pu, Zhang Fei, and Sun Kang to lead troops to sneak into Dongping, first to break Baoxin, use Jianghu to plunder Dongjun, Xun Pu and others join General Le and Zilong, and then break the Yellow Turban of Jibei, and enter and occupy Licheng. I have it!"

Xu Xianxian ordered Xunzhen's army and the generals. Liu Bei sighed: "Chen Gongdao, who knows the Ming Gong!" The generals obeyed orders. Xu Xian, Chen Bao and Liu Bei were unremittingly besieging Kang's father and attacking him every day. Xun Pu, Zhang Fei, Sun Kang and other generals led their headquarters, sneaked out of the camp, and headed north to Dongping.

When they arrived at Dongping, the generals of Xun Pu joined forces with Li Zan and Jiang Hu. Li Zan said: "Although the morale of the soldiers in Yanzhou is depressed, Bao Yuncheng, I know him well. He is also a hero. He will defend the city and cannot take it lightly." Jiang Hu said: "The Duke of Ming ordered us to break Bao Xin first. Even if you occupy the city, why not fight? Start the attack tomorrow, please take the lead, and ascend first for the public!"

The next day, Li Zan, Xun Pu, Zhang Fei, Sun Kang and other generals all sent troops and horses to besiege Shouzhang. Arrows are like rain. Xuzhou soldier ants attached to the city, and the top of the city was poured with boiling oil. Xuzhou soldiers rammed the city gate with their shields and rammed the car, and the city head was burned with ointment. From morning to noon, the city cannot be conquered. Bao Xin personally patrolled the city wall, worked hard for his soldiers, and was wounded

By. Zhang Fei's advisor Jiang Hu: "Why first?" Jiang Hu was wearing double armor and holding a knife to help the ladder. He was scalded by boiling oil before he was halfway through and fell to the ground. When Bao Xin saw it, he laughed loudly and exclaimed, "Those who fall down like a mouse have narrow eyes?" Siege to dusk, Xuzhou soldiers withdrew to the camp.

After attacking for seven or eight days in a row, he could not live longer. Li Zan and others will be helpless. Between the hesitation and distress, this day and night, there is a sudden heavy wind and rain. Zhang Feijin and Li Zan said, "The sound of the wind can cover up the The rain is so heavy that you can't see anything, and it is late at night, the enemy has been fighting for many days, and the soldiers are tired. It is expected that our army will not attack at this time. Neglect. This is a good opportunity for me to take my longevity!" That is, three thousand elite soldiers were selected, and they took the cloud ladder and went to the city. Zhang Fei and Jiang Hu took the lead, climbed the city from two sides, killed the defenders, and shouted loudly, causing chaos in the city. Bao Xin gathered hundreds of soldiers, using the civilian shelters as obstacles, and hurriedly fought. Jiang Hu fought fiercely, defeated his soldiers, captured Xin alive, slapped Xin on the cheek with a knife, and asked, "I am like a rat? I am like a tiger?" Bao Xin scolded: "The rebellious ministers are rebellious, thieves and rats! How dare you call yourself a tiger? I wish I could kill you the day before yesterday!" Jiang Hu killed him.

Li Zan felt sorry for the news.

The Yanzhou soldiers suffered thousands of casualties, and the remaining ten thousand submarines were all killed, and Shouzhang Suike. Li Zan treated Wan Qian favorably and sent him to Hexiang to meet Xunzhen, so as to comfort the people in the city. Jiang Hu rested for two days and led his troops to harass Dongjun from the west. Xun Pu, Zhang Fei, and Sun Kang went to Jibei and entered the Le camp. There are two Yellow Turbans in Jibei. One is located in Lu County, a county in the north. There are about 50,000 to 60,000 young women and children. There are more than 20,000 capable warriors and more than 10,000 elite soldiers. , There are more than 10,000 capable warriors, and two or three thousand elite soldiers. Le Jin and Zhao Yun settled in Feicheng, in the middle of two yellow scarves.

Le Jin discussed with the generals. Either Yun first attacked the Yellow Turbans in Lu County, or Yun first killed the Yellow Turbans at Snake Hill. Consensus is divided. One of them sneered and said, "If you all sit and talk, nothing will be accomplished! Although there are many Yellow Turbans in the north of Guanji, there are only 30,000 or 20,000 capable warriors, and more than 10,000 old soldiers. Strike it alone!" Everyone looked at it, and it was Pan Zhang, the captain of the first board. Le Jin said: "The reason why everyone is undecided is not because of cowardice. If you destroy Snake Hill first, the Yellow Turbans in Lu County may flee; and if you destroy Lu County first, the Yellow Turbans at Snake Hill may hit me in the back." Pan Zhang said: "How difficult is this, I have a plan, easy to solve!"

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