The Most Romantic of the Three Kingdoms

Vol 9 Chapter 95: Raiders retreat to Xiahou??? 3)

When Sun Kang heard the news, he drove his horse to ask Xu Xian to see Xu Xian, and said, "Caodong County attacked Dongping from the north, but did not serve as the city's border, but Xingye turned back, which lured me out of the camp and actually wanted to attack Rencheng County! The general, Chen Bao and Liu Bei are all outside. Rencheng is empty, and Caodong County can be pulled out in one go. General should lead troops back quickly." Xu Xian stroked his beard and smiled, calmly replied, "My lord asked me to tell me that Caodong County was suspicious and would definitely turn back. The soldiers and horses, the city is strong, and Caodong County is also difficult to overcome. If he really turns back, don't pay attention to it, just act according to the previous plan. Now that Caodong County has returned, the lord is a god!" He did not withdraw his troops.

Cao Cao led his troops back and traveled for more than ten li. When they heard that Xu Xian seemed to be ignorant and had not left the camp, Xiaoxiao said to Cheng Li, Xiahou Dun and others, "I have a plan in the east of Xunzhen!" The only way to go north.

At dawn the next day, Xu Xian saw troops and horses approaching from a distance.

Cao Cao kept his troops still, waiting for Xu Xian's tribe to fall into an ambush, and the drums blared loudly. Xu Xian's troops were in chaos. When Cao Cao saw Xu Xian's flag on the ground, he exclaimed with great joy, "Xu Xian is defeated!" Hearing the sound of drums, a troop of troops rushed out from behind Cao's army, watching the flag, it was Chen Bao and Liu Bei. Cao Cao was shocked and said, "I don't want Chen and Liu to be in ambush behind our army!"

Governor Cao Cao couldn't do anything, so he abandoned his army and fled west. Ding Fei, Cao Ang, and Cao Anmin were all around. Cheng Li is not good at riding. Cao Cao called Cao Anmin, "The soldiers can be defeated, but Duke Cheng must not be lost. Save Duke Cheng!" Cao Anmin dragged Cheng Li onto his horse and urged his cavalry to follow Cao Cao. Not many miles away, Cao Cao's horse stumbled and fell to the ground. A Xuzhou general led more than a hundred cavalry in front of him. Cao Cao lost his color and shouted, "Heaven kills me too!" Cao Ang let the horse and asked Cao Cao to change. Cao Cao said, "I am riding your horse, so how can you live?" Cao Ang said, "Father, son and son die, filial piety!"

There was a member of Cao generals, and they rushed there with their fine cavalry, and they fought with the opposite general in Xuzhou, cut off their horses, led the troops to fight bravely, and slaughtered the blocking enemy. General Cao leaned over to cut off the head of the enemy general and returned to see Cao Cao. Cao Cao saw Xiahou Dun as well, and asked, "Who is the murderer?" Xiahou Dun raised his head to show it.

Sima Shiren was under Liu Bei's account.

After fleeing for dozens of miles, Cao Cao, Cheng Li, Xiahou Dun and others rushed into Kangfu City. Until dawn, Liu Ruo, Cao Hong, Cao Chun and others will be defeated one after another. Chen Gong also fled in embarrassment. Cao Cao greeted Chen Gong personally and said, "At the time of the collapse, I will leave 500 soldiers and horses to pick up the prince. Can you see it?" The soldiers left by the Duke of Ming have never been seen in the palace. Fortunately, we encountered more than a hundred soldiers of our army, and the palace escaped to heaven." After finishing the trilogy, he was able to gather more than 10,000 remaining soldiers. Cao Cao gathered the crowd to discuss.

Chen Gong said, "Father Kang overlooks Sishui in the south, and is adjacent to Nanyang Lake in the east, surrounded by swampy fields, and the grass and trees are sunk, and it is not suitable for foot and cavalry to attack and fight. I am the key to Yandong. Although Rencheng is defeated, I still have father Kang. In order to defend this, Xuzhou soldiers cannot enter Shanyang. Bao Jibei is stationed in Shouzhang, and there are thousands of troops. The lord can ask Jiyin, Chenliu, and Shanyang Huibing Kangfu to use the power of my three counties to join Bao Jibei. The north and south echo each other, and Rencheng can still fight again.”

Cao Cao was silent.

Cheng Li said, "Liu Gongshan was stabbed by the Yellow Turbans, the morale of Yanzhou soldiers in the northern part of Baoji was low, the lord Fuxin was defeated in Rencheng, Kang's father was easy to defend and difficult to attack. If Shouzhang is lost, Xuzhou's army commanders can drive into Dongjun. Dongjun is the western border of Yanzhou. If it is in danger, Dongjun in the west, Dongping in the north, Rencheng in the east, Jiyin and Shanyang will be surrounded by Xuzhou. I am afraid that the soldiers and people will be shaken by the enemy on three sides. Although the father is dangerous, it is not enough to rely on!"

Cao Cao was stunned, and asked the plan, "What is the best way to see your highness?" Cheng Li said, "Choose one general to guard Kang's father. The lord retreats to the Cheng clan, gathers soldiers from the three counties of Jiyin, Shanyang, and Chenliu, and the east is for Kang's father. Rely, Beichifan County will reinforce it. This is the best policy."

Cao Cao ordered Xiahou Dun to lead 3,000 troops and garrison Kangfu, so he led the rest of his troops west to the Cheng clan. After passing through Changyi, the county seat of Shanyang County, Yuan Yi welcomed him. Cao Cao ordered five thousand troops. Enter and stop by. Li Tong received the report and went out to meet Shili. Cao Cao led his troops into the camp, wrote an order, and sent people to meet Wu Zi, the prefect of Jiyin, and Zhang Miao, the prefect of Chenliu, and asked the two counties to send troops and horses to meet. Biography Bao Xin, describing the defeat of the army. He ordered Jiang Qi's troops stationed in Linqiu, Cao Ren's troops stationed in Gucheng, and Xiahou Yuan's troops stationed in Liaocheng, and ordered his three generals to be on strict guard.

Defend East County.

Wu Zi sent 3,000 troops to help; Zhang Miao was late to send troops.

Cheng Li said, "Zhang Mengzhuo's intention is to wait and see. Now it is advisable to choose a scholar to talk about." Cao Cao asked, "Who is the best person to choose?" Chen Gong asked, "Why is the lord's fate so sighing?" Cao Cao said, "It's late at home, and the imperial family is declining. My family has been favored by the country, and Cao has a long-standing ambition to serve the country. The officials welcome me to your land. Let the city be defeated, and Xuzhou is sharp. This is the autumn of sincerity and death. I will rectify the troops and horses, gather the soldiers of the prefectures, reject the criminals of Xuzhou, guard the border and keep the people safe, and return to the division to drive the king of diligence. Chen Liu, the great county, how could Zhang Mengzhuo not obey me! Ouch! I am also at a loss." Chen Gong said, "Gong is not talented, I would like to speak to Zhang Mengzhuo for the master, tell the advantages and disadvantages, and urge him to send troops." Cao Cao was overjoyed and said. "The road is not stable, sir, my arm is too, now if I must go, I will send three hundred squires on foot." Chen Gongjing went south to Chenliu County.

When Chenliu County was under the jurisdiction of Chenliu County, when he saw Zhang Miao, Chen Gong asked, "Xuzhou's army is approaching Kang's father, and Yanzhou is in danger. Cao Yanzhou has summoned soldiers from all the commanderies, why should the lord not?" Zhang Miao replied, "Liu Gongshan first He died at the hands of thieves, and Cao Mengde was defeated in Rencheng, and the people were terrified. I didn't want to send troops, and I was afraid that Mengde would be defeated again." Chen Gong said, "Victory and defeat are common things in the military, although Rencheng is defeated, Cao Yanzhou still has tens of thousands of soldiers. "I asked Zhang Miao, "Now Chenliu is connected to Sun Yuzhou in the north, and Jiyin in the south. Sun Yuzhou and Xunzhen are in the east, and the alliance is good. Dare to ask Zhang Gong, Shanyang and Jiyin are lost, it is the time, Xunzhen east The army is strong in the north, Sun Yuzhou is advancing in the south, and Chen Liu is a prefecture, and the public can conquer it by himself, can you win? Can you lose?" Zhang Miao replied, "I will lose." Also! I hope the public will not destroy justice with selfishness!" Zhang Miao said, "If there is no justice, Miao will be wrong!"

With the help of Shanyang, Jiyin, and Chenliu counties, and with the addition of Li Tong and other troops, Cao Cao's forces were reinvigorated. Cheng Li returned to Dong County, recruited Zhuang Yong, and obtained more than 3,000 people, collected grain and fodder, obtained hundreds of chariots, brought back Dingtao, and joined forces with Cao Cao.

But he said that Dongping National Life was Zhangcheng, and Bao Xin was shocked when he heard that Cao Cao was defeated.

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