The Most Romantic of the Three Kingdoms

Vol 9 Chapter 97: Zhao Zilong enters Crescent City

Before Le Jin sent troops, Xun Zhen ordered him not to focus on killing, but to focus on capturing, so as to strengthen the people of Xuzhou. Le Jin had this concern, such as attacking Snake Hill, the Yellow Turbans in Lu County would be afraid to flee; However, Pan Zhang's words can solve the worries of Le Jin. Le Jin asked, "What's the best way to go first?" Pan Zhang said, "There are few thieves in the Yellow Turbans at Snake Hill, so you can strike them first." Le Jin said, "If the Yellow Turbans in Luxian County escape, what can I do?" Pan Zhang said: "Zhang, please invite 2,000 elite soldiers to attack Exian County. Lu County is adjacent to the Dahe River to the west, and the Yellow Turbans can only go north, so they must pass through Exian County. Zhang strangles his way. , after the thieves of Lulu. Zhang blocked them in front, and the generals attacked in the back, winning like a palm! Why worry about their escape?" Le Jin said: "This is a sincere and good strategy. The two thousand elite soldiers are too few, and I am afraid that they will not be enough to Keren County. Divide you into five thousand horses." Pan Zhang smiled and said, "My army is stationed in Feicheng, and Lu and Zhan Huangjin are afraid of the wind. The last commander will take two thousand, which is too much, so why use five thousand!" Le Jin was cautious. In the end, he added a thousand men and horses.

Pan Zhang led his troops out of the camp, and traveled on the same route, bypassing Lu County, and approaching the city of Eun County. Liu Deng, Zhao Yun, and Jiang Hushou were unable to conquer the public commander array, but Pan Wengui was the first to board! The Zhendong tent was the first to board the colonel! First boarded here, and you will come down early, so as not to be shattered!" Pan Zhang went to Jibei , repeatedly fought with the Yellow Turbans, invincible, the Yellow Turbans knew its name, and the city was afraid. Pan Zhang sounded his drums to attack the city, shot his defenders, and the soldiers marched into battle, and they were broken at night. Then according to the city, cut off the back road of the Yellow Turbans in Lu County.

After waiting in the city for a few days, I received a report from the Central Army that Le entered the Ministry, and the Snake Hill was over. Le Jin's army marched north, and the Yellow Turbans in Lu County were afraid and fled north of the city. to Eun County. Pan Zhang lined up in the field and cut off his way. The Yellow Turbans, considering their few soldiers, gathered a crowd to attack. Pan Zhang ordered: "The yellow scarf is timid and has no will to fight to the death. General Xu will take his breath. Now is the time when all the monarchs will show their achievements in the world! Everyone should fight with a short blade, and those who dare to retreat will be killed!" Leading the cavalry, rushing straight to the yellow turban formation, there is no way forward; the infantry follows with swords, and there is no one to look after. After a half-day battle, the Yellow Turbans were numerous, and the Pan army gradually weakened. Hearing the sound of drums, a group of soldiers and horses came from the south. It was Le Jin and the others. Generals Zhang Fei, Taishi Ci, Su Ze, and Su Zheng each led their elite cavalry and trampled the enemy's formation; He Yi and Feng Gong led the infantry and split their lanes to kill together. The yellow scarf collapsed.

After the war, the troops were withdrawn, and they were captured. More than 3,000 Yellow Turbans were killed, and tens of thousands of men, women, old and weak were captured. Le Jin taught He Yi to lead the troops, sent the prisoners to Xuzhou, rested for three days with the rest of the generals, left Li Tong to guard Lu County, and led the army back to the north. Leaving the border of Jibei, travel thirty or forty li to Licheng. This is the important place in the southwest of Qingzhou, and the key point in the east of Pingyuan County and Dong County. Le Jin and the generals said: "For example, building a high house, Licheng is also. This place belongs to me, and it is the road between Qingzhou and Hexi, and it is close to the center of Jinan County. A light cavalry can reach Linzi in one day, Qingzhou is not enough; The head of the neck, crossing the river and west, facing Pingyuan County for half a day, following the river to the south, the east county is my entry and exit, and the two counties are at my disposal. The order of the Duke of Ming is known to you and others. If the city does not go down, I will share the military law with you and the others. Punishment!" The river, the Yellow River.

All the generals said sternly: "Please order the general, the last general will wait until his liver and brain are on the ground, and he must conquer Licheng!" Le Jin said: "Caodong County is trapped by the Cheng clan, and Pingyuan Tiankai is unable to protect himself, and they are unable to rush to help. The city! However, the city of Li, a large county, should not underestimate the abundance of soldiers and food. Order the three armies to recharge their batteries and attack the city the day after!" The order was ordered to build a camp outside the city of Li and rest for three days.

On the day of the siege of the city, Le Jin was ready to fight, Zhao Yun, Pan Zhang, Taishi Ci, He Yi, Feng Gong and other generals all led their ministries, threw rocks and climbed the city, fighting for the first place. After two days of rapid attack, the city could not be broken. It was reported that Jinan, Qi, and Le'an all sent troops to aid Licheng. Le Jin said, "I have a plan!" He deployed his troops, set up an ambush on the road, and defeated the reinforcements in the northeast of Licheng. Attack again the next day. The guard saw that the reinforcements were defeated, and he had no will to fight. Zhao Yun shot several arrows, his arm armor was cracked, he did not retreat and advanced, and the plain armor climbed first. Licheng Deke. Xun Zhen passed the word, because Licheng was an important place, and there was no way to control it unless a general, so Zhao Yun stayed behind. Lejin introduction department class teacher.

When the news reached the Cheng clan, Cao Cao was shocked and had a meeting with Cheng Li and others. Cao Cao said: "I originally wanted to retreat to the Cheng clan and revive the army. Licheng, the key to the northeast of our East Commandery, is now lost in Zhendong, and the Eastern Commandery is in danger! If the Eastern Commandery is in danger, Jiyin and Shanyang will shake. We want to reinforce Father Kang and seek to restore Rencheng and Dongping, but I’m afraid it won’t work. How can you teach me?” Chen Gong said, “Zhendong has been exhausted from the battle for a long time, and Father Kang is still in prison. Use the strength of my entire army. , go out of Kangfu and attack him directly, Rencheng may not be able to recover! Rencheng is restored, Shanyang has no worries. Together Rencheng, Shanyang, Jiyin, Dongjun, and Chenliu's soldiers are arrayed in the north, and the east of town is like attacking me. , that is to meet him; if Zhendong does not come, wait for the opportunity to recover Dongping and Jibei; although Licheng is guarded by Zhao Yun and is alone, Duke Ming can destroy him!" Cao Cao said asked Cheng Li, said: "What do you see?" Cheng Li said: "Yanzhou lost in a row, Bao Taishou died in the battle, and our army's morale was terrified; Feng Ming Gong's arraignment. Gongtai's plan is to find the moon's ear in the well. It's too bright to see, it's not feasible!" Cao Cao asked: "The public must have a plan, please hear it." Cheng Li said: "Only now. The plan is that Duke Ming should return to Dongjun and take a horn with Chen Liu, relying on the river as a risk, relying on Yuan Benchu ​​for help, but Xu Tu." Chen Gong was furious, and said: "If Rencheng is defeated, return to the Cheng clan; Zhendong is broken. Licheng, return to Dongjun. If you lose again, you can still retreat? Cheng Gong, this plan, ask me to offer the town to the east!"

Cao Cao's acquisition of Yanzhou, relying on the strength of Chen Gong and Bao Xin, said: "Don't be in a hurry at the public platform, and let's take it slow." Chen Gong said: "Ming Gong is like listening to Cheng Gong, and the palace resigns." Cao Cao asked in surprise: "Where are you going?" Chen Gong said, "Gong Xiang said that Shanyang, Jiyin, and Chenliu, the three counties have different intentions, would rather have no discerning person, and bear to watch me fall? Waiting for the palace to gather soldiers from the three counties , raise the banner of righteousness, will send out Kang's father, and die with Zhendong, and then invite the Duke of Ming to join the army!" Cao Cao said: "You are my arm! Abandon me, don’t talk anymore!” Chen Gong said: “Ming Gong is very talented, and the one who settles Yanzhou and calms the world must be Ming Gong! It is not the palace’s decision to abandon Ming Gong, it is not advisable to do it!” Cao Cao hesitated and said. : "We can discuss it again."

Cao Ang came in and sent a letter, which was written by Xun Zhen.

When Cao Cao read the letter, he wrote: "The city of Li is with me, and if I send troops to the west to attack Dongjun, then there is no way for you to retreat. Following the siege of Jun Kang's father, attacking Jun Shanyang, and Jun Xin occupying Yan, the hearts of the people are not attached, and there are many big hits. In defeat, Bao Xin gave the leader, Yuan Yi, Wu Zi, and Zhang Miao each had their own lofty aspirations. Meng De made his own calculations. Can he win? For Meng De's plan, it is better to retreat to Dongjun, relying on the river as a danger, and relying on the horns. Yuan Benchu ​​is still suffocating."

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