The Most Romantic of the Three Kingdoms

Vol 9 Chapter 94: Raiders retreat to Xiahou??? 2)

Xiahou Dun didn't like Cheng Li very much. After all, Cheng Li was old, and he was not from a noble family. He knew human feelings well and had a deep sense of government. He had always been courteous to Xiahou Dun, Cao Cao's love and marriage, and replied with a smile: "Because of this. Our army has used troops for a long time, and Rencheng cannot be attacked for a long time, so our army has turned to attack Dongping, and General Zhendong will be able to believe that...and..."

"And what?"

"Dongping Prime Minister Li Zan, son of Li Ying, and Zhendong are from the county, and the two are old acquaintances. Li Xuanqi, Li Zan's son, is serving under the Zhendong tent, both public and private. Once our army turns to attack Dongping , I expect Zhendong will definitely not sit idly by." Cheng Lifu said with a smile, "This is exactly what I said, the so-called 'attack the enemy will save you'."

Li Zan and Xun Zhen are in the same county, they are old acquaintances, but now Li Zan has taken refuge with Xun Zhen, and his son Li Xuan is working under Xun Zhen's account. These two reasons are enough, plus Li Zan is Li Ying's This son, if Cao Cao pretended to turn to attack Dongping, Xun Zhen would really be saved—you know, when Li Ying was alive, he was famous all over the world, and he was a representative of Yingchuan scholars. Then Li Ying had contacts with Xun Shu and the Eight Dragons of the Xun clan. Now his son voted for Xun Zhen and was attacked by Cao Cao. It will definitely have a bad impact on Xun Zhen's reputation.

No matter how they used their tactics, Xu Xian, Liu Bei, and Chen Bao were not fooled. The inside and outside of the city became a thorny situation. This Ren Ping was like a hard rock, and it was not easy to hit. If this is the case, then change the way of thinking and pretend to attack Xun Zhenzhi. In order to mobilize Xu, Liu, and Chen to find an opportunity to annihilate the enemy in the movement, Cheng Li's proposal is a wonderful art of war.

After the military discussion was over, Cao Cao returned to the sleeping tent, and his attendants served the medicinal soup.

The medicinal soup was just boiled by the servants, and was steaming hot. Cao Cao frowned, took the medicinal soup, smelled it, a strong medicinal smell came to his nostrils, he freed one hand, pressed his forehead, and sighed, "I did not expect this disease to be so difficult to treat. "Although I don't want to drink it, in order to concentrate on commanding the next battle, I have to drink it.

Down the throat, the bitter taste entered the stomach, Cao Cao dropped the medicine bowl, hurriedly picked up the honey soup offered by the servants, and drank it all at once, which was considered to dilute the medicine taste temporarily.

This herbal soup cures head disease.

Cao Cao's health has always been very good, even now, he is still alive and well. Because he was active when he was young, he joined the army in recent years, and he often practiced martial arts by riding and shooting. The disease of wind is fine under normal circumstances and does not affect life and work. Only when the mood swings are relatively large, such as when anger, tension, etc., the disease will suddenly occur, and when it is serious, it will hurt into the bone marrow , Not to mention walking and standing, sitting even sitting unsteadily, just feel the world is spinning.

I have changed several doctors, but they can't cure it.

Cao Cao has far-reaching ambitions, why would he be willing to be in the company of medicine jars all day? Because, in ordinary days, although there is a prescription, he refuses to use it, and only when he has to use it, such as the current situation, will he reluctantly take a few doses.

The eldest son, Cao Ang, and the second son, Cao Anmin, were both in the army, and they were all by Cao Cao's side at this time.

Cao Ang observed Cao Cao's demeanor with great concern and asked, "Father, did you have another headache today?"

Don't look at Cao Cao's outward appearance when he met Xun Zhen and when he was discussing with Cheng Li and other military forces, but in fact, he had been nervous and restless for many days in his heart. , I have committed it twice today, but in front of his son and Congzi, Cao Cao was reluctant to show his "weak" side, and replied with a smile, "I didn't commit it today." Ask Cao Ang and Cao Anmin, "What do you two think of Duke Cheng's policy?"

Cao Ang replied: "Ang thinks it can be called the best policy." He asked Cao Cao, "Father, have you decided to adopt Cheng Gong's policy?"

Cao Cao did not answer for a while, but asked Cao Anmin, "What do you think?"

"Cheng Gong's strategy is indeed a good strategy."

Cao Ang and Cao Anmin, among Cao Cao's many sons and nephews, are considered outstanding, all of whom have military talents. Therefore, although Cao Cao has several younger brothers who are older than Cao Ang, they do not use them. Only the two of Cao Ang are often brought to the left and right, and in terms of comparison between the two, Cao Ang is quite similar to Cao Cao.

All in all, Cao Cao likes Cao Ang, Cao Anmin and Cao Cao very much.

People have no foresight, and there must be near-term worries. Whether a political group can prosper for a long time depends not only on those in power, but also on fresh blood. Xun Zhen pays attention to this aspect, and Cao Cao does the same. Cao Ang and Cao Anmin are Cao Cao’s current focus. Cultivated young strength.

After listening to the two's answers, Cao Cao said: "Cheng Gong's strategy is indeed the only available strategy at the moment." Answering Cao Ang's question, "Only now, this strategy is the only way to try it."

"Liu Bei, Xu Xian, and Chen Baoruo are still in the game?"

Cao Ang did not wait for Cao Cao's answer to this question.

If Liu Bei and others are still not in the game, Cao Cao can only say that there is no way to do it, only retreat or attack hard.

If Liu Bei and others are still not in the game, Cao Cao can only say that there is no way to do it, only retreat or attack hard.

The messenger from the front line of Rencheng urgently asked to see Xun Zhen. Under the guidance of the guards, he entered the tent. He fell to the ground and presented the military report written by Xu Xian.

It was still early, and Xun Zhen had just woken up and had washed up and was eating.

The attendant opened the military newspaper and presented it to him.

Xun Zhen took vegetables in one hand and the military newspaper in the other. He looked around, and after only one glance, the action of picking vegetables stopped, and the military newspaper read: Cao Cao's army is out of the camp, and goes north. After two Cao soldiers who had been left alone, they asked why, and they said that they wanted to go north to fight Dongping. If Cao Jun abandons the city and attacks Dongping, what should our army do, please show the general.

Xun Zhen put down her chopsticks, read the military newspaper again, and asked left and right, "Go and see if Zhicai and Gongda are up. If they are up, ask them to come over."

Xun You's work and rest are very regular, and he usually wakes up very early, which can be said to "work at sunrise". Even if he gets up early, Xi Zhicai is quite famous. When he has no military affairs, he sleeps until late. Xun You arrived soon after, and after being woken up by Xun Zhen's attendant, he waited for a while before Xi Zhicai also came, and when he saw Xun Zhen, he bowed and asked, "The general is urgently summoned, but what is the military situation? ?"

Xun Zhen called him to his seat.

Although Xun You came early, he did not take the first place, leaving it to Xi Zhicai.

After watching Xi Zhicai sit down, Xun Zhen ordered the attendant to report the army to him. After he read it, he said, "Jun Qing, what do you think of this report?"

Xun You had already read the military newspaper, so he didn't express his opinion, he looked at Xi Zhicai and waited for him to speak first.

Xi Zhicai pondered for a while, then suddenly burst out laughing.

Xun Zhen asked, "Zhicai, why are you laughing?"

Xi Zhicai threw the military report on the case and smiled and said to Xun Zhen: "General, as I expected, this is the plan of Cao Dongjun!" Advisor Xun You, "Gongda, what do you think?"

Xun You smiled and replied, "You agree with Jun."

Xun Zhen asked, "How can it be seen that it was Meng De's plan?"

"Rencheng is the gateway to the southeast of Yanzhou, and it is close to Shanyang. It is true that the throat is the key point, and Caodong County holds the state power, whether it is from the immediate rush to establish authority or from the long-term stability and internal planning, Rencheng is the most important thing. It must not be occupied by our army. Compared with Rencheng, Dongping is not so important. This is one of them. If Caodong County sends troops to Dongping, Dongping will have my Wenqian and Zilongbu in the north, and my Rencheng in the south. Xuande, Junqing’s Ministry, and Jianghu’s Ministry in Dongping are in danger, and that’s the other one.” Xi Zhicai talked eloquently, and after finishing his two arguments, he smiled and said to Xun Zhen, “General, take The general's understanding of Caodong County, I think he will not fall for his plan, the general called me two, probably not to ask whether the matter is true or not, but to ask about the countermeasures?"

Xun Zhen couldn't help laughing, pointing at Xi Zhicai and saying, "You really know me!"

Xi Zhicai pondered for a while, and said, "Cao Bing and I are deadlocked in Rencheng. Rencheng is not far from my Xu. Although the loss of military supplies is not large, it is not suitable to confront Cao Bing here for a long time. Since Cao Dongjun can't wait, he wants to use his plan to make money for our army, General, our army can just use the plan to make a profit from him."

"How do you count it?"

"You can deceive this plan of the Middle East County. In the bright, you can send troops to aid Dongping, and in the dark, you will set up a wild road and gather and destroy it!"

Xun Zhen hesitated for a moment, and then said with a slight hesitation: "I also thought of this strategy, sir. It's just that with Meng De's wisdom, I'm afraid it won't be easy to win him." She asked Xun You, "Gongda, what's your opinion?"

Xun You said slowly: "In the current situation, there is no other way to do it, and only Xi Jun's method."

Xun Zhen decided when it was decided, and made a decision after patting the table, and said with a smile, "Okay! Then this time, let's fight Meng De and see if he can deceive me or whether I have earned him!" He thought to himself, "Li Zan is in Dongping. If Cao's soldiers attack Dongping, I really have to save him. Meng De's strategy is the magic of 'attacking the heart'."


Cao Cao's army pulled out of the camp and headed north, but before he took over the borders of the city and country, Cao Cao received a military report saying that Xu Xian had indeed sent troops, and he also headed north.

The left and right generals were overjoyed, and said, "Lieutenant General Xu Xian's child has a plan! General, can you set up an ambush to wait for the plane and intercept him halfway?"

Cao Cao shook his head.

Bewildered, Cao Ang asked, "Father, since Xu Xian has already made a plan, our army should annihilate him as soon as possible so that we can attack Rencheng, but why is my father unwilling to set up an ambush?"

Cao Cao stroked his beard, looked back in the direction of Hexiang Township, and said to the crowd, "Xu Xian is nothing but a warrior, and our army's formidable enemy is not him, but the Marquis of Yingyin. If the enemy is Xu Xian, then I will naturally If we set up an ambush to destroy it, but the enemy is the Marquis of Yingyin, our army has to be careful."

Xiahou Dun asked, "Dare to ask the general, how prudent?"

"Have a try."

"try what?"

"Try to see if Zhenzhi is really in my plan, or if it's just a plan, it's something else."

Xiahou Dun and others felt that Cao Cao was right.

Xiahou Dun asked again: "If you dare to ask the general again, what should our army try?"

"The three armies are ordered to march until dusk, bury the pot and set up camp. At the fifth watch tonight, the whole army will turn back and rush to Rencheng County."

Some people like Cao Ang were smart, some people were smart, and Cao Ang quickly understood what Cao Cao meant.

He admired it so said: "Father's strategy is really brilliant."

If Xun Zhen "had his plans" and "had other intentions" and heard that Cao Cao suddenly gave up his northward advance and instead attacked Rencheng, then under this urgent change, Xun Zhen's "other intentions" subordinates would For example, it will be disrupted, and once it is disrupted, the real purpose of what Xun Zhen wants to do will naturally surface and Cao Cao will know.

For example, if Xun Zhen wanted to take the opportunity to set up an ambush to annihilate Cao Cao, if Xun Zhen believed that Cao Cao's "re-beating Rencheng" was true, then Xu Xian would go out of the camp and Chen Bao secretly would also Under the background that Rencheng's inner and outer city defenses were temporarily empty, he would definitely give up the plan of "ambush" in order to keep Rencheng, and immediately ordered Xu Xian and Chen Bao to rush back to Rencheng. Of course, he could no longer hide his intentions from Cao Cao.

But it was: Cao Cao wanted to transfer Xu Xian and other troops out and set up an ambush to annihilate them. Xun Zhen wanted to take advantage of this opportunity and set up an ambush to annihilate Cao's army. However, both of them were afraid of their opponents at the same time, and they were afraid that they would be caught in the other's tricks. , So, just as Xun Zhen said, before the battle formation began, the two of them fought their wits again and again.

Although Cao Cao's army was on the fifth change and returned to the south, since Cao Cao was intending to test Xun's army, of course he would not be particularly hidden. Soon, the news spread to Xu Xian's army.

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