"I'm sorry, I'm sorry."

"Lin Chong, stop! What do you mean! Zhang Li roared angrily! Are you laughing at me? Why are you! What right do you have to laugh at me? Am I wrong? Aren't you a poor ghost!

Lin Chong pursed his lips, glanced at the angry Zhang Li, shook his head, ignored Zhang Li, and turned around to leave.

Zhang Li's voice immediately attracted the onlookers of the surrounding students, and it is human nature to see the excitement. Especially when Zhang Li left Lin Chong and joined the arms of the rich second generation, the matter was spread among classmates.

"That's right, Lin Chong, what kind of attitude do you have, how can you treat Lily like this, where did Lily say wrong, you were originally a poor ghost." The girl surrounding Zhang Li pinched her waist and pointed at Lin Chong and said. "Lily, don't be familiar with her. Such a man is narrow-minded, does not dare to face his own shortcomings, and it is difficult to make a big difference.

Lin Chong frowned his forehead, stood still, turned to look at the girl in front of him, and then glanced at the proud Zhang Li behind her, and said: "I admit that I don't have any money, but I at least live with dignity." Self-esteem is something that you give to yourself, not rely on the handouts of others. I advise you that without a princess, you must not have a princess disease. lest the last happiness be extremely sad. "

You!!" Zhang Li gritted her teeth, she didn't expect Lin Chong, who had been humble everywhere in front of her, to really say such a thing. "Lin Chong, you really appeared, you dare to curse me" After a pause, Zhang Li suddenly laughed, "My family Haolun, it's a fact that it's good to me, last night we were discussing about getting married, hey, he was too anxious to marry me into the house." Speaking

of this, Zhang Li glanced at Lin Chong in front of him again and said: "No matter how much you say, you are just envious and jealous that my family's Haolun family is better than yours, and envious that others can marry me, but I didn't expect that Lin Chong, we have broken up for so long, you even beat my mind." Tell you, you are not worthy of me! Hearing

this, Lin Chong was speechless for a while, and grinned: "Last night, we discussed marriage?" Congratulations. But then again, I saw him last night. But the woman next to you doesn't seem to be you. After speaking, he turned around again and prepared to leave, for such a person, Lin Chong felt disgusted if he said a word.

'Haha, that's interesting, this Zhang Li hates the poor and loves the rich, Lin Chong was so good to her at the beginning, and he left him, it seems that he has been retributed. '

'The one named Sun Haolun didn't have a very good reputation, and before hooking up with Zhang Li, I heard that he had been entangled with several girls in the academy. '

'Damn, it's hot, I like gossip the most.'' '

'Yes, last night I went out to have supper with my roommate, and it seems that I also saw Xiaoyu of Class A getting into Zhang Li's boyfriend's car.

''I'll go, then don't we have to call her Zhang Li in the future, call Zhang Lu.'' '

There were whispers around him, which made Zhang Li panic for a while'Sun Haolun told him that he was going to Fujian Province on a business trip, and the two hadn't seen each other for almost a week, where did Lin Chong meet him? Lin

Chong, you are naïve or not, this kind of sowing discord will only make you seem to be very low-grade. Also, you are a big man who has a problem with a woman, it seems that Lily is really right to leave you, not only do you have no money, but you are also so insidious and vicious. The girl next to Zhang Li pointed at Lin Chong and spoke again.

Lin Chong ignored this vicious dog who was loyal to the lord, left the crowd directly, found a seat in the corner and sat down to prepare for class.

But at this time, Zhang Li's heart was in chaos, she herself is a suspicious woman, and now after listening to Lin Chong's words, she began to sit still: "Sun Haolun really ignores himself now, even if he was in a meeting in the past, he would still reply to his own messages, but now he often replies to messages once a day, and every time he calls, he says that he is busy, and the most important thing is that he has not given himself money for a long time." "

'No, it seems that I have to go to his company to see if he lied to me.'" Zhang Li, who had made up her mind, ignored Lin Chong, explained to her girlfriend, left the class, and went to Sun Haolun's company.

Not long after Zhang Li left, Professor Lin walked in from outside, saw Lin Chong, nodded to him with a smile, and started today's class.

A lesson passed quickly. After class, Lin Chong thought in his heart whether he was going to go to Li Xue to confess today, and went all the way back to the dormitory, and the brothers were all there.

"Third child, how did you catch up with Yuanyuan in the first place. She is the school flower of Big A, and so many people chased her at the beginning. Lin Chong took a sip of water, looked at Zhang Biao, who was chatting with his girlfriend, and asked.

Zhang Biao glanced at Lin Chong, pushed his glasses, and said, "It's probably charm." "

Hahaha, second brother, don't listen to him bragging, Yuanyuan's grandfather and the third brother's grandfather are friends of the military region, the friendship that has been established since the Anti-Japanese War period, when the two old men agreed to be in-laws in the future, but who knew that both of them gave birth to a son, so later it was agreed that a doll parent was set up from the grandchildren, so the third brother's cheap girlfriend came like this." The fourth child's voice came from the side, leaving Lin Chong speechless for a while.

All roads lead to Rome, and some people are born in Rome.

"That's also charming, otherwise Yuanyuan wouldn't love me so much." Zhang Biao patted Junjie's head and said viciously. "Am I not charismatic?"

Junjie shrunk his neck and didn't dare to make fun of Zhang Biao again. After all, the majesty of growing up together since childhood is deeply rooted in Junjie's heart. "Of course, I'm also fascinated by your charm. Hehe, it's not Brother Biao. "Junjie is very knowledgeable and makes a little licking dog.

Zhang Biao looked at this little follower who grew up with him since he was a child, and did not pay attention to him anymore, but turned his head to look at Lin Chong: "What's the matter, second brother, what is this for?"

"Isn't this trying to take a scripture with you?" Learn how to chase girls. Lin Chong took off his shoes, sat on the bed, and said casually.

"Isn't it, second brother, with your appearance, if you want a girlfriend, it's not hand-to-hand, do you still need to find us to learn from it?" Zhang Biao was surprised.

"Hehe, I know, the second brother took a fancy to our school flower Li Xue, but Li Xue is not a woman who can be chased so easily. After all, there are so many handsome guys, and the rich second generation has not been able to make her move. Junjie said with a bad smile, but his eyes did not leave the computer screen,

"Li Xue? Is it Li Xue, the school flower who is a grade lower than us? Okay, second brother,, I'm optimistic about you. Is there anything I can do to help? Zhang Biao asked with rare excitement.

Lin Chong thought for a moment. I really don't know how these buddies can help themselves, so I didn't continue on this topic, looked at the time, stood up, and said to Zhang Biao, Junjie, and the boss Jin who had not spoken: "Forget it, I'll think of a way myself." Have you eaten? Let's go to the cafeteria to eat! I heard that today's food is good. "

A few people talked and laughed all the way to the cafeteria. After eating, I found a corner and sat down. While eating, I saw Zhang Li at the entrance of the stairs with a few of her girlfriends walking in angrily. After looking around, he walked towards a girl with great momentum.

Lin Chong fixed his eyes and looked, isn't this the enchanting woman named Xiaoyu who Sun Haolun's co-pilot last night? It seems that there is a good show to watch.

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