"Smack!" I saw Zhang Li slap the girl in the face. Then came her hysterical voice: "Mean woman. Whoever man you dare to rob. I tore your face today. "

Wow, second brother! Second brother! Look, isn't that Zhang Li. Junjie put down his chopsticks and said excitedly.

Lin Chong's roommates all knew that Zhang Li had left Lin Chong for money, so he didn't have a good impression of this woman.

"Well, it's her." Lin Chong took a bite of rice and said lightly. It seems that there is no intersection with this woman. But also, the two of them have no relationship with each other.

"Second brother... Zhang Biao looked at Lin Chong, Lin Chong shook his head, and held back Zhang Biao's later words.

"Third brother, don't worry, let them fight for a while." Junjie said to Zhang Biao excitedly, after all, maintaining order in the school is also a responsibility of Zhang Biao as the president of the student union.

Zhang Biao nodded silently, glanced at the boss who was not interested in fighting again, and did not say anything more.

Zhang Li and Xiaoyu in the distance have been torn together, and neither side is a fuel-saving lamp. Falling hair and shredded clothes make more and more people watching the lively by.

"I'm rubbing, it's exciting, no, I'm going to shoot it down and send it to DY, it's definitely going to be popular, and it's going to be pink again."

''I'll go, isn't this Zhang Li from the Finance Department and Fan Jiayu from Class A? How did they fight? "

I heard Zhang Li shouting just now, as if Fan Jiayu robbed her man, it seems that she should be fighting for love," someone joked.

'Tsk, this Zhang Li I know, I was a couple with Lin Chong, the first handsome guy in the finance department, Lin Chong was so good to her that all the girls in the department were envious, but this Zhang Li later disliked Lin Chong's family background was not good, and she got along with a rich second generation outside the school, so she dumped Lin Chong, look at this meaning, this rich second generation is now getting along with Fan Jiayu again. '

'Hey!! You said that these two people, what kind of hair are they pulling when they fight, they are uncivilized, they are pulling their clothes, yes, they are pulling their clothes, they are hard.

Looking at the crowd of people around the water, Zhang Biao put down his chopsticks, took a sip of soup, and strolled over.

"Brother Biao, you're here."

"Brother Biao is here, it seems that there is no good show. Unfortunately, it hasn't been cleaned yet.

"Brother Biao

" "Brother Biao" Zhang Biao nodded to the people around him who greeted him. As the president of the student union, he still has a very strong appeal in the school.

"Okay, pull them apart." Zhang Biao said, and then several people around stepped forward. dragged away the two who were tearing and beating.

"I'll beat you to death, you little wave's hooves, dare to rob the old lady and man, I'll beat you to death." Zhang Li said with scratches on her face. I was about to rush forward again, but I was pulled by the people around me.

"Just you shrew, no wonder Holun doesn't want you, you deserve it, Holun has always said that I am gentle and lovely. It seems that you are really fed up. "Fan Jiayu is not to be outdone.

"What do you say! The old lady must beat you to death today! "

Come on, who's afraid of whom!!"

The two were about to rush together again.


"Enough!" Zhang Biao roared angrily, then glanced at Zhang Li with disgust and said, "You are not ashamed of losing, you are all people who are about to graduate, and you are not afraid of jokes from junior brothers and sisters."

"She did it first!" Fan Jiayu stroked the hair that was pulled apart, and said angrily.

"It's you little slut who grabbed my boyfriend first. You deserve it!! Zhang Li said with teeth and claws.

"Okay, you two, go to the teaching office and tell me something. Don't be embarrassed here. After Zhang Biao finished speaking, he took the lead and walked out.

Zhang Li and Fan Jiayu turned their heads to look at the crowd around them, and immediately lowered their heads and followed Zhang Biao out of the cafeteria.


Lin Chong and the others, who had finished eating, watched Zhang Biao leave with them, and they didn't stay for long. Leave the cafeteria together. Junjie went back to the dormitory to play games, the eldest went to the library, and Lin Chong went to the gymnasium.

Tomorrow he has to compete with the people of Bangda, and he has to make some preparations.

When I came to the door of the gymnasium, I just met the members who had finished training.

"President Lin, come on, blow them up tomorrow!!"

"President Lin, come on! You are the best! Also the most handsome! "

Brother Lin, arrange for me to go up and fight tomorrow, no matter what, I have to do my part for our gym."

"Brother Lin, Brother Lin is good."

Lin Chong nodded to them with a smile. Looking at this group of juniors, I am deeply gratified.

At this time, a girl suddenly walked out, Lin Chong took a look, isn't this Xia Zhenzhen? There are more members of the Fight Club, and since Xia Zhenzhen joined the Fight Club, he has not been here a few times, so although Lin Chong knows Xia Zhenzhen, the two are not familiar with each other.

"Senior Lin, come on tomorrow, I saw them in the restaurant that day and they made a war with you, don't be too arrogant! I'm going to beat them tomorrow, senior." Xia Zhenzhen shook his clenched fists and said.

"Don't worry, it will!" Lin Chong said affirmatively, and was about to turn around and leave. Then I thought about it, isn't Xia Zhenzhen and Li Xue best friends? Since he wants to confess to Li Xue, it is better to ask her about Li Xue's whereabouts. "By the way, classmate Xia, do you know where Li Xue is now?"

Lin Zhen's question made Xia Zhenzhen a little baffled, she glanced at Lin Chong strangely, and said, "Xiaoxue? Senior Lin, do you have something to do with her?

As soon as Lin Chong's words came out, he already felt a little abrupt, and then explained: "I want to know something about her, or can I give me her communication number."

"But Xiaoxue isn't at school today, senior, she has something to do." Xia Zhenzhen said, and then said with an embarrassed face: "Senior, if you have anything, I'll help you convey it." I promised Xiaoxue that I couldn't tell anyone her contact information. Sorry, senior. "

It's okay, forget it, I'll look for her another day." Lin Chong looked at Xia Zhenzhen, who was apologetic in front of him, and understood the other party's embarrassment. "Yes, if Li Xue's contact information is so easy to obtain, then it won't be so many people who can't even get her contact information."

But Xiaoxue has already promised me to accompany me tomorrow to watch your senior's game. If the senior has anything, he can ask her in person tomorrow. Lin Chong, who was a little disappointed, listened to Xia Zhenzhen say so.

'Oh? 'Lin Chong's spirit moved, Li Xue is going to come to the venue tomorrow to watch him play? Then it seems that I am going to behave better.

"Okay, then we'll see you tomorrow. I went first. Lin Chong nodded, waved at Xia Zhenzhen, and then turned and walked towards the venue.

"Okay senior."

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