Lin Chong did not take the subway, but walked towards the school, and it was his habit to take a walk after drinking.

Passing by the river, Lin Chong stopped.

A gust of evening wind blew, and Lin Chong looked at the prosperous Bund scenery on the other side of the river. Lost in thought.

Two days have passed, but he still has no clue about the tasks issued by the system. If it weren't for looking at the system panel called out in front of him, Lin Chong would have suspected that everything that happened was fake.

I took a look at the content of the task above. Lin Chong couldn't help but sigh again.

[Mission content: Pursue the school girl Li Xue and become Li Xue's boyfriend.] 【Time limit: 1 week.】 【Quest Reward: The time limit of the Time Rewind system has been increased to one minute. 【Task Failure Penalty: Reclaim the system.】 【Abandoning a task is considered a mission failure.】

"Xiaorou." Lin Chong called out in his mind.

"Hello host, Xiao Rou is here."

"Can you tell me what the likelihood is that I will complete this mission." Lin Chong asked.

"Hello host, look at it for now. is 0. The system replied.

"Grass..." Lin Chong was speechless for a while. "Then can you tell me what your purpose is for posting this quest and how it came about. Did you think of it casually, just to see my jokes?

"Hello host, no. Xiao Rou didn't know how this task came about. But Xiao Rou knows that the task to be released to you should be this. "

“。。。" Lin Chong was confused for a while, and he didn't understand what the system was talking about, what should be this task, wasn't it Xiaorou who issued the task.

"Then let me ask you another question, come on, come on, tell me, what's the use of going back in time."

"Hello host, Xiaorou doesn't know."

"Damn." The system's answer made Lin Chong go crazy. "At your level, you dare to claim to be the strongest system, it's not a shame. I thought you were a king, but I didn't expect you to be a bronze. I don't even know what I'm used for. "

[Ding! The system detects that the host wants to abandon the task, please ask whether to give up] [Option 1: Abandon Option 2: Abandon

] "Is there no option 3..." Lin Chong's hand snorted, "Gentle and cute Xiaorou, I'm joking." Don't take it seriously. [

Option 3 Abandon]

"Ahem, the wind is hot today, go back to school, walk away." Xiaorou, you also rest early, what time is it, girls need to sleep beauty sleep, good night and good night. Lin Chong closed the system panel. Belly said, 'This system, it's better than not.' 3 options, I don't choose the head office. '

Get in a taxi.

"Modu University." Lin Chong reported his destination and began to think about the task again.

Forget it, since there is no clue, then just don't have a clue, simply and rudely. Go directly and ask Li Xue if she is willing to be her girlfriend. Although a little bloody, it is better than doing nothing.

The worst thing is that the mission fails, and life is exactly the same, as if the so-called system has not appeared.

Thinking about things, the taxi came to the gate of Modu University. I got out of the car and was about to walk to the school. Through the night, I saw a BMW 7 Series coming towards the school gate.

In a place like the magic capital, the car of the seventh series is actually a very common and ordinary car, and there is nothing strange about it. It was just that Lin Chong was stunned. "What a familiar license plate number."

If I remember correctly, isn't this Zhang Li's car for her boyfriend's Sun Haolun?

At first, Zhang Li disliked Lin Chong's poor family situation, decisively betrayed Lin Chong, and turned around and threw himself into the arms of the rich second-generation Sun Haolun. Because he saw Zhang Li being picked up by Sun Haolun with great fanfare many times, Lin Chong still had a certain impression of this license plate number.

"Squeak", the brakes sounded, and Sun Haolun's car stopped in front of the school.

"Didi." Sun Haolun pressed the horn.

A sexy and enchanting schoolgirl dressed up stepped forward, opened the co-pilot's door, then bent down and sat in, kissed Sun Haolun, and then the two drove away.

"Huh? That's interesting. Lin Chong said with a smile, "I went out at ten o'clock in the middle of the night, this is to learn English." "

I don't know what Zhang Li will think when she knows about this.

With what he knows about her. She was afraid that she would not be willing.

Lin Chong shook his head, he didn't bother to care about this woman who had betrayed him after breaking up for more than half a year.

Walk all the way back to the dormitory. It was found that only Jin Lai was alone.

"Boss, just yourself, what about the two of them?" Lin Chong asked.

"They both went on a date and won't be coming back tonight." The boss glanced at Lin Chong, turned his head to the computer again, and said.

"Hey, okay. Another night of artillery fire. Lin Chong said while undressing. You, boss, aren't you going to find us a sister-in-law, you don't really plan to live with your computer for the rest of your life. "

The boss Jinlai, as a genius of the computing department, basically spends most of his time "with" the computer except for sleeping.

"Well, I think that's good." Jin said without turning his head.

Lin Chong instantly became speechless: "It seems that there is a face like jade in this machine." Boss, you can accompany her well, I'll go take a bath."

"Well, good."

One night without a word.

There are specialized classes early the next morning. Lin Chong went to the classroom early in the morning.

As soon as I walked into the classroom door, I saw a woman there around Zhang Li and said: "Oh, Lili, your bag is Chanel's latest one, I saw it last time I went to Hang Lung Plaza, it cost tens of thousands, I saw it at that time, but unfortunately I didn't have money to buy it." Too expensive.

"Oops, it's not that expensive. Just over 80,000, my family Sun Haolun had to buy it for me, I said don't buy, don't buy, but he didn't listen! He said, yes, this is the latest model. If you don't buy it for me, you won't show his love for me. I could only grudgingly accept it. In fact, then again, with his family's industry in Yangcheng, this amount of money is really nothing. You see, this necklace of mine is Bulgari's, and it is tens of thousands. Also, pants and tops are brand-named. And this Gucci perfume. He had to buy it for me. You say angry people are not angry. Zhang Li proudly turned around, letting others see her outfit clearly, and said proudly. I just saw Lin Chong coming in through the back door. Immediately raised his voice and said: "Oh, fortunately, I had the foresight to stop the loss in time and left Lin Chong, that poor ghost, otherwise how could I live such an upper-class life." "

Huh." Lin Chong, who originally disdained to have any intersection with Zhang Li, thought of what he saw last night, couldn't help it, and let out a sneer.

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