Lin Chong, who returned to the dormitory, played a noon game with Junjie, and finally reached the diamond stage amid Junjie's cheers. And Lin Chong finally arrived in the classroom before the afternoon class time arrived, today is Professor Lin's class in the Department of Finance, probably because of the same surname, Professor Lin usually takes care of Lin Chong, so Lin Chong also respects this amiable old professor very much.

A class passed quickly, and towards the end, Professor Lin left Lin Chong behind.

"Teacher, you look for me." Lin Chong stood respectfully in front of Professor Lin and grinned.

"Hehe, Xiao Chong, how is it recently, how is the graduation thesis written." Professor Lin nodded, motioned for Lin Chong to sit down, and brought him a bottle of mineral water. "What are your plans after graduation?"

Lin Chong took the water, thanked him, and said: "Teacher, the paper has almost been written, I'll send it to you later, and you can help me review it." After a pause, he continued, "As for graduation, my current plan is to see if I can find a suitable job in the magic capital, and if not, then go back to Sichuan Province to have a look." After all, my family is there, and my mother also wants me to return to Sichuan Province to live and work.

Professor Lin nodded and said, "I also know something about your family situation, and your mother is indeed not easy, it is also a good choice to return to her to accompany her, whether you are in the magic capital or back to Sichuan Province to develop." If you have any difficulties, you can find me, after all, I have been a teacher all my life, whether it is Sichuan Province or Modu, there are still many students. "。

Lin Chong stood up and bowed gratefully to Professor Lin: "Thank you very much, teacher, for your care and teaching to me over the years, students are really fortunate to have a teacher like you."

Professor Lin smiled and said, "Okay, you kid, tell me this." It's a bit of a business to come to you today. At the end of the year, there is a financial exchange conference in Kyoto, and many well-known domestic entrepreneurs will participate. The presiding officer happened to be one of my proud protégés, I asked her for a place, you go to the meeting to observe and learn, by the way to see if there is a good opportunity to contact business giants from all walks of life, which will be of great help to your future development.

Lin Chong looked at the tutor in front of him in astonishment, and he didn't forget to take care of himself when he was about to graduate and leave school.

"Thank you, teacher, for giving me such a precious opportunity. At the end of the year, I will definitely prepare well and perform well. You won't be disappointed. Lin Chong didn't say much, there had been many times, in the face of Professor Lin's help to him, there were thanks, and there were prevarications, and Professor Lin was reprimanded by Lin Chong for being too outlooking. So this time, Lin Chong directly accepted this rare opportunity.

"Well, don't be so far away with me. Behave well, the teacher is optimistic about you. The teacher believes that you will be able to go further in the future. Sure enough, Professor Lin nodded and said. Go to my house for dinner tonight after school, and your master has been nagging you for a long time. You kid is really, I don't know to chat with your master and mother.

"Knowing the teacher, the students must be on time." Lin Chong scratched his head embarrassedly. In the recent graduation season, I was writing a thesis and other things, and I really haven't visited my wife for a while.

"Okay, then you can go out first. I've got something else going on. Professor Lin nodded. I set my eyes on the pile of materials in front of me.

Lin Chong nodded, said goodbye, and left Professor Lin's office. Lin Chong, who returned to the dormitory, cleaned himself up, changed into clean clothes, went to the supermarket to buy some gifts, and came to Professor Lin's house on time at 6 o'clock.

Professor Lin's home is located in the old town of the magic capital, a 3-story old house, a lush environment, very suitable for an elderly family like Professor Lin to live in.

"Ding-dong!" The sound of the doorbell ringing, exceptionally clear in the quiet environment.

"Alas~ come on, come on. Grandma, you sit down. I went to open the door, and it must be Grandpa who came back. A sweet female voice came from the room.

"Yay! Rush brother. How are you, grandma, grandma. It's not that grandpa is back, it's that my brother is coming. "The name of the person who opened the door is Lin Xiaoxiao, and she is Professor Lin's granddaughter." Hee-hee, brother Chong, why haven't you been here for so long, I miss you, come in, come in.

"Little, who's coming?" A kind face appeared in the doorway. It is Professor Lin's wife, Mrs. Wu.

Lin Chong quickly shouted when he saw it: "Master, hello, I came to see you."

"Ah, Xiao Chong, you are here, come in, come in." Senior Mother Wu happily took Lin Chong's hand and led him home. "You said you kid, come to your house to buy something." Come back and your teacher is coming, and you are going to say that you have seen the outside.

Lin Chong felt a pang of emotion in his heart, every time he came here, it was like returning to his own home. So warm.

"Xiao Chong, have you eaten. Yesterday I was talking to your teacher about you coming, I haven't seen you for a while, and today you are here. Let's go after eating today. Master and mother make you your favorite braised pork.

Following his master to the living room, Lin Chong put down the gift in his hand.

"Xiaoxiao, go and pour you a glass of water." Mrs. Wu said, and the kind Lord took Lin Chong's hand and sat on the sofa. "What have you been up to lately, kid? Why haven't I come to see my wife for so long?

"I've been busy lately, I'm about to graduate, I have to collect materials, write papers, and I have some club things to hand over, so I haven't been able to find time to see you." Lin Chong scratched his hair embarrassedly and said.

"You kid, don't work too hard, if there is anything that can't be solved, just talk to your teacher about it, he knows better than you about graduation." Mrs. Wu patted Lin Chong's hand and said.

"Drink water to my brother." Lin Xiaoxiao sat on the other side of Lin Chong with water at this time, "Hehe, Brother Chong, you are handsome again." Did you find me a sister-in-law? Why don't you introduce you to my little sisters, they're crazy when they see your pictures?

Lin Chong was speechless for a while. I looked at the little one in front of me. Before he could speak, he heard Mrs. Wu say, "You kid, you don't study hard all day long, you're thinking about something." After a pause, he said, "That's right, Xiao Chong." Have you found a girlfriend? Your wife also has a few good students to introduce to you.

Lin Chong knew that he would definitely not be able to escape if he continued like this, so he quickly changed the topic: "Master, why hasn't the teacher come back yet." As

soon as he finished speaking, he heard the sound of the door opening. It was Professor Lin who walked in from the outside.

"Teacher, you're back." Lin Chong stood up and greeted him.

"Well, Xiao Chong, you've arrived, it's been a long time." Professor Lin said as he put down the briefcase in his hand and took off his shoes.

"Xiao Chong is also just here, your old man is really, Xiao Chong is coming to the house, you don't know to tell me in advance. I've also prepared a few more dishes. Mrs. Wu complained.

"I told him that I wanted him to come to the house for dinner, and I wanted to tell you. As a result, I happened to have some work to do, and I forgot about it when I was busy. Professor Lin said apologetically. It's okay, let Xiao Xiao take out and order a few more dishes, Xiao Chong, you will have a drink with me. A

few people were chatting and talking, and the takeaway was also here. Lin Chong drank a glass of wine with Professor Lin and ended the meal happily.


Professor Lin was in a good mood and sat on a rocking chair in the courtyard: "Thanks to your kid, your wife won't let me drink." Hey, I'm getting older.

"Hey." Lin Chong sat on the chair next to him, looked up at the stars in the sky, and sighed. "My wife is also thinking about your body, teacher."

"I know everything, so I usually listen to her, and I haven't drunk again. But this wine, if you don't drink it for a while, you're really hungry. Professor Lin sat up and took a sip of the tea on the table.

Seeing this, Lin Chong walked over and refilled Professor Lin with a new cup of tea.

The two chatted for a while, Lin Chong looked at the time, it was getting late, so he said goodbye to the teacher and his wife, and left Professor Lin's house in Lin Xiaoxiao's reluctant eyes.

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