The Monk

Volume 1 Chapter 989 The Farmer King is coming

Chapter 989 The Farmer King is coming

Zhang was afraid to understand. This was because the old man in the pavilion was unwilling to give up. He always wanted these snakes to fight for their lives. He asked angrily: "Why? I don't care how other Fu Shen snakes live. I hatched these snakes, so they should Let me take care of them. They can make the decision on how to live. I can also make the decision, but you can't!" After saying this, Bai She nodded and agreed with what he said.

Dage Lao Dao asked: "How about your hatching? The Fushen Snake is a member of the deity clan and can survive without being hatched. What does it have to do with you?" Zhang Ping argued: "According to your incubation method, one hundred snakes can survive." If only one snake survives, should the other snakes die? According to what you said, these snakes are already dead, and I spent all my spiritual energy to hatch and feed them, so why do you argue with me?"

Dage was a respected man in the past. When did he act like a street urchin and make noise with others? He immediately decided not to waste time talking to Zhang Afraid and said directly: "They have their own mission, and this mission is also their opportunity. As long as they accept hard training, they will succeed in the future." After saying this, Zhang was sarcastic. Afraid of saying: "With your level of cultivation, you still want to take care of them? That's ridiculous!"

Zhang was very angry and wanted to beat someone, but he couldn't beat Mr. Dage. He wanted to put away the pile of snakes, but it was just a big walnut. Mr. Dage could take it or give it away at any time. After thinking for a moment, he said: "In short, it can't be done. I would rather They live a happy life and don't mess around, what if they die?" Just listening to the tone of the old man's words, he knew that this hard training was definitely not simple, and it must be extremely dangerous.

As he spoke, the snakes also acted for him, opening their mouths and waving their teeth at the big pavilion. Mr. Dage was a little angry. He reached out and grabbed it, and a God-defying snake appeared in his hand. He only exerted a little force. The usually ferocious and terrifying God-defying snake was as motionless as a dead branch in his hand. He picked up the snake and asked Zhang Ping: " Descendants of God, do you want them to live like earthworms for the rest of their lives? You must be responsible for yourself when you live, and they must also be responsible for themselves when they live. This is their mission, otherwise they should not be reincarnated as descendants of Queen Xi."

As he spoke, he threw the big snake back, and at the same time, he released a powerful aura and suppressed a group of stupid snakes that were about to move.

What Mr. Dage said was right, but Zhang was afraid that he was stubborn and rarely changed the things he was sure about, so he used all his strength to look at Mr. Dage and said slowly: "I am not only responsible for myself when I live, but also for them. "

The old man in the palace said with a smile: "Are you responsible? Can you afford it? You can search anywhere in the palace. As long as you find someone who can't beat you, you can do whatever you want. Otherwise, shut up!"

After saying that, he ignored Zhang Wei and faced the group of snakes and said: "You have lived in vain for almost two thousand years. Now that you have returned to the palace, you should not allow yourself to live in vain. This is the great cause created by your ancestors. As descendants, , you must take responsibility and severely damage the glory of your ancestors. If you think you are still a descendant of Queen Xi, follow me to receive hard training. One day in the future, you can also stand and speak like me. Otherwise, you can only do this for the rest of your life. reptile."

The old guy is too good at bewitching the hearts of snakes, especially a group of simple snakes who only eat and sleep all day long, occasionally play with Zhang Awei, and help Zhang Awei fight for his life. Looking at the ecstatic old man, the hearts of the group of snakes are moved.

The old man was about to add more fuel to the fire when Zhang Ain suddenly asked: "I would like to ask, if you are going to participate in this hard training, let's not ask how your future practice will be, but only whether your life will be in danger during the process? What is the chance of survival?"

Dage Lao said proudly: "Who among the Fushen Snake clan has not gone through hard training? It's a joke if you ask. If it is safe and secure, what else is there to train for? How can you grow without experiencing the battlefield? If you don't learn from the killing, what will happen in the future? Can you command the divine soldiers?"

Zhang Ai suddenly felt that these sub-gods were more bloodthirsty than the demon kings in the demon world, so he asked again: "I have one more thing to ask. According to what Mr. Ge said, apart from the Fu Shen Snake clan, there are other races in the god world. I don't care about those. Mr. Ge is the master of a pavilion and is very knowledgeable about the affairs of the palace. I would like to know how many snakes there are in the world, and how many descendants of Prince Xi who have cultivated human form like Mr. Ge."

Mr. Ge's face turned pale. It was precisely because the snakes were becoming increasingly rare that he came to see Zhang Ping in person and talked nonsense with him for a long time. The training is arduous and dangerous, and it is no exaggeration to say it is purgatory. Every snake must respond with a hundredfold energy and no mistakes are allowed, so that there is half a chance of success. In order to ensure this half chance of survival, the group of snakes must be willing to be trained, because these snakes and Zhang Ai are very good, so in order to appease them, they have to give up to themselves and Zhang Ai to talk nonsense.

After pondering for a moment, he said: "When Emperor Xi broke through the world, this world was not your little world of humans and demons, but another starry sky outside this starry sky." He felt unhappy, and while speaking, he despised Zhang Afraid. After a moment, he continued: "Emperor Xi left, and the tribe had a rebellion to fight for power, which was later suppressed. At that time, hundreds of tribesmen were sentenced to the lower realm and punished. Before going to the lower realm, they broke their cultivation and returned to their original form, just like ordinary monsters. Like snakes, it’s unclear how many descendants they have. I guess there will always be some. Only in the palace, there are a total of eight people who have cultivated the human form of the Fushen Snake, and there are still twenty-seven people who have not cultivated the human form.”

There are a total of thirty-five divine snakes in such a large shrine? Zhang was very surprised.

Seeing his expression, Mr. Dage knew what he was thinking. He coughed lightly and continued: "Originally, there were not so few, but the shrine suffered a great change more than 400 years ago. A total of 800 clan members died and more than 300 clan members disappeared. "That's when she was forced to flee the palace." She was talking about the Nascent Snake on Zhang Ai's head.

When Mr. Dage first got the news about the hundreds of Fu Shen Snakes, he didn’t think about the great chaos four hundred years ago. For Fu Shen Snakes, all the snakes under a thousand years old are young snakes. Later, he learned that there are prisoners in the lower world. The magic of the year is that we also know that the female snake was caught by a group of alchemy monks and must have been seriously injured. Without asking, we know that it must be related to the chaos four hundred years ago.

So I went back to the pavilion to check the records and found out that there were three Fushen snakes that were pregnant four hundred years ago. One of them was pregnant for a hundred years and was about to lay eggs, but it disappeared after the chaos. This snake is the direct descendant of the Nong King, and the Nong King has only this descendant.

After the chaos, the Nong King was seriously injured and was bedridden all day long. His only heir was missing and he was unable to fight against other forces. The area under his jurisdiction became smaller and smaller, and his power was not as strong as before.

Considering the current situation of the Farmer King, and the sudden arrival of more than a hundred divine snakes, the Farmer King's faction should be on the verge of great success. I just wonder if the Nong King knows that these snakes are of the same origin as him?

According to what the elder of the Grand Pavilion thinks, the Farm King may not know that there is a magical place in the lower world where prisoners live every day, so he will not count the big snakes as his descendants. But the problem is that these snakes are now in the Farm Palace. The Farm King will one day discover their relationship with him. Could it be that there is some divine will guiding these snakes to return to their ancestors?

But no matter what, when the God-Destroying Snake returns to its ancestors, it will always pass through the Red Pavilion, that is, through his hands. It is what he should do to bring him hard training. There is no need to worry about what the Farmer King will have, so he and Zhang Afraid Talk about big changes.

After hearing the elder Dage mention the number of snakes that subdued the gods, Zhang Wen was very dissatisfied. Even if there was no great change, there were only a thousand people in total, which was really not a lot. So he said: "There are only a total of thirty clansmen. It's so easy." After more than a hundred people came back, you didn’t want to recuperate, but you tortured them when they came up, because you were worried that they wouldn’t die quickly enough?”

The elder of the Pavilion snorted coldly and said: "How do you know about my God Clan? As a member of the God Clan, you must start training as soon as you are born. After hard work, those who can break out of the egg are truly the descendants of the Xi Clan."

Zhang Ping followed his words and said: "Yes, I helped hatch them. If they haven't experienced what you said, they are not considered your clansmen, and they don't need to go through dry training. It's better for me to take them away."

After only talking for a while, Zhang Ping could tell that the God Realm was in chaos. There were a bunch of gods outside fighting for power with the Xi Clan. There are more than a dozen people, and even so, they still don't forget to fight with each other, so they must not leave the Fushen Snake behind.

Now he is very suspicious of the fat man's intentions. The guy told him that the God-Snake will have a big chance only if he returns to the God Realm. But judging from the current situation, he may die before he gets the chance. Anyone else would be in trouble. Be wary.

After hearing Zhang Weijing's refusal, Mr. Dage stopped talking to him. Dage always had his own plans, so naturally he would not fulfill his wish. Looking at the Fushen Snake who always hated me, he sighed in his heart. He is a member of the same clan and does not recognize me, and he regards me as his enemy.

The key now is to convince the God-Destroying Snake. The great opportunity just now was interrupted by Zhang Afraid. At this time, he ordered the Seventh Girl: "Take him in for tea." The Seventh Girl was about to walk over, but saw the group of snakes stirring. , all with their mouths open, occasionally flashing red letters, looking very vicious.

The seven women were in a dilemma and looked at the elder of the pavilion. The old temper in Dage is about to break out at that moment. It doesn’t matter who you are, just take them back and slowly recuperate them. Don’t you believe that you can handle a bunch of little guys? Just as he was about to catch the snakes, someone said at the gate of the courtyard: "The Farmer King is here."

Emperor Xi once had several sons. After he left, in order to commemorate Emperor Xi's contribution, he honored each of his sons as kings. After thousands of years of disputes, there are still five kings left, each with their own fiefdoms in the boundless starry sky. However, the status of the kings The heirs of Prince Xi must guard the palace to protect Emperor Xi's rule.

It is also for this reason that although the gods are powerful and domineering outside, they will always stick to their duties as long as they return to the palace. You must know that Emperor Xi is not dead, he just went to the outside world. Everyone is immortal. If you mess with the palace, who knows when Emperor Xi will come back to settle accounts with you?

The Farmer King is the eldest son of Emperor Xi. When Emperor Xi created all things, the people had to farm to survive, which was the foundation for the people, so he was called this to express the importance of the eldest son. Over the years, they have trained countless loyal subordinates, but due to a disaster hundreds of years ago, they suffered countless casualties and their power was greatly reduced.

When Mr. Dage heard that the Farmer King was coming, he stood up straight and looked back, and saw a group of beautiful women carrying a soft chair and floating over.

When the Farmer King entered the courtyard, Mr. Dage shook his fly whisk and said to him, "I have met the Farmer King."

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