The Monk

Volume One Chapter 988 The Origin of the Three Realms

Chapter 988 The Origin of the Three Realms

When Dage Lao heard this, his eyes were blazing with fire. How could someone treat his own kind like this? Hate asked: "Who is it? Who caught him? What kind of bastard is he from? I want to destroy him."

Zhang Ai replied: "Dead, the cultivators who caught the snakes are all dead, and that sect has also been wiped out."

"Retribution!" Mr. Dage said with hatred, his teeth itching, "If he is not destroyed, I will destroy him again!"

"Destroyed, besieged by several sects. There were tens of thousands of cultivators in the entire sect, but more than a thousand low-level disciples escaped." Zhang Ain continued to tell the truth with half of the content hidden.

"It's good to destroy it, this is retribution!" Mr. Ge repeated these two words. Zhang Ai was shocked when he heard this. Youdao is the law of nature, and retribution is not good. The reason why Tianlei Mountain was destroyed may have something to do with this. The evil consequences sown in the past will always find a reason to bring retribution to you in the future.

He was thinking here, and the elder of the pavilion was also thinking. After talking about retribution, he asked Zhang Ai: "Do you know the cultivation level of those people?" Zhang Ai replied: "In the middle stage of pill formation, there are twenty or thirty people in total, the highest His cultivation level is in the middle stage of pill formation. The others don’t know, but he must be a pill formation cultivator.”

"Impossible!" Elder Dage said: "The God-Suppressing Snake has the power to reach the sky. Even if it gives birth to another child, no matter how weak it is, it will not be caught by a group of pill-forming ants. Something must have happened in the meantime, do you know?" Although they are from the same clan, because they have not cultivated into human form, the elder Dage still calls his clan members the Subdued Snake.

Zhang Ain replied: "I really don't know. The first time I saw her was when she died of her injuries." This she is the God-Slaying Snake.

When they spoke, Fushen Shen Shen Yuanshen could understand everything, and he nodded repeatedly to confirm that Zhang Wen was telling the truth. The elder Dage looked at the expression on Zhang Ain's words and the performance of Fushen Snake, and knew that Zhang Ain was not lying to him.

Because Zhang Weijing did not sign a heart-to-heart agreement with the God of the Fushen Snake, nor did he sign a heart-to-heart agreement with the hundreds of little Fushen Snakes, and he treated them wholeheartedly, the anger of the elder Dage had already calmed down. When he heard this answer, He focused all his attention on Yingbai Yuanshen and looked at it again and again, and suddenly let out a soft cry of "Ah".

Zhang Ping was staring at him and was startled when he heard the voice. Could something have happened? Dage Lao asked Zhang Awei: "When did you save her?" Zhang Awei thought about it and replied: "It must have been more than three hundred years ago."

Dage Lao stretched out his hand to grab it, and in his palm appeared a God-defying snake that he had just caught. He asked Zhang Ai: "How big is this little snake?"

Zhang Ain replied: "About two thousand years of life." He already understood what Mr. Dage was thinking.

The elder of the pavilion held the small Yuanshen snake in one hand and the big snake in the other, and asked Zhang Ai again: "One suffered an accident more than three hundred years ago, and the other has a life span of more than a thousand years. What do you think their relationship is?" Are the two guys' ages correct? How could it be a mother-son relationship?

Zhang Ain replied: "There are also places similar to prisons in the lower realm."

The elder Dage made a sound and muttered in a low voice: "More than three hundred years, more than three hundred years." He turned to leave. Zhang Ai hurriedly stopped him: "Snake Subduing the God."

This guy is really not afraid of death. The old man in the pavilion looked back at Zhang Afraid. At this moment, the snake in his hand suddenly burst out and hit his throat. Of course Mr. Dage won't be hurt, but he's just a little depressed. The God-Fighting Snake actually bit me? Bite me for a layman?

He wanted to go back and check some things. Although more than three hundred years is not a long time, some things will always be forgotten.

Seeing Zhang Awei's persistence, Fushen Snake was willing to fight for Zhang Awei. Considering the future, there was no need to be too stiff, so he wanted to release Fushen Snake to Zhang Awei. At this moment, his white cuffs suddenly opened a slit, and there was no need to be too stiff. Dazzling light was scattered outwards, and along with the light came out more than a hundred divine snakes. Each one was arrogant, and as soon as it came out, it bit the elder of the pavilion, and it was not finished until he was killed. These guys actually broke through the restrictions and came out.

The old man in the pavilion sighed in his heart, there are also snakes in the God Realm. Some are trained to be ferocious, cruel, cunning, and selfish, but there has never been a snake that would risk its life for other living beings. Sighing, he stepped back a few steps to avoid the attack of the group of snakes. He took one more look at Zhang Awei, then let go of the little Yuanshen snake in his hand, and spoke to the seven beautiful women: "He can't leave this courtyard."

The Seven Beauties were motionless and silent for the moment, as if they didn't exist. However, as soon as Dage Lao said something, the Seven Beauties immediately responded and respectfully sent Dage Lao away.

Zhang Ping didn't care about being imprisoned, the most important thing was to be able to save the God-Fighting Snake. Seeing Mr. Dage leave, the powerful aura that suppressed him also dissipated, and the bones in his body began to slowly repair. A quarter of an hour later, Zhang Ain stood among the snakes,

Once the danger was over, the big snakes resumed their lazy look and surrounded Zhang Afraid. Zhang Ain looked at the house and saw that it was too small to accommodate so many snakes, so he sat on the floor and stayed with the snake.

The seven beauties were really amazing, standing on one side of the yard like dummies, still motionless and silent. If they were ordinary-looking, people might forget their existence, but their stunning beauty and graceful figure made people fascinated and couldn't bear to look away. Zhang was a little disdainful of their behavior. How could a person live like this? If I had not gone to the lower world, either busy or leisurely, I would have had more joy than now.

While I was thinking wildly, another idea came to my mind. Could it be that after cultivating eternal life, when I come to the God Realm, I will look like this?

This thought shocked him. If the divine world was just like this, the human world would still be the happiest. Thinking of the heavens and devils that I have been to, they were both empty, desolate and inaccessible. People did not interact with each other easily, and when they did, they would fight and fight desperately. It was really unattractive.

After thinking about it for a while, the elder Dage came back and asked Zhang Ai: "Even if there are prisons and other places in the lower world, how can you make all the snake eggs hatch?"

Zhang Ying was curious. Is it true that the legendary snake eggs can only hatch two or three at a time? He replied: "Use blood as a matchmaker, connect with their blood, and supplement it with the spiritual power in your body, that's it."

He put it simply. If it hadn't been for the help of the female snake soul at that time, he would have been sucked into a human and fucked.

"That's it?" Mr. Dage didn't believe it. How could it be so simple?

Zhang Dawei said: "That's it." Mr. Dage still didn't believe it. The spiritual energy in the God Realm is richer, and it is always more abundant than this silly boy's spiritual energy. Why can't all the snake eggs be hatched?

After thinking for a moment, could it be that there is a lack of blood media? Might have to try it in the future.

Thinking of this, he said to Zhang Aizhi: "I have to take these snakes away, you can go with me." Zhang Aizhi asked: "What are you going to do?" Mr. Dage said: "Although these snakes are large in number and have pure blood, But they are not the God-Suppressing Snakes that our God Realm needs. They are a little weak and do not have the ability to protect themselves, let alone take charge of the God Realm. As descendants of Queen Xi, every one must go through tests as soon as they are born, fighting and killing each other. When you grow up, you will be worthy of being a descendant of Prince Xi."

When he heard that they were asked to fight for their lives, Zhang Awei quickly shook his head: "It's good for them to live like this. If you think they are weak, I will take them away. I won't compete with you for power. You just treat them as if they don't exist. Isn't that fine?"

Dage Lao said angrily: "Nonsense, how can Prince Xi's descendants live in the lower realms at will?" Zhang Ping defended: "Didn't you live in exile before?" "How can it be the same?" Dage Lao replied.

"Why is it different? Only when the female snake wanders to the lower world will the baby snakes be born. By the way, what about the male snake? Why did the female snake live in the lower world and die giving birth to a child, and he didn't show his face?" Zhang Pinglian said. Biandai asked.

The elder Dage was unwilling to mention clan affairs to a layman, so he only said: "She died four hundred years ago. Otherwise, how do you think she escaped to the human world?" As he spoke, he looked at the little girl. Yuan Shen Snake.

They were talking about the past of the Yuanshen Snake. The little Yuanshen thought of the past, and his mood was low. It slowly lowered to the top of Zhang Weizhen's head, and he was a little unhappy.

The elder Da Ge deliberately concealed something, but Zhang Ain asked: "What happened four hundred years ago?"

The elder of the pavilion hesitated and simply said: "What can there be? According to what you said, it is nothing more than a struggle for power. Emperor Xi has created great achievements, but he does not like power. He voluntarily gave up his power and let gods and men rule together. But the problem is There are too many gods, and they can coexist peacefully at first, but as time goes by, they gradually become more powerful and dissatisfied with each other, and then they fight. "

Zhang Ain asked, "Do gods also compete for power and profit?" Although he had always thought this in his heart, when he heard it said from the elder Dage himself, it was still a bit difficult to accept it. How could the aloof gods be the same as ordinary people?

The old man from the Grand Pavilion asked: "Why don't you fight? If you win, this infinite starry sky will only listen to you. You can dominate the life and death of billions of living beings, control other people's lives, and make everyone your toy. You have supreme rights. Say, why don’t you fight?”

People always have different ideas. Zhang Weijing said casually: "Then let's fight. You fight for what's yours. Just don't hurt others."

Hearing the words, the elder of the pavilion smiled and said: "Who is involved? You mortals? At this time, there was no you, only us, only these so-called gods. When Emperor Xi created the world, there was only this palace in the beginning. According to Emperor Xi's ability, no matter where he goes, Well, it was only a step away, and I felt a little depressed, so I created a nebula outside for the gods to live in, and then relied on the nebula to create countless stars, and this is how you have the Three Realms."

Speaking of this, seeing the fearful expression on his face, the guy remained calm and continued: "Emperor Xi did all these things according to his own preferences. After he finished doing it, he found that it was the same as before, not much different, so he broke through the starry sky and left, leaving behind Let’s leave this alone, but the God Realm is not only descended from Queen Xi, there are many gods, and conflicts gradually arise, and more and more fights arise, eventually leading to today’s situation.”

Dage Lao said it simply. Zhang was confused when he heard it and asked: "Where has Emperor Xi gone? What is the situation in the God Realm today?"

The elder Dage did not answer the question directly: "This is not important. We will talk about it later. What is important is that Emperor Xi has left, but his descendants must survive. In order to be as powerful as Emperor Xi and restore the former prestige of the Fu Shen Snake clan, every one The God-Lowering Snake was born with an arduous mission." Zhang stopped talking. He was afraid that he would be able to cultivate a spiritual body. I guess he was not a stupid person and should understand the meaning of his words.

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