The Monk

Volume One Chapter 990 Leaving the Shrine

Chapter 990 Leaving the Shrine

The Nong Wang was stuck in a pile of cloud brocade, with Zixia behind him, half sitting and looking this way. Because the clouds were stacking up to cover up, the lower body could not be seen, but the face was handsome and handsome. He was in his thirties, but his face was pale, even paler than Mr. Dage. He nodded to Mr. Dage and asked: "Mr. Ge, have you asked me?"

Mr. Dage said: "I have asked." The Nong Wang smiled and said: "It is rare to see Mr. Dage, so today is the day. You and I use the stars as wine and the morning dew as drink, just to get him drunk for once. How about it?"

The elder of the Grand Pavilion replied: "The King of Farmers invited me, and I should have obeyed the order. However, our God Clan suffered a sudden disaster, and more than a hundred tribesmen returned. We should redress them, and name them after being selected by the tribesmen. This matter should be It's for the sake of our leader, this wine, I won't be in a hurry to drink it in the future, please forgive me. "The selection is a hard training, because facing the farmer king, let's put it in a nicer way.

Nong Wang heard this and asked, "Do you want to take them away?"

"It's for selection." Mr. Dage corrected him.

The Farmer King chuckled, and this smile affected the whole body's blood, because serious injuries are difficult to heal. The body twitched involuntarily, and with a crash, the clouds piled on the body were pulled away, revealing a huge snake tail. The scales of the snake are white, and there are many wounds. There are many shining light spots in the wounds, which calm the wounds and prevent them from bleeding.

Zhang Hua was shocked. What kind of injury should he have suffered? Unable to recover?

The big tail twitched uncontrollably twice. The farmer king finally controlled his body. The huge snake tail disappeared into the clouds again. He sighed and said, "Oh, I'm old." Then he added, "They are in my farmer's palace. I'm still here." How can I make a selection if I haven't seen him before?" His voice was old and slow, which didn't match his appearance, but he had more majesty than the Grand Pavilion Elder.

Hearing this, Mr. Dage calmly looked at the Nong King, and said after a while: "Now, the Nong King has seen it, can I take them away?"

The Nong King slowly shook his head: "No." The Grand Pavilion Elder asked: "Why?" The Nong King took a deep breath and said slowly: "I was chased when I was in the lower realm, and when I entered the palace, I was intercepted by a guard. If I was If you take them for selection, can they come back alive?"

The elder Dage was at a loss for words. The selection was completely handled by the Hongge. Today's Hongge is very different from the past. Different people have different thoughts. Even the elder Dage cannot guarantee that all his subordinates have the same thoughts as him. .

The Farmer King said again: "Stay here for now, wait until you figure out a way to come back." This is the order to expel guests. Dage Lao is brave and brave. Although he can rob a group of snakes, but how can he fight with the Farmer King? How are you different from previous rebels?

He had a line in his mind and refused to cross it no matter what. He hesitated for a moment and said to the Nong King: "As the Nong King said, let them stay here, but I will send Thirteen to take care of the people. I hope the Nong King will allow it. "

The Farmer King asked, "Is Thirteen the boy who came to plead guilty?" Dage Lao said yes. The Farmer King smiled: "The boy said he came to plead guilty, so I asked him to find you. I guess he was not punished, but was rewarded instead?"

Thirteenth Lang went down to the realm once and brought back more than a hundred god-defying snakes. This was a great achievement. How could the Grand Pavilion Master punish him? Speaking of which, it was thanks to his unintentional leak that it was so easy to bring back the Fushen Snake.

The Farmer King continued: "That boy is dedicated to protecting his people. You should trust him. Let him come." After saying that, he closed his eyes and lay down. However, with this movement, his body began to twitch uncontrollably, and Yunxia on the soft chair was twitched. It split apart, revealing a huge snake body, and then clouds surged over to cover it.

Seeing the huge snake body, Zhang Wen couldn't figure out how such a small soft chair could accommodate such a big body. However, this body shows that King Nong is a pure bloodline of Emperor Xi.

King Nong closed his eyes and said to him: "Don't look at it. I am injured and it is difficult to recover, otherwise I will change my body like Mr. Ge."

Zhang was afraid that he would not even dare to say so. The farmer king said softly: "There's nothing you dare to do. Let's stay here first." After saying this, a group of beautiful women floated away carrying soft chairs. Dage Lao looked scared and looked at the group of snakes. Although he was reluctant to leave, he finally left alone.

Qun She, Zhang Ai and seven women were left in the courtyard. After a while, the scholar in red arrived. As soon as he entered the door, he clasped his fists and said, "Nao Nuo." Zhang Ai replied helplessly: "It must be Nao Nuo, otherwise why would I come here? here?"

Thirteenth Lang smiled and said: "Entering the divine realm is a great opportunity for others, but when it comes to you, it becomes a disaster." Zhang Ain replied: "I am not someone else." Looking to the left and right, the courtyard was empty. There was only a flat ground, and he said: "If you don't mind, sit down, otherwise go into the house and rest."

Thirteenth Lang shook his head: "You think I'm here to enjoy the blessings? I'm here to protect you."

Zhang Ain asked: "Do you need protection even in the Nongwang Palace?" Thirteenth Lang gestured towards the Seven Beauties: "Otherwise, what do you think they are here for?"

Then protect him. Zhang was afraid that he would lie down among a bunch of snakes and squeeze around for a while, then close his eyes and fall asleep. Thirteenth Lang looked helpless, looked at the smiling but cold Seven Beauties, and said to Zhang Ain: "Others who come to the God Realm seize the time to practice hard, but it's better for you to come here to sleep."

Zhang Ping replied calmly: "I told you, I am not someone else." After hearing what he said about cultivation, he thought about it and asked, "Where is the eternal life pool?" Thirteenth Lang smiled and said, "You know everything. You are a spirit body and do not need to cleanse your condensed body.”

"I'm just asking, can they enter the pool?" Zhang Ain asked, patting the big snake next to him.

"They are the descendants of the Gods and do not need to refine their bodies. The eternal life pool is only useful to people who have ascended from the lower realm. The pool is on a small planet outside the nebula and does not exist here." Thirteenth Lang explained.

Zhang was afraid that if he didn't talk any more, Fatty Nonda came running over. As soon as he entered the yard, he loudly said: "Put away the snake and go into the house to stay."

Thirteenth Lang asked him: "Coming?" The fat man nodded: "Coming." As soon as these two words were said, Thirteenth Lang and the Seven Beauties moved instantly, and each had thousands of rays of light outside, shining on them to protect Zhang Ping. , at this moment, it seems that he really looks like a fairy.

When a group of experts behaved like this, they knew without asking that their enemies were coming. Regardless of whether the snakes were willing or not, Zhang was afraid that they would be forced into the big walnut and then enter the house. Nonda and Thirteenth Lang followed up, and the seven beauties stood around the house, activating the magic formula at the same time, and the house immediately turned into a solid divine formation.

Zhang Awei was stunned for a moment, what's the matter? This is the Nongwang Palace. Even if there are conflicts and no face is given, we can't fight here, right? Just when I was thinking like this, I suddenly heard a loud roar from someone outside, followed by a huge force hitting the house. I only heard the rumbling sound and someone said: "Little magic circle, you want to stop me too?"

The seven beauties' expressions changed when they heard this, and they hurriedly pinched the seals. Zhang Weizhi only felt that the scenery in front of him changed, and he didn't know where he was.

Everyone was originally in the house, but now they appeared in a vast ocean. Looking around, there was nothing but the sky and the sea. There were many fish swimming in the sea. When I checked with my spiritual sense, they were ordinary fish. The spiritual energy here is thin, and it's not like being in a divine palace. The spiritual consciousness was sent further, and there was a shore three thousand miles east. There were many sea boats fishing near the shore, and there were all ordinary people on board.

Fortunately, there were Fatty, Thirteenth Lang, and Seven Beauties walking with him, so he asked, "Where is this?"

The fat man sighed and replied: "A certain Three Realms." "What a certain Three Realms?" Zhang was afraid to ask again. The fat man continued: "It's the secular world you lived in before, but it's just a different planet."

There were ten of them in total, walking on the water and talking. There were fish and beasts swimming in the sea, but they didn't care. Suddenly, a big fish jumped out of the sea. It had blue skin and a fierce appearance. It opened its big mouth full of sharp teeth and bit Zhang Ping.

Zhang Zhen was very depressed. There were ten of us together. Why did they only bite me? With a slight movement of his body, he let the big fish pass and asked Thirteenth Lang: "Who is here?" He was asking about what happened in the Nongwang Palace.

"King of Soldiers." Thirteenth Lang replied. Zhang was a little surprised: "How dare he take action in the Nongwang Palace?"

Thirteenth Lang replied: "Why don't you dare? No one in Xi Palace came forward. In the entire palace, the King of Soldiers is the most powerful." Looking at the fat man, he continued: "King Kuang Nong is seriously injured. He can't compete with the King of Soldiers. If he comes to act wild, who can control him?"

"Don't you care, Mr. Dage?" Zhang Ain asked.

This time it was Nonda who replied: "The Red Pavilion can handle other matters, but the dispute between the five kings cannot be handled. We want the King of Soldiers to be honest unless Emperor Xi comes back."

Zhang Ai was very angry when he heard this: "The old man in the Grand Pavilion can't handle the King of Soldiers, and he still wants to take the God-Snake away? What if he is killed? Is he an old fool? And Emperor Xi, who is irresponsible at all, caused such a big problem It’s too bad to just leave the stall alone?”

When he was talking about Mr. Dage, Fatty wanted to defend Mr. Dage. He wanted to say that Mr. Dage was also worried about the future of the Gods, so he made a hasty decision. He also underestimated the murderous intention of the King of Soldiers. But he didn't expect that Zhang Ai turned around and scolded Emperor Xi together. Two men, seven women, and nine people from the palace, all of them remained silent. How should I persuade someone to scold Emperor Xi?

They didn't speak, but Zhang Wen had something to say: "The Farmer King couldn't defeat the Soldier King, so he sent us here? Where is this place?"

Thirteenth Lang said: "I don't know. Under the rule of the Divine Palace, there are at least hundreds of millions of stars. Who knows where we will come."

Zhang Aing thought for a while and said angrily: "You took me to the King of Nong's Palace Darely because you thought you would kick me out if anything happens. This is not thinking about victory but thinking about defeat first, right?" There was a hint of sarcasm in his words. Taste, Nonda and Thirteenth Lang both laughed and said nothing.

The Farmer King had no choice but to do this. Anyone with some strength would definitely continue to fight with the Soldier King. Now everyone in the palace knows that there are more than a hundred divine snakes in the Nong Palace, and this matter cannot be hidden from anyone. The Nong King thought clearly that since his traces were exposed and he could not defeat the Bing King, he should arrange his escape route as soon as possible. If the Bing King did not conflict with him head-on, Zhang Ai could stay in the Nong Palace and not leave. If there is a conflict, the seven beauties will control the star formation and throw them to a certain planet. You, the King of Soldiers, are not afraid of trouble, just look for them slowly.

The two of them laughed and said nothing, which was equivalent to acquiescing to what he said. Zhang Weijing was a little angry in his heart. In this case, why bother to toss me to the shrine and then kick me away? If you keep ignoring me, won’t it be over?

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