The Monk

Volume 1 Chapter 987 Hege Lao takes action

Chapter 987 Hege Lao takes action

The voice was firm, and there was absolutely no room for questioning or rebuttal, let alone rejection. Mr. Dage restrained his powerful aura and looked at Zhang Awei with a smile, waiting to make a decision. He only tolerated Zhang Wei's rudeness for the sake of Fushen Snake's face.

The seven beauties were like wood from beginning to end, motionless and silent. Not even a hair moved during this time. Zhang Wen looked at the seven beauties and sighed secretly. They were more boring than Master Hantian. It was such a pity to be a human being, ah, no, to be a god.

Looking down at the big walnut on his chest, the fat man said that the snakes will become stronger only when they return to the shrine. If they have the chance, they will be able to transform into human form. This should be a great opportunity for them. What's more, since they were descendants of Queen Xi, the boss of the Grand Pavilion would not harm their lives, so he used his spiritual thoughts to enter the big walnut and let one hundred and twenty-eight large white snakes come out.

Seeing the white color of the big snake, my heart suddenly moved. I looked up at Mr. Dage's skin. The two kinds of white are very similar. Could it be that Mr. Dage is always a human-shaped snake? But according to legend, Emperor Xi has the head of a human and the body of a snake. How come the whole body of Dage Lao is human? Is it more powerful than Emperor Xi? Can the whole body be transformed into a human form?

He was questioning, and suddenly there were piles of snakes around him. The current big snake was four meters long and as thick as a sea bowl. One hundred and twenty-eight snakes were squeezed together, and they quickly filled the courtyard.

The elder Dage finally looked shocked. He had never seen so many snakes in his life. He was very excited and wanted to step forward and touch them. But as soon as the big snake came out, it immediately pinned Zhang Aoi in the middle, and more than a hundred snake heads rushed out, looking cautious and nervous against the enemy.

Seeing that the Fushen Snake was hostile to him, the elder of the pavilion did not step forward and locked his eyes on Zhang Ai. It seemed that the news sent back by Nongda and Thirteenth Lang was correct. This man had a close relationship with the Fushen Snake. With a thought, he smiled and said: "You actually have the blood of the God-Destroying Snake in your body, and those little guys grew up eating your blood." Seeing the God-Destroying Snake, his tone softened.

Zhang Ain asked: "Mr. Nongda said that they only go home when they come here, and they will become stronger. I wonder how Mr. Dage will treat them?"

"I want to take them away." Dage Lao Xiangxiang said, maybe because of the face of so many snakes, maybe because Zhang was afraid of having the blood of the Fushen Snake in his body, so he didn't say in a positive tone that I wanted to take them away. They left, but said they wanted to, with a hint of inquiry.

Zhang Awei asked: "Dare I ask Mr. Ge, where are you taking them? What should I do? However, there is something to tell Mr. Ge. They have never left my side since they were born, no matter where Mr. Ge takes them. Wherever you go, I will follow you.”

Not even half a step away? Mr. Dage is not happy, the Lord of the God Realm, you actually use him as a filler to support him? But this guy disobeyed him again. He snorted coldly, flicked his sleeves and robes, and the snakes all over the ground disappeared. He said coldly to Zhang Ain, "Just stay here." After saying that, he was about to leave.

Zhang was afraid that he would not allow it. He and Da She had never been separated. They had a very good relationship with each other, so he shouted: "No!" Mr. Dage was amused by him and asked him with a smile: "Oh? No?" Zhang After thinking for a moment, he said firmly: "No!" He said firmly and decisively. He also knows that he has to bow his head when under the roof of others, but because of his nature, there are certain things that a real man should not do, but he must do something. Without ensuring the safety of all the God-Snake Snakes, no one can take them away. .

The elder Dage suppressed his smile, his face turned cold, and he said in a disdainful tone: "What if I have to take them away?" Zhang Ai hesitated several times in his heart. No matter what, I can't let you take away the God-Sorrowing Snake. When I was stupid again, impulsive again, and wanted to take them away, kill me first, and then he drew out the hard iron knife and said softly: "Don't leave!" When Dage Lao saw him draw the knife, his expression changed again, he actually dared to take it for granted. Use force in front of yourself? He sneered disdainfully and said: "Ignorant people are fearless." Then he said: "If I don't give you a snake, what will I do? Do you dare to chop me?"

This was a provocation. Zhang Wei gritted his teeth. No matter how powerful this guy was, he couldn't take the snake away anyway. He swung the big knife and said loudly: "I don't want to do anything, don't force me."

Dage Lao laughed and said: "I'm just forcing you, come on, chop me."

Since the old man insists on it, let's chop him off. Zhang Afraid raised his sword and struck it in the head. The elder of the pavilion raised his eyes disdainfully, and with just one glance, the big black knife was knocked away with a bang. Then Mr. Dage shook his head gently, with a look of contempt on his face. No matter how he looked at it, he was saying that you are not good enough.

Zhang was so angry that his broadsword was knocked away and he was looked down upon by others. He drew out the Fu Shen Sword and stabbed him furiously. This stab finally made Dage Lao angry. He actually stood still and allowed the Fu Shen Sword to pierce his body. Then he lowered his head to look at the sword and said slowly, word by word: "You actually used the body of my tribe to make a weapon? Damn it, boy!"

The old man in the pavilion was angry and wanted to kill immediately, but he didn't see any action. Zhang was afraid that the Fu Shen Sword in his hand would break into pieces and fall to the ground. But Mr. Dage didn't have any injuries on his body. He slowly squatted down, gently stroked the broken sword blade, and asked in a cold voice: "Where did you get this body?"

Zhang was afraid not to answer. He knew that he was very stupid and impulsive now, but he couldn't bear to see the Fu Shen Snake being snatched away. With a thought, his natal bones transformed into several spikes, each of which shone with a cold light. Zhang was afraid and rushed towards Mr. Dage with his spikes on his body.

The elder Ge was even more angry: "You don't know how to die." Zhang was afraid to jump forward, but his body was suddenly frozen and unable to move. Then he saw the sharp spikes on his body breaking one after another. Now the bone spurs are his body, and every break brings him great pain. Fortunately, he can't move his body, open his mouth, endure the pain, scream or make a sound, so it's not too embarrassing after all.

After a while, all the bone spurs on his body broke off. The elder said coldly: "Refine bones into the body? Another spiritual body, what a pity." After saying that, Zhang Pa collapsed to the ground as if struck by lightning. All the bones in his body were broken and turned into powder at the elder's words.

Zhang Pa's bones can repair themselves, but here, under the suppression of the elder's powerful aura, his life bones were locked tightly, unable to move, let alone self-repair.

Seeing Zhang Pa struggling helplessly, the elder's heart was moved, as if he noticed something, and he reached out and grabbed Zhang Pa's storage bag and the big walnut on his chest. He first checked the walnut, which contained two mice and a bunch of Yuanying. There was nothing he was looking for, so he threw the big walnut and looked through the storage bag. It was filled with top-grade white jade, top-grade herbs, top-grade materials, etc. The elder didn't even look at it, and directly took out a piece of adult Fu Shen snake skin with many broken parts, which had the same aura as the snake scales used to refine the Fu Shen sword.

He took out the snake skin, threw away the storage bag, looked at Zhang Pa's words, and said slowly and coldly: "Listen to me, I will only ask once, where did you get this?" Seeing the Xihuang clan being dismembered and refined, the elder was furious and wanted to grind the boy in front of him to ashes. Zhang Pa collapsed to the ground. Because he was a spirit, although he had no bones and could not support his body, he could always make some subtle movements and speak. After listening to the elder's question, he sighed and said: "You can find the things in the storage bag, but you can't find the soul in my body?" The elder was despised, staring at Zhang Pa, searching with his mind, his face turned cold, and he reached out and grabbed, and directly detained the soul of Fu Shen Snake from his body, but he did not embarrass her, and contained her with air, floating in the air. The soul of the Fushen Snake in Zhang Pa's body had experienced a lot. After several hardships, it first split its soul and fought with people, and then risked its life to lay snake eggs. After repeated tossing, it became extremely weak. Later, although it obtained the spirit essence of the divine tears to refine its body and became strong again, its aura was slightly different from the original one.

These changes could not be hidden from the elder. Looking at the soul of the Fushen Snake in his hand, his eyes became soft, and he sighed and asked: "Who hurt you like this? Just tell me, I will make the decision for you."

The soul of the Fushen Snake was grabbed out, and it was a white little snake. Looking at the elder, there was a very familiar breath, and it felt very close, so it did not struggle.

Seeing that the soul of the Fushen Snake was well-behaved, the elder looked at it, his face changed, and he became suspicious. He stretched out his hand and called the soul snake in his hand, breaking the air mass and grasping it, and directly touching the soul snake. The two were close, and a feeling of closeness arose in his heart, as if they were very familiar, and his face changed again.

At this moment, the old man who never showed his emotions encountered various stimulations one after another. His expression changed several times, from angry to confused, and now he became a little angry. He said to Zhang Pa angrily: "You wear human armor and imprison your soul. Who are you? Who is behind you to commit such a crime against heaven?" Zhang Pa said helplessly: "Aren't you smart?" This sentence immediately made the old man sober up. There is a saying that concern makes people confused. Even the high-ranking old man can't avoid being confused once. The old man cursed inwardly for being confused. How could he make such a low-level mistake? After a moment of quiet thought, he looked at the soul of the Fushen Snake in his hand and whispered, "If you save her, she will repay you with her soul. Otherwise, how could she be willing to stay in your body without restraint? You saved her, and also saved the snake eggs, and helped hatch them, so every little snake is close to you."

At this point, the elder also knew that he had wrongly blamed Zhang Pa, mainly because the magic weapon made of the Fushen Snake's scales gave him too much stimulation, and he didn't want to see the bodies of his people being used to refine weapons.

At this time, he ignored the part about the broken magic weapon of Zhang Pa and continued: "You saved them and have been taking care of them. It can be counted that my Divine Palace owes you a favor. However, I have a doubt in my heart. I hope you can answer it. Where did you save them?"

Always unable to avoid this question, Zhang Pa replied: "The female snake was pregnant. When she was about to give birth, her cultivation level dropped greatly. She was surrounded by a group of cultivators and captured with the ** treasure beast-controlling tripod. Later, the cultivators wanted to refine and recover the female snake. The female snake fought desperately and seriously injured the cultivators. She was also seriously injured. However, the female snake would rather die than lay snake eggs. In the end, she really died. It was a trace of her soul that was left and merged into my body. Later, with the help of this trace of soul, she was able to fully hatch 128 little snakes."

From beginning to end, he told the truth, but he concealed the name of the cultivator.

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