The Monk

Volume 1 Chapter 986: Mr. Dage

Chapter 986 The Grand Pavilion Elder

When you come to someone else's land, you always have to think about how they will deal with you and how they will deal with the God-Suppressing Snake. However, there were seven unfamiliar and beautiful women around him, which made the battle-hardened Zhang feel a little cautious. He felt more and more confused and had no clue, so he opened his eyes and said, "You can go and have a rest. I will stay alone." become."

At this time, it was the first woman who spoke to him. She was wearing a red skirt and looked very graceful and attractive. At this time, she still replied: "The farmer asked me to wait for the young master, so I can't." Please don’t blame me if you leave the young master’s side.”

Okay, these women haven’t left yet? Look left and right, this is the hall, get up and walk to the backyard. The woman in red asked, "Master, do you want to rest? The bedroom is over here." She walked up to Zhang Wen and led him into the bedroom.

There was only one bed in the room. Zhang Awei sighed and said, "I can't sleep. Why don't you just sit and watch?" The seventh woman replied, "We don't need to rest."

Okay, if you don’t take a break, I will. Zhang was afraid to fall asleep on the bed, and fell asleep after a while.

He slept until dusk, which made him curious. Does the place where gods live also have day and night? As soon as he got up, women came over to serve him, bringing basins, towels, and tea. They treated him as an emperor.

Zhang Ai was very uncomfortable and was in a dilemma. A woman said, "Nong Da is waiting for the young master outside." Zhang Ai hurried out and asked as he walked: "How long have you been waiting? Why didn't you wake me up?" He said only a few words. By the way, people have already come to the hall outside. When Fatty Nonda saw him coming out, he clasped his fists and said, "The King of Farmers asked me to briefly explain the matter to you."

Zhang feared and said: Then just listen. Sit upright and listen to the fat man telling stories.

The thing is very simple. Fatty is the guardian of Zhang Ai's planet. He does nothing on weekdays. As long as nothing harmful to the Three Realms happens, he is just causing trouble out of boredom. When I met Zhang Wei, I rushed over to watch the fight because I was bored. As a result, a snake was accidentally discovered. So fat people can't be bored anymore.

He is a god-man, but gods also have disputes. Fatty's faction is led by the Nong King. He unexpectedly got news of more than a hundred god-defying snakes. Thinking that they were descendants of Queen Xi and a member of the same clan as the Nong King, they reported the news.

However, he did not have the right to report directly to the Farmer King. Unless he left his post without permission, he could not see the Farmer King in person. Because the Fu Shen Snake was still on Zhang Wei, Fatty was worried about an accident, so he had to first pass the news to the Four Directions Wandering God Tianluo, and then the Wandering God Tianluo would pass the news back to Xi Palace, so that it could reach the hands of the Nong King.

There is a place in Xigong called the Red Pavilion. The pavilion is full of people with excellent qualifications. Most affairs related to the God Realm are handled here. So the thirteenth son of the Red Pavilion saw the news. The news said that there were more than a hundred Fushen snakes in the human world. His first reaction was that he did not believe it. The Fushen snakes have great magical powers and it is extremely difficult for them to lay eggs. Even if they lay eggs, they would only rarely do so. There are those that can be hatched, so for thousands of years, there have not been many descendants of Queen Xi. How could there be more than a hundred god-subduing snakes in a small human world?

He was also troubled. He wanted to see what happened when he didn't believe it, but he didn't expect to be followed. The shrine at this time is different from before. Emperor Xi is no longer in this world, so various forces stand up and compete for power. However, most things must be handled by the Red Pavilion, so the people in the Red Pavilion are concerned about various forces. Those who can be bribed can be bribed, but many who cannot be bribed. Being followed. Thirteenth Lang is followed by the silver-clad Xiwei. The Xi Guards at this time were different from before. From the Xi Emperor Guards to the Bing King Guards, they were directly under the jurisdiction of the Bing King.

Although the King of Soldiers and the King of Farmers are both kings, he is ruthless and merciless towards his fellow tribesmen. Anyone who poses a slight threat to him will be killed if he can, and those who cannot be killed will be treated as a thorn in the flesh and killed in every possible way.

It is said that the Red Pavilion is full of masters. If there is a life and death fight, the silver-clad Xiwei may not be Thirteenth Lang's opponent. However, as the former Xihuang's personal guard, Xiwei has his own concealment method and can track him all the way to Tianlei Mountain without telling Thirteenth Lang. .

Thirteenth Lang was also careless, thinking that no one would be bored enough to follow him to the three realms below, so Xiwei took advantage of him.

When the fat man saw the silver-clad Xiwei, he knew that he was following Thirteenth Lang. He guessed that the news about the God-subduing Snake should not be leaked out in time. At that time, he wanted to kill someone and silence him, so he proposed to join forces with Thirteenth Lang to fight against the enemy. Thirteenth Lang of Hong Pavilion also knew that something was wrong. There were so many snakes in this world. If the King of Soldiers knew about it, they would definitely destroy this world. There was too much killing. After all, Thirteenth Lang was a scholar and couldn't bear to see the killing. Rampant. Thinking of killing one person to save a star, he agreed to Fatty's proposal and the two of them joined forces to kill the silver-clad Sun Guard.

Thirteenth Lang is willing to join forces with Fatty. Firstly, he wants to kill people and silence them to ensure that the secret of the Snake is not leaked. Secondly, he wants to vent his anger on himself. He is a master of the Red Pavilion, but he feels very embarrassed when being followed.

Unfortunately, the silver-clad Xiwei was not an idiot. He knew that the two of them had murderous intentions as soon as he heard it, so they fought together and severely injured them both. He took the opportunity to escape and went back to the shrine to report the news to the King of War. But his ending was predictable. He desperately resisted Thirteenth Lang's attack. Even if he didn't die, his cultivation would never be repaired and he could only fall into the mortal world.

However, although Xiwei was seriously injured and escaped, he caused big trouble to Fatty and Thirteenth Lang. He injured people with special magic weapons, causing them to bleed profusely. In this way, the two of them were unable to pursue him and had time to escape. But Fatty and Thirteenth Lang had to go to great lengths to shed their injured bodies and get new bodies before they could continue their pursuit.

This is what happened. It was originally just a small problem in a small Three Realms below. But when it comes to the Subduing Snake, and because the King of Soldiers is so powerful, many people in the shrine obey his orders. After receiving the news from the silver-clad Xiwei, they immediately ordered a blockade, intending to kill Fatty, Zhang Ai, and even Thirteenth Lang outside the palace, so Fatty would be intercepted by the Star Guards when he came back.

It can be said that Zhang was afraid of his life and came back one after another with the silver-clad Xiwei. The silver-clothed Xiwei was even more seriously injured. After a little delay, plus the identity of Thirteenth Lang in the Red Pavilion, such a big name suppressed him. The Star Armor Guards were able to successfully return to the palace.

After the fat man said this, Zhang Anxin said: It's so boring. Even the divine world is full of gods and factions, fighting each other endlessly. What else can be good about this world?

After the fat man finished telling the story, he asked: "The Farm King asked me to ask the young master, what do you think? Or what do you plan to do in the future?"

Zhang Fing said: "You asked me to come, what do you think I should do?" In front of a bunch of powerful beings, any decision he makes is in vain. He might as well take the initiative to cooperate from the beginning.

The fat man said: "Now the Farm King has no time to see you, nor to see the God-subduing Snake, so the young master has to stay here temporarily. After a few days, the Farm King will have time to see you."

"Then why are you coming to see me now?" Zhang Ain asked curiously.

"I'm here, firstly, to tell you what happened, and secondly, to tell you not to leave the farm hall." The fat man replied.

Zhang Ping said: "I know." He signaled with his eyes, glanced at the seven beauties and asked: "What should they do?" The fat man said: "You can do whatever you want." After saying that, he stood up and left, then left Zhang is afraid of himself.

Zhang is afraid that he will be very depressed. I came all the way to the God Realm to be imprisoned? He was imprisoned by the Star Emperor for a while when he was in the heavenly realm, and was imprisoned again when he came to the divine realm. This kind of bad luck, alas.

His face was a bit ugly. The seven beauties in front of him were beautiful, but they were as speechless as a piece of wood. They only had beautiful smiles on their faces. Zhang was afraid of feeling awkward in his heart. What was this?

He sat there until evening, when a beautiful woman came over and spoke to him: "I'm here to see you, Mr. Dage."

Dage Lao? Is he the boss of Thirteenth Lang? After adjusting his clothes a little, he followed the beautiful woman to the courtyard. An old man with a pure white body looked at him calmly. White clothes, white shoes, white hair, white eyebrows, white whiskers, even her skin is crystal white. Zhang Awei turned around and glanced at the beautiful woman next to him, and found that Mr. Dage's skin was whiter than the skin of the beautiful woman next to him. Those who bullied Xue Saishuang were clearly talking about people like Mr. Dage. Zhang Ai was very suspicious. If this person was standing in the snow, there would be no need to cover up. As long as he stood still, it would be difficult to see him from a distance of twenty meters.

He looked at Mr. Dage with open eyebrows, which should be regarded as disrespectful, but Mr. Dage didn't care at all. He said calmly: "I want to see the God-Suppressing Snake." I only said the request. No matter what you are thinking, you must first meet my request. This is where the power lies, where the strength lies.

Zhang Ain asked: "Why?"

The old man in Dage raised his eyebrows slightly. He hadn't heard anyone ask him why for a long time. At this time, the question came from the mouth of a little ant in the Three Realms. He found it very interesting and said: "If you want to leave here completely, you'd better press Do what I say.”

It's true that Zhang Zhi is a good man, but he also has a temper. In this regard, he is very similar to Zhang Tianfang. He immediately said firmly: "Is there no other way to go?" Finally, he was not too confused and did not directly say, "What if I don't want to leave completely?" This type of discourse.

Mr. Dage was stunned for a moment. The ignorant boy in front of him not only refused to obey his orders and asked why, but also dared to contradict him in person. He had been respected for many years and had supreme pressure on him. At this moment, he was stunned, and the pressure of control was instantly released. With a bang, it was like a strong wind blowing in the courtyard. Zhang was afraid of taking three steps back. Fortunately, the clothes on his body were transformed from the bones of his life, so he could not move his clothes and belts. Very embarrassing. The seven beauties, on the other hand, remained motionless from head to tail, not even losing their smiles, they just stood there with their hands down.

It was just a gust of wind that completely blew Zhang Awei into the abyss. His heart sank and sank until there was no bottom and continued to sink. He felt a little frustrated, so what if he became the first master in cultivation? So what if he becomes a god? What if you become a spirit after becoming a god? So what if I can barely fight the big devil. The old man stood still and was just stunned for a moment unintentionally. He inadvertently released his majesty. I had to take three steps back. If he got angry, he would probably perform the legendary blink of an eye, and what he saw would immediately change. A great scene of explosion and death.

Seeing Zhang Awei's shocked and disappointed expression, Mr. Dage smiled softly and said, "You don't understand the rules of the divine world. I will make an exception for you. Listen up, I want to see the God-Snake, all of it."

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