The Monk

Volume 1 Chapter 985 Seven Beauties

Chapter 985 Seven Beauties

Zhang Ping was very surprised. Huge stars, stars that were so big that it was unimaginable, were here like chess pieces for anyone to play with. Looking at the huge planets on both sides arranged neatly, Zhang Ai stood among them, as invisible as gravel.

There was an extremely huge planet in front of the star road, glowing with golden light. Compared with the duck eggs in the human world where he lived, it should be hundreds of thousands or millions in size, and he didn't know how many people lived on it.

The fat man pointed to the huge stars on both sides of the road and said: "These are the residences of the Sun Guards. Each person lives in a star. The guys we met in the human world live there." He was talking about the stars at the beginning of the road.

Zhang Ping took a quick look and saw that there were at least hundreds of stars on both sides of the road. Didn't he mean that there were only 108 Sun Guards? Why so many stars? It's a pity that I can't speak here, so I have to hold back my questions.

The fat man led him forward. They were very fast and soon arrived in front of the huge golden planet. Dozens of golden-armored guards suddenly flew over from all directions. Each one of them was a hundred feet tall, holding a giant weapon in his hand, and glanced over with cold eyes. , all of them are tall and long, their eyes are several times bigger than lanterns, their sharp and cold gaze makes Zhang afraid uncomfortable.

One of the leaders asked: "This is a forbidden area of ​​the shrine. Who is coming? Please tell me your name quickly."

The fat man replied loudly: "Nongda, the guardian of the three realms under the Nongwang, has something to report to His Highness the Nongwang." As he spoke, he shot a golden waist badge from his hand. The tall golden-armored guard did not take over. His gaze was focused, and the belt card was fixed in the air. After looking at it with his eyes, the belt card returned to Feinonda's hand.

The scholar in red on the side also threw out a waist card and said loudly: "The Thirteenth Master of the Red Pavilion." Obviously his identity was higher than that of the fat man. He only told his identity, and the tall golden-armored guard didn't ask why he came and scanned it. After the waist card was returned, he pointed at Zhang Aoi and asked: "How can a layman from the lower world enter the palace? Why don't you retreat with me?"

Fatty Nonda said: "This boy has a secret that is all-encompassing, and it must be reported to the King of Farmers. I also ask all the generals to please report it."

"Secret to the sky?" The leading general's eyes narrowed, he looked at Zhang Hao carefully, and said in a deep voice: "Wait." With a wave of his hand, the two generals behind him turned and left.

Not long after, the two came back and whispered a few words to the first general. The first general's face changed and he shouted coldly: "Nongda, you are a small guardian of the three realms. You returned without being called and left your post without permission." , and brought a boy from the lower realms into the country, do you think that with the Farm King protecting you, you dare to do whatever you want? Listen to me and return to the three realms to perform your duties quickly, so as not to arrest you and imprison you, which is unkind."

When the fat man heard this, he was distressed. He hurriedly hurriedly came back late. His eyes glanced at the scholar in red, it's your turn to take action. The scholar in red knew that the matter was caused by him, so he did not shirk at the moment, and said loudly: "This son is a distinguished guest of the Red Pavilion. In order to prevent the distinguished guest from being injured when he left the three realms, Nongda protected him with his body and escorted him here personally. It is said that he has done a good job. What's your fault for not giving way to me and delaying the elder's affairs? How can you bear it?"

Although Zhang Wen couldn't speak, he was very happy to hear it. In the sky, gods and men came and went, just like the mortals in the lower world. There were gatekeepers and intrigues. Well, it was quite lively.

General A seemed to be quite wary of Hongge. They looked at each other, bowed and stepped back without saying a word. They just clasped their fists in front of their chests and moved out of the way.

So the fat man and the scholar in red took Zhang Aoi and flew to the golden planet. After flying for a while, the fat man said: "Hold on to the divine essence." Zhang Ping closed his eyes and took a deep breath again, and experienced another extremely fast flight. A quarter of an hour later, the fat man asked him to open his eyes. Zhang Wen did as he was told, and the three of them slowly descended and stepped onto the land of the shrine.

At this time, the scenery in front of us has changed from the dark and empty starry sky to the earth below our feet and the blue sky above our heads. There is also the sun in the sky. Not far away stands a tall palace, so big that it has no edges. It seems that there is only one palace in this star.

The fat man said: "That's Xi Palace." He only said five words and led Zhang Ain to the left. Zhang Ping understood clearly that the entire planet under his feet was called the Divine Palace, and that palace was the Xi Palace.

The place where they were standing was a huge square. In addition to a huge palace directly in front, there were some short buildings around it, with at most two floors. On the periphery of this small building, there were some three-story buildings scattered further away. , out of sight, there are a few five-story palaces here and there. It was one of them that the fat man led him to.

The fat man walked to the left, and the scholar followed. The fat man said unhappily: "If you don't go to the Red Pavilion, what are you going to do in the Farm Hall?" The Thirteenth Master of the Hong Pavilion said, "The Xingchen Jiawei is respectful and arrogant to you, but the thing is because of me. I'm going to the farm hall to apologize, but you can't stop me!"

The tone was firm, and the fat man's expression changed when he heard it, and he stopped talking, leading Zhang Awei to move quickly, letting the scholar follow beside him.

The strange thing is that although the place is large, there is no one there. There is not even a patrolman on the road, making it look extremely desolate and empty. Because the place is so big, the journey is long. If you walk straight, even the tall Xi Palace disappears from your eyes, and the three of them finally reach their destination. According to Zhang Ain's comparison of the distance in the human world, it was at least as far as crossing the desert from the Yue Kingdom to the Holy Kingdom and back again, walking back and forth twenty times.

The three of them stopped. In front of them was a five-story building. Different from the Xi Palace they had just seen, this palace was simply made of many large stones. There were no beautiful patterns, no relief decorations, and not even red paint. It only shows the true colors of stone and wood. It is big enough, but it does not show any gorgeousness and nobility.

It wouldn't matter if the decoration was simple. What's strange is that there isn't even a guard at the entrance of the palace. The door is open, revealing a dark and far-reaching passage leading to the building.

The fat man stood at the door of the palace and reported respectfully: "Nongda, the guardian of the three realms, has something important to report to the King of Peasants." The voice was loud and he was sent into the building along the dark passage. Not long after, a male voice replied: "That's right."

The fat man took Zhang Wen and walked towards the palace. At this time, the Thirteenth Lang of the Hong Pavilion said loudly: "The Thirteenth criminal is here to receive his punishment." Not long after, another word "Zhun" came from the building. The scholar in red followed and entered.

The passage is only three meters long, but it looks deep and distant from the outside. Zhang Ai walked through the passage in two steps, and a huge hall appeared in front of him. It was the only hall with a height of five floors. It was tall, spacious, and spacious, but it still maintained its majesty.

At the end of the hall stands a huge golden chair, which should be the only luxurious thing in the entire palace. However, there was no one on the chair at this time. There was a small archway on the left side of the chair. Standing at the door was a woman in plain clothes, with a delicate appearance and about twenty years old.

Zhang Awei took one look at him and thought he was okay. At least he didn't grow up to be as tall as a giant, and he felt pressured to speak.

The woman glanced at Zhang Awei, then at the scholar in red, and said softly: "Whatever you have done, the elder of the pavilion will naturally punish you. The Nong King will not pay attention to it, but your support along the way is considered meritorious. The Nong King will do it for you." If you say something nice, you'll be punished less."

The Thirteenth Man of Hongge was overjoyed and thanked him profusely.

The woman turned her attention to Zhang Afraid again, stared at the big walnut for a long time, and said softly: "Take him to rest first." Following the words, several women in the empty hall suddenly responded in unison, and then they saw Seven beautiful women appeared out of thin air. They were dressed in the same clothes. Their hair and shoes were the same. Even their faces were the same. The only difference was the color of their clothes. Seven beautiful women with the same appearance looked like a rainbow of seven colors. In front of me, everyone is so beautiful and gentle.

The woman in plain clothes said to Zhang Ai: "Master, if you have any need, just tell them and call them according to the color of their clothes."

Zhang Aifeng replied respectfully: "I don't dare." The woman in plain clothes said softly: "There is nothing you dare to do. Since you are here, you are the guest of the Nong King. Just stay here." After saying this, he waved his hand and the figure disappeared. He disappeared, and Fatty Nunda also left with him.

The red-clothed scholar raised his hands to Zhang Awei and said, "I'm leaving. It was my fault that caused you trouble this time." After saying this, he turned around and left from the passage. There were still seven beautiful women with the same appearance, who skillfully moved their lotus steps and said softly: "Master, please come this way."

Seven beauties, seven top-notch beauties, especially with the same appearance, gentle and sweet, they bow their eyebrows and bow their heads to you, as if you are at your mercy. Even Zhang Awei, who is not interested in female pigments, can't help but After a few more glances, his heartbeat suddenly accelerated, which startled him. Is this a mess? No, I definitely can’t watch it. He quickly lowered his head to look at his feet and followed the seven girls to a courtyard outside the palace.

The mind of a cultivator is the strongest, and the body has been tempered countless times, and the heartbeat is basically a fixed number. However, Zhang Wear only took a few glances at the seven girls, and his mind was affected. Whether it was the unparalleled beauty or the advanced cultivation, It was definitely not something Zhang Afraid could handle, so he concentrated and didn't look at it.

The seven beauties seemed to have no feeling. They entered the courtyard with Zhang Wein in their arms, three in front and four behind them. Some were preparing tea, while others were preparing warm water for purification. In short, they were all busy with Zhang Wein as the center.

Zhang Awei quickly refused: "Sisters, please rest for a while. You are so busy and non-stop, and it is difficult for me to rest."

The women stopped being busy, and one by one they came to stand in front of Zhang Ain and spoke softly: "Let me serve the young master and have a rest."

Zhang Ping said: "If you don't want to rest, just sit down. You guys should sit down too."

At this time, the seven women's expressions remained unchanged, and they maintained the gentlest and most beautiful smiles. They spoke with a soft voice and walked with the movement of clouds. They were all beautiful and lovable. No matter what Zhang was afraid of saying, they all responded and sat down side by side, as beautiful as a colorful bridge suddenly appearing in the room.

In this way, no one spoke, and the room fell silent for a while. Facing such seven beautiful beauties, Zhang was afraid that it would be difficult to lie down and sleep, but he couldn't ignore them while he was awake, so he had no choice but to find something to say: "Are you the same child?"

The first woman replied: "We are septuplets."

Zhang was afraid and didn't know what to say to the seven women. He thought about it and said, "Where is this place?" The woman who just answered continued to answer: "This is the Nong Palace, Nong Wang Palace." Answer whatever you ask, Without saying a word, Zhang was afraid that it would be difficult to find a topic, so he simply stopped talking and closed his eyes to ponder.

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