The Monk

Volume 1 Chapter 984 Going to the God Realm

Chapter 984: Going to the God Realm

Zhang Ai kicked him: "Nonsense." Zhang Tianfang didn't care about that: "He said it himself, not me." If Fatty doesn't take him to the God Realm, Zhang Tianfang will naturally fight against him.

Zhang Ain asked the fat man: "You two adults, don't you stop bleeding?" The fat man put away the sledgehammer in his hand, shook his head and said: "It can't be stopped." He took out two elixirs, threw one to the scholar, and then drank them respectively. After a while, the two bodies were peeled off, piece by piece, like a snake shedding its skin, revealing another body. As the outer body fell off, the new body had no wounds, and the two appeared intact in front of everyone.

The scholar in red said, "I owe you once." There was some embarrassment in his words.

The fat man said angrily: "You owe me this once? Thanks to you, I was a fellow student, you..." The fat man was very angry and could not speak.

The scholar in red said: "I know it was my fault this time. When I return to the God Realm, I will find the God of Punishment to take the blame."

The fat man sneered: "Accept the crime? Can you afford it?" He turned to Zhang Awei and said, "The situation has changed. You must follow me to the God Realm, otherwise, your life will not be saved."

Zhang was afraid that there were many questions in his mind. What was the relationship between the scholar in red and the fat man? Who is the man in silver? Why fight? At this time, he heard the fat man talk about the issue of life and asked: "The man in silver wants to kill me?"

The fat man nodded and said: "Not only will I kill you, but I will also kill the Subdued Divine Snake."

"Ah?" Zhang Ping was shocked and asked hurriedly: "Didn't you say that Fushen Snake is a descendant of Queen Xi? Who dares to kill a member of the Xi Royal family?"

The fat man replied: "Others don't dare to kill, but the people of the Xi Royal Family dare to kill."

Just like the emperor on earth, he has many sons, no one dares to kill them, but these princes dare to kill each other, and the descendants of Queen Xi will definitely not only have these more than a hundred snakes. After countless years of reproduction, who knows how many there will be It is normal for clan members to fight each other. Zhang Ain asked: "Why do people of the same clan kill each other?"

The fat man said with disdain: "Nonsense, you humans fight every day, aren't you killing each other?"

Zhang was speechless, knowing that the fat man was right, but the more he acted like this, the more questions he had in his mind. Thinking of those terrifying existences, he suddenly felt that the Snake was so dangerous, and he wanted to find a place to hide.

The scholar in red said: "Save the nonsense and talk about it after we go to the God Realm. If you don't want to die, just come with me and you." The fat man glared and said: "What do you mean by leaving with me and me? I'm going with myself. You can go wherever you like. "Where?" He turned to Zhang Afraid and said, "Let's go."

Zhang Ai was a little hesitant for a moment. Not only was he reluctant to leave Song Yunyi Cheng Xi'er, but there was also the safety issue of Lin Sen and Fat Baby. Tianlei Mountain needed to be repaired again. Ruiyuan said that he would establish a branch church. There was also a Xiaofeng'er in Qi State who had done something wrong. There is a Tianlei Hall where the enemy and the enemy are unknown. There is something going on between Lord Jing and Shiwandashan. Apart from all of this, there is also a sea spirit. The Star Emperor withdraws his guards and then leaves on his own? Oh, why do I have so many things?

The fat man was a little anxious: "The guy just now is not dead. We tried our best to keep him, but unfortunately that guy is really powerful. He can leave safely after seriously injuring us."

Only then did Zhang Ai understand what the fat man and the red-clothed scholar said about joining forces before the fight. They wanted to kill someone. The man in silver also understood this, and took the initiative to evacuate after knowing that he would not get any benefits from fighting.

The fat man was afraid that Zhang Feng didn't know how dangerous it was, so he said one more thing: "The man in silver is the Sun Guard. Under the rule of Emperor Xi, there are billions of stars and countless three realms, but there are only one hundred and eight Sun Guards in silver. Each of them has You can stand alone. He followed that bastard just now. It's a shame that that bastard didn't realize it and kept leading him to you. I can guarantee that if you don't leave now, as long as one more day, you will never have to walk again. ”

Zhang was afraid that he would frown when he heard this. Would hatred come to him while he was sitting at home? He looked at the scholar in red, wanting to ask him how he knew he had the Subdued Snake?

The scholar in red ignored him and shouted at the fat man: "What bastard? I have a name."

The fat man sneered: "What are you not a bastard? How do you know the news I reported to Tianluo? You didn't tell me if you knew it, but you stole it to the lower world and were discovered by the silver-clad Xiwei. As long as he reports the news, I will still With him and the Subdued Snake, who knows how long he can live?" He was talking about Zhang Ping.

Zhang is afraid that if I hear this, I will be in danger again? Why don't good things come to me, but bad things always happen one after another? He said to the fat man, "Wait a minute, I'll explain something." The fat man said, "Go quickly." Zhang Fei flew to the back mountain and said goodbye to Song Yunyi, Cheng Xi'er, Lin Sen and others.

Everyone was used to his coming and going, but they found that Zhang Ping's expression was particularly solemn this time, and Song Yunyi could only tell him to be careful. After talking to them, I went to find Hai Ling. He was playing with a bunch of chubby little guys and was very happy to see Zhang Ain. But when he heard that Zhang was about to leave, he instinctively shouted: "I'm going too."

Zhang was afraid that he would not let him go, so he asked him to stay on the mountain and have fun. He ran to talk to Ruiyuan and then returned to the mountain gate.

At this time, Zhang Tianfang was talking to the scholar in red, shouting that he also wanted to go to the God Realm and take him there. The scholar in red was really good-tempered. He kept his expression unchanged and said nothing, no matter what Zhang Tianfang said. It was probably because he was being followed and the news about the God-Destroying Snake was leaked, and he felt a little guilty that he tolerated the rants of an ant like Zhang Tianfang.

Seeing Zhang Awei coming back, he said: "Let's go." Zhang Awei said: "Okay." Then he said to Fang Jian: "Don't be in a hurry to retreat. When you have nothing to do, walk around the mountains and down the mountains more. When the knot in your heart is opened, you can practice. "

Seeing that Zhang Wen was about to go to the God Realm and was still caring about him, Fang Jian was a little touched and nodded and said, "Okay." But when he saw the fat man and the scholar in red, they looked like ordinary people from the outside, but they were aloof and ordinary. He is a god who cannot be seen. Even if he becomes a god, what can he do? He may never be able to cultivate the cultivation level of these two people in his lifetime, which makes him feel a little sad.

Zhang Awei guessed what he was thinking, patted his shoulder and said, "Wait until I come back." Then he spoke to Bu Kong: "After I leave, take care of Zhang Tianfang." Bu Kong responded with a smile, and Zhang Tianfang was angry: "What? Are you interested in me? I want to go with you."

Zhang was afraid of ignoring him, and suddenly felt something strange behind him. When he turned around, Xiao Hailing looked at him with a pitiful expression. Zhang Ain waved to him and said with a smile, "Wait until I come back."

The fat man didn't have time to wait for him to say goodbye to everyone, so he picked him up with one hand and flew upwards at an indescribable speed. With Zhang Wei's cultivation level, he still couldn't open his eyes to watch. The fat man shouted in his ear: "Hold on to the divine energy." Zhang Ai quickly followed the instructions and used his strength to protect his body with the strongest defense to keep the spiritual platform clear at all times.

Before today, Zhang Wen never thought that he would fly too fast, turning the wind into a knife-like terror, causing pain all over his body and directly stabbing his soul. He had no choice but to grit his teeth and endure the pain. He didn't know how long it took, but the fat man said: "You can open your eyes now." Zhang Ai slowly opened his eyes, and there was pitch black, but this darkness was very beautiful. He had already left the Three Realms. , came to the infinite starry sky, there was no wind around me, and naturally I no longer felt the sting.

Looking down, there was nothing around. On the contrary, there were many blue stars in the distance, which made the endless black space even more empty, but it looked particularly beautiful.

The fat man pointed to the nearest star and said, "That's your home."

Zhang Pingyun looked at it and saw that it looked like a big duck egg. The outermost layer was a light blue shield, which might be water or air, protecting the big duck egg. There are clearly three colors in the duck egg, and they are surrounded by each other, forming three closed spaces. The middle is yellow, the top is white, and the bottom is black. It seems that they are the respective locations of the three realms.

It was the first time he saw the complete Three Realms, and he never expected that he would be living on such a big duck egg. Although the duck egg was very beautiful, it was still a duck egg no matter how beautiful it was. Thinking of the theory of heaven and earth that I learned before, the earth is a duck egg. Where was it that day? Could it be duck egg shell?

He looked around and saw the black starry sky. Apart from this duck egg, there was nothing else around him. He wanted to ask questions, but suddenly found that he could not speak. He thought to himself: I have returned to the void space in the Temple of Refining. The fat man watched his movements and said via voice: "Don't talk, your current cultivation level cannot speak." He stretched out his hand and pulled him, and the two of them flew forward quickly in the dark starry sky. The scholar in red followed closely.

This time Zhang Fei found that he had become lighter, as if he had no weight. He flew thousands of miles away and thought to himself: No matter how high your cultivation level is, it can only be like this.

When I was standing on the ground, I once thought that I should keep flying up and up and up again. I should fly to the highest point to see what is at the highest point and see where I can fly. But because of all kinds of things, this idea can only remain an idea. Judging from the situation at this time, flying to the highest point means coming here, and coming to this dark space full of bright stars. But the problem is , can I fly out? Thinking of the bone-piercing pain and the extremely fast speed just now, I am afraid that I am not strong enough even if I have the will.

The three of them streaked across the night sky like meteors, and along the way they saw three or two big duck egg-like planets. They thought they were other three realms, but the distance between them was a bit too far. Each of the three realms were separated by vast distances. , cannot be seen even with extreme eyesight.

This flight made him full of emotions. The sky and the earth are so big, but they are just a small star in this boundless starry sky. And the tiny stars that are shining brightly in the distance are so big that they have no edges until they fly closer. Thinking of all the fights that happened on the little star in the past, it was really boring and ridiculous.

He was sighing as he flew all the way, and a nebula suddenly appeared in front of him. It looked blue from a distance, but when he flew closer, he realized that it was a bright silver star. Countless silver stars crowded together to emit light, forming this nebula.

The fat man said: "That's the palace."

From a distance, the stars in the nebula are much denser. It was only when the three of them plunged into the middle of the nebula that they realized how huge it was. The distance between each star was quite far, and one huge planet after another came into view. Although there are many stars, they are arranged together according to a certain pattern and rotate slowly, as if the nebula is moving.

The fat man took him flying past the outer stars and into a road lined with stars.

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