The Monk

Volume 1 Chapter 983 Fatty is back

Chapter 983 Fatty is back

Zhang Tianfang laughed and said, "Interesting." Zhang Pa scanned the young man with his spiritual sense. Although he had a good figure, his internal aura was disordered and his dantian was empty. He was just an ordinary person. He took two steps forward and said loudly, "Please stay, young man. This is the Taoist sect of Tianlei Mountain. It is not open to the public. If you want to play, please go somewhere else." Without saying this, Zhang Pa almost forgot that he was a Taoist priest.

There were more than a hundred steps between the young man in red and Zhang Pa. He stopped and raised his hand to bow slightly, and replied, "Where is this young man? I didn't ask for your name."

Zhang Pa shook his head and said, "I am a wild man outside the mountain. There is no taboo. Just call me Zhang Pa."

"Brother Zhang is too modest. Are these three also from the mountain?" He Zai asked. Zhang Pa smiled and said, "The three of them are my close friends. Why are you asking these questions, Mr. He? You should get down the mountain as soon as possible and head south. There is a small village where you can rest." He Zai said, "It's not easy to go up the mountain, and it's even harder to go down the mountain. I can't go into a treasure mountain and return empty-handed when I pass by here. I hope Brother Zhang can be flexible and find a corner for me to stay temporarily and appreciate the charm of a famous mountain." Zhang Pa was born with a talent. No matter who he faced, he tried to treat them kindly. So even though he knew He Zai was just an ordinary person, he still patiently said, "Tianlei Mountain has beautiful scenery. Mr. He can go and enjoy it. But these hills are inhabited by our disciples. It's not very convenient. Please forgive me." In the end, you can't enter the divine formation. It can be seen how cautious Zhang Pa is now. Even ordinary people who don't know their background are not allowed to enter. He Zai smiled when he heard this: "I am a little rude, please forgive me, brother Zhang." He was dressed as a scholar, so of course he knew that he couldn't force others to do things. He bowed slightly and turned to go down the mountain.

This guy climbed the mountain for a long time and finally saw the mountain gate, but was sent away with a word. Zhang Tianfang was a little disgusted and asked Zhang Pa: "There are many empty rooms in the mountain, just find one for him to stay, why turn him away."

Zhang Pa replied: "It's always right to be careful." Zhang Tianfang said disdainfully: "Why are you so careful? Do you think everyone in the world has nothing to do and is busy calculating you? It's unnecessary!"

Zhang Pa didn't argue with him. He was about to talk to Fang Jian about something about cultivation. Suddenly, a person appeared on the steps in front of the mountain gate. It was the fat man, the profound and terrifying fat man. Zhang Tianfang and the other two had never seen him before, so they said, "The fat man is quite fast."

Zhang Pa had had a lot of contact with the fat man, and knew that this guy was terrifying. He walked a few steps forward, bowed, and asked, "Is there anything wrong, sir?"

This is a lot of nonsense. If there is nothing wrong, who would come to climb the mountain to play?

The fat man didn't answer, looked at him, and then turned his eyes to the young man in red who was slowly walking down the mountain, with a solemn expression. The red-clothed scholar seemed to have sensed it, turned back to look at the fat man, smiled at him, turned around and continued to walk slowly down the mountain.

Zhang Pa asked curiously, "Does the sir know this young man?" The fat man didn't answer at first, until he saw the red-clothed scholar disappear from his sight, and then he said to Zhang Pa, "Something happened."

What could happen to the fat man? What he wanted and worried about was nothing more than the Fu Shen Snake. Could it be that the Fu Shen Snake had something wrong? Zhang Pa asked, "What's the matter?" The fat man said, "You must go with me to the God Realm."

Zhang Tianfang was very interested: "God Realm? I'll go too, take me with you?"

The fat man was very depressed. Do you think we are going to the next hill to play and hunt? He said this in his heart, but ignored Zhang Tianfang and said to Zhang Pa directly, "You must go to the God Realm with me once." He only said the request, but did not say the reason.

"What could it be?" Zhang Pa asked curiously, because he saw a strange red-clothed scholar, and the fat man who was known as the guardian of the three realms appeared immediately, and he was even more like a great enemy. A question came to his mind, and he asked again, "My lord has been monitoring me?"

The fat man nodded and admitted, "It's about the descendants of Queen Xi, I have to do it, I hope you can forgive me."

This sentence made Zhang Pa feel cold in his heart. The fat man was always monitoring him, which meant that Lin Sen and the fat kids were no longer safe and could be killed at any time. His face turned pale immediately.

Fatty was from the God Realm, and didn't know much about the human world. He didn't know that Zhang Pa was worried about the human-shaped grass spirit. Seeing his pale face, he thought he was angry that he was monitoring him, so he explained: "If you were me, you would do the same." Zhang Pa nodded slightly. I am not you, and I will always closely guard the Fu Shen Snake. But what about the dolls? Fatty urged: "Hurry up and deal with anything. I will take you to the God Realm." Zhang Pa asked: "Can I not go?" Fatty said seriously: "I can't force you to go to the God Realm, but if you believe in me and consider the Fu Shen Snake, it is better to go to the God Realm once." After talking for a long time, he still didn't say why he wanted to go to the God Realm. Zhang Pa insisted and asked: "What happened? Do you know the red-clothed scholar?" Fatty answered the second question: "He was originally from the same school as me." From the same school? That is to say, he is also from the God Realm? The people from the God Realm appeared in Tianlei Mountain, and it was obvious that they came for the Fu Shen Snake. Zhang Pa asked, "Why didn't he go up the mountain?" With the cultivation of the masters in the God Realm, bullying Zhang Pa was as easy as making a clay figure, but the red-clothed scholar refused to do it, and was persuaded by Zhang Pa to go down the mountain.

The fat man smiled and said, "I didn't go up the mountain either." Zhang Pa asked again, "What does he want to do?" The fat man said, "I don't know, so you have to go to the God Realm with me."

Zhang Tianfang was afraid of being pulled down, so he hurriedly said: "Take me one, and I will go to the God Realm too." The fat man refused: "With my power, I can only take one person into the God Realm." Zhang Tianfang rolled his eyes at him: "What level." This guy is getting crazier and crazier. After talking now, he already knows that Fatty comes from the God Realm, and he still dares to despise and humiliate him. He is really awesome.

The matter was urgent, and the fat man was too lazy to pay attention to this idiot. He urged Zhang Ping: "If you have anything to do, tell me to go down quickly. I don't know how many days it will take to come back."

Zhang Ai suddenly remembered the existence of Nitian Cave and asked quickly: "There is no such thing as a day in the sky and a year in the earth, right?" The fat man asked in surprise: "How do you know?"

When Zhang Weijing heard this, he was shocked. If he went to the God Realm and stayed for just a few hundred days, the human world would last for hundreds of years. Yunyi, Xi'er, Hai Ling, Fat Boy and Uncle Lin, so many people would have been watching for hundreds of years. If you can't help yourself, what can you do? What if something happens?

Looking at his expression, the fat man knew that he had misunderstood, and said with a smile: "Those places are prisons in the God Realm. People in the God Realm are immortal bodies. They will not die except for killing. If a group of people are immortal, they will cause trouble. Someone will make a mistake, so the offender is imprisoned for a day outside, and a year inside the prison, and the prison is empty. The feeling of sitting in prison, haha, is simply wonderful. "

This wonderful thing was an irony. Zhang was still worried and asked again: "Does it mean that the world of God and this place are at the same time?" The fat man nodded and said: "Exactly, otherwise how can I come and go freely? However, how can you Do you know the meaning of one day and one year?”

Zhang Awei shook his head and said: "I don't know, and I don't know that there are prisoners in the God Realm." The fat man smiled and said: "The prison prisoners are a good place. There are no small crimes in the God Realm. Any sentence will be tens of thousands of years. If someone is thrown into prison and released after hundreds or thousands of years, any god will become like a fool."

The fat man was very happy when he talked about the prisoners. Zhang Ping thought of Lin Sen. He had lived alone underground for hundreds of thousands of years. Wouldn't it be like being imprisoned? There is also the former ghost ancestor who was imprisoned for thousands of years and could not move, which was considered pitiful.

Having said this, the fat man urged again: "Leave quickly, otherwise things will change if you wait too long."

What is change? Change means being different from now. They were standing in front of the mountain gate talking, and a man in silver appeared silently not far in front of them. As soon as he appeared, the fat man's expression changed. At the same time, someone at the bottom of the mountain shouted: "Zhazui, are you following me?" Following the voice, the scholar in red who had just left suddenly appeared in front of everyone.

The man in silver had long hair like snow, eyes like daggers, and an indifferent face, as if he didn't care about anything. His eyes swept over the man in red, the fat man, and Zhang Awei one by one, and finally focused on Zhang Awei. On the walnut on his chest, he pulled the corner of his mouth, gave a cold smile, and whispered: "Is that the one? Huh." He took a long breath, and his figure suddenly flashed, reaching out to grab the big walnut.

From the moment he appeared, Zhang Ai was on guard. The man in silver spoke, and Zhang Ai had already set up an ice shield and a bone shield. But these two divine objects, the hard armor that could protect against everything, were shattered under the grasp of the man in silver.

But he didn't snatch the big walnut either. The fat man held a pair of hammers and hit the man in silver fiercely, and the man in silver had no choice but to dodge. Stopping ten meters away, he looked at the fat man and laughed: "You are an ant who was punished to guard the three realms, but you dare to resist me? Are you tired of living?"

The fat man's face suddenly changed, and he shouted to the scholar in red: "The situation is urgent, you and I must join forces." The scholar in red's face also became ugly, and after thinking for a moment, he agreed: "Okay."

The two of them spoke very cryptically, and Zhang was afraid that others would not be able to hear them. But the three fat men completely understood what each other was thinking. When the man in silver heard this, his eyes turned cold and he said coldly: "In that case, don't blame me for being ruthless." After saying this, a strong wind suddenly blew up in front of the gate of Tianlei Mountain, and no one could be seen, and Zhang Afraid, Fatty and others were all involved in it. .

Zhang Ai was considered a master, but he couldn't see the movements of the three of them. The wind started to rise, then stopped after a moment, and the neon lights flashed all over the sky. Then the neon lights dissipated, and the three men had finished fighting. The wind stopped and the rainbow subsided, revealing the entire gate of Tianlei Mountain.

Everyone is there under the mountain gate, only the man in silver is missing. Zhang Ai stared blankly at the two people in front of him. Half of the fat man's body was covered in blood, and the scholar in red was spurting blood all over his body. Blood was gushing out from several wounds like springs, and there was blood everywhere on the ground. The man in silver disappeared.

The fat man saw that he was covered in blood, and smiled at Zhang Aiqiang and said: "Bring a bottle to decorate it, this is divine blood, don't waste it." Zhang Tianfang was really obedient, he took a big basin from nowhere and threw it on the ground, and said loudly : "The bottle is too small and too troublesome. Please stand in the basin."

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