The Monk

Volume 1 Chapter 982 The Scholar in Red

Chapter 982 The Scholar in Red

Zhang Zhi was really speechless. This bastard did not say anything about the great kindness he received, but he also dismissed the kindness as shit. He said angrily: "Then you also tricked me once and broke through, okay?"

Zhang Tianfang was still waiting to talk, but Fang Jian finally spoke and asked softly: "When do you two plan to talk?" Zhang Tianfang casually replied: "Do you want to take care of it?" Then he realized what he was saying and shouted: "You actually talked? It will be easier if you are willing to speak. Come out to me, otherwise don't blame me for bullying you. "

Fang Jian slowly opened his eyes and spoke with a wry smile: "With a crow like you cawing indiscriminately, God can't practice cultivation. I almost went crazy because of the noise. Alas, I still don't have enough concentration to make this mistake."

"Are you going crazy? You're already so virtuous and you still think you don't have enough concentration?" Zhang Tianfang shouted. Zhang was afraid that it was rare to agree with Zhang Tianfang for once, and then said: "Come out, if you want to practice, at least find a place where Zhang Tianfang can't find it, otherwise, he will come to harass you when he is bored. Are you here to practice or to listen to crows telling stories?"

Fang Jian chuckled softly after hearing this: "I came out, your brothers' way of persuading people is really unique, I admire you." As he spoke, his body moved out, floated to stop in front of the two of them, stretched out his hands and stretched his legs , stood up, moved his hands and feet slightly and asked, "Why did you ask me to come out?"

Zhang Tianfang thought about it and said, "Drink?"

Fang Jian looked at him fiercely and said word by word: "You bothered me just to have a drink with me?" Zhang Tianfang quickly shook his head: "No, I just don't want to see you being stupid alone."

"Does practicing make you stupid? Drinking doesn't?" Fang Jian continued to ask. Zhang Tianfang nodded and said, "That's right."

"That's your head." Fang Jian kicked Zhang Tianfang into the sky with just one kick.

Zhang Awei nodded and said: "The cultivation level is not bad." Fang Jian agreed: "This guy has thick skin and thick flesh. His cultivation level is really good. He can't even be kicked like this." The two of them were talking about the good cultivation level of Zhang Tianfang who was beaten. .

Zhang Ping said: "Let's have a drink." Fang Jian agreed, so he took out the food and wine in front of the stone wall cave, and the two of them sat leaning against the wall, drinking and looking at the sky.

At this time, Zhang Tianfang fell down and hit the ground with a bang, causing flying dust to fly in the sky. Then Zhang Tianfang walked out of the dust and cursed Fang Jian angrily: "I'm so kind to save you, how dare you kick me into the sky? Also, why are you drinking? ?" Then he scolded Zhang Ai: "You brother, didn't you say that there is a divine formation outside the mountain? I flew into the clouds and didn't see where the divine formation was?"

Zhang Ain took a sip of wine and said, "I saw you flying carefree and gracefully, so I opened a passage in the divine formation. You see, it really allowed you to fly higher and further."

Zhang Tian screamed in anger, "I'm going to kill you two." He swung his sword and struck at the two of them. Zhang Awei dodged and said, "Really?" Zhang Tianfang cursed, "You really kicked me!" Zhang Awei dodged. He quickly argued: "It wasn't me, it was him who kicked you." Zhang Tianfang was stunned, looked at Fang Jian, sighed and put down the knife, walked to the stone wall and sat down, took a bottle of wine and started drinking.

Zhang was afraid of being unbalanced: "Why don't you chop him?" "I don't care about you? If you keep talking nonsense, I will continue to chop you." Zhang Tianda shouted back, then turned his attention to eating and ignored the two of them.

After eating for a while, Fang Jian suddenly said to him: "Thank you." Zhang Tianfang jumped up and asked in surprise: "What do you want to do?" Fang Jian smiled and raised his glass and said softly: "Thank you." Zhang Tianfang muttered: "Nasty."

Fang Jian has always blamed himself for the tragedy in the empty city, always thinking about revenge, but he couldn't kill the night battle. The pressure was getting bigger and bigger, and he never felt better. He practiced in seclusion, and to a certain extent, it was actually a kind of escape.

Zhang Tianfang has always been good at causing trouble. If Fang Jianfei was provoked and kicked him, he could relieve some pressure and relax.

To put it simply, from the time Zhang Tianfang appeared until now, he has been working hard to help Fang Jian resolve his knot. Fang Jian was smart and naturally knew what Zhang Tianzang was thinking, so he thanked him.

The three of them drank for a while, and Zhang Ain advised: "The most important thing in practicing cultivation is not to be in a hurry. Take your time and don't force yourself. If it's not a matter of life and death, it's useless for you to force yourself." Zhang Tianfang agreed: "That's right, look at me , never in a hurry.”

This bastard has never been upright, so Zhang said angrily: "If you talk nonsense again, I'll kick you." "If you dare to kick me, I'll chop you." Zhang Tianfang glared at him and faced him tit for tat.

Fang Jian smiled and said, "Okay, okay, stop making trouble. I'm fine. I thought about it." Unexpectedly, Zhang Awei and Zhang Tianfang yelled at him together: "I'm not making trouble." Fang Jian heard this and sighed repeatedly: "This When will the two children grow up?"

The two men surnamed Zhang glared over again: "Who are you talking about?" Fang Jian quickly waved his hands: "You go on, I'm not here now."

Just when they were staring at each other, Fu Kong strolled over and asked, "What are you doing?" Fang Jian raised his index finger and shushed, "I'm not here now." Fu Kong sighed: " Alas." Although it was just a sigh, the meaning was clearly revealed: these three naive guys are really divided into groups, and it is rare to get together.

Fang Jiandeng suddenly became very hurt. Just now he was talking about someone, but now he was being talked about. He shut up and stopped talking. Zhang Wen asked Bu Kong: "Why are you here?" Fu Kong replied: "The five masters have left seclusion and want to go down the mountain. Let me inform you. What are you doing?"

"Drinking, what's wrong with your eyes? There are so many plates and bowls, but you don't see them?" Zhang Tianfang interjected.

Zhang Weijing ignored Zhang Tianfang's words and asked Bu Kong: "How many days have it been? Are you recovering from your injuries so quickly?" Bu Kong smiled and said, "I went to ask Rui Yuan for some pills. After a while, Give it to the masters, and then you’ll be fine.”

Zhang Weijing also smiled. The five masters were not pedantic. They stood up and said, "Since the masters have recovered, it's time to pay a visit." Fang Jian stood up and said, "I'll go too." Zhang Tianfang didn't want to go, but when he saw that one of the four After three of them had gone, they had no choice but to stand up and mumbled helplessly: "Let's go together."

The four of them quickly returned to the empty monk's room. There were five great monks with solemn treasures sitting in the room. When they saw Zhang Ao and others arriving, they hurriedly stood up and bowed. Zhang Ao and others quickly returned the bow.

Puzhao said: "Thank you, benefactor, for saving my life. Now that the injury is healed, I won't bother you anymore. I'll take my leave."

Zhang Ai replied respectfully and politely: "I should thank the five masters for their kindness. Fortunately, the five masters acted righteously, so there were no more casualties in Tianlei Mountain." As he spoke, he bowed. When talking to good people, Zhang Wen always has to be as polite as possible.

Puzhao said: "Monks are compassionate and a little help is nothing. The donor should not take it to heart."

They were also old acquaintances. After Zhang Ai stood up, he took out a transparent bead from his storage bag, held it up with both hands and said: "Last time, the master gave the Buddha's message to inform all the masters of the whereabouts of the ghost ancestor. Now the ghost ancestor is dead. Please take this Buddhist sound back, Master.”

"The Ghost Ancestor is dead?" The five masters were all shocked. They had been running around for many years just to capture the Ghost Ancestor and bring him back. Although that ghost ancestor is the second clone, and although I don't know if I can defeat him after encountering him, the place of justice will go away even if I die. But why did he die?

The death of the Second Ghost Ancestor was too secretive at first, and no one except Zhang Ai saw it. Later, even the envoy who killed the Second Ghost Ancestor died, and the matter was completely dusted and no one knew about it. Of course the five great monks didn't know either.

Zhang Ping said seriously: "Disciple saw it with his own eyes."

Puzhao asked nonchalantly: "Why is he dead?" They have been tracking for many years, but there is no news about the Second Ghost Ancestor, and they have not even found any news about his death. Now they suddenly get the news that the Second Ghost Ancestor is dead.

Although he didn't know what happened, he believed in Zhang Ai. After thinking about it for a while, he didn't take back the Buddha's message and said softly: "Now that the monsters have been eliminated, the five old monks should return to the Holy Kingdom." After saying this, he changed his tone and asked He said: "There's just one thing I don't know. Where did the murderer who besieged Tianlei Mountain the day before yesterday come from? Will he come again?"

Zhang Ai replied: "They probably won't come again. I don't want to see them."

Puzhao said: "In this case, the Buddha's message remains in the hands of the donor. If there are demons who invade the mountain in the future, just inform us, and the five of them can still do their best."

Zhang was afraid without being pretentious. He put away the Buddha's message and said, "Thank you, Master." But he made up his mind that he would not crush the Buddha's message even in a life-or-death situation.

After saying what needed to be said, the five monks said goodbye again. Zhang Ain suddenly remembered something and asked by the way: "Five masters, do you know how to release the weapon spirit?"

Puzhao asked, "Do you have any spiritual weapons?" Zhang Ping said, "I got two by chance." He took out the spiritual weapons of Suzaku and Qinglong.

After examining the spiritual weapon, Puzhao asked: "What are you letting them out for?" This means asking how you want to treat the two souls in the spiritual weapon. Zhang Ain replied: "I don't want to do anything, I just feel that they are imprisoned by the artifacts for nothing, which is a disaster for any soul, so I want to release them."

Puzhao said: "The donor has a kind heart, but it's a pity that Lao Na and others have limited cultivation and cannot release him."

When Zhang Wen heard that even the five holy monks could not release the weapon spirit, he felt a little sad and replied: "That's because they haven't had the opportunity yet." Looking at the two spiritual weapons in his hands, he felt very curious, where did these things come from? ? Where does Suzaku Qinglong come from?

Puzhao said: "If the donor has nothing else to do, I will leave."

Naturally, nothing happened, so the five monks said goodbye. Zhang Ain and others saw them off and walked all the way to the mountain gate to say goodbye.

The five great monks just walked down the stairs. At this time, a red-robed scholar slowly walked up the stairs. The folding fan in his hand was also red, and the square scarf on his head was also red. Although he looked neat and tidy in his dress, because of this red color, he made the whole person A little weird.

Sweat was streaming down the red-robed scholar's forehead. He took out a square towel to wipe the sweat, but it was also red. After wiping off the sweat, I looked up and saw five monks lining up to go down. The scholar stood by the road with his hands clasped. He waited for the monks to pass before he continued walking up, looking very respectful and polite.

Seeing this young man in red, Zhang Weijing and the four of them were a little curious. There are so many people in the world, but I have never seen anyone wearing a bright red dress and strutting through the market.

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