The Monk

Volume One Chapter 979 Facing Bravely

Chapter 979 Face it Bravely

After a while, Divine Tears floated out from in front of him, spinning gently in the air, absorbing the spiritual energy around him. As soon as it came out, the spiritual energy in the Five Spiritual Pond seemed to have found a vent, surged up, turned into five rainbow bridges, and shot directly to the Divine Tears, and then continuously replenished spiritual energy.

Divine Tears can replenish spiritual power by itself, so Zhang Ping got up and went to Lin Sen for a drink. Seeing him coming out, Lin Sen smiled and said, "So fast?" Zhang Ain sighed and said, "I can't do it fast, because I'm afraid you'll scold me." Lin Sen said while playing with the food and wine, "You bastard, you're angry with me again."

The two of them sat down, and the fat babies came around with cheers. Nitian Cave is not that big in total. If you look at it with your eyes, you can take in everything by just walking and stopping. When they discover that Zhang is starting to drink, of course the dolls want to come over and listen to the story.

Fu'er asked: "When will you take us back?" Having been outside, his mind was even more active. There was no comparison between running on a big mountain and wandering around a small underground paradise.

Zhang Ping said: "Listen to the story first, and then talk after listening to the story."

"Okay." The dolls responded. Then the banquet began, and the storyteller began to tell stories.

The story this time was particularly thrilling. During the telling, I was interrupted several times by the dolls. They asked me what the world of heaven was like, what the world of devil was like, and then I went to talk to Hai Ling. I never thought you were so powerful and would help me fight in the future.

In short, after being disturbed by various questions and topics, I finally finished talking about the battle of siege of Tianlei Mountain. The dolls turned their attention to the one hundred and twenty-eight Fu Shen snakes lying lazily not far away, wondering, is this the descendant of Queen Xi?

Fu'er said: "When you go to the God Realm, take me with you. I can help you fight."

"You help me fight?" Zhang Ain looked at the guy's pink, chubby arms and legs, but said nothing.

Fu'er tried his best to put on a mighty appearance and said, "Look how powerful I am, do I look like the God of War?"

"Okay, you look like the God of War." Zhang Ain gasped and continued: "You are just the God of War when you were young."

Fu'er was just happy when he was hit again. He said angrily: "You are a bad person, huh, I'll ignore you." He ran away, but after a while, he came back and asked Zhang Ping: "Take us back." Is Tianlei Mountain good?”

Zhang Awei shook his head: "Ask Uncle Lin, I can't make the decision."

"Hmph, big bad guy." Confirming Zhang's identity as a bad guy, the little fat man went to torment the God-Fearing Snake. Strangely enough, they were afraid of piglets and kittens, but not the ferocious snake. Spirit beasts and spirit grass are natural enemies, so it is a strange thing that they can get along well with the Fu Shen Snake.

When all the dolls ran away, Lin Sen asked: "Are you going to the God Realm?" Zhang Ain replied: "I don't know. If you go to the God Realm and don't know when you can come back, what will happen to Tianlei Mountain? But if you don't go, Fushen How does a snake grow?"

Zhang Ping still couldn't answer this question, and Lin Sen didn't have an answer. He smiled and said, "Don't worry, the boat will straighten out when it reaches the bridge."

Seeing Uncle Lin comforting him, Zhang Ain smiled and said, "It's okay, let's drink." So the two drank happily. Soon, Lin Sen fell asleep drunk, and Zhang Ain went to Wuling Pond to check on the condition of the Divine Tears.

In the last battle, due to a coincidence, the spirit of the God-subduing Snake in the Divine Tears became much stronger and could exist independently of the Divine Tears. Now it controls the Divine Tears to absorb spiritual power much faster. In just a moment, the Divine Tears has already Recreate the spirit pools like five lakes.

Zhang Wen sat upright under the tears of the gods, took out a snake-shaped hairpin and an eagle-shaped ornament, tapped the spiritual weapon with his soul, and summoned two sickly weapon spirits. The Five Spirit Pond is the place with the strongest spiritual energy in the human world. After a soul appears, it immediately floats side by side with the tears of the gods, scatters the body of the soul, absorbs the five spirit essences into the body, and accelerates healing.

They were busy with their work, and Zhang was afraid that he would have nothing to do, so he pondered over the two spiritual weapons in his hands. The two souls of Suzaku and Qinglong were originally powerful, but due to the suppression of this thing, their abilities were reduced many times. He wanted to break the two spiritual weapons, release the bodies of Suzaku and Qinglong's souls, give them freedom, and also allow them to transform. of more powerful.

It's just that this thing involves the lives of two beasts, so Zhang doesn't dare to mess with it. After thinking for a while, I couldn't think of a way. If I had known better, I would have asked Greedy Wolf, maybe he would have a way.

Originally, there were Fu and Bi Erxingjun around Hai Ling who were hiding to protect him and could be found for questioning. However, because the God-Destroying Snake appeared and was hostile to Xingjun, the Star Emperor did not want to conflict with the God-Destroying Snake over these things, so he ordered Er Xingjun to return to the heaven. Anyway, there were more than a hundred God-Destroying Snakes accompanying him, and they were also protected by the Three Realms. God is taking care of him, and the number one person in the human world is always around him. I believe no one can hurt Hai Ling.

At this time, the Star Emperor has two needs. One is to establish Hai Ling as his successor and inherit the unification of the heaven. The other is to get the God-Suppressing Snake to fly to the heaven. From any point of view, he will not embarrass Tianlei Mountain.

The most boring thing in the world is waiting, especially when one is waiting alone. Zhang was afraid that he could not think of a solution and was unwilling to meditate, so he simply closed his eyes and fell asleep. When he woke up, Suzaku and Qinglong had recovered from their injuries and stood quietly in front of him without speaking.

Zhang Ain smiled and patted the two beasts. He looked up and saw that the Divine Tears stopped rotating and no longer absorbed the spirit essence in the pool. He took it back into his body, thought about it and asked: "Is there any way to get you two out of the spiritual weapon?" ?”

The two guys were very pitiful. They nodded their heads but were speechless. Zhang was afraid that he would be in a difficult situation, so he nodded and shook his head to determine how the two beasts would escape. He guessed seven or eight ways in succession, but unfortunately he missed all of them. The only reliable method is to know the magic formula to seal the two beasts into the spiritual weapon and then use it reversely. After breaking the spiritual weapon, quickly sign a pact with the spirit of the weapon and put it into the body, like Xiao Huo'er did.

This method requires the cooperation of the weapon spirit, otherwise during the casting process, if the weapon spirit messes up a little or accidentally, both sides will suffer. Therefore, even though the two souls Suzaku and Qinglong are very powerful, people would rather use them to refine weapons than sign a contract to take them into their bodies. After all, living is the most important thing.

Although Zhang was afraid that he guessed the method, it would be in vain if he didn't know the magic to refine the spiritual weapon, so he had to put the two guys into the spiritual weapon and go out to discuss with Lin Sen.

Lin Sen didn't even know it, so the two drank until Lin Sen was extremely drunk. Zhang Wen went to Nitian Cave to retrieve the Fushen Snake, and called Hai Ling to say he wanted to go back to the mountain. It was rare for Hai Ling to see a group of friends who were the same age as him, having fun. Hearing that Zhang was afraid of leaving, he felt a little reluctant to leave. After the children learned that Zhang Weifang would not take them out, they even refused to do it. They staged an uprising and rebelled against Zhang Weifang.

Zhang was afraid that he had no choice but to stay for one more day. When drinking the next day, he was determined not to let Lin Sen drink too much, and then with the help of Lin Sen, he forcibly suppressed the rebellious dolls, carried Hai Ling out of the underground cave, and returned to Tianlei Mountain.

He entered the Nitian Cave and only stayed for a few days in total. In outside time, it would not even be a day. It saves time even more on the road, and in just a dozen breaths, we have already returned to Tianlei Mountain. After passing through the divine formation and falling to the ground, Hai Ling got the chance to speak: "It's so boring to be locked up underground all day long. Wouldn't it be better to let them out?" He thought of his lonely years, and the people who had the same experience. The dolls naturally felt pity for them.

Zhang Ping said sternly: "If you can't protect them, wouldn't it be harmful to them if you take them out? They are different from you. You are an array spirit raised by nature, and no one will be tempted by you; they are spiritual plants that are more than 100,000 years old. , You can only cultivate into human form when you encounter a great opportunity, but you have no strength to protect yourself. For cultivators, they are delicacies and a great opportunity for these cultivators. They will be hunted by countless people. It is very dangerous to bring them out! "

Hai Ling retorted: "You are also a cultivator." Zhang Ain smiled and said nothing. Hai Ling refused and continued: "I have lived alone for many years. After getting to know the outside world, I always thought that it would be better to go out and face all dangers than to hide in a safe place and pretend to be a turtle. That kind of life, even if I am alive , what’s the difference between death and death?”

Zhang Ai said: "I took them out before and lived in Tianlei Mountain for a long time. I also took them around to see the world. I had to send them back because there was danger."

"Then bring them out again." Hai Ling insisted: "Since the disciples of Tianlei Mountain dare to face powerful enemies, I believe they will also dare to face them. Without going through hardships, they will always be ignorant children. Big brother also hopes that they will Be strong?"

The little fat man is very insistent and has his own opinions on things, but he is childish most of the time. Having said that, Zhang Ai often has child-like impulses when doing things, and the character he brings deep into his bones cannot be easily changed.

Seeing Hai Ling's insistence, Zhang Ping tried to persuade him: "They are limited by the grass essence body and can only cultivate to the top level of Dan Jie. It is difficult to be strong." Hai Ling said: "The top level of Dan Jie is also stronger than now. Besides, I have to protect them." Seeing that Hai Ling couldn't be moved, Zhang was afraid that he didn't want the dolls to stay underground all day long, so he said, "I can't help you. Go talk to Sister Yunyi. If she agrees, Let’s go and take them out.”

Hai Ling was very happy to hear this answer and ran to the back mountain to persuade Song Yunyi. Zhang Ai sighed and sat down on the steps in front of the mountain gate, looking up into the sky and thinking about the rising and falling of the divine snake. The sudden appearance of the divine world was the heaviest mountain in the world, and it made him feel uncomfortable. He wanted to vent, but he didn't know how. Without this sudden appearance of the divine world and the two heavenly and demonic realms, why would the dolls have returned to hide underground?

At this time, Zhang Tianfang came to him again and said, "Why are you running around? I have traveled all over the eighteen peaks and I haven't seen you. Are you sick?"

Zhang Ai had no choice but to reply: "I am sitting here, will it hinder your aging?" Zhang Tianfang thought about it seriously, shook his head and said: "It won't hinder you." Zhang Ai suddenly got angry and said: "If I don't hinder you, why are you scolding me? Are you sick?" Zhang Tianfang was stunned and muttered: "Why are you so angry?" He turned around and walked away.

He sat boredly in front of the mountain gate for a long time. Seeing that the sky was turning dark, Ruiyuan quickly ran over and stood in front of him without speaking. Zhang was very curious. This was the first time he saw Rui Yuan behave like this and asked, "What's wrong with you?"

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