The Monk

Volume One Chapter 980 The Rise of Tianleitang

Chapter 980 The Rise of Tianleitang

Ruiyuan replied: "There is something." He only said these three words, and then kept silent. Zhang is afraid that he is very depressed. If you have something to do, you should say something and ask: "What's the matter?" Ruiyuan replied: "A senior named Master Jing came to you and said that if you have time, uncle, please go to Shiwanda Mountain One time, because my uncle had just come back, he encountered a mountain siege. After the battle, he had to rebuild the mountain gate and appease the wounded disciples in the sect. There were many other things to do, so he didn't tell his uncle about this and asked his uncle to punish him. "

Zhang Awei chuckled and said: "What kind of crime is this? In any case, it is the most important matter of my family. Master Jing didn't say what it was?"

Ruiyuan also smiled, and was very satisfied with Zhang Ain's words about his family's affairs, and replied: "Because the master uncle is not on the mountain, the senior only left these words and left. The disciples don't know what happened. "He has been the leader for many years and has become extremely mature in dealing with problems. This sentence is a perfect answer. Not only did he explain what Master Jing did not say, but he also said that after Master Jing left, Ruiyuan sent people to investigate the rumors in the world. There was no news about Shiwandashan. From this perspective, Shiwandashan Even if something happens, it shouldn't be a big deal.

Zhang Ping said he understood. He thought of the Jin family in Mangu from Shiwandashan. He also didn’t know what the Jin family was like now. Their family, the God’s Punishment clan, had to fight endless powerful enemies every day. It should be Work harder than yourself. However, was their divine punishment imposed by people from the divine realm?

Zhang Ai thought about it for a while, and when he raised his head, Ruiyuan still stood there and asked, "Is there anything else?" Ruiyuan replied, "There is something, I should tell my uncle to know." Zhang Ai was helpless, today Ruiyuan seemed to have changed. He looked at him carefully and whispered: "Just say what you want to say."

Ruiyuan replied: "A cultivation sect has recently emerged in the world. The leader is very terrifying. He once killed three sects and accepted their subordinates. At the same time, eleven other sects, large and small, expressed their submission."

"What does that sect have to do with us if it can fight again?" Zhang Ai became more and more curious.

Ruiyuan replied in a deep voice: "That sect is called Tianleitang."

Zhang Awei was startled, then shook his head slightly, showed a playful smile, which seemed helpless, but more out of fun, and asked Ruiyuan: "What happened to them?"

"There are rumors in the world that Tianlei Hall is a branch of Tianlei Mountain. Although the current leader of Tianlei Hall denies it, the rumors are getting stronger and stronger, leaving the disciples unsure whether it is a sect established by the master uncle outside." , Ruiyuan looked directly at Zhang Afraid.

Zhang Ai smiled helplessly again and denied: "Remember, you are the boss of Tianlei Mountain. I will tell you anything related to Tianlei Mountain when I do it outside, so you don't have to think blindly."

Ruiyuan said respectfully: "This disciple is thinking like this. Knowing that my uncle seeks freedom, he will never do this."

Zhang was afraid that he would be bored by what he heard. The old boy first suspected that he was setting up another scandal outside, and hesitated to report back. He finally told the story about Tianleitang. When he heard that he denied it, he immediately said that he thought so too, and then said The casual person used the word "xiaoyao" to mock himself for being lazy and ignoring the affairs of the sect. It can be considered a scheming thing. Alas, all the good boys have gone bad. Is this still the honest and simple good old Ruiyuan from before? No, we have to check and find out who taught him bad things.

Seeing that he didn't speak, Ruiyuan knew he could hear the blame in his words, so he didn't hide it at the moment. He had long wanted to say that his uncle was lazy, but now that he finally had the opportunity, he would not let it go, so he still pretended that the words were unintentional and continued to report: "Although my uncle wants to be free, there are many troubles in the world. Because of the sudden rise of Tianlei Hall, many bullied sects thought that Tianlei Hall had something to do with us and asked people to intercede. No matter how much the disciples denied it, they always didn't believe it. Until the battle around the mountain, people came to our door one after another for half a year. Please forgive me. I thought something was fishy, ​​so I reported it to my uncle."

When Zhang Wen heard the first sentence, the old boy said again that he wanted to be free, laughed angrily, and said, "Did you have to call me lazy twice in a row?" Ruiyuan's face turned red, but he did not deny it. Zhang Awei nodded with satisfaction. After all, he was still an honest person. He was not too imitated, could not tell lies, and knew how to blush. So he asked again: "What's going on at Tianleitang?"

Ruiyuan replied sternly: "Three years ago, in the main hall of Tianlei Hall, a short-haired and tall man with a weak young man asked to be admitted, but he refused to kneel or worship. The master of Tianlei Hall did not like the arrogance of the two men and ordered them to be expelled. After leaving the mountain gate, the main hall was singled out by a big man. Tianleitang was once one of the six major forces in the Qi State. They occupied 500 counties in Qi State. There were many masters in the sect, and the main hall was even more powerful. It's a pity that none of the thousands of disciples and hundreds of masters can block the big man's move, even if they are surrounded by everyone, in the end the leader of Tianleitang is forcibly defeated by the big man, saying that he will give up his position, but the big man refuses and points out that he is weak. The young man said that the position of gang leader was not given by others, but was earned by oneself. We can accept the disciple and be given the status of a disciple, but we have to trouble the gang leader and please patiently teach him the exercises. How much he can learn is his business. His cultivation level is higher than that of the gang leader, so he will naturally become the gang leader."

"The original leader of the Tianlei Hall asked him how long he would need to learn. The big man replied that it would be ten years, and if he failed to learn, he would leave. The leader was happy when he heard this. Even if he was the best master in the world, it was impossible for him to go from a Qi Refining disciple to the middle stage of the Nascent Soul in just ten years. So he agreed. From then on, the big man and the boy lived in the main hall. Soon a year passed, and the leader of the Tianlei Hall realized that he was wrong. In just one year, the boy had already formed a Nascent Soul. In the second year, the boy's cultivation level surpassed the original leader, and the bright Zhengda became the new leader of Tianlei Hall. "

"After the young man became the leader, his name gradually spread. He was called Young Master Feng. The big man was his master, but no one knew his name. Under the management of the two of them, Tianlei Hall was thriving and its strength increased greatly, but it never did anything illegal. The three sects that were destroyed were from the Qi State Sect. They always competed with Tianlei Hall for territory. Seeing that Tianlei Hall was growing bigger and bigger, the three sects joined forces and tried to destroy it, but they were destroyed by Tianlei Hall instead. The other dozen sects had always had disputes with Tianlei Hall. The Thunder Hall suddenly became powerful, and they quickly submitted to the emperor. Strangely, the Thunder Hall did not pursue their wrongdoings. After knowing that they surrendered, they just let the matter go, without beating, scolding, or seeking revenge. "

Rui Yuan finished the story in one breath, and Zhang Pa frowned and said, "The Thunder Hall did nothing bad, why are you telling me this?" He paused and said, "It's really strange that such a sect has offended someone, but since the Thunder Hall will not pursue them, they can just leave. Why do they have to come to the Thunder Mountain to beg for mercy?"

Rui Yuan He replied, "It is because of the extraordinary kindness of the Tianlei Hall that many sects simply cannot believe that they will let their enemies go, and they are uneasy, so they surrender to the Tianlei Hall while sending people to Tianlei Mountain to plead for mercy."

Zhang Pa laughed, "Interesting." As soon as Rui Yuan said the beginning of the story, Zhang Pa knew that the two were from the heaven. The short-haired tall man was the master of the Star Palace and Xiao Feng'er's master; the weak boy was Xiao Feng'er, another clan member of the Star Emperor of the Heaven, who entered the world to experience after his whole body of skills were sealed.

After listening to the whole story, I think these two people did a good job, and Xiao Feng'er was not as hateful as imagined. And he is pretty awesome. After his skills were sealed, he relearned the sect's skills and became a master again. He is quite ambitious. After a rough thought in his mind, he roughly guessed what Xiao Feng'er was thinking. He did this to compare with Hai Ling, so that the Star Emperor could take a closer look and see that Xiao Feng'er was no worse than Hai Ling!

Because Hai Ling spent twenty months to govern the customs of Yue State, Xiao Fenger wanted to compare with her, so he sneaked into the lower world, but ended up doing something bad with good intentions, killing the emperor of Qi State and causing chaos throughout the country. Later, the Star Emperor sent people to the lower world to help quell the riots in various places. The matter passed, but the person involved, Xiao Fenger, was very dissatisfied. Why? Why can't I compare with Hai Ling?

Xiao Fenger learned a saying, where you fall, you get up there, so the goal of entering the world to experience is still in Qi State. He wants to help the people live in peace and quell the previous chaos and unrest with his own efforts.

At this time, Qi State was in chaos, the court was out of control, and the people were uneasy. Ordinary people came out of the disaster and were looking for ways to survive in a bleak manner. The cultivators were caught in a multi-faction war, led by the six major sects such as Tianlei Hall, involving dozens of small sects, fighting and making trouble every day. Among them, Tianlei Hall was the most arrogant, and even Zhang Pa, who passed by, wanted to rob and kill him.

Their arrogance was seen by Xiao Fenger, and he was very angry. They were even more arrogant than me? Especially since these guys always do bad things and kill people, Xiao Fenger had the idea of ​​destroying this sect, but after thinking about it again, he was punished by the Star Emperor because he was too bloodthirsty, and this should not be done again, so he came up with an idea and decided to turn all the bad guys in the sect into good guys. Even if they become bad, at least you have to be law-abiding and not do bad things. If they really become bad, they will be killed.

Of course, there is another main reason why he wants to enter the Tianlei Hall, because of the name. Tianlei Hall and Tianlei Mountain are only one word different. Xiao Fenger doesn't believe that the Tianlei Hall he created will be worse than Tianlei Mountain with Hailing.

Xiao Fenger had a goal, so he enthusiastically told Master Xinggong about his idea. Master Xinggong was very satisfied after hearing it, so the two of them joined the sect. The story of their worship was widely circulated in the martial arts world at that time, because Xinggong was too powerful, and countless masters secretly hated it. Why didn't such a master come to worship his own sect? Not to mention learning magic from the sect, even being worshipped as a grandfather would be fine.

But later, the leader of Tianlei Hall was forced to change, and these guys secretly felt lucky. Fortunately, the two terrifying guys did not come to pay homage to the sect, otherwise they would be driven away. Xiao Fenger didn't care what they thought. He just wanted to do good things, the greatest good things in the world, and he must be better than Hai Ling. So when there were sects that came to provoke him, he just killed them and never involved others. Eventually, the current situation was formed. At this time, in Qi State, Tianlei Hall was the only one, and its prestige was even greater than that of Longhu Mountain before.

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