The Monk

Volume 1 Chapter 978 Sixteen Dolls

Chapter 978 Sixteen Dolls

I took the time to inspect the house on the mountain. Fortunately, there was nothing serious. Because Zhang was afraid of returning to the mountain, the wartime alert was lifted, and the disciples were busy repairing the houses, which was a prosperous situation. Zhang Ping was watching and thinking about the subjugated snake. A descendant of Empress Xi, with such a great name and such a great origin, why was she caught by the uncle who had just cultivated to the stage of forming pills?

Although it is said that Uncle Master brought many people with him; although it is said that the Fu Shen Snake was pregnant and its strength was severely damaged; therefore, Uncle Master and others took the opportunity to capture it, but how and why did it come to the human world? If a big snake is pregnant, there must be both a male and a female. The female snake has died, so why hasn't the male snake appeared?

I used to think about these questions occasionally when I was bored, but I didn’t think much of it. But now that I think about it, I suddenly find that there are many problems. Somehow, the word "fate" suddenly appeared in his mind, and he smiled bitterly. He probably had to go to that legendary world of gods no matter what.

He was lamenting that Zhang Tianfang came to him and shouted from a long way away: "Stop!" Zhang Ai stopped and asked curiously: "What's wrong?" Zhang Tianfang said angrily: "What's wrong?" Zhang Ai was afraid. Depressed: "It's nothing, why are you calling me?" "Hey, I went to heaven once, and I have a good temper." Zhang Tianfang glared.

"Is that why?" Zhang Ping said helplessly, probably because he heard Hai Ling say that he had been to the heaven, and this guy was unbalanced again.

"Why just for this? Do you think I am as stingy as you? I don't care about the heaven. If it is the devil's world, it would be interesting to go around. The place where I lived back then was dark all day long. It was so dark. Go there, Maybe I can get back the feeling I had when I was a kid." Zhang Tianfang said softly.

"Okay, you're not stingy. Sir, why are you calling me?" Zhang Ain suspected that he must have owed Zhang Tianfang a lot of money in his previous life, and he had to pay it back slowly in this life.

"Can't I call you if nothing happens?" Zhang Tianfang glared again. Zhang Ai was helpless: "Yes, of course I can, but you shouted a little too loudly, so I thought something was wrong."

"Stop talking nonsense, where are you going now?" Zhang Tianfang said.

Am I talking nonsense? It’s obvious that you’ve been talking nonsense these days! Zhang was afraid of the depression in his heart. He knew that this guy was quite capable of beating him up. He sighed and replied, "He didn't go anywhere."

"Where are you going if you're not going anywhere?" Zhang Tianfang said nonchalantly.

"I'm afraid of you." This guy was so clingy that Zhang turned around and ran away. Zhang Tianfang followed and shouted: "Where are you going?"

Zhang was afraid of not saying anything and walked all the way to the backyard. Then he stopped and said to the follower who was chasing after him: "Go to see Yunyi, are you going?"

Zhang Tianfang quickly shook his head and cursed: "I didn't tell you earlier." He turned around to find other fun. This guy rarely talked to women.

Song Yunying was sitting in the room, with Cheng Xier and Lu Wan playing chess at the desk in front of her. When the three beauties are gathered together in one room, even if it is just a thatched hut, it will look extremely beautiful and the walls of the hut will be radiant.

Zhang was afraid to enter the house and say hello to everyone. Song Yunyi was smart enough to stand up and walk to the door to greet him, and asked in a low voice: "Want to go down the mountain?"

Zhang was a little embarrassed and whispered: "Can you not be so smart?"

The two of them talked without avoiding people. When Cheng Xier heard it, she raised her head and asked, "When are you leaving?" Zhang Ping said, "I'll leave as soon as I told you to see Uncle Lin. I'll be back in a few days." Lu Wan stood up Yingying. One bow: "My benefactor, be careful all the way."

With this bow, Zhang Paohan bowed out, and he hurriedly waved his hand and said: "Don't call me benefactor." A strange idea came to his mind, and he felt uneasy, so he hurriedly dragged Song Yunyi out of the house, and drew a barrier casually. After hesitating and hesitating for a long time, he finally whispered: "How about we keep a little distance from her? I mean a little, just a little, not to drive her away." The words were said in a mess, and he looked flustered and worried. Song Yunyi was thinking wildly.

Song Yunyi stared at Zhang Awei for a while with her clear and bright black and white eyes, then chuckled and said, "What are you worried about?"

Zhang was afraid that he could not clearly express his thoughts. Song Yunyi covered her mouth and said with a smile: "Are you worried about having another wife?" After saying this, Zhang Weijing blushed instantly and coughed again and again, and hurriedly said: "Keep your voice down."

Song Yunyi said: "Isn't there a barrier?" Zhang said afraidly: "It's always bad if someone hears it." Song Yunyi blinked his eyes and smiled playfully: "Are you attracted to her?"

Zhang Awei was so frightened that he waved his hands repeatedly: "How could it be possible? How could it be possible? Absolutely impossible! I'm worried that you and Xi'er always keep her like this. What if she gets used to it and doesn't want to leave? It's like, like, like ..." It seemed like he didn't say anything for a long time.

Song Yunyi answered: "Like Xi'er?" Zhang was a little embarrassed, so he said yes with a smile.

He originally didn't want to be with Xi'er, but he saved a poor woman along the way and took her on a journey. The woman repaid her with her life and refused to leave. Gradually, she gained Song Yunying's recognition, so Zhang Ping became inexplicable. I have an extra wife.

It's not that Zhang is afraid of being stupid and doesn't understand the ways of the world, it's just that he has been practicing Taoism for many years and has been refined and refined, and he is really not interested in the reality of love. He has never chased a woman in his life. First, Song Yunyi chased him, and then Cheng Xier chased him. However, he did not know how to refuse and was unwilling to hurt others. In addition, as they got along slowly, they developed deep feelings and felt guilty. Only then would he acquiesce and treat the two girls well from now on, but that kind of kindness is mostly hidden in his heart, and he is not good at expressing it.

It was precisely because he knew his personality that he specifically said these words to Song Yunyi in private. He was worried that Song Yunyi would become so kind and leave another poor person behind, slowly acquiescing to Lu Wan's existence. What would he do?

He has also rescued more than thirty girls. Fortunately, they were just a bunch of little brats when they were rescued and didn't understand anything. Although they have grown up now, under Zhang Weir's careful care, nourishing their bodies with various elixirs, and not having to work hard, they are all enchanting and beautiful, not much worse than Yunying and Xi'er, and some people secretly like Zhang Weir. But Zhang was afraid of not knowing what was going on, so he resolutely kept his distance from the girls, which is why it has been dragging on until now.

But Lu Wan was different. She spent all day with Song Yunyi. She was always well-behaved and didn't talk too much. She was absolutely different from the girls. Zhang Ping was very worried that Song Yunyi would admit her existence. By then, even if he objected, it would be useless.

Song Yunyi chuckled when he heard this: "You think too much. Wan'er has a pure heart and few desires. If Xi'er and I hadn't stopped her, I might not have become a monk long ago."

Hearing what Song Yunyi said, Zhang Ai said: "This is the best." Song Yunyi asked: "What is so best? Is it best to become a monk?" Zhang Ai quickly shook his head: "No, no, I'm leaving."

It's a pity that he is hundreds of years old and has always been ignorant about men and women. The most annoying thing is that he still doesn't ask for a better understanding. He would rather continue to understand than try to understand. It is really a waste of opportunity. If it were anyone else, he would wish to have three beautiful ladies serving him, and he would also hope that the more the merrier.

Zhang was afraid to run out of the courtyard, looked around, and was convinced that he didn't see Zhang Tianfang. He made a quick decision and ran away. He found Xiaozhu and a group of guys, and pulled Hai Ling to whisper a few words. Hai Ling jumped up happily, waved to the three Xiaozhu guys, and jumped into Zhang Ain's arms.

The little pig and kitten were very suspicious. They rushed over and grunted, asking where he was going. Zhang Jing said: "Go meet Fu'er and the others. You've already met them, so there's no need to go." Xiaozhu tilted his head and thought about it, those fat babies were really boring, and he felt wary every time he saw them, so he nodded and hummed twice. , and leave with the kitten. Huo'er was very attached to Zhang Ping and wanted to go with him. So he provoked Xiaozhu again, and turned around and shouted at him to return to the team, so Xiaohuoer had no choice but to leave with Xiaozhu in aggrieved manner.

Zhang Awei shook his head. This pig was like the king of the mountain. He was domineering and domineering all day long. He must find an opportunity to beat him up.

Seeing the little pigs and the others leaving, Zhang Ain hugged Hai Ling and activated his magic skills to pass through the mountain-protecting formation and quickly fly towards the boundless grassland.

With his cultivation at this time, he no longer had to fly for two days and three nights. With just a few fleeting thoughts, he had already entered the Five Spirits Blessed Land.

At this time, the underground cave lacked those spirit beasts transformed from cows and pigs, and it seemed very empty. Lin Sen and the dolls were not here, and they were only seen after entering the Nitian Cave. When a group of fat kids saw Zhang Weijing coming in, they directed the round sand bears to attack. Lin Sen stopped him and yelled, "Nonsense." He looked at Hai Ling and asked, "Is this?" Although Lin Sen's cultivation was not enough, he still had a life. For hundreds of thousands of years, one will always be aware of the powerful aura.

Zhang Ai introduced: "This is Hai Ling, and this is Uncle Lin." He had told each other's stories before, and everyone had heard about them. Now that he saw the real person, Hai Ling hurriedly clasped his fists respectfully and said, "Boy, I've seen Uncle Lin." ”

Lin Sen said happily: "I should have seen you before. You are so sensible. I call you Uncle Lin. There are things in this garden, and you can get whatever you want."

Zhang Ai smiled and said: "I have already given everything I can, except for you and these dolls." Lin Sen feigned anger and said, "You are showing generosity to me!" Zhang Ai still smiled: "You are so generous." It’s too late to say anything.”

The fat baby was not afraid of strangers. When he saw that Hai Ling was about the same size as them, white and tender, and very similar to himself, he came around and introduced himself: "I am Fu'er, I am Lu'er, I am Fu Ling... ..." and other various names.

Hai Ling followed suit, pointed at himself and said, "I am Hai Ling. It's our first time meeting you. Please take care of me."

"You're too polite." Fu'er stretched out his chubby hand, took Hai Ling's chubby hand, and spoke like a little adult: "Come on, let me show you the garden. All the treasures grow here. We are also grown from this land.”

So Fat Baby's team grew by one more person. The original thirteen people including Fu'er, plus the later born Lao Shi4, and Fu Ling who came from Lian Shen Valley. Counting Hai Ling at this time, there were sixteen people in total. An army of sand bears and monster beasts were wandering around in the cave.

Zhang Ai released the God-Defying Snake and said to Lin Sen: "I'll go downstairs first and meet you for a drink later." Lin Sen smiled and said: "If I had known you would not come back if you had nothing to do, go ahead." Zhang Ai smiled apologetically, Go down the steps and come to Wuling Pond.

The five-color spiritual energy in the Five Spirit Pond was steaming and flowing elegantly. Zhang Fei looked around, then meditated on the platform, using his spiritual thoughts to breathe and send his soul into the Divine Tears.

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