The Monk

Volume One Chapter 977 Persistence

Chapter 977: Persistence

Greedy Wolf accepted this thank you calmly, and then said: "I will set up the formation myself. When the formation is completed, I will leave the formation diagram and the tactics to the young master. You can go and rest, don't worry about us."

Zhang Wen took a look and found that he really couldn't control them, so he said goodbye, put away more than a hundred divine snakes, and went to Zhan Yun to visit Nascent Soul.

Nearly five hundred Nascent Soul masters died in a battle during the day. Even Tianlei Mountain, which has a great business, cannot afford this loss. Zhang was afraid that he would find a way to make all these Nascent Souls take away their bodies. But before that, Nascent Soul's life must be saved.

All the way up to the top of the mountain, Zhan Yun stood with his hands behind his hands. When he saw him coming up, he said softly: "He's back." Zhang Ao replied: "He's back." Zhan Yun turned sideways and said, "In the house." Zhang Ao nodded. Walk over and push the door open.

Behind the door is a room full of Nascent Souls, high or low, sitting or floating, all meditating. Seeing the door open and Zhang Ping walking in, all the Nascent Souls bowed their hands in greeting: "I've met Master (Uncle Master)."

Zhang Awei waved his hand and said, "This battle will hurt you all." He leaned forward and bowed. When the war started, they rushed to the front and did not flinch in the face of the demon soldiers. They risked their lives and could bear his bow no matter what.

All the Yuanyings hurriedly moved away, not daring to stand directly in front of Zhang Wen. One Yuanying said: "This disciple was already waiting for death. Master brought him out of the Valley of Refining Gods. He also helped to seize the body and gave countless pills. Allowing disciples to quickly improve their cultivation is such a great favor that will never be guaranteed. I will only die once for the master."

The straightforwardness of the words, especially the last sentence, shows that Zhang is confident that he will definitely find them another body, let them regain their bodies, and provide them with elixirs to continue their cultivation. From a certain perspective, it can be regarded as Yuanying's request to Zhang Afraid.

Hearing this, Zhang Weijing nodded slightly and said, "No matter what, I would like to thank you for your bravery and sacrifice in this siege of Tianlei Mountain. Let's follow me for the time being. We will talk about the rest later."

All the Nascent Souls said yes and took the initiative to rest in the big walnut on Zhang Wen's chest.

After collecting all five hundred and ninety-three Nascent Souls, Zhang Wen pushed the door open and walked out. Zhan Yun asked with a wooden face: "What should I do in the future?" Zhang Aing asked curiously: "What should I do?" Zhan Yun said: "What should I do if the magic soldiers come again?" Zhang Aing replied: "They won't come again."

Zhan Yun yelled, and said to the bottom of the mountain: "Let's disperse." Following the words, one hundred and forty monks appeared, bowed to Zhang Wen and left.

Zhang Ain remembered something and said to Zhan Yun, "I'm going down." Zhan Yun nodded and said yes, but immediately asked a question: "What if there is another powerful enemy surrounding the mountain?"

This worry is right. At first, Zhang was afraid that he was the best in the world, so countless top-level masters came to fight him. Later, he transformed into a god, and there were demon soldiers surrounding the mountain. He knew that no strong enemies would appear again in the future.

Zhang Ping originally wanted to say that it would never happen again, but then he thought about it. Nothing is absolute. What if masters from the God Realm came to surround the mountain? He said softly: "When you live, you have to make your own decisions and be responsible for yourself. You can't count on anyone."

There is a coldness in the words, but there is concern, saying that people should be responsible for themselves, so why do you, Zhang Ai, have to run around and be busy for everyone in Tianlei Mountain? But in other words, most of the disasters in Tianlei Mountain were caused by fear. From this point of view, it was unfair for the disciples in the mountain to be frightened several times and even risk their lives.

Zhang Weijing naturally knew this, sighed and continued: "Tianlei Mountain is really full of disasters. If possible, I really want to disband the sect and let everyone be free. We don't have to be as worried as now. Speaking of which, I should be responsible for them. , No matter what happens in the future, we will always try our best to protect everyone.”

Zhan Yun was stunned. Zhang Ping wanted to disband Tianleishan? What kind of idea is this? Out of worry, I asked you a few more words, so you don’t have to give up. If you disband Tianlei Mountain, what will happen to the tens of thousands of low-level disciples? If you are bullied, who will help you? He hurriedly said: "When a disciple becomes a disciple, he must bear the responsibilities of a disciple. He can't just rush in when he sees good times, and turn around and run away when he sees danger. What's going on? Since they have chosen to come to Tianlei Mountain, they should They are responsible for their own choices, no one forces them to do it, it is their own decision.”

Zhang Ain looked at him and chuckled: "Don't comfort me, Tianlei Mountain will not be disbanded. Sometimes I feel that there are too many things. Even if I try to be lazy, things never end, and that's why I get a weird idea. No matter what, , since I am standing here, I must persist.”

There were no stirring words, just two faint words, persistence, which completely expressed what Zhang Wen was thinking. These two words require countless efforts and will to achieve. Zhan Yun knew that Zhang was very hard-working and would be bullied for nothing. He was one of the people chasing him back then, so he smiled and said, "I can still stick with you for a hundred years."

Zhang Ai also smiled: "Thank you." Zhan Yun shook his head and said: "Compared to what you gave me, I really haven't done anything." Zhang Ai said seriously: "You can stay in Tianlei Mountain, which is the greatest help you can give me. Zhan Yun felt warm in his heart, but he waved his hand and said: "Let's go quickly, don't pretend to be here." Zhang Ping'en said: "Then I'm leaving." After saying that, he walked down the mountain.

On the way down the mountain, Zhang Ao thought about Suzaku and Qinglong. Legend has it that they are mythical beasts, but because their soul was taken away from the weapon refining, their cultivation was infinitely lowered. They fought during the day, and the two guys were beaten by the night guard. Compared to Huo'er, who both has a soul body, the two guys are not superior in strength. He wondered if he could liberate the two guys from the spiritual weapons, and then sign a heart-to-heart agreement, so that they could be put into the body like Xiao Huo'er, and then have the help of Divine Tears... Thinking of Divine Tears, Zhang Wei sighed, Divine Tears were empty Yes, I have to take some time to visit Wuling Blessed Land.

I was thinking wildly in my mind and kept walking. I quickly arrived at the Tianlei Mountain Hall and asked the disciples. Ruiyuan was not there and said that he personally erected a monument for the disciples who died in this battle. Zhang Zhen then sighed again, I was fooling around in vain, I forgot such an important thing.

Ask for the direction and fly towards the other peak. Ruiyuan was soon found in a beautiful place. He and more than a hundred disciples of the sect were carefully digging holes and carving monuments. Ordinarily, cultivators do not need to be so troublesome after death, but Ruiyuan believes that these people took the initiative to face the enemy and sacrificed themselves to protect their fellow disciples, so they should leave their names and build a place of support for them.

These hundreds of tablets belong to the Dan-Jie cultivators. The Nascent Soul cultivators can seize their bodies and are not considered dead.

Ruiyuan was busy working when he noticed that Zhang Ai came to him. He figured something was wrong, so he approached him and asked, "Uncle, is there something wrong?"

Zhang Ting said: "It's okay, I just want to inform you that the Refining Temple in Fog Valley is gone, so I won't go to the trial."

"It's gone?" Ruiyuan was startled: "Why is it gone?"

The Refining Temple is only useful to those who form pills, and it is possible to break through and advance after entering. Excluding the weird alternative of Tianlei Mountain, the alchemy monks are the backbone of all cultivation sects. The more alchemy monks there are, the stronger the sect is. Ruiyuan originally wanted to take all the alchemy disciples to have a good time and make more preparations for it, but he didn't know that such a magical existence as the Temple of Refining could just disappear? Let his wish come true.

After hearing the news, he was disappointed, confused, and a little shocked. Ruiyuan felt that way at this moment. He sighed and said, "It's gone." He asked Zhang Ai: "Is there anything else?" Zhang Ping said: "No." Ruiyuan went to work on the stone tablet.

Zhang Ping did not expect that the disappearance of the Refining Temple would have such a big impact on Ruiyuan, and he couldn't bear to see him busy.

The reason for Ruiyuan's disappointment is simple. He is the leader and does not care about power or fame, but he must make some achievements to be worthy of the title of leader. Since becoming the leader, many disciples had to rely on Zhang Weixin's help to quickly improve their cultivation, such as Hei Zhan and Li Zhan. Ruiyuan also wanted to help people improve their cultivation, so he set his sights on the Temple of Refining. He had planned to take all the new disciples of Danjie to the temple together, and he believed that there would be good results.

But the Refining Temple is gone. Ruiyuan, who has been preparing for a long time, will naturally be disappointed. It was the first time that he wanted to take someone with him, and it was also the first time that he was able to take someone with him to the Refining Temple. Unfortunately, he couldn't even do it the first time.

Zhang Ain didn't understand Ruiyuan's psychology and thought that this good gentleman was disappointed that the disciples had lost the opportunity to advance. He rummaged through the storage bag and gave Ruiyuan a bunch of pills, and then ran away.

It was time to go take a look at the buildings on the mountain. As soon as Zhang Ping flew into the sky, Tanlang led six visitors from heaven to greet him and said: "The arrangement of the divine array has been completed."

Zhang Aijing asked: "So fast?" Tanlang explained in a tactful tone: "Due to the terrain restrictions, a deep divine formation cannot be set up here, otherwise it will be difficult to control. The current divine formation is deployed based on multiple conditions such as the terrain. The most powerful divine formation, you can test it. This is the magic formula and the formation diagram. Please accept it. "

He said it euphemistically and cryptically, but Zhang Ping understood clearly. They were saying that with your level of cultivation, you can only master this level of magic circle. No matter how advanced you are, you can't play with it, so just use it.

Zhang Ping said thank you and took the magic formula of the formation diagram. He looked at it with his mind for a while. After understanding the function of the magic formation, he activated the magic formula. He saw a neon light rising between the sky and the earth, with brilliance like silver rain rippling in all directions, and a bell sound. After a crisp sound, the divine formation opened.

This formation was many times stronger than the divine formation Greedy Wolf had casually created last time. However, because the formation diagrams and magic formulas of the two divine formations were similar, Zhang Wen was able to control them easily and hurriedly put away the formation diagrams and magic formulas. , saluted respectfully to the seven greedy wolves: "Thank you, seven adults."

Greedy Wolf said: "You don't need to thank me. This is what your lord ordered. We are just obeying your orders. At this moment, the divine formation is complete. Let's take our leave." After saying this, he gave a very rare hand to Zhang Ain and led the people away. .

Zhang Ping sent them away respectfully, and then went to find Bu Kong. He wanted to thank the five monks of the Holy Kingdom who came to help. After finding Fu Kong, Fu Kong replied: "The five masters are in retreat, and I can't go in."

I just got injured today. I don’t know how long I will be in seclusion. Zhang Ain said: "When the five masters come out of seclusion, if I am on the mountain, please inform me that I am not here and say thank you for me." Bu Kong said yes, Zhang was afraid and left again.

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