The Monk

Volume 1 Chapter 969 Shocking

Chapter 969 Shocking the World

Then he jumped, sat down on the recliner, grabbed a chicken drumstick, tore off a bite of the meat, chewed it and said, "Hurry up and beat it."

A group of people, including Zhang Weifang, were stunned. Unexpectedly, a master suddenly appeared and came to watch the show.

The big devil couldn't tell what the fat man liked and disliked, so he didn't dare to act rashly; the Star Emperor was even more reluctant to provoke the fat man. According to the news left by the predecessors, one can gain eternal life by ascending to the God Realm, but must abandon everything they had before, such as status. No matter who enters the God Realm, they can only start from scratch, and it will take at least hundreds of thousands of years before they can reach the status of the Guardian God of the Three Realms. And the Star Emperor will be qualified to step into the God Realm at this time. If Fatty is really the guardian of the Three Realms, the gap between the two will not be even a tiny bit.

Seeing a group of people who were like logs, not moving or talking, the fat man lost interest in eating chicken drumsticks, and said displeased: "Why don't you fight? It really shouldn't be said. It's rare to see a good show, so I went to eat it." Yes, you’re gone. You’re hiding in the barrier for me to find. Hey, why don’t you fight? If you don’t fight, I’m going to get angry.”

When the big devil heard this, although his identity was not confirmed, the fat man was definitely not easy to mess with and he couldn't make him angry. He said to Ye Zhan, "Go." Ye Zhan walked towards Zhang Ai again carrying a black spear.

It seems that the fat man is worried that he is not messy enough? Zhang Aifeng glanced at him, and the guy's mouth was full of oil. As he ate, he nodded at him and said vaguely: "Fight well." Zhang Aifan said heartily: "I want to fight well, but who can I beat?"

At this time, Ye Zhan walked to the opposite side and stood still. Zhang Wein kept in mind the principle of striking first to gain the upper hand, so he swung the hard iron sword and struck with one blow.

Ye Zhan raised his spear to resist, and there was a loud clang sound. The spear did not break, and then it trembled like a snake, and the tip of the spear pierced Zhang Wei's chest. Zhang Ai ducked and backed away, roaring like a wild tiger, and tens of thousands of flames appeared behind him, leaping towards the spear.

Ye Zhan retracted his spear and stepped away, and said in surprise: "Lotus fire?" It is a spell cultivated by a Buddhist master, which can burn away evil.

Zhang was afraid that when he was rebuilding his body, he received the help of the concentration beads, so he learned the Buddhist lotus fire by accident. This fire is an instinct, just like people can breathe. When the Buddha encounters evil, he will use the lotus fire to purify the world.

The lotus fire appeared, which made the fat man very happy. While eating, he said, "I haven't seen this fire for a long time. Please wait and try again. Lend me this fire." As he spoke, he waved his hands, and several lotus fires burned in front of the fat man. . Then I saw the fat man digging out some food from the bag, throwing it on the lotus fire and roasting it. While roasting, he said: "The purest fire in the world is the best for roasting meat."

Fortunately, there was no Buddhist monk present, otherwise he would have been so angry at his words.

The fat man spoke like this, Ye Zhan was stunned. With the big devil's attitude towards the fat man, he would never let himself fight with Zhang at this time, so he had to withdraw his spear and stand quietly with his arms in his arms.

Zhang was afraid that Ye Zhan would behave like this and decided to seize the opportunity to bully people? He spread his arms and shouted in a low voice: "Go." Then he saw tens of thousands of lotus fires gathering towards Yezhan, a little bit of holiness and a little bit of light. When gathered together, the world is holy and the whole world is bright. Ye Zhan's expression changed. No matter how powerful he was, he was unwilling to come into contact with something that was naturally incompatible with him. He frowned and stepped away.

Zhang Zhi was still waiting to control the lotus fire and chased after him. The fat man said: "Why are you disobedient? You said you would beat me later." But while talking, his eyes were always staring at the meat on the fire.

Zhang was afraid and said: "So many of them are beating me? How long will it take to beat me? How long will it take to beat me? I will die."

"They all beat you? Why?" The fat man asked casually, and then added: "It doesn't matter why, you can't beat me anyway." Then he concentrated on grilling meat. After a while, the aroma of meat hit his nostrils, and Zhang Wen knew it as soon as he smelled it. It was spirit beast meat, a hundred times stronger than the so-called spirit beasts of pigs and sheep that Lin Sen created in Nitian Cave. He became more and more sure that Fatty was something special, so he had no choice but to stand still.

The fat man finished roasting the meat, picked it up and took a bite. He nodded repeatedly and said, "Yes, yes, I am really good at barbecue." It was also difficult for him. He stuffed his mouth with something, but he could still speak so clearly. He said to Zhang Afraid and Ye Zhan: " let's start."

Everyone can see clearly, this guy really came to see a show. Ye Zhan felt a little unbalanced in his heart. He was the leader of the Eight Guards. There were no more than a hundred people who were more powerful than him in the demon world. Why should he be looked at like a juggler? He froze at that time.

As for the other person, he was very proud and did not want to be influenced by others. He tilted his head and thought for a moment, withdrew all the lotus fire and turned to look at the fat man. The fat man said, "Why are you looking at me? I won't give you anything to eat if you look at me again." But Zhang was still staring at him.

The fat man was a little unhappy. I spoke, why didn't you speak? And you looked at me very rudely, as if I didn't exist? Just when he was about to speak, he suddenly noticed that Zhang Weijing was a little different, so he looked at it carefully, and then looked at the Big Demon King and others. After thinking for a while, he said: "How could this happen? Only your heart and mind are made of flesh, and the rest of your body is transformed by spirits. It is a waste of things, a waste of good opportunities, and a waste of spiritual power."

Zhang was afraid that he would not be disturbed by his nonsense. What he was thinking about was how to catch up with this guy and find a fierce helper to help him solve the crisis at hand. Just as he was thinking about it, the fat man said again: "You are not as good as them, so let you fight like this, and if you go to die, I will use your lotus fire. I can't see you going to die without caring. So, let me help you." Once, it’s all settled.”

As he spoke, he grabbed Zhang Awei. Unfortunately, he was so capable that he didn't even have the strength to resist. He was gently pulled in front of his eyes, and then he pointed at his chest, a little at his forehead, and then threw it away casually. :"alright."

How's it going? Zhang was afraid of looking inside his body. After reading it, he nodded and said, "It's indeed better." Not only is it better, but it's also great. His entire body was formed by the power of the Soul Concentration Pearl and the Divine Tears. Only his heart and mind remained unchanged throughout his body. The fat man could see the difference at a glance, and he transformed the fetus into flesh. Those two fingers had the power of creation, and they completely replaced Zhang's fearful heart and spirit. Miraculously, after changing his mind, Zhang Wen's mind remained intact without any damage.

As a result, Zhang was afraid of a huge change, like a tiger with wings, his heart was the driving force, and God was the wisdom of the world. Zhang was afraid that these two weakest points could be repaired, allowing him to rapidly increase in strength.

After hearing what Zhang was afraid of, the fat man said happily: "Then let's fight."

Night War still stood still, but Zhang Wen wanted to take this opportunity to test his changes and see if he could fight in Night War, so he took the initiative to attack.

Ye Zhan felt a little helpless and thought to himself: What's going on with this man? He provoked himself again and again, and he must not let it go easily, so he jumped up to meet him. He didn't think that Fatty could turn Zhang Ain into a master of terror with just a few clicks.

Zhang Ai's body was originally transformed into a spirit body, and his strength was already unimaginable. But at this time, Fatty erased his only two weaknesses, and transformed them into a spirit body like the rest of his body. His whole body was already Not a single flaw or weakness.

He rushed forward, Ye Zhan thrust at him with a black spear, and then struck hard with his sword. With a brushing sound, the black spear was broken into two halves.

Zhang was afraid of being overjoyed, am I so powerful? The fat man really has some skills. When he was happy, he rushed towards Ye Zhan again with a big sword. He wanted to test his hand with Ye Zhan to see how strong he was.

The spear was broken, and Ye Zhan hurriedly sprayed black air to repair it, but he didn't want to spend a long time to get it done. Just when he was worried, Zhang was afraid that he would be struck with another knife.

Ye Zhan hurriedly dodges, but at this moment, Zhang Ai is really too strong. The black knife is still slashing at Ye Zhan from the front, and his figure has appeared behind Ye Zhan. He does what he did when he bullied him, holding him down with one hand and punching him fiercely. , bending his knees and slamming into him, treating the night fight like a sandbag.

To put it bluntly, he just vented his anger on himself. He spent the whole process learning Night Fighting, and he learned it perfectly in the last collision. With a fierce impact, Night Fighting flew high into the sky like a meteor. Without the protection of bones, Night Fighting was not as resistant as Zhang Wei. While flying upward, countless blood spurted out, like drops of tears from a departed person.

This is called fighting! The fat man enjoyed watching it and said, "Come again."

Judging from his posture, he doesn't care about the identities of the people in front of him. No matter who you are, you must be honest and obedient in front of me. The entire three realms are my toys, not to mention a few little ants, he doesn't care at all.

In the past, people in the gods and demons always liked to say that the people in the human world were ants. Now I finally experienced the feeling of ants. It turns out that in the eyes of the patron saint of the three realms, they are not much different from ants. So as soon as each master started to show off his strength, he was immediately knocked back to his original form, and could only peacefully dream about their ant dreams.

The fat man said he would come again, and no one in the demon world would touch him. Although Fatty didn't reveal his identity, he knew without asking that the only one in the Three Realms who could be stronger than them was the Guardian God of the Three Realms. Fatty must be the God of the Three Realms without a doubt.

The Star Emperor and the Demon King want to enter the divine realm and gain eternal life, so naturally they don't want to antagonize Fatty. Seeing the fat man's high interest, the big devil thought for a moment and took out a writing brush from his sleeve. It had a black rod and black hair. He wanted to use the pen to separate yin and yang.

The fat man stuffed food into his mouth, and at the same time he was not idle. He whined and praised loudly: "That's right." Zhang was afraid to see the big devil holding the pen, and felt a little panic in his heart. He didn't know if he could resist this guy. He stepped back, letting the big devil's pen tip pass, and used the tree knife as a shield to protect his side. He raised his hand and pointed out five balls of flames from his five fingers. Fire arrows were shot out endlessly, bypassing the hard iron knife and attacking the big devil.

He is so crazy. As a secular boy who has not yet entered the two realms to practice, he actually takes the initiative to challenge the overlords of the two realms. How courageous must he be to do this.

The big devil was more powerful than Ye Zhan. Seeing that Zhang Weizhen actually dared to set fire to himself, he coughed coldly and flicked his fingers, as if hitting a snake to seven inches. Countless fire arrows exploded in the air at the same time.

Zhang Awei secretly said: This guy is indeed difficult to deal with. However, no matter how difficult it is to deal with, he has to deal with it. He never thought that one day he would be able to fight fairly with the Lord of the Realm. He was extremely excited. He not only wanted to fight, but also wanted to win.

This is fate. Originally a boy in the human world, he was forced into desperate situations time and time again because of protecting many people he cared about, but he also grew up time and time again, and actually reached the level of fighting the big devil in a short period of time. Use four words to describe it. , shocking!

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