The Monk

Volume 1 Chapter 968 Fatty

Chapter 968 Fatty

The big devil smiled coldly when he heard this. He guessed what Zhang was thinking but didn't reveal it. Didn't he want to find a place to fight? I'll make it happen for you. He raised his hand to draw a circle and ducked in, followed by the other demon kings, night guards and others. The Star Emperor smiled lightly at Zhang Afraid and said to Hai Ling: "You can't come in." He removed the outer barrier and led Qixing Lord in. After he entered, the gorgeous carriage and eight hundred soldiers in golden armor disappeared into the air.

Seeing that the group of troublemakers had left, Zhang Wan really wanted to close the black circle immediately and not open it again so that he could relax. Unfortunately, his idea could not come true. He seriously told Hai Ling: "You can't enter." He also warned Xiaozhu. Bai Hu and Huo'er: "You stay outside."

After saying this, someone flew over from Tianlei Mountain. The first ones were Fu Kong, Song Yunyi, Cheng Xi'er and others. Zhang Feng didn't say anything, so he nodded to them and then entered the black circle.

Just when Hai Ling and Xiaozhu were about to follow up, the black circle disappeared in a whoosh, making the few little guys very angry. But they had nowhere to vent their anger, so they had no choice but to grumble and face Fukong and the others, and they turned back to Tianlei Mountain together.

Zhang was afraid of entering the dark circle. The scenery in front of him changed and he came to a huge platform. The square jade bricks were spread out for an unknown distance. Looking up, he saw that everything was the same everywhere. Apart from that, only the clear blue sky was left. , in this space, there are only these two things.

At this time, there were two groups of people standing on the platform, one group was the Demon Kings and Night Guards, and the other group was the Star Emperor and the Seven Star Lords. Because there was nowhere to hide after entering this place, the two Star Lords Fu and Bi also appeared together.

After Zhang Wen fell down, he stood in a triangle with the other two groups, looked left and right, and suddenly said with a smile: "Start fighting?"

The big devil also smiled: "You can fight, the bet is the God-Suppressing Snake." Seeing the sudden appearance of the Star Emperor, he guessed that the old guy had no good intentions. After thinking for a moment, he simply ignored him and each of them took the snake according to their own abilities.

Zhang Awei shook his head and said, "No." After saying this, he flew forward and slashed down with his sword. We're going to fight anyway, so why talk so much nonsense?

The big devil stood still, and Ye Zhan jumped up to meet him. He was more confident, and swatted the black knife with his free hands, but there was a clear clang sound, and the blade danced with a ball of brilliance and exploded in his hands. Ye Zhan hurriedly backed away. When he stepped away, blood flowed from his hands, and they fell to the huge platform.

With this sword strike, Zhang was afraid of being disappointed and Ye Zhan was angry. What Zhang is afraid of is disappointing is that I have become stronger, but I can't break off one of his hands despite all the effort? What makes Ye Zhan angry is that I was actually injured? A cold look flashed in his eyes, and he punched out on the spot, then saw a black air mass appear in the air, approaching Zhang Ai quickly.

Zhang Awei raised his knife to slash at the air mass, and struck him with one strike. The air mass exploded, blowing him and the black knife far away. After a while, Zhang stood up with a disgraced face. Although there was no dust on his body, he still patted his body habitually and said to Ye Zhan: "You are really capable."

Nonsense, who was being hit like a target just now? Ye Zhan's eyes became colder, and he leaned forward, intending to continue beating Zhang Weizhen with his fists and kicks just like before. Zhang Ping smiled proudly, and a huge shield suddenly appeared in front of him. It was transformed from the bones of his life and was densely blocking the way forward in the night battle. Ye Zhan got angry and punched him. With a thud, Ye Zhan flew ten meters backwards and stopped. He raised his fist to see that blood was flowing out from his phalanges. But the bone shield in front of him didn't even have a single crack.

For people in the two realms, this is probably the most unimaginable thing for them. A layman from the lower realm can actually resist the attack of a master from the upper realm?

Ye Zhan clenched his fist hard, and the scars and blood stains on his fist disappeared immediately. Then he slowly took out a boxing glove from his arms, put it on slowly, and said to Zhang Ai: "Twice." He was saying that Zhang Ai asked him twice. bleed.

Although Ye Zhan suffered a series of defeats, there was no expression of joy in Zhang Ping's heart. He was already a spiritual body and had most of the spiritual power in Divine Tears, but he still couldn't defeat a little Ye Zhan. Not to mention the demon kings behind him, as well as the evil Star Emperor and others, wouldn't they have to be coerced in the end?

At this time, Ye Zhan put on his boxing gloves. They were so black and shiny that I didn’t know what they were made of. Just looking at them made me feel a little spooky. Seeing Zhang Awei waiting for him with a big knife in his hand, he smiled coldly and suddenly disappeared.

Ye Zhan exerted all his strength, but Zhang Ping could not see his figure. He could only hear the clanging sound and received seventeen or eight punches in a row in the blink of an eye. At this time, protected by the super powerful bone armor, Zhang Wen was not injured, and thought to himself: "Finally, God has been kind to me. He took care of me for once." Because the bones of his life were beyond imagination, Zhang Wen rarely met God. Say something nice.

It's just that although the bones are strong, they are worn close to the body. Zhang is afraid that his organs will be displaced due to the shock. Stars are in his eyes and his ears are buzzing. This is indescribable sadness. After finally waiting for Ye Zhan to withdraw his fists and retreat, Zhang Wenwei took a few steps to persuade him: "Don't use your fists all the time, you'll get dizzy."

Ye Zhan's face turned pale. He attacked with all his strength, but he couldn't kill a common man from the lower world? Even Lord Qixing did not dare to let him hit him like this. He immediately rubbed his hands together, and a black spear appeared in the air. The tip of the spear flashed with black light, and it stabbed Zhang Wen lightly.

Zhang was afraid that his instinct would detect something bad, so he hurriedly stepped aside and threw out a seven-star talisman.

When they have reached this stage of cultivation, the Seven-Star Talisman is already like a piece of waste. It can only be heard once. Zhang Wen threw the charm because he wanted to explore the bottom of the black spear. He was wondering why he felt bad.

The talisman left his hand and flew in front of the spear, waiting to explode. Changmao suddenly reached forward, pierced the talisman, hung it on the spear, turned around and pursued Zhang Ain.

This surprised Zhang Awei. The black spear could actually pierce the talisman before it exploded? This is the first time I have seen such a big life. Seeing the black spear chasing after him, Zhang Ping decided to try again and flew sideways. Sure enough, the black spear changed direction and continued to pursue.

This thing also has the ability to automatically chase enemies? Zhang Ai stood still, moved his wrists, and shouted loudly: "Broken." The big black knife struck straight at the spear. Unexpectedly, the spear was very agile, as if it was alive. It retreated and then advanced, and with a bang, it pierced Zhang Wei's forehead. This stab was extremely fast and powerful, not at all the slow and erratic way it was just now. Zhang Ai was startled, and he couldn't dodge in a hurry and was stabbed squarely.

It was his natal bones that blocked this fatal move for him. There was a cracking sound, and the protruding white bones on his forehead were punctured, and several pieces fell to the ground.

Zhang was lucky because he still had an ice crystal in his body. After the white bones offset most of the spear's power, the ice crystal easily blocked the spear's attack, freezing the spear at the same time. This weird, dexterous, strange, but extremely powerful spear The spear was actually frozen by the ice crystals and shattered.

Zhang was very happy to see that the spear was frozen, but when he saw a few pieces of his own bones on the ground, his smile immediately disappeared. At this moment, the broken white bones on his forehead melted away, as soft as water, and then solidified again, and the broken parts were restored to new. At the same time, the broken bones on the ground also turned into soft water, connected together, and then flowed to Zhang Awei's feet, contacted with the bone armor, and swished into the body.

Zhang Ai's face was immediately filled with a smile. The bones were fine, and he burst out laughing. He was extremely happy to see the spear broken by ice crystals.

Ye Zhan let him cry and laugh, and said softly: "Shallow." With one move with one hand, the broken spear flew to and stopped in front of him, then he opened his mouth wide and sprayed out a ball of black air to cover it. Spear. Then he saw that the black air was getting lighter and thinner, and it was all absorbed into the spear. After the black energy completely disappeared, the black spear returned to its original state, shining with a strange black light.

Zhang is afraid that he won't be able to laugh anymore. What kind of crap is this? Can it still be repaired? Completely forgetting that his own bones can repair themselves, even more powerful than a spear in a night battle.

The spear was completely repaired, and the night battle was about to be fought again. As soon as he raised his hand, he suddenly saw a black line exposed in the blue sky, as if a piece of blue cloth had been torn from the middle. Then he saw the black line suddenly expand, and drilled from inside. A fat man came out, chubby, smiling, and cute. Everywhere on his face, from his eyes to his ears to his mouth, was smiling. He didn't know where so many happy things came from that kept him smiling.

As soon as this person appeared, the expressions of the masters including the Great Demon King and Star Emperor all changed. With their cultivation level, they didn't notice anyone coming. They were distracted and searched, but found nothing. This fat man seemed to be an ordinary person, an ordinary person even more ordinary than Zhang Wen.

In particular, the Demon King was the most angry. After the barrier he set up with his own hands was closed, someone could actually break through his barrier? What kind of cultivation should this person have? Among the three realms, the most powerful group of people are here. The representatives of the heaven realm are the Star Emperor, the representatives of the demon realm are the eighteen demon kings, and if we insist on counting the human realm, there is also the number one master Zhang Ai.

The barrier set up by the strongest master was accidentally broken by someone? Thinking of this, the expressions of the eighteen Demon Kings and Star Emperors became even more ugly. They are masters, and even smarter masters! Know what this means.

Outside just now, Zhang Ai once said to the Great Demon King, if you destroy Tianlei Mountain, aren't you afraid that the gods who protect the Three Realms will come to deal with you? The big devil secretly thought that he was unlucky, how could he meet a crow's mouth? This guy just said something casually, and a god really appeared?

He called him unlucky in his heart, and hurriedly summoned Ye Zhan, then looked at the fat man with a cold face, not moving and saying nothing.

The Great Demon King didn't speak, and the Star Emperor certainly didn't speak either. Although he was the Lord of the Heaven Realm, he had never seen what the Guardian God of the Three Realms looked like. Could it be this fat man?

The fat man got through the crack and let go. The black crack disappeared and the barrier returned to its previous appearance. But the fat man walked and ran down, as if going down steps.

From the ground to the sky, the distance was very long, but the fat man only ran a dozen steps before he stood in front of Zhang Ain, opened his eyes wide and asked, "Why don't you fight?" At this time, everyone discovered that the fat man was carrying a big baggage on his back.

After the fat man asked, he put down the bag and opened it, revealing a lot of food, some of which seemed to be chicken legs and pork liver. Zhang Ai looked curious, why is this guy carrying a bag of food?

The fat man quickly gave the answer, pulled out a huge lounge chair from the baggage, tossed it casually, and landed safely next to the baggage.

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