The Monk

Volume 1 Chapter 970 Magic Thunder

Chapter 970 Magic Thunder

The fire arrow was broken, but the five fingers of Zhang were still burning with flames. He grabbed the big devil from the air, and a large ball of fierce fire burst into the sky, like a burning five-finger mountain, or a mountain of flames like a palm, with The booming sound plummeted.

Seeing the volcano, the big devil pulled his hands, and a black smoke appeared in the air, as flat as a mirror, blocking the fall of the volcano.

Fire is invisible, and black energy is invisible, but when the two of them fight, the most invisible thing also takes shape. A mountain-shaped flame burns down, and a mirror-like black energy comes up. The two are quickly connected, and the momentum is huge. But no sound was made, and the huge volcano was seen sinking slowly like pebbles dropped into the sea, and finally disappeared without a trace. The black color was also smashed by the volcano, with countless cracks and gaps appearing. On a black plane, when a gap appears, a ray of light will be projected over it. At this time, the large black air plane floating in the sky is full of holes like a sieve, revealing the light above.

After this exchange of blows, Zhang was a little happy. Destroying the Big Demon King's spell showed that he was at least capable of fighting him. He excitedly grabbed the hard iron knife and jumped over. The black knife reflected blood.

No matter what level of cultivation Zhang fear has achieved or how many spells he knows, he just likes to use a big black knife to fight at close quarters. Although it is thick and wide and inconvenient, it can be used as a shield. It is always a good thing to have another way to save one's life.

The black energy was torn apart, and Zhang Wear raised his knife to strike again. The Great Demon King looked hesitant. He stretched out his hand a little, and Zhang Wear immediately felt as if the world had changed. There was no Great Demon King, no Star Emperor, and no fat man watching the show in front of him. On the contrary, We came to a dark place, the sky is black, the clouds are black, the ground is black, most of the objects that can be seen are black, but the light is purple and dark. In this dark world, there is no one around, only a little bit. The dotted purple light ball floated gently up and down in mid-air.

Zhang was afraid that he would fall into the big devil's spell, and he felt quite unhappy. I already have the power to fight with you, why would I be easily led into your spell? So unfair. It's just that no matter whether it's fair or not, you have to rush out of here before you can curse the big devil.

Looking around, I saw it was deserted and empty, with no human traces. Could it be that you went to all this trouble to lock me up just to let me be in a daze? Just when he thought about it, black clouds piled up in the sky, colliding with each other, thundering, and lightning as thick as a body struck straight down. Thousands of lightning strikes had only one target, Zhang Ai.

Zhang Wen was so angry, knowing what I was afraid of, what would you do? The most annoying thing is that in this black world, not only are there black clouds, but even the lightning is black. Standing on the ground and looking up, you can only hear the loud sound and the momentum, but you can't see where the lightning is coming from.

Fortunately, Zhang was afraid of improving his cultivation and did not suffer this disadvantage. He dodged far away from the lightning attack and cursed the big devil as a bastard for being so mean.

But in this space, the thunder and lightning are endless, and they are getting bigger and denser, as if there is only lightning and nothing else between the sky and the earth. Zhang was afraid that he would just run away in this deserted place. After running for a long time, he suddenly found that thunder and lightning only hit people, but the purple light balls floating around the world could easily avoid the dense thunder and lightning, which made Zhang who was busy dodging He is very unbalanced.

If you continue to chop like this, you will definitely get hit. Zhang was afraid to hide and think for a while, then threw the hard iron knife and stuck it upside down on the ground, the tip of the blade reaching into the sky. He wanted to test the power of lightning to see if he could withstand it.

But strangely, no matter how dense the lightning was, none struck the hard iron sword. Zhang Ai was filled with hatred. If he didn't lead such a bully, why didn't he just chop me with his knife? Secretly gritting his teeth, he tried his best, but he couldn't keep getting chopped down in this place. He shot forward, picked up the hard iron knife, and swung it to strike at the thunder and lightning. He wanted to play with the strike.

Unfortunately, the thunder and lightning were too dense. When he wanted to chop the lightning, he naturally slowed down, so the thunder and lightning easily hit the hard iron knife and followed the big knife to hit Zhang Ai's body.

Being struck by lightning is often used to describe a person who is unlucky enough or shocked. Now Zhang was afraid that he was really struck by lightning, but he was not shocked. Instead, he looked up at the sky with an expression of disbelief. What? Tickle? The thunder in the sky couldn't hurt me?

He lowered his head and thought for a moment, but couldn't think of a reason. He and the Great Demon King were at odds with each other. The Great Demon King would never bother to make a tickling magic circle to play with him, but why did the thunder and lightning sound louder than the raindrops, and the thunder and lightning looked extremely fierce? , hit the body, but there was no reaction at all?

But even though he couldn't figure out what was going on, there was no danger of his life. Zhang Wen jumped up and flew straight towards the clouds.

While he was thinking about the problem for a moment, thunder and lightning crashed down, gathering all the thunder and lightning in the whole world together and smashing them over. Countless thunder and lightning gathered into a huge light pillar with a radius of hundreds of thousands of feet, which could hold countless Zhang Ba. But even when such a powerful and fierce thunder and lightning struck, Zhang Zhi did not feel any pain.

Now it was flying head-on, and the thunder and lightning struck even more ferociously, without causing any damage at all. They struck vertically, horizontally, diagonally, and even in circles, all of which hit Zhang Ain. But Zhang Ai didn't feel anything wrong. Instead, he kept all the thunder and lightning in his body, not letting go of any bit of it. He carved out a world in his consciousness and trapped all the black lightning that poured into his body.

While he was flying up, he was a little curious about the countless floating purple light balls, but after thinking about it, he decided to rush out of here first, then he straightened up and continued flying up.

With these many thunders, any one of them here would be easily chopped into charcoal, no worries. Now he is so happy that even thunder can't kill me. How awesome is this!

At this time, lightning always gathered around him. As his body flew up and gradually approached the clouds, the lightning gradually became less. With a swipe, he quickly passed through the clouds, and the world was finally quiet. There was no thunder, but there was still no light. Behind the black clouds was a black sky, making the world continue to be dark. But Zhang Pa clearly felt that there was an exit in the sky. After thinking about it, he flew back under the clouds. He thought this pile of black lightning was good and wanted to get more to take out.

Unfortunately, Zhang Pa had returned to the barrier set by the Great Demon King before the idea came up. After landing, he was a little depressed. I didn't break the formation, so how did I get out? I was very dissatisfied with the Great Demon King. I didn't want to go in, you put me in; I didn't want to come out, you put me out, what's the meaning? Bullying me is fun? So he looked at the Great Demon King angrily.

Who knew that the Great Demon King was even angrier than him, staring at Zhang Pa with his bull eyes, and he couldn't believe that his magic thunder barrier couldn't kill this kid? Not only could he not kill him, but he also lost many of the magic thunders he had worked so hard to refine, so he was naturally very angry.

The fat man had just finished eating the chicken leg and was chewing on a horse leg. While chewing, he talked to Zhang Pa: "Tell me, where did you go?" Zhang Pa was struggling in the Great Demon King's barrier spell, and the fat man couldn't see it, so he naturally asked curiously.

Zhang Pa pointed at the Great Demon King and replied: "I don't know, he let me out."

"He let you out? Why? Since he let you out, why did he arrest you?" The fat man was a little confused.

The Great Demon King was very angry at first, but suddenly thought of a question, his face calmed down and he asked softly: "If I don't want the Fu Shen Snake, can I ask you a question?"

"Yes, yes, that's great." Zhang Pa responded immediately.

The Great Demon King wanted to ask privately, but the seventeen Demon Kings around him wanted to know what had just happened. There was also a cute fat man sitting opposite him whose origin was unknown. In order to avoid suspicion and dissatisfaction from these people, he asked on the spot: "I want to ask you, why are you safe and sound when there are thousands of thunders hitting your head?" Zhang Pa replied honestly: "I don't know either. If you know, you might as well help me solve my doubts." This guy even brought up the text? The Great Demon King was so angry that he couldn't help but solve your doubts. The fat man listened to the conversation between the two, but stopped chewing the horse leg, looked at the Great Demon King, swallowed the food in his mouth in a few bites, cleared his throat and asked: "You accumulate divine thunder? How do you do it?" The Great Demon King shook his head: "It's not divine thunder." The fat man said, "Oh," and looked at Zhang Pa: "Tell me." The tone that could not be questioned showed that he was very serious and wanted to know the whole process. Zhang Pa thought that there was no need to offend the fat man, so he said, "It's a completely black world, with black sky, black earth, black clouds, and countless purple light balls floating in the sky. When I went there, there was lightning that greeted me, and it was also black. It was too vicious to use black lightning to strike people in Mahakala. Fortunately, I have supernatural powers and I was not hit by any lightning. He asked me out." "Oh." When the fat man heard that it was black lightning, he thought that the lunch box had nothing to do with him, and continued to gnaw the horse's leg. But the problem was that Zhang Pa didn't know what was going on, so he asked the fat man, "Do you know what's going on?" "What's going on?" The fat man asked back. "It's about the black lightning that can't kill me." Zhang Pa said. The fat man nodded and said, "I know." Then there was no more news, and he concentrated on gnawing the horse's leg. Zhang Pa waited for a long time, but didn't wait for the next news, so he couldn't help but say, "You say it." The fat man looked at him in confusion: "What?" Zhang Pa was very depressed. Is this guy pretending to be confused or is he really confused? He said, "It's the same question as before. Why can't the black thunder kill me?"

"Oh, this, you only asked me if I knew it, but you didn't let me say it." After saying this, he continued to gnaw on the horse's leg as usual, and still didn't answer Zhang Pa's question. After gnawing for a while, he looked at Zhang Pa, who was looking over with a belly full of anger. Seeing the fat man looking up, he hurriedly said, "Then you tell me."

The fat man stuffed a mouthful of meat, mumbled a few words, and then continued to gnaw on the horse's leg. Zhang Pa tried hard to listen to those words, but didn't understand a single word. He asked angrily, "Which language did you just say?"

"Idiot." These two words were extremely clear, expressing the fat man's disdain and contempt.

You are so cruel! I won't ask anymore, and turn to ask the big devil: "You have struck and asked, shouldn't you let me go back?"

The most injured among the group of people was the big devil, who was more injured than Zhang Pa. He is a demon cultivator, needless to say how many people he has killed, just to say that he has an evil aura, but if he wants to ascend to the heaven, he must go through the thunder tribulation.

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