The Monk

Volume 1 Chapter 967 It’s hard for you

Chapter 967: It’s hard for you

Little did he know that things would happen one after another. From the seventeen demon kings arriving uninvited, to the arrival of the great monk, there were a bunch of spiritual beasts causing trouble, and there was even Zhang who was afraid of becoming stronger in a strange way, but it has been delayed until now. Zhang was afraid of giving in, so he naturally felt unhappy, and by the way, he would not say much good things to his long-lost enemy.

After listening to the big devil's words, the Star Emperor shook his head slightly, pretending to be bigger, as if an adult was helpless when persuading a child to be useless, so he did not reply, but stared at the big devil with an expression of pity.

He sealed this place, isolating the inside and outside. Apart from the people from the demon world and the heavenly world, there are only Zhang Ain, Xiaozhu, Baihu and Huo'er. Seeing the sudden change in Star Emperor's expression, Zhang feared that it would become more and more troublesome, so he made up his mind to fight first, and then think of other ideas if he couldn't fight. After making up his mind, he asked Hai Ling: "Why are you here?"

"I don't trust you. After you left, I thought and thought. The more I thought about it, the more something was wrong. The big devil was so bad, how could he only chat with you? So I pestered the adults to bring people down. Sure enough, I came to the right place. The big devil didn't Be kind," Hai Ling said.

"That's all?" Zhang Ai felt something was wrong. What kind of person is the Star Emperor? He has been against the Great Demon King for many years. Of course he understands the nature of his opponent. Since he asked Lord Qixing to accompany him down, he must have some considerations. Why did he come back so soon? Taking Hai Ling down to the lower realm, I felt some doubts in my heart.

Hai Ling looked a little embarrassed after hearing this, and said after hesitation: "There is one more thing. Your Excellency wanted to lead the troops down to the lower world, but due to the imminent ascension, he was unable to separate himself. The heavenly soldiers and generals also have to protect you, and they dare not leave without permission. Heaven, I originally wanted to help you in the lower world, but when I went down to the lower world, the master refused and said that he did not want to see me die. I was very angry at that time, so Mr. Xian told me the details. The opponent was the Great Demon King, and there was no one except the master. Even if someone can defeat me, I will be useless in the lower world.”

At this point, Zhang Weijing had already understood and said with a smile: "Did Mr. Xian say that you need snakes to subdue the gods for your ascension?" Hai Ling was stunned for a moment and then said: "That's more or less the case. I thought that eldest brother has many snakes." , Saving my eldest brother’s life is more important than anything else, so I went to tell you that it’s more important to save your eldest brother first so that you don’t have to worry about your ascension.”

After saying this, Zhang Ai laughed and said: "It's hard for you." He turned around and said to the Star Emperor: "It's hard for you." At this point, there is no need to respect the person who plots against him, so the same words said He had two feelings and called the Star Emperor you.

The fact is that the Star Emperor was indeed plotting against Zhang Ai. He knew that Zhang Ai had a good relationship with Hai Ling, so he coaxed Hai Ling into bringing up the matter of the God-Suppressing Snake. He thought in his mind that Hai Ling's reputation was always greater than his own. , Zhang Afraid might agree. And things turned out as he wished. Hai Ling was innocent, and in order to save people, he actually persuaded Zhang that he was afraid of sending snakes, so the Star Emperor took people down to the lower world. But neither he nor Hai Ling thought of a problem, they underestimated the relationship between Zhang Ai and Fushen Snake.

From their perspectives, neither of them was wrong. Hai Ling was kind-hearted and thought that saving Zhang Wei's life was more important than a snake, so he offered to give the Star Emperor a snake so that the heavenly soldiers could help save the people wholeheartedly. The Star Emperor thought that Zhang Ai was very close to Hai Ling, far more than his relationship with the God-Suppressing Snake, and it was better to let Hai Ling take the initiative to talk about it than to force him. It's a pity that I got it all wrong.

Zhang was afraid that it would be difficult for you to speak coldly to the Star Emperor. A man as big as the Star Emperor turned red when he heard this. He knew that Zhang was afraid of guessing what he was thinking, so he couldn't help but sigh inwardly. It was a bit embarrassing for me, the majestic master of the heavenly realm, to do such a calculation.

Although Hai Ling has read many books and is very smart, he always lacks experience in the world of people. Hearing what Zhang Zhen said will make it difficult for you, Hai Ling said: "It's not difficult. What's difficult is that you, sir, take the risk of ascending at any time and lead the heavenly soldiers." In the lower realm, brother, can you give him a snake to help him overcome his calamity?"

Zhang Ain smiled and said: "A person with an upright mind needs to go through a tribulation to ascend. Only those with dark hearts, such as demons, need to go through a tribulation before ascending." This means that the Star Emperor can ascend without the need for a snake to subjugate the god. He said Then he looked at the big devil.

Hai Ling groaned and said: "I don't know. Mr. Xian didn't say this. He only said that if I want to lead troops down to the realm, I must invite the adults. Otherwise, no matter how many people come, I will just lead them to death. That's what I thought." I want you to take out a snake and relieve the adults from this dilemma.”

Zhang Ai laughed and said, "We'll talk about these things later." After speaking, he asked the Star Emperor: "Have you noticed any changes in me, sir?" The Star Emperor chuckled helplessly: "You have become stronger. How did you do it?"

Zhang was afraid that he would not answer the question, so he asked instead: "According to your opinion, can I beat the Demon King?"

As soon as these words came out, both the Demon King and the Star Emperor were a little confused. A kid from the lower realm actually wanted to challenge the number one person in the upper realm? Are you looking for death? However, Hai Ling said loudly: "There is also me, I will help you fight."

Someone challenged him, and the big devil had to speak. He asked coldly: "Do you know what it means to overestimate one's capabilities?"

Zhang Ain smiled and said: "I don't know, I was just thinking about asking for advice." He knew clearly in his heart that since the Star Emperor has arrived, he will never let himself die before he gets the God-Conquering Snake. And I have become much stronger, so I always have to find an opponent to try to see what my level is.

So after he finished speaking, the hard iron knife in his palm danced, and a black light flashed, then stopped after a moment. Zhang Ping was still standing where he was, and the big devil was still standing in the distance.

Zhang Ain looked at the sword and sighed softly: "The Lord of a Realm is really powerful."

In just a blink of an eye, the two of them had already exchanged hundreds of moves. Zhang Ai was the main attacker and the Big Demon King was defending. However, no matter how fierce Zhang Ai was, it was always difficult to break through the Big Demon King's hands. After a series of attacks, he knew that he could not defeat his opponent. Zhang was afraid and stopped fighting.

The Great Demon King looked at the Star Emperor and sighed, "Can you please stop looking at me like this?" During the battle just now, the Star Emperor had been looking at the Demon King with all his attention, thinking that his concentration prevented the Great Demon King from daring to act rashly.

At this time, the other seventeen demon kings looked half at Zhang Awei and half at the big demon king, because Zhang Awei judged that the big demon king was the master of a realm without authorization. This sentence offended them. They were all eighteen equals. Earth Demon King, when did you become the Lord of a Realm?

After seeing the expressions of other demon kings, the big demon king knew that Zhang Ai had bad intentions when he said this, but he was too lazy to explain. Others can say this, but you can't explain it yourself. Do you have to explain to a demon king of the same level as you that I am not the master of a world? Don't talk about whether the momentum is inferior to others, just say, who is willing to believe these words?

So the Great Demon King looked at Zhang Wei and said with a smile: "I really want to kill you, but there are many things I can't figure out. How can you possess the God-Conquering Snake?" I had heard that Emperor Xi had a clan member who died, but he had never seen one. , no wonder the big devil is curious.

As usual, Zhang Wen did not reply. At that moment, he had fully understood how powerful the Great Demon King was, and he was thinking about how to find a way to bring him and the Star Emperor together.

People from both worlds are interested in the God-Destroying Snake. This is a big problem. With the intelligence and talents of these masters, they will not easily get involved before they get the God-Conquering Snake. Naturally, they will not fight each other desperately. In this way When he thought about it, he was very worried. Could it be that what happened today would be a dead end?

After talking for a while, Hai Ling knew that Zhang Awei was not willing to send the God-Destroying Snake to the Star Emperor, but to him, the God-Destroying Snake was far less important than Zhang Awei. For the sake of Zhang Awei's safety, he asked one more time: " Brother, can you give me a snake? You don’t have to worry about anything. You can easily defeat the devil." Poor demon kings turned into devils in Hai Ling's mouth.

Zhang Ai directly denied: "No." Seeing Zhang Ai's determination, Hai Ling said oh and did not try to persuade him any more. Instead, he transformed himself into a divine formation, hung flat in the air, and said in a clear voice: "Brother, come in."

Zhang was afraid that he would not take the divine snake and give it away, and he did not want Hai Ling to be involved in danger. He said in a deep voice: "No, no one dares to touch me."

This tone was so crazy that everyone in the Heavenly Realm and the Demonic Realm felt depressed for a while. They all secretly muttered: "It's not that we dare not touch you, it's the boss who won't let you be touched." What a group of bosses thought was that in order to get the God-Conquering Snake, they could endure it. Take this breath.

But it is impossible for everyone to be patient and silent at the same time. There will always be some bad faces and some bad faces. The Great Demon King was silent for a moment and asked the Star Emperor: "What do you mean?" The Star Emperor smiled and said: "I don't mean it." This is talking nonsense with open eyes. He has been paying attention to the Eighteen Demon Kings since he was afraid of the lower world. Appearing together, he was worried that something might happen. At this time, Hai Ling asked for help and persuaded Zhang Ai to sacrifice the God-subdued Snake, so he showed up with others.

From the beginning, he had no intention of letting the big devil get an advantage.

After hearing what the Star Emperor said, the Big Demon King sighed: "I don't want to fight with you in the human world." The Star Emperor said: "Me too." The human world is very fragile, and it is very likely that it will not be able to withstand the fierce battle between the two giants. . If the human world is destroyed, the three worlds will disappear together. Under such a huge threat, no one wants to face death with their own hands.

However, this is not the reason why the two giants do not fight here. The fact is that when the power they exert reaches a certain level and there are signs of threatening the Three Realms, someone will definitely come out to stop them. That person was more terrifying than the two of them, and he was merciless in his attacks. There was no need for them to take risks easily.

"Then what should I do?" The big demon king then asked the question. He wanted to fight but didn't want to fight, wanted to kill but didn't want to kill. He had suffered in the demon world for many years and had lost his body several times, but his obsession with eternal life was getting deeper and deeper. Become worried about gains and losses.

The Star Emperor did not reply and only looked towards Tianlei Mountain outside the barrier. There were many people flying into the air to look for Zhang Ai. There were also many low-level disciples collecting the corpses of their dead classmates. However, no one touched a group of small Nascent Souls. Spend some time together.

However, Zhang Ai interjected: "This place is really not suitable for fighting. If the Great Demon King takes us to a place where fighting is convenient, I can ask the Demon King for advice." The last few words are like a letter of challenge. How could the Great Demon King do this? Not allowed.

However, this was Zhang Awei's goal. He thought that as long as he left the human world and all kinds of dangers, he could speak and do things easily. Even if the Great Demon King wanted to threaten him with the lives of the disciples in Tianlei Mountain, he could not.

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