The Monk

Volume 1 Chapter 966 Star Emperor joins in the fun

Chapter 966 Star Emperor joins in the fun

As he flew down, he thought of the people in Tianlei Mountain and the hundreds of dead masters, and the anger in his heart rose again. Because of the drastic changes in his body, his anger directly turned into flames and burned out of his body, exuding a ferocious and cruel aura. At this time, his Yuan Shen's fire merged with Xiao Huo'er's fire, and the four fires became one, which could be sent and received from the heart, which was very powerful.

He returned to the battlefield and saw seven giant ghost heads walking towards Tianlei Mountain. At that time, he reached out and grabbed the hard iron knife that flew to nowhere. He instantly recalled it, held it tightly and slashed across it fiercely.

He was small in stature and had a big ghost head, but with just one blow, the ghost head suddenly collapsed and fell into the shape of a skull and fell into the forest. Zhang was afraid that his body was burning with anger at this time. He pointed his finger and a fiery snake flew out from his fingertips. With a swipe between the sky and the earth, countless skulls disappeared and were incinerated.

His move stunned everyone, especially Ye Zhan, who stared at Zhang Afraid and couldn't figure it out. I beat him up. Not only did I not beat him to death, but I beat him severely. What kind of spell is this? ?

Just now, Zhang Ping also chopped off the ghost's head with a sword, but that sword used all his strength and almost killed him. But now, after only a while, Zhang Weijing has become extremely powerful. Not only can he kill ghost heads with one sword, but he can also quickly burn skulls with the fire of the soul. This change is so great that no one can figure it out. What's going on.

Seeing this, the big devil waved gently and said: "Come back."

Ye Zhan understood what the big devil meant and hurriedly used magic to send the ghost head back into the black air mass. Then he took away the black air ball and retreated to stand next to the big devil. As for the demon soldiers, they had already taken off and disappeared into the clouds, probably returning to the demon world.

Zhang was afraid of killing the ghost head and turned his eyes, just in time to see the piglet and the white tiger being burned by the black magic fire in the cage. He was furious and rushed over. He raised the sword high and dropped it suddenly. The cage made a clanging sound and split into two. Halfway through, Piglet and White Tiger flew out from inside. The two guys were extremely angry. As soon as they escaped from the cage, they immediately released water and fire all over the sky. The two brothers wanted to be angry.

The big devil's face remained motionless, and he raised his right palm flat. A black air ball appeared in the palm, no bigger than a palm, spinning like a whirlwind. But just by turning it gently like this, all the fire dragons and water dragons released by the little pig and the white tiger were swallowed up. When all the water and fire disappeared, the black air mass also disappeared.

Defeat the enemy with one move? The two little guys were even more angry and wanted to come over to fight, but Zhang was afraid to hold them down. He looked at the will-o'-the-wisps burning flatly in the sky, and then at the big devil, "If you can swallow water and fire, I will dare to swallow your devil fire." The red fire at his fingertips flickered around and burned into the black fire. Driven by Zhang Ai's Yuan Shen, the black fire was also pulled into a line of fire. It flew into Zhang Ai's fingertips along the red fire. After a while, all the magic fire in the sky entered. Zhang is afraid of the body.

What he did shocked the demon kings and Lord Qixing, and even Fu Kong. How could Zhang Ai swallow the demonic fire? Have you already mastered magic skills?

Zhang Awei introduced the demonic fire into his body, and the demonic fire immediately raged, flowing along the meridians, trying to incinerate Zhang Awei. The demonic flames in his body were blazing high, and the Concentration Pearl released Buddha consciousness to calm down the violent aura in the demonic fire, and then refined it with the fire of the soul. In a total of more than ten breaths, the demonic fire was swallowed up.

Ye Zhan is the leader of the Eight Night Guards, and the will-o'-the-wisp fire he releases is the strongest fire in the demon world. He didn't want to, but he fulfilled Zhang Awei's goal, condensing the five fires into one place, and his cultivation level increased. I felt extremely surprised and couldn't understand why Zhang Wen was not burned to death?

he does not know. At this time, Zhang Weijing's whole body was made of flesh and blood formed by spirit spirits, and with the help of the Buddhist consciousness of the concentration beads, it was really not difficult to swallow this bit of will-o'-the-wisp. Even if a will-o'-the-wisp wants to burn, it needs something to burn it.

After refining the will-o'-the-wisps, Zhang Ao looked towards Tianlei Mountain, where hundreds of Nascent Souls were floating. Yin Yin looked at him. They knew that only Zhang Ao would not make trouble for them and could protect their safety; only by staying by Zhang Ao's side , it is possible to be reborn, so I didn’t leave.

After looking at the Nascent Soul, I looked at the hundreds of corpses in the mountains, scattered everywhere, looking like a mess. These people are different from Yuanying monks. They are dead when they die. Without Yuanying left in the world, their souls fly away and they can no longer live.

Zhang Ai suddenly felt very sad, and his sadness was even more angry. The flames outside his body were affected by the fluctuations in his emotions, and they burned even brighter. After looking at them, he turned to the right and said to Fu Kong: "Bring the five masters back."

The five monks of the Holy Kingdom were severely injured by a slap from the night guard and were no longer able to fly in the air. Fu Kong hurriedly went to pick them up.

In just a moment, Zhang Weifan had a clear view of the situation in the field, and then he gently nodded to Song Yunyi and Cheng Cheng'er in the crowd, meaning to be well with each other and mix the seeds well. Finally, he looked at the big devil without saying a word, just Holding the hard iron knife tightly, they looked at each other coldly.

Zhang Weijing knew that he had become stronger, but he didn't know how strong he was, and he didn't know if he could defeat the big devil, so even though he was very angry, he still didn't dare to act rashly for the sake of safety.

The big devil looked at him for a while, then smiled softly and asked, "Can you tell me what happened?" He only saw Ye Zhan approaching and beating Zhang Aoi into a pulp, and then blasted into the sky. Who would have thought that in such a short period of time as the rotten meat is flying up and down, he can become stronger, and become so strong, let alone they can't think of the reason, even if the true god is here, I'm afraid they can't figure it out either. what happened.

Hearing the words, Zhang Ai took a breath and calmed down. The anger in his body was extinguished immediately, and then he released a small fire, but the souls of the big tiger and the subdued snake were unwilling to come out. The big tiger was in a daze in the sea of ​​​​spirits, and the subdued snake went. Tossing God’s Tears. The Divine Tears at this time were empty. The accumulation of hundreds of years before, plus the replenishment of the Five Spirit Ponds in Nitian Cave, were all wasted in just that short moment. Fortunately, it was not wasted. The four souls shared some, the five five element magic shields and winged shields shared some, the calming beads shared some, the ice crystals offset some, and the natal bones got some. Everyone shared the spoils and became stronger together.

What's more, Zhang is afraid to get it. With the help of the concentration beads, that much spiritual power has condensed into his flesh and blood meridians. No one knows how powerful it will be.

Zhang Ai put away the bone wings behind his back and replied: "Thank you for giving me this." His voice was calm and he couldn't tell whether he was happy or sad, but the Demon King could clearly feel the hatred in it. He smiled and said, "You shouldn't hate me. Without me attacking the mountain, how could you be like this?"

He is right, for cultivators, as long as they can improve their cultivation, everything else is not a problem. It's a pity that the Demon King doesn't understand Zhang Ai. For Zhang Ai, he doesn't care about his cultivation level. If he chooses between hundreds of lives or becoming stronger, he will always choose the first one. So after listening to what the Demon King said, Zhang Ai didn't care at all. There was no response, he still looked over and didn't answer.

The Great Demon King did not feel dissatisfied, and smiled and asked: "The battle just now was amazing. I want to know where did you get so much spiritual power? It has not dissipated from then to now."

Just now, the divine tears burst out with spiritual power, and the surge shocked the world. The Demon King was shocked and looked up for a while, waiting for a while to figure out what happened. It was also for this reason that they did not rush to kill Zhang Awei at that time. No matter what happens, Zhang is afraid that it will take time to condense his body and consolidate his cultivation, plus the time since returning, the two periods of time have passed together, and after a while, the surroundings are still full of spiritual energy, which is ridiculously thick.

Zhang was afraid that he had too many secrets, and the devil had to ask a few more questions. It's a pity that Zhang Feng didn't speak and looked at Ye Zhan.

In the demon world, the one he wanted to kill most was Ye Zhan. He had once been good at killing tens of thousands of people, which made Fang Jian unbearably worried and angry. Zhang was afraid that he wanted to avenge Fang Jian, so he naturally wanted to kill Ye Zhan. It's just that I don't know if I can beat him, and there are enemies in front of me, so I have to get through this difficulty.

But Zhang was afraid that he would not answer any of his questions. The big devil put away his smile and asked in a deep voice: "Do you think that with the help of the God-Conquering Snake, I won't dare to kill you?"

Zhang was afraid that he would not be so shallow. He was about to speak when he suddenly looked up and saw a carriage flying quickly in the air. It was magnificent, with bead curtains and a jade couch. There were eight white dragon horses in front of the carriage, and dozens of beautiful maids behind it. Juntong followed, holding a canopy with a fan and holding a round fan, brocade flags and other objects. There were even eight hundred golden-armored men guarding the left and right sides, and they flew grandly all the way to Tianlei Mountain and stopped.

As soon as they arrived, Zhang Wen and others were fine, but the others became blind. They saw the light in the sky first appeared, and their eyes were covered with bright lights. When the light dissipated, there was nothing in the sky. Turning around to look at Tianlei Mountain, they found that the people on the mountain were as confused as they were, turning their heads left and right to look for something.

This is the Star Emperor's method. He considers himself to be a noble person. Not to mention dealing with the ants in the lower world, he doesn't even want to let them see him. Therefore, we set up a barrier so that those watching the excitement from a distance and the people in Tianlei Mountain could only see the light shining on the world, and then they could not see anything. They had no idea that the Star Emperor was coming.

But what they just saw was enough for them and others to brag about. A bunch of masters came from nowhere and made the most famous Tianlei Mountain into a mess. They easily killed and injured hundreds of people. In some people's hearts, Anshuang, if I let you be arrogant again, you will be punished.

Sitting on the carriage was the Star Emperor, and sitting with him was Hai Ling. The little guy's face was full of anxiety. When he saw Zhang Awei from a distance, the carriage had not stopped yet. He had already flown out, rushed to stand next to Zhang Awei, and asked hurriedly: "Is there anything wrong?" Then he glared at the big devil and others, and shook his head angrily. Holding his small fist, he wanted to curse, but because he had never said a curse word in his life, Zhang was afraid and wouldn't let him say it. He held it in for a long time and said: "I want to beat you."

At this time, the carriage stopped, and Lord Qixing came over to meet the driver. The Star Emperor asked them to step aside, looking at the eighteen demon kings with a smile on his face, and said with a smile: "It's such a big scene, it's rare to get together, so it's all obvious." The boss spoke and said to himself A young man offered wine, and the Star Emperor raised his glass and took a sip.

The big devil's face turned cold and he said sarcastically: "What are you pretending to be?" He was saying that the Star Emperor was being hypocritical.

He knew from the beginning that it would not be easy to get the God-subduing Snake, so he would lead the demon soldiers to surround the mountain, thinking of overpowering Zhang Ai first with his momentum. Anyway, Manshan disciples, if you give me a snake, I won’t kill it. If you don’t give me a snake, I will kill it. I always threaten him to make a decision as soon as possible.

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