The Monk

Volume 1 Chapter 963: Fire of the Soul

Chapter 963 The Fire of the Soul

The first one to bear the brunt was the Bai Zhan team members. The two hundred and twenty-two people were truly worthy of Zhang Ain's care over the years. No one backed down. They all rushed forward and tried their best to block Song Yunying and Cheng Xi'er at the end.

They were able to kill the demon soldiers, but against the night guards, although there were only two of them, they were no match. More than seventy people died in a matter of seconds. As soon as they died, the Tianlei Mountain battle formation was greatly affected. The demon soldiers took advantage of the situation and fell to the ground to fight with the disciples on the mountain. They couldn't defeat the Bai Zhan, but they could kill the Jiedan monks. In just this moment, dozens more people were killed. As the battlefield expanded, the sound of fighting rose into the sky, startling Zhang Awei.

At this time, Zhang Ai's newly recruited fourth team also rushed up to fight the enemy. They had a short training time and were not as good as Bai Zhan, but they were much stronger than ordinary disciples. They rushed up to block the attack of the demon soldiers and tried to protect the ordinary disciples.

Seeing the killings happening everywhere, Fu Kong hurried back to the mountain to rescue, letting the golden Buddha and the demon soldiers kill each other, and using the lotus Buddha treasure step by step to rescue the injured.

A battle breaks out in front of Tianlei Mountain. In the distance, Zhang Ai is covered in dust, his silver armor is broken in many places, and his face is covered with blood. He stands in the air and watches the tragedy happen. All this was just because of him, because he had the God-Lord Snake and refused to sacrifice it to others, thus causing another trouble for Tianlei Mountain.

When cultivators fight, they don't fight like an army and shout to the sky. Instead, they grit their teeth and fight with all their might. They only scream when they are about to die or when they are about to break the golden elixir, which is regarded as a farewell before death. But because of the serious casualties, this kind of shouting could not stop being heard. In this short period of time, Bai Zhan suffered more than a hundred casualties, and the disciples of the sect suffered more than 300 injuries. On the contrary, the ordinary disciples suffered few casualties, only more than 300 people.

With five spiritual beasts blocking the outside, and Fu Kong blocking the back, Bai Zhan and the disciples of our sect rushed forward to fight for their lives. A battle line of more than a thousand people blocked the demon soldiers from attacking the mountain, so ordinary disciples suffered few casualties. But this only happened in a moment. As long as the fight continues, tens of thousands of demonic soldiers will descend on the mountain and attack closely, Tianlei Mountain will be killed into a pool of blood, and the casualties will be tens of thousands.

At the critical moment, Zhang was afraid that he would not have time to think, so he shouted to the big devil: "Stop!" He shouted, and then he spurted out a mouthful of blood, and the sound rang out, and the sky was filled with blood mist.

The big devil didn't come here to kill people. He attacked the mountain just to teach Zhang Ai a lesson. Hearing Zhang Wei shout to stop and seeing the sad and angry expression on his face, he thought that if he gave in, he would honestly offer the God-subdued snake, so he sneered and ordered: "Back off."

Speaking of which, the demon soldiers are quite miserable. They have been chewing hard bones and fighting against the strongest Bai Zhan in Tianlei Mountain, killing and injuring nearly a thousand demon soldiers. Under the leadership of Lord Night Guard, they finally defeated the attacks of Bai Zhan and several spiritual beasts. When they were about to attack the mountain, they received an order to retreat. They all had to look at the enemies on the battlefield angrily and retreat in frustration.

The demon soldiers advanced and retreated in a controlled manner. They had been on the battlefield for a long time, and they had just failed to capture Tianlei Mountain. This was just because the people who came out of Tianlei Mountain were all masters who fought hard, temporarily disrupting the position. As long as there was a moment more time for the demon soldiers to slow down, they would be easily defeated. Mountain.

Watching his men evacuate, the Demon King looked at Zhang Afraid and whispered, "Have you figured it out?"

Zhang Wen didn't answer. He stood in the air covered in blood and looked towards Tianlei Mountain, scanning the people on the mountain one by one. Bai Zhan is a Nascent Soul cultivator. After a person dies, the Nascent Soul leaves the body and flies out. There are many disciples of the sect who have also cultivated to the Nascent Soul realm. At this moment, the Nascent Soul is flying out from the corpse, and each of them has a small Nascent Soul. Ying stopped in front of the mountain and looked at Zhang Afraid.

Their eyes were complicated. What Bai Zhan was thinking was, you saved my life, and giving my life back to you today can be regarded as repaying the favor. What the disciples of this sect are thinking about is that Tianlei Mountain is facing another disaster, and they don’t know whether they can survive it.

Zhang Ai glanced at them, then looked at Song Yunyi and Cheng Xi'er. In front of a powerful enemy, some of the disciples in the mountain might show timidity, but no one retreated. Zhang Ai watched for a long time. Although he was lazy all day long, he had great affection for Tianlei Mountain and the disciples on the mountain. He did not want to see anyone die, nor was he willing to say goodbye to anyone.

He looked and didn't speak for a long time, but his body was injured again and again, from external injuries to internal injuries, and his mind fluctuated.

He didn't say anything, but the big devil was impatient and asked again in a cold voice: "Have you thought about it?"

Zhang Ai laughed when he heard the words, and just when he was about to speak, his body suddenly burst into flames. The fire of the soul burst out through the broken silver armor, and the flames danced lightly.

The Demon King looked at him indifferently. Getting his body on fire was not a big deal. Any Demon King could do it. The Demon King wanted to know what he would do next?

Zhang was afraid that his body breathing fire was caused by losing control of his body. The power of countless Eternal Spring Pills was accumulated in his body and could not be discharged. He was injured again and again. He was trapped by the situation in front of him and wounded by the lives of the mountains. His mind was injured again and again, and it actually jumped out of his control and burned out. It was as if he wanted to burn him to ashes.

Zhang Ping's soul fire is the elixir fire when he formed the elixir, the fire of Xiaozhu, and the fire of Huo Lingjing. The three fires are combined into one and condensed. When the fire breaks out, almost lives are lost. Later, he continued to practice, and the Dan Fire became the Infant Fire, and then the powerful Soul Fire, becoming more powerful and powerful every time.

Seeing his disciples being killed, Zhang was furious. Wave after wave of anger filled his mind and disturbed his whole body. At this time, the power of the Eternal Spring Pill needed to be released, otherwise it would cause greater harm to him. I am afraid that I will not be able to calm down and adjust my breath. This is extremely dangerous. If I am not careful, my body will explode and die.

Seeing the chaos, tyranny, and anger of Zhang Yuanshen, the Subduing Snake Yuanshen gradually lost control. He had no choice but to draw out the power of the Yuanshen and ignited it with the fire spirit in the tears of the gods, so he Seeing the powerful aura burst out of the body, it burst into flames.

This burning not only drew out the excess elixir power of the Changchun Pill from the body, but also burned away the stagnation of Zhang Ai's energy. Zhang Ai suddenly woke up, looked down at the flames on his body, and said softly: "It hurts a lot."

Of course it hurt. The fire of his own soul, coupled with the Fire Spirit, plus the excess elixir power of the Evergreen Pill, made the fire so intense that it burned the skin all over his body, causing unbearable pain.

It's just strange that no matter how big or small the flame is, no matter how long it burns, Zhang Ai's skin doesn't change at all. It's just slightly burned, and the cracked silver armor on his body is slowly burned away, but Zhang Ai's skin remains unchanged.

With the fierce fire, the concentration beads in Zhang Weijing's head suddenly turned. At this moment, no matter how much damage he suffered, the beads never moved. At this time, the Yuan Shen was refining the fire, and the Dingshen Pearl instinctively activated the Buddhist skills to help Zhang Wen keep the spiritual platform clear.

Now he is the focus of the world, and everyone is looking at him. The big devil urged: "I have no patience." The implication is that if you don't make a decision, I will kill someone.

Zhang Ai let out a long breath. At this time, his silver armor was burned and fell down. He stood naked in the air, and he could clearly see the flames burning gently around his body.

His Yuan Shen was already strong, but at this moment, being tempered by internal fire made him very painful, but he was still very conscious. So in front of everyone, Zhang Wen closed his eyes, activated his spells, and stood up to perform exercises to heal his injuries.

Seeing his behavior like this, the big devil took me too seriously and snorted: "Kill."

When the word "kill" came out, the demon soldiers had not yet taken action. Zhang Fei flew to him and stood in front of him, saying softly: "Don't you want to subjugate the divine snake?" As soon as he said this, the demon soldiers did not dare to act. Looking at the big devil, waiting for him to decide whether to kill or keep him.

The big devil said in a cold voice: "Give it to the snake, and I'll leave. Otherwise, there will be no chickens or dogs left all over the mountain."

Zhang Wein actually laughed at this time, and said with a chuckle: "You don't need to stay." The flames all over his body were still burning. Although it couldn't be seen from the outside, the pain in his body never stopped. Zhang Wei endured the pain and spoke with a smile: "Tell me, what will you do if I die?"

The big devil was stunned when he was asked. He didn't want Zhang to be afraid of death. At least he couldn't make Zhang afraid of death before he got the God-Destroying Snake. And Zhang was afraid of this bastard. A group of people fought for so long, resulting in countless casualties. He didn't see him release a snake that subdued the gods. The big devil even doubted whether this guy had any snakes.

Zhang Ai turned around to look at Tianlei Mountain and then back at the Big Demon King. He decided to give it a try, took out a pill from his storage bag and said, "Do you know him?"

The big devil said disdainfully: "Only you ants can use the power of elixirs. What benefit does it have for your practice?" Zhang Ain smiled and said: "That is better than you devouring each other and increasing your strength." After speaking, he raised his hand. Put the elixir into your mouth.

At this moment, a powerful force came from behind, and Zhang Ai didn't have time to dodge. This blow knocked away the pill that was about to enter his mouth. Zhang Ai even spurted blood from his mouth, but as soon as the blood left his mouth, he was immediately covered by it. The flames outside burned everything.

Zhang Ain looked back and saw Tan Lang standing quietly behind him, shaking his head at him and saying, "You can't die."

Zhang Wei smiled: "Didn't the Star Emperor say that you just need to take me back, no matter life or death?" Greedy Wolf didn't speak any more, and just looked at him coldly.

Zhang Awei shook his head lightly: "It's just a pill."

At this time, another change occurred in his body. The Meditation Dharma of the Dingshen Bead itself actually had the power of healing, slowly repairing the three major souls in the body. Zhang Fei looked inside and discovered the changes, and secretly sighed: "It's not possible to fully nourish the soul." , what’s the use of repairing it?”

Greedy Wolf knocked Zhang Awei away. The big devil looked at Greed Wolf, then at Zhang Awei, and asked coldly: "Do you want to die?" Zhang Awei did not reply. The Great Demon King sneered: "You can die if you want, but before you die, let's see how Tianlei Mountain is destroyed."

Just now Tanlang came to the rescue in a hurry, but Zhang was afraid of being injured again after a collision. The unlucky man had no choice but to take the Changchun Pill again. Seeing Tanlang staring at the pill in his hand, he smiled helplessly: "This is to treat injuries."

After entering the Eternal Spring Pill, the power of the pill spreads out, repairing the meridians in the body, but it also adds another piece of firewood to the burning flame, and it is integrated into the spiritual power of the Divine Tears, and burns loudly.

So after listening to the big devil speak, Zhang was afraid that he didn't answer immediately, but he reluctantly whispered: "You want to burn me to death?" As the words sounded, white bones grew on the skin, covering it piece by piece, forming Like armor. But the body covered with white bones was immediately tempered by the fire of his own soul, and the white bones burned instantly and turned into ashes. However, after a while, the ashes condensed together again, giving birth to new white bones, which were harder than before.

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