The Monk

Volume 1 Chapter 962: Battle of the Siege Mountain

Chapter 962: Battle of the Mountain

Zhang Aifeng nursed his body back to health for a while, and finally managed to move his body, turning his head to look at the ground. During this time, he was not only recovering from his injuries, but also distracted from sealing the big walnut hanging on his chest. He was related by blood to the Fushen Snake in the walnut. He was injured and in danger. The Fushen Snake had noticed it a long time ago and had been trying to rush out to protect him, but was blocked by Zhang Aiyuan Shen.

Just a weak and powerless distraction blocking the way out of the big walnut, and no snakes are willing to attack him. In their hearts, they are afraid and cannot be hurt, so they have to be blocked in the walnut.

At this moment, Zhang Awei could barely control his injuries. As soon as his mind moved, two strange beasts flew out of the ground. One was a small black bird the size of a palm, and the other was a small snake as thick as a chopstick. As soon as the two guys appeared, the little black bird flew out. Flying to somewhere on the ground, he picked up a storage bag and flew to Zhang Ain's side. Then he saw a bunch of strange beasts protecting him.

There was a flaming little pig in front, a cold and mighty white tiger behind, and a little fire man standing in the flames above. At this time, two more soul beasts came, Suzaku and Qinglong. Suzaku handed the storage bag into Zhang Ain's hands, and it immediately grew in size with Qinglong. A big bird and a dragon stood proudly in the air, looking around fiercely.

Zhang Ping took out the Changchun Pill from the storage bag and took it. There were also a bunch of pills such as the Spiritual Energy Pill and stuffed them all into his stomach like eating beans. He also took out a large handful of ten thousand-year-old herbs and threw them to the piglets and kittens to eat.

He was tossing so hard, and the spirit beasts were tossing so much, the big devil and the others just stood and watched the excitement. A group of people had surprised expressions on their faces, but remained motionless, all thinking that this kid was so amazing! Where did you get so many spiritual beasts?

When the piglets and kittens appeared, it was okay. They were just spiritual beasts raised by nature. No matter how powerful they were, they were not that powerful. But when Suzaku and Qinglong appeared, the Eighteen Demon Kings couldn't believe their eyes. Someone asked: "Qinglong? Suzaku? The body of the soul?"

A group of spiritual beasts attracted the attention of the demon kings. Zhang Ai was ignored for the time being. After a short period of conditioning, his cultivation level temporarily returned to 60% level and he could move freely. After calming down, he hurriedly reached for the ground and grabbed an eagle-shaped ornament and a snake-shaped hairpin from the air.

Just now, all his clothes were exposed, and the storage bag and the two spiritual weapons placed close to his body fell to the ground. Fortunately, the demon kings were dragging one after another, thinking that the common things from the lower world were useless, so they were safely taken back by Zhang Wen.

Recalling the two spiritual weapons, he looked down and saw that he was covered in blood beads. The breath was flowing inside. His body shook slightly and the blood beads fell. Then he took out a piece of silver armor and put it on to protect himself completely in the high air.

It happened that Zhang Tianfang woke up and looked for Zhang Afraid as soon as he opened his eyes. He saw him slowly getting dressed in the sky. He curled his lips and said disdainfully: "You are really capable of wearing clothes with your bare buttocks in front of a large audience." Then he asked: "Where is the knife?" Fang Jian He replied: "I just brought you back to life, how can I have time to find a knife?" Then he said: "Recuperate honestly, I don't want to die for you."

Zhang Tianfang glared and said, "You're the last one." He struggled to get up and look for a knife.

The ghost sword was struck by the devil, and the nine ghost emperors in the sword were seriously injured and could no longer control the sword. Fortunately, they were not dead and could make a little noise, allowing Zhang Tianfang to retrieve it successfully. Seeing that the nine skulls on the blade were dim, Zhang Tianxin felt uncomfortable, hugged him and said, "It must be good." He wanted to avenge the blade again, but looking at the group of experts in the sky, for the first time, he had no impulse to fight for it. Instead, he said to Fang Jian, "Let's go back to the mountain and don't cause any trouble to Zhang Awei."

Fang Jian could hardly believe his ears. Is this what Zhang Tianfang said? He smiled and said, "Okay." Then he asked Fu Kong, "Where is the master?" Bu Kong said, "I'll stay for a while." After saying that, he flew to stand next to Zhang Ai, followed by a huge golden Buddha. .

So Fang Jian and Zhang Tian returned to the mountain and gathered with Song Yunyi and others. The group of people on the mountain, because their cultivation was too low, could only act as spectators. Even though they were filled with resentment and reluctance, they could only endure it in their hearts.

At this time, Zhang Wen changed his clothes. He was perfectly covered from head to toe in bright silver armor, holding a huge black knife in his hand, as if the God of War had come to the world and was a mighty hero. The spiritual beasts around him have eaten herbs for thousands of years, and they are all fierce and vigorous, always ready to fight.

Seeing this situation, the big devil floated over and said softly: "How can you be so stubborn that you think that a few monsters and they dare to fight to the death can protect the lives of the whole mountain?" As he spoke, he raised his hand and pointed at the foot of Tianlei Mountain. The huge stone cliffs seemed to have been blasted by cannons, and the rocks flew and scattered in all directions.

For the big devil, this is unprecedented tolerance. He is willing to talk to you and show his strength to persuade you, which is already a great honor. But Zhang was afraid that he would not be grateful. His face was solemn and he looked at the big devil coldly, pursed his lips and said nothing.

It's not that he doesn't want to talk, but he really doesn't know what to say. Surrender? negotiation? As long as you don't take out the God-Destroying Snake, it's useless to say anything. In anger just now, he tried his best, but only killed one monster, while the Big Demon King and others didn't take action at all. There was a huge gap in strength between the two.

At this time, his heart was so frantic that he really didn't know what to do. He didn't want everyone on the mountain to be harmed anyway, but he didn't want to give away the Snake.

Seeing that he was silent, the big devil shook his head and sneered, then uttered one word: "Kill." There were many people on the mountain anyway, so he would kill a thousand and eight hundred people first, and then threaten Zhang Ai.

Zhang was afraid that he was injured, and the three souls were each injured. Even if he tried his best, he couldn't show the ferocity he had just shown. Hearing the cold command from the Great Demon King, he hurriedly shouted: "Wait a moment."

It's a pity that the Eight Night Guards didn't listen to him. They got the order of the Great Demon King and flew directly to Tianlei Mountain with more than ten thousand demon soldiers.

Of course the little pig and kitten refused to do what they did, and the five spiritual beasts, Suzaku, Qinglong and Huo'er, flew to the front of Tianlei Mountain and attacked the demon soldiers in unison.

The demon soldiers were just ordinary demons, not as powerful as the five spirit beasts. However, due to the restrictions of the order, they flew forward behind the Eight Night Guards. As they were flying, a sea of ​​​​fire appeared in front of them. I don’t know how the little pig’s belly could With so much fire in it, half of the sky burned red. On the other half of the day, a white tiger sprayed water, shooting water arrows and ice arrows all over the sky, followed by dozens of huge water dragons, charging at the demon soldiers with their teeth and claws.

Just these two crazy guys could easily block the path of the demon soldiers. Ye Mei looked at the sea of ​​fire and snorted coldly: "Looking for death." He wanted to fly into the sea of ​​fire to kill the piggy, but was stopped by Ye Zhan, who said coldly: "I'll do it."

Ye Zhan stayed still, waved one hand, and a black air bomb flew straight into the sea of ​​​​fire, and then exploded, spreading flames everywhere. The flames flew randomly, escaped the control of the pig, and fell into the forest below. If it touched the trees, it would definitely cause a fire.

Fortunately, there was a small fire. His body flew lightly and circled in the air. All the uncontrolled flames flew towards him and merged with the flames outside him, burning even more fiercely.

Since Xiaozhu and the other little guys rushed forward and fought tooth and nail for him, Zhang Panduan did not act like an audience, he picked up the black knife and attacked from behind the demon soldiers. Ye Sui saw him attacking, his figure erratically moved from the front to the back of the formation, and kicked Zhang Weijing. She really hated this person and wanted to vent her anger in this way.

Zhang was afraid that his body and soul were injured, and he couldn't sleep at night. He was kicked into a meteor by this kick. He disappeared in the distance with a swish. Then there was a bang and smoke and dust rose everywhere on the ground. After a moment, Zhang Fei flew out of the smoke and continued to charge forward with a big black knife.

The Great Demon King has an order not to kill Zhang Wen without permission. Although Ye Mei hated this kid, she couldn't disobey the order. When she saw him charging again, she flew close to him and kicked him hard as usual. Zhang Weizhi then treated him like a meteor and hit him in the distance. Then there was another rumbling sound, and smoke and dust were everywhere, and Zhang was afraid of being struck with his sword. In this way, it was like a farce. Zhang was afraid that he would be kicked away if he slashed with the knife, and would be kicked away again and again, endlessly.

As the number of times he was kicked increased, cracks began to appear in Zhang Weijing's silver armor, blood kept dripping from his mouth, and his injuries continued to worsen. Fortunately, there is Eternal Spring Pill, which makes it less likely for him to die.

At this time, Zhang was afraid that he was actually paralyzing himself. He didn't want to be separated from the God-Destroying Snake, and he couldn't think of a way, so he had to fight as hard as to escape. He used all his strength to escape from the problem of trade-offs, and no longer had to think about whether he should give up the God-Destroying Snake. It’s still time to give up on Tianlei Mountain.

So every time I was knocked down, I would take the Evergreen Pill without adjusting my breath, and would continue to fight hard when I got up.

Although Changchun Dan is good, you need to meditate and adjust your breath to repair the injuries all over your body. And how could Zhang have time to meditate? From now on, I have been relying on the power of medicine to support my body, and now, every time I fall down, I take one Changchun Pill, and then I take two or even three pills. Countless pill powers are accumulated in Zhang Wen's body, and more and more are accumulated. The meridians all over his body were stretched to the point of bursting.

It's not because Zhang Afraid is too powerful that he didn't explode now. It's because the Snake Yuanshen used Divine Tears to recuperate his body, and the tiger Yuanshen helped, plus the constant protection of the ice crystals, Zhang Jiaozhai didn't die.

But at this time, Zhang was afraid that he was going crazy, and it was difficult to make a decision between the two choices; his opponent was as powerful as a mountain, but he had to fight; his injuries were gradually getting worse, his soul was almost broken, and various unfavorable conditions affected his decision-making. I can only pounce on him again and again to die.

He was so brave and fearless that a group of demon kings were surprised. At this moment, someone died.

The demon soldiers were initially blocked by the little pigs and white tigers. The night guard was very angry, so he divided five people to attack the five spiritual beasts respectively. After entangling them, the remaining two men broke through the fire and sea dragons, and led the demon soldiers to kill Tianlei Mountain.

When the enemy attacks, everyone on the mountain will of course fight back, so more than two hundred Bai Zhan, plus more than a hundred Hei Zhan, and hundreds of disciples of the Tianlei Mountain sect, are the strongest force on Tianlei Mountain. At this time, they are arrayed on the mountain. Go forward and block the magic soldiers.

These people are all masters. Although they cannot defeat the Eight Night Guards, they can easily fight against the demon soldiers. For example, Zhan Yun, he can kill the demon soldiers one to five.

When this happens, the big devil feels very humiliated. His elite men are blocked by some ants in the human world? The unhappy expression is all over his face. As soon as he was unhappy, the night guards immediately noticed it, so the other two night guards rushed into the Tianlei Mountain battle group, gently raised their hands and kicked their feet, and gently took the lives of many Tianlei Mountain disciples.

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