The Monk

Volume 1 Chapter 964 Four Primordial Spirits

Chapter 964 Four Souls

He was refining the bones, but the big devil was not angry to death. What about this fight? You are actually refining a weapon in front of me? You don't take me seriously. He ordered Ye Zhan in a cold voice: "Kill!" The devil had murderous intentions. No matter what Zhang feared, he would always kill some people to teach him a lesson.

Maybe I didn't choose the right day today. The big devil wanted to kill someone, but he always couldn't. This time when he said "Kill", someone suddenly shouted the Buddha's name at the foot of the mountain. The voice was loud and loud, conveying the meaning of love, care and tolerance. The voice was calm and magnificent, appearing majestic and benevolent. After saying these four words, five great monks appeared at the foot of the mountain. .

At the same time, Zhang Ai's bone refining was completed, and wings sprouted from his back. Different from the previous wings, they were now completely made of bones. And his body was also protected by armor made of white bones, which was even more majestic than the silver armor just now.

Zhang was afraid that the bone refining was completed, so he had more understanding in his mind, and his injuries were better. Although his cultivation was not improved, it was already much better than the one that was seriously injured just now.

He heard the big devil saying kill, and also heard Amitabha Buddha at the foot of the mountain. He flapped his bone wings, and people flew past like feathers, blocking Ye Zhan and the others. He stood alone with a knife and said to Ye Zhan: "Anyone who offends the mountain will be killed. "He knew that his cultivation was insufficient. He wanted to say that if he wanted to go up the mountain, he would step over my body first, but he felt that his words were too weak, so he changed his words to something more powerful. Not wanting to become a joke because of his lack of strength, he said this, and the Great Demon King laughed out loud, looking at him with utmost disdain and shaking his head: "With your cultivation, ugh."

He was shaking his head. Ye Zhan had already taken action against Zhang Awei. Maybe he wanted to tease him. He flew in front of Zhang Awei, held Zhang Awei down with one hand, and punched Zhang Awei with the other hand. At the same time, he bent his knees and hit him with one punch. He kept banging his knees, especially when he bent his knees. The force was too great. After more than ten hits in a row, Zhang Aoi was almost knocked into a pile of mud. At this time, Ye Zhan let go of his hands, and with a final violent collision, Zhang Ai turned into a meteor again and flew high into the sky.

The Eight Night Guards didn't take Tianlei Mountain seriously. After listening to the Demon King's order, they just lazily walked forward, so Zhang Weijing had time to rush over and block them. While Ye Zhan was beating Zhang Awei wildly, the other seven people also stopped and watched, waiting for Zhang Awei to be beaten away before lazily flying towards Tianlei Mountain. They really didn't want to bully the ants, but since the Demon King personally ordered it, they had no choice but to do it.

Ye Zhan's time to beat Zhang Ao was very short, and he was beaten away in just two blinks of an eye. However, in such a short time, the five monks at the foot of the mountain had already arrived in the air, and facing the night, the eight guards lined up and chanted in unison: " Amitabha."

The night battle felt really boring. The ants were like trash, but they were not afraid of death. One after another they came up endlessly to block the way, and whispered: "Kill them."

These five monks are the five great holy monks of the Holy Kingdom. They have been searching for the Second Ghost Ancestor for many years, but they have not found anything. They do not know that the Second Ghost Ancestor has died long ago, so they have been wandering around the mainland. Today, they suddenly found this demonic aura rising into the sky, so they hurriedly Come here.

The five monks discovered that Ye Zhan and others had unknown reasons for their popularity. Knowing that they had met a master, they each used their unique skills to prepare to eliminate evil and slay demons. It's a pity that the five great Buddhists are considered to be capable of reaching heaven, but they can't resist the casual slap of the night guard. There were five monks, and five guards flew out to confront the enemy. Each one disappeared like a ghost, and then a uniform slap was heard. These five guys were really bored and wanted to have some fun, so they actually used slaps on the battlefield.

With the same sound, the five great Buddhists had no skills, so they could only become meteors like Zhang Ain and were beaten into the distance. After just a slap, the five night guards who slapped were slightly surprised that they were not killed?

They looked at each other, with a somewhat interesting smile on their lips, and said to Ye Zhan: "I missed it." According to them, this slap could not only kill people, but also humiliate people. Unexpectedly, the five monks were very resistant to being beaten. , managed to survive without dying.

The night guard beat Zhang Ao and the five monks away, and got rid of two obstacles one after another. Just as they were about to fly forward, Piggy and White Tiger flew over angrily and blocked them for the third time. Five spiritual beasts had just fought against the Night Guard. Due to lack of strength, Suzaku and Qinglong were seriously injured one after another. Fortunately, Zhang Zhi yelled and asked the Demon King to retreat temporarily, and was lucky enough to save their lives. At this time, they retreated in front of the mountain and were unable to fight anymore.

There was also Huo'er, who was not injured due to the magical flames all over his body, but he cared about Zhang Awei. When Zhang Awei was hit into the sky, he flew up with him, intending to rescue him. So there were only Xiaozhu and White Tiger left in front of the mountain, but Night Guard was too strong. They had been fighting for a long time and were always at a disadvantage. At this time, he rushed forward again, completely holding in his breath and wanting to let it out.

Seeing them flying in, Ye Zhan frowned slightly. Before they could create the annoying wall of fire in the sky, he threw something casually, and saw a black light appear in the sky, and a huge ghost bone cage appeared, which easily covered the two beasts, and then bypassed them. They flew towards Tianlei Mountain.

The ghost bone cage was very strong. After Xiaozhu and White Tiger were imprisoned, they were unable to escape. At that time, they were furious and unbearable.

Seeing how unruly these two guys were, Ye Zhan pointed his finger and black will-o'-the-wisps ignited in the cage. He wanted to burn the two beasts. Of course, the two little guys couldn't be burned to death so easily, but because they had to fight against the will-o'-the-wisps, they had to stay calm.

The third obstacle was removed again, and the night guard continued to move forward, with seven giant ghost heads following behind him. He was about to enter Tianlei Mountain. There were more than a hundred Bai Zhan left on the mountain, and more than four hundred disciples of the sect. I rushed out again, I would rather die than fight again.

Since both sides are fighting, let's kill. Ye Zhan knew that these people were quite capable and that the demon soldiers under his command were no match, so he did not let the demon soldiers come up from the beginning. Not to mention the delay in the fight, there would still be demon soldiers killed and wounded. It was very embarrassing for the other seventeen demon kings to see it. A matter of face. So he led the night guards to face hundreds of Nascent Soul cultivators head-on.

However, the night guards were used to being proud and had a very bad temper. They were allowed to kill people, but they found it troublesome to kill so many ants. So with a wave of their hands, seven giant ghost heads flew over and lined up with the eight night guards, ready to kill.

At this moment, a powerful aura suddenly came from high in the sky, and with a bang, it was like tens of thousands of spiritual energy bombs exploding at the same time, and powerful spiritual energy surged everywhere. This power was so great that it caused the expressions of all the demon kings to change. A group of people looked up and saw that there was no cloud or wind in the sky. Under the clear blue sky were circles of spiritual power fluctuations visible to the naked eye, as if there were countless huge ripples stacked on top of each other. Together, squeezed from top to bottom, spread out.

The power quickly swept through everyone, and the long robes of the eighteen demon kings were all fluttered. Because they were standing high in the sky and close to the powerful aura, the demon soldiers fully felt the power, and their faces turned ugly. This is spiritual power, spiritual power that is good for ghosts, but because it is too powerful, it is as uncomfortable as a knife slicing through the body. No one dares to absorb this spiritual power, but uses Qigong to resist it.

How is this going? Where does the spiritual power come from? Many people have questions. At this time, the powerful spiritual power passed over the Demon King and landed on Tianlei Mountain. It was like a hurricane blowing up. In an instant, the sky was filled with sand and rocks, and grass blades were flying. After a long time, it slowly fell down.

The big devil looked high in the sky, thought for a moment, then raised his hand to scratch his forehead, as if the matter was difficult. After putting down his hand, he asked others: "You have become stronger? What does this mean?" He was very depressed. He obviously beat Zhang Awei to serious injuries, and then severely injured him again, but this guy was actually beaten harder?

A breakthrough on the battlefield? joke! To put it bluntly, even if you can break through, what power will support you to break through? Every advancement requires a huge price, and you have to put your whole heart and soul into it to have a chance of breakthrough. And on the battlefield, you have to concentrate and fight hard, how can you still have the strength and thought to make a breakthrough? So the Demon King feels incredible.

The other demon kings also felt the same way. Before today, they would never believe that a group of people could take so long to deal with a common man and not finish the matter. Someone said: "Just rush it." This is impatient.

The people below raised their eyes and saw that not long after, Zhang Weijing flew down from a high altitude. He was protected by white armor. His bone wings were raised like eagle wings. They were obviously bones, but they were as transparent as cicada wings, and at the tips of the wings, there was a faint light. The light has become as sharp as a sharp blade.

Zhang Ai flew straight down, and the white bones were burning with fire. It was completely different from the fire of the soul just now. It was fierce and cruel, as if the most cruel demon from the ground was released and melted itself into the flames.

Xiao Huo'er was partially responsible for this fire. He flew up to save the savior. He and Zhang Awei concluded a spiritual covenant, and found that Zhang Awei was in danger. The little guy was grateful for the care he had taken in the past. At this time, he impulsively rushed into Zhang Awei. In his mind, he transformed his soul and sacrificed himself to save his master.

Zhang was afraid that he had just condensed the strong bones, but before he could use them, he was beaten by Ye Zhan, and the bones of his life were scattered again. It seemed that he was the immortal weapon that he had just forged, but before he even went to the battlefield, he was struck by a bolt of lightning. Turned into waste, that's what the white bones were like just now. After entering Zhang Ai's body, it was first refined by the tiger soul, then refined by the three fires in Zhang Ai's body, and even melted into the bones of alien beasts to condense, and just after the third time, it was refined. After four successful refinings, he was reborn again and again, becoming stronger and stronger, but unfortunately the enemy was stronger. It was turned into scrap before it could be used. Even the weak spirit within the bones was shattered.

At this time, Xiao Huoer dispersed his own soul and dispersed the powerful power into Zhang Ai's body, and even into the three souls, wanting to sacrifice himself to save his master. As soon as he dispersed, both the tiger soul and the subduing snake soul moved. They dispersed at the same time and merged with Zhang Ai's soul with all their strength. They all wanted to sacrifice themselves to turn him into the strongest person in the world so as to avoid this disaster. .

Back in the God Refining Valley, Big Tiger wanted to contribute his soul to Zhang Ai, so that he could merge into one and improve his cultivation. But Zhang was afraid of being nostalgic and refused to do this, so there were two souls in his mind. Now that the situation is dangerous, Tiger Soul decides to try again. The same goes for the spirit of the Subduing Snake. He knows that the situation is not right. After years of living in the same body, he already knew that Zhang Awei is a good person. Now he has to contribute his own soul and plans to succeed Zhang Awei.

So there were three souls in Zhang Ao's body: Xiao Huo'er, Big Tiger, and Fu Shen Snake, who actively offered them to Zhang Ao to swallow and refine.

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