The Monk

Volume 1 Chapter 961 Let’s Fight

Chapter 961 Let’s fight

A demon king asked in a low voice: "How much worse is the ghost head compared to the night guard?" There was no reply from the demon king. The ghost head was just a pile of skulls. It was a spell used by the higher demons in the demon world. No matter how bad it was, the night guard couldn't defeat it with one move. . Could it be that this kid made a temporary breakthrough on the battlefield and was able to defeat the night guard?

The demon kings immediately rejected this idea as soon as they came up with it. How could it be possible? Night Guard is the most powerful master in the demon world since the demon king, and is even more powerful than some of the little demon kings. How can this boy in the human world be more powerful than them?

Because one of the ghost heads was broken with one move, the other seven night guards controlled their respective ghost heads to stop. They all turned around and looked at Zhang Afraid coldly. Looking from below, Zhang Ping was surrounded by night guards and ghost leaders.

On the other side, Zhang Tianfang and others were still attacking the barrier. The big devil finally felt that these two boys were too annoying, so he flicked his hand, and with a crisp sound, Zhang Tianfang flew out upside down. The big devil wanted to kill people, but Gui Dao had already discovered it and tried his best to resist the devil's attack. However, the difference in strength between the two was too great. The Demon King only had one shot, and the Nine Ghost Emperors were almost shaken and their swords were broken, and their souls flew away. Fortunately, the hard iron was strong enough, so the nine ghost emperors escaped, and Zhang Tianfang even saved his life because of it.

When the big devil saw that the bullet failed to kill Zhang Tianfang, he was unhappy and frowned slightly. He finally left them and ignored them. What he was most concerned about now was Zhang Ai. Why did this kid suddenly become so powerful? Destroy the ghost's head with one move.

Not only the big devil is concerned, but other devils also have to be concerned, because Zhang is afraid that there is a snake on his body, which is an important treasure for the devils to seek eternal life, and no accident can happen to him under any circumstances.

At this time, Zhang Tianfang was ejected, and Fang Jian rushed to rescue him. Fu Kong controlled the lotus platform to refine the skull. The demon kings and the Seven Star Lord stood still, and the eight night guards surrounded Zhang Ai with the remaining seven ghost heads. But Zhang was afraid that his whole body would be covered with blood drops, so he could not move even while standing in the air. At this moment, it was like being frozen, the wind stopped and the clouds stopped, motionless.

Everyone looked at Zhang Ping, guessing how he would defeat the enemy with one move, and also guessing what he would do next.

Others are guessing, but the person being guessed has a blank mind. He attacked the ghost head first, but he had no confidence in winning, so he had to use all his strength. He even used the endless spiritual power of the Divine Tears to display all his power in one sword and attack the enemy fiercely. Fortunately, he used hard iron, the hardest thing in the world, so that he could use all his strength to face the enemy. If he had used another magic weapon, it might have broken by itself before it could hurt anyone.

Zhang Ai Yuan Shen, Tiger Yuan Shen, Fu Shen Snake Yuan Shen, the three gods merged into one, which was the first time in his life. Coupled with the huge power of his natal bones and ice crystals, as well as the constant flow of divine tears to replenish his spiritual power, his attack was so powerful. The power was beyond everyone's imagination, including Zhang Afraid. After using this power, Zhang was afraid that all the blood in his body would be broken and the three souls would be separated. He would no longer be able to move at all. He could only stay in the air with the help of ice crystals. Zhang was afraid that the blood beads on his body would not condense, so the ice crystals helped protect him.

However, blood kept pouring out of the body, so Bingjing had to open a small opening and drain the blood from Zhang Awei's wrists and seven orifices. Then he saw a drop of blood high in the sky, like raindrops from the eaves, from the corner of Zhang Awei's mouth and the tip of the hard iron knife. Blood trickled down.

If you use too much power, you will only be hurt by it. This is an eternal truth, and Zhang is afraid to experience it again.

He stood in the air for a hundred breaths. He didn't move, and neither did anyone else. After a hundred breaths, Ye Mei finally couldn't help it. She was the most shameless person on the battlefield today. In front of the eighteen demon kings and the lifelong enemy Qixing Lord, she could not lose face. So she scolded lightly and her body fell apart. The smoke drifted toward Zhang Ping.

She thought, weren't you strong? Don't you have a knife? I turn myself into smoke to see how you chop it?

The light smoke drifted up and arrived in front of Zhang Ai. No one could stop the Eighteen Demon Kings, nor could the Seven Star Lord stop him. Fang Jian wanted to stop him, but he was too distracted. At this moment, Zhang Tianfang fainted and was knocked down by the Demon King. Lian Fu Kong also stood by to rescue him.

It's not that Bu Kong didn't want to help Zhang Wei, but he really knew that his abilities were low, so he had to save one by one first. Besides, Zhang Tianfang was a Buddhist blood-killer, so Fu Kong had to protect him first. It's really pitiful to say that even Fu Kong, the top master of Daxiong Temple, admits that his skills are low, and he is even more worried about others.

Sleeping at night, he stood in front of Zhang Awei. In the light mist, he stretched out a beautiful hand as white as jade, pinched his thumb and middle finger together, and gently tapped Zhang Awei's forehead with his green-white index finger. This time, he only needed to click firmly. , Zhang is afraid that he will definitely die.

The light smoke is like a dream, the jade fingers are like pictures, dancing softly with beauty, but this beauty is life-threatening.

Zhang was afraid that he was seizing the time to recuperate, and all three souls were injured. Fortunately, there was no major problem with the ice crystal, which was busy in his body, guiding the spiritual energy in the tears of the gods to temporarily protect his blood and prevent the injury from getting worse.

Zhang was afraid that he was a monk in the transformation stage, and his soul was dispersed in the meridians of his body. The sharp blow just now almost caused his soul to scatter and float away. Fortunately, he had been practicing the Divine Comedy all year round, and his soul was extremely pure, so he did not die immediately.

It's just that he will never die. At this time, Ye Mei is attacking again. He has no power to resist and can only stand and wait for death.

At the critical moment, the big devil coughed lightly, and the voice came. Ye Mei sighed softly, and retracted her beautiful fingers. Then the smoke changed, and Ye Mei appeared in human form, and said coldly to Zhang Ain Leng: "Can you still fight so hard?"

In any case, before getting the God-Suppressing Snake, the Big Demon King never wanted Zhang Ao to die, so he saved his life.

Zhang was afraid of hearing Ye Mei's question and struggled to answer, and the corners of his eyes were stained with blood. Ye Mei was not even interested in taking a look, and couldn't wink even if he wanted to.

Unable to kill Zhang Awei, Ye Mei wanted to be angry again, so he shouted: "Broken." Ye Zhan and others looked at Ye Meni and acted according to her words, commanding the seven ghost heads to continue attacking the mountain.

Without Zhang Wei to intercept, the seven ghost heads broke through the formation with all their strength, turning Tianlei Mountain into fireworks and firecrackers. All kinds of violent noises sounded one after another, and all kinds of colors shone non-stop, which lasted for a quarter of an hour before stopping.

Breaking the formation this time, frightened the merchants at the foot of the mountain and all the disciples of Tianlei Mountain. What kind of power could it be so powerful? They also want to go all out to protect Tianlei Mountain, but unfortunately they can't even get out of the divine formation, so how can they go all out? Although Bai Zhan and others hold the Jade Secret and can enter and exit freely, they cannot get out at this time.

The giant ax struck down with huge force, and it surged out in all directions. It was fine if it was far away, but as soon as it got close, it would be immediately bounced away by the force. Pity the hundreds of white warriors. They used to be masters, but they couldn't withstand the remaining force of the axe.

A quarter of an hour later, a huge firecracker rang out between the sky and the earth, and with a bang, the divine formation broke. The sound shocked everyone, no matter who it was, and their ears suddenly became silent. After a while, there was a buzzing sound. After a while, the sound disappeared, and the surrounding fields suddenly fell into silence. The silence was terrifying.

The divine formation was broken, buildings on the mountain collapsed, everyone on the mountain was in a coma, and the land within a mile of the edge of the divine formation below the mountain was filled with mud and dust. But apart from that, Tianlei Mountain still exists, trees and flowers still grow, and birds, insects and animals still live happily.

After looking at the entire Tianlei Mountain, the Great Demon King said to Qixing Lord in the distance: "Not bad." He was saying that the divine formation was good, but Greedy Wolf didn't look happy at all. There was no need for the Demon King to take action, nor for the Night Guard to take action. He only produced seven ghost heads and chopped them with axes, and the formation was broken. Does the Great Demon King think that such a divine formation is good? You're not swearing, are you?

After the divine formation was broken, Tianlei Mountain appeared in front of everyone without any protection. The only people still standing on the mountain at this time were monks above Nascent Soul and a small number of pill-forming monks. A group of people slowly flew into the air, looking over coldly. At the same time, hundreds of people flew out, trying to protect Zhang Ai.

Ye Mei said coldly: "Go back." He waved his long sleeves and created a barrier to block everyone in Tianlei Mountain.

There were three little guys among the flying group of people. The piglet and the kitten Huoer rushed towards them bravely. They figured it out when Tianlei Mountain was first attacked, but unfortunately the divine formation was weird and restricted their movements. Now that the divine formation is broken, there are no restrictions, and of course the three guys will come out and go crazy. But as he was flying, he was blocked by the barrier again. The little pig became angry at that time. With a roar, ferocious fire exploded all over his body and violently hit the invisible barrier.

The kitten is even more angry. Dare you come to my house and run wild? The little guy raised his head and let out a tiger roar, his body enlarged, and a tall and mighty white tiger appeared. His eyes flashed with cold light, and he followed the little pig into the barrier.

Before today, it can be said that these two little guys had never fought seriously. Regardless of whether they were angry or not, most of the time, they just played games. But today is different. The two little guys are angry. They are really angry. Someone dares to come to the door to cause trouble? Do you think we are fake? Of course I won’t let it go! What made the two of them most angry was that Zhang Ai, who was closest to them, was covered in blood and stood motionless in the distance.

They like Zhang Weifang, but they stubbornly believe that they are the only ones in the world who can bully Zhang Weifang, and no one else can. If they dare to bully Zhang Weifang, they are provoking them, so the two guys are angry.

This was the first time, including Zhang Ai's, to see two little guys going crazy. Two sounds of "click, click, click, click" were heard as the little pig and the white tiger broke through the barrier at the same time. After the two little guys rushed over, they hesitated for a moment and quickly made a choice between attacking Ye Mei and protecting Zhang Awei. They ducked to Zhang Awei's side and protected him one after another.

Another little Huo'er flew over, and the little guy was also angry. The little guy was not tall, but the flames on his body were as high as several people. The five or ten meters around him were filled with unbearable heat. The little Huo'er flew to stand in front of Ye Mu. He came out, eyes blazing, staring at her.

Once the barrier was broken, more than a hundred Bai Zhan flew over, including Song Yunyi and Cheng Xier.

At this moment, Zhang Weifang clearly uttered two words: "Go back."

Song Yunyi was flying forward when he heard these two words and was stunned. Tears instantly covered his eyes. He bit his jade teeth and ordered: "Go back." He took Bai Zhan and Cheng Xi'er and flew back to Tianlei Mountain. Cheng Xier also shed tears after this back and forth. The two women were very strong and sensible and tried their best not to cause trouble for Zhang Aoi.

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