The Monk

Volume 1 Chapter 958 Eighteen Demon Kings

Chapter 958 Eighteen Demon Kings

The big devil sneered and said: "He protects his three realms. I just destroyed a small mountain in the human world, not a whole realm. It's not a big deal. How can he care? Again, give me a snake that subdues the gods, otherwise it will destroy the world." Shan, think carefully before answering.”

Zhang Ai was worried because Manshan's life was at stake, and his opponent was unprecedentedly terrifying, so it was difficult to make a decision. No matter what, he was reluctant to give away the God-Conquering Snake. No matter how many snakes there are, every one of them is his treasure, born from his bloodline, and they can't be kissed anymore. As long as Zhang is afraid of danger, these lazy snakes will immediately become diligent and ferocious. Likewise, he didn't want the God-Lowering Snake to be in danger.

After thinking for a while, he said: "The descendant of Queen Xi is just a tool to you. You don't dare to hurt it, and you don't dare to be arrogant to it. But if you are arrogant to me, are you not afraid of angering the Fu Shen Snake and fighting you to the death?" In the hearts of the Demon King and the Star Emperor, although they knew that the Fu Shen Snake was a descendant of Queen Xi, they did not pay much attention to it. They just regarded it as an ordinary monster. Will obey obediently.

So he wanted to remind the Demon King, but he said this in his mouth, but he was conflicted in his heart. On the one hand, he was worried that the snakes would fight to the death in the face of strong power; on the other hand, he vaguely didn't want them to submit obediently and succumb to others.

The big devil smiled and said, "I'm showing mercy by not killing you. I hope you can be more understanding." It took him three years to kill the devil who was causing trouble with him, and then he was free to find Zhang. He was afraid of trouble and didn't want to return empty-handed. .

Zhang Weijing also smiled: "Aren't you afraid of self-defeating?" At this time, he was the one talking to the big devil. Behind him, Lord Qixing remained silent and motionless, like a stone. He didn't know what he was thinking.

The big devil was stunned when he heard this: "Self-defeating?" It's just a monster, how clumsy can it be?

He subconsciously repeated Zhang Awei's words, but Zhang Awei deliberately angered him, pretending to be surprised and said: "You don't understand what it means? To put it simply, self-defeating is..." Before he finished the next sentence, the big devil's eyes Staring at him like breathing fire, he said coldly: "Go on."

I don't! Zhang Ai secretly thought, looked back at Qixing Lord and asked: "Master Star Emperor asked you to accompany me to the lower realm, didn't you intend to give the God-Suppressing Snake to the Demon King right before your eyes?"

Greedy Wolf replied: "My lord has no other instructions. He just asked us to bring you here and then take you back, whether you live or die."

Zhang Wen was very depressed when he heard this. What is a ruthless person? This is a ruthless person. After thinking about it, the Star Emperor must know that I have a bunch of snakes. Otherwise, he will come up with bad ideas to harm me. If I can't resist the devil and surrender the snakes, the Star Emperor can ask for it. This guy is really a thief!

While he was thinking about it, at the foot of Tianlei Mountain, seventeen literati walked slowly on the mountain road. Most of them were wearing long robes, and the colors may be different. They held folding fans in their hands. They walked to the climbing steps and stopped. One of them sighed. : "It's so high." He sighed and walked up the steps. The other dozen people had different expressions, but they were all three meters away and walked up the steps one after another.

The moment these literati appeared, the big devil's expression changed, and he turned around and looked back. His eyes seemed to be able to see through the trees and rocks in the mountains, staring directly at the seventeen people.

Lord Qixing also noticed the visitor, and immediately acted as if he was facing a formidable enemy. High in the sky, he nervously and carefully stood in the shape of seven stars, and quickly set up a battle formation.

Zhang Ai took a look and said, "Wow, that's interesting. Who's here?" Anyway, he was the unlucky one, so he was not afraid of being unlucky again. He held his hands in the shape of a trumpet and asked loudly: "Who are you?"

When he shouted, the birds and animals in the mountains were attacked and became chaotic. People in the business community at the foot of the mountain also heard his shouts, and they all used their spiritual consciousness to scan over to find out what was going on in Tianlei Mountain. The one who reacted the fastest was the Tianlei Mountain White Warriors. In an instant, more than a hundred Nascent Soul Intermediate and above monks flew close to him and saluted Zhang Awei: "I have seen the master."

I didn't find Zhang Afraid and others before. It wasn't that they were lazy or neglecting their duties, but that these people were too advanced to be noticed by the Bai Zhan team members. When I came over at this time, I not only saw Zhang Ai, but also eight other monks. I couldn't find anyone's anger until I walked closer. I couldn't help but wonder, where did the eight masters come from? However, Zhang was afraid that he did not follow his instructions, and more than a hundred people did not act haphazardly. They all stood quietly behind him and remained silent.

The big devil shook his head at him and smiled: "It's impressive enough." Zhang Ain said seriously: "Not as majestic as you." The big devil nodded and said: "That's true." He was extremely conceited about his ability to control his subordinates.

The two of them had just said a few words, but the seventeen scribes on the mountain steps stood still when they heard the sound. Someone asked: "Did that shout just now ask about us?" Others replied: "It doesn't look like that." Others answered Said: "Maybe." Seventeen guys actually discussed this boring issue from a distance of three meters. Each person is three meters apart, and the first and last person are more than fifty meters apart. They are not tired from talking.

Seeing their behavior, the big devil stopped talking to Zhang Afraid and said coldly to them: "Keep pretending."

The voice was very small, but the seventeen scribes heard it immediately. They cupped their hands towards the Demon King through the tall trees and rocks and said, "You're here already? Why didn't you let me know? Let's go together so we can have company." Everyone knows each other. .

Seeing Zhang Awei's doubtful expression, Greedy Wolf whispered from behind: "There are many demon kings in the demon world. The most powerful ones are eighteen families, each occupying one side and jointly managing the demon world."

Zhang Ain smiled helplessly when he heard this. In my life, I will always have more enemies and more troubles. Before I can deal with this one demon king, seventeen more come. No need to ask, they are all thinking about the Subduing Snake.

He turned around and asked Tanlang: "Why are there a bunch of demon kings below and only one Star Lord in the sky?" Tanlang replied calmly: "The heaven is bigger than you think, and the power of the heaven is stronger than you imagine." Then he said nothing.

Zhang is a little depressed, can you be more stinky? The big devil over there suddenly sneered: "The few people in the heaven deserve what they deserve. We have to create a pure cloud to test people's hearts. If you can't ride on the cloud, you can't go to the heaven. It's said that your morals are dirty! Tell me, how many people in the world are there?" It’s really funny that they can live a pure and honest life and never do anything wrong?

Zhang Ai was convinced when he heard this. How many people in the world have never done anything wrong? Such as telling lies, picking money and being ignorant. It's okay to say that when you grow up, who knows benevolence, justice, integrity and upholds it as a child?

The big devil's words made more than a dozen scribes at the foot of the mountain cheer and say some nonsense. The big devil asked in a cold voice: "Seventeen of you are traveling together, could it be that we have formed an alliance?"

A scribe said: "It's too tiring to talk like this, shall we go over?" The others agreed, so a dozen people suddenly appeared in front of Zhang Ai without any warning, shocking a group of Bai Zhan, so powerful? Everyone has their own doubts, so why are there another group of experts? Where did they all come from?

Looking at the people who suddenly appeared in front of me, I looked carefully at them one by one. These are the eighteen great demon kings in the demon world! Judging from their appearance, they are mostly thin, middle-aged men wearing simple clothes, just like ordinary people. But you can't just look at people by their appearance. Zhang Awei sighed in his heart, cupped his hands and said, "I have seen eighteen demon kings."

No matter what their purpose is, they should be polite first and try to establish friendship in a helpless way.

He cupped his fists, and the seventeen newly arrived demon kings moved in different ways. Some cupped their fists and said, "You're welcome, you're welcome." Some nodded and said, "Polite, you have a bright future." Others smiled and looked at them without saying a word.

These guys look harmless, just a group of scholars drinking and kicking, but in reality they are the Eighteen Demon Kings of the Demon Realm, who are even feared by the Star Emperor.

The big devil allowed them to act, and after a while he asked in a cold voice: "Why are you here?"

A group of people started chattering, and some said: "This is ridiculous. You and I are just like each other. Why should we report to you where we are going?" Some said: "Come and see the great rivers and mountains. They are majestic and beautiful. Sure enough, The lower bounds are comparable.”

When they acted like this, even Zhang Ai could see that they were looking for trouble, so he turned around and whispered: "You guys go back." A group of Bai Zhan hesitated to leave. Zhang was afraid of saying more: "Go back!" His tone was firm, but his eyes blinked several times. Only then did the Baiduo Baizhan team members hand over and leave.

The Great Demon King watched them fly into the Tianlei Mountain Divine Formation and said coldly: "Do you think a God-breaking Formation can stop me?"

I'm afraid Zhang is a little depressed. I really want to ask you, aren't you tired of talking to both sides? But looking at the eighteen demon kings in front of him and the Lord Qixing next to him, he fully understood the principle that people are like swordsmen and others are like flesh and blood. He sighed secretly and closed his mouth to think of a countermeasure.

I was thinking and thinking and couldn't think of anything. I lowered my head and looked at the big walnut hanging on my chest. Is it possible that I am going to die today?

After the big devil said Zhang Wei, he turned back to look at his colleagues, a pair of seventeen. No matter how powerful he was, he would not dare to mess around, but he felt uncomfortable in his heart, so he still said coldly: "Are you tempted too?"

"Nonsense." A scribe came out waving a fan, despised the Great Demon King, and then spoke to Zhang Ai: "I don't care what conditions they promise you, and I don't care what you think, give me a God-subduing snake, and I will I will give you my position as the devil."

Zhang Awei smiled bitterly and said: "I don't want to be a demon king." The job of a demon king is too dangerous. If you don't keep it, you will be devoured one day.

"I don't care whether you take it or not. Anyway, it's not easy for me to come out once. I want a snake." The man said forcefully.

Zhang Awei sighed and asked, "Do you all think that the God-Suppressing Snake is an ordinary monster that you can avoid thunder disasters if you get it?"

This is the consensus of all demon kings. If they use force to suppress the God-Suppressing Snake and stay by their side, without any thunder daring to strike it down, they can safely enter the God Realm and become immortal bodies.

It's just that although greed is raging, no one dares to kill Zhang Wei. Seeing that their ascension was imminent, they did not want any unexpected situation to occur and had to endure it. If the God-Destroying Snake recognizes this bastard as its master, and if its master dies, the God-Destroying Snake will not be much better off. And the most terrifying thing is the pact with the same fate. Humans and beasts have the same fate. If Zhang is afraid that if he dies, the monster will have to pay for it. A group of black bosses don’t know whether the Fu Shen Snake has made a pact and what kind of pact they have made, so they have to Be patient and talk to Zhang Afraid.

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