The Monk

Volume 1 Chapter 957 Threatening Me

Chapter 957 Threaten Me

Hai Ling refused the Star Robe, but Zhang Pa heard the hidden meaning. Make Hai Ling the heir? What does the Star Emperor want to do? After thinking for a while, he sighed in his heart: A master who can dominate a world is indeed not an ordinary person.

He is on good terms with Hai Ling. If Hai Ling becomes the heir of the Lord of the Heavenly Realm, Zhang Pa will definitely help with all his strength. Although his strength is not enough, he has the Fu Shen Snake, which is what the Star Emperor wants to get. In order to get the Fu Shen Snake, he can even give up the position of the Lord of the Heavenly Realm.

In order to get the Fu Shen Snake, the Star Emperor first used Tianlei Mountain as a lead, and did not hesitate to let Zhang Pa misunderstand that the Star Emperor is a bad guy in order to get the Fu Shen Snake. Unfortunately, it is the Bright Heavenly Realm after all. The Star Emperor is embarrassed to do evil, so he finds a reason to let Zhang Pa go back and think slowly, and at the same time sends people to protect Tianlei Mountain, intending to make friends.

The Heavenly Realm is bright and does not kill people indiscriminately; the Demon Realm does not care about this and sends people to surround Tianlei Mountain. In order to gain his favor, the Star Emperor first sacrificed the twelve astronomical hours, and then sacrificed his eight hundred generals. After these people died, he sent someone to inform Zhang Pa, which meant that the Star Emperor had tried his best and had protected Tianlei Mountain twice. Considering the safety of the heaven, he could not waste the power of the heaven to help the lower world, so he let Zhang Pa deal with it himself.

In terms of emotion and reason, this matter was done very well and very right. But the problem arises. The Star Emperor has been fighting with the Demon Realm for many years. How could he not understand the style of the Demon King? He could guess that the demon thief would attack Tianlei Mountain, so why did he only send a few people to protect it?

Thinking of this, Zhang Pa was suddenly shocked. What's wrong with me? Why did I think so badly of the Star Emperor? I must have thought wrong! No matter what, I dare not believe that the Star Emperor would abandon the lives of more than 800 people under his tutelage just to gain his favor.

He was thinking wildly, and Hai Ling was still refusing the Star Robe. Zhang Pa saw the little fat man's flustered hands and flushed face, and sighed in his heart. He didn't want to think badly of the Star Emperor, but what did the Star Emperor mean by suddenly making Hai Ling his heir?

With the threat of demons surrounding the mountain, Zhang Pa would be at a loss even if he returned to Tianlei Mountain. How could he deal with the demon king's army? The Star Emperor made Hai Ling his successor at this time, which meant an exchange. When the successor went down to the mortal world, he would naturally bring a large army to protect him. He could withstand the attacks of the demons and protect Tianlei Mountain.

But then again, how could the heavenly world pay back the debt of a layman who had lost a lot of manpower?

This was an inducement, an open temptation to you, giving you the heavenly world to do good things. As long as you want to keep Tianlei Mountain, you can only accept this benefit. If you accept this benefit, Hai Ling will be criticized. The masters of the heavenly world are too high-minded. No one cares about what will happen to Zhang Pa and Tianlei Mountain. They only care about the descendants of the Star Emperor. The descendants of the Star Emperor took everyone to die, and there must be a reason, and this reason is the Fu Shen Snake.

In this case, should he offer the Fu Shen Snake?

Zhang Pa was getting more and more confused. Did he think that the Star Emperor was very cunning, or was he cunning? However, the Star Emperor really made a big investment. In order to seek eternal life, he actually gave the heaven to the little fat boy.

Unfortunately, the little fat boy still refused to accept it. He instinctively did not want to accept the benefits from anyone, of course, except Zhang Pa. Zhang Pa was like a relative to him.

Tan Lang said: "If the young master does not accept the star robe, he cannot go to the lower world."

Zhang Pa pulled Hai Ling aside and whispered: "Listen to me, wait for me here. The devil has something to do with me, but he will not hurt me." Hai Ling still refused, and Zhang Pa continued to persuade: "If I go back, there are only two situations, one is nothing, and the other is something. Do you hope that I am okay?" Hai Ling said seriously: "Nothing." Zhang Pa said: "Since nothing is wrong, you don't have to accompany me."

This sentence blocked Hai Ling, and she could not say that Zhang Pa was in trouble. Zhang Pa struck while the iron was hot and said, "It's settled. Let's take a step back. If something happens to me, tens of thousands of disciples on Tianlei Mountain will need your protection, so you can't go with me." Hai Ling said firmly, "You won't be in trouble. If something happens to you, I will turn the demon world upside down."

In any case, Hai Ling agreed to stay, so Zhang Pa and Tan Lang and others set off. They moved forward at full speed and returned to Tianlei Mountain in less than half an hour.

Tianlei Mountain was the same as usual. The business market at the foot of the mountain was still open, and people were coming and going on the mountain. There was no difference. Only a person stood in the air on the west side of the main peak. It was the Great Demon King who was reborn by taking over another body. Seeing him, Zhang Pa released his spiritual consciousness, but he didn't find a single demon soldier, not even the Eight Night Guards.

Zhang Pa brushed off his clothes, walked lightly to the Great Demon King and stood ten meters away, and asked coldly, "Are you looking for me?"

The Great Demon King admitted, "Yes." Zhang Pa asked, "Is it interesting?" He was talking about the fact that he threatened Zhang Pa with the disciples of Tianlei Mountain. The Great Demon King smiled and said, "I don't care, I only care about the result." He pointed at the seven people of Greedy Wolf and said, "I was thinking about it. If you are not at home, even if I kill everyone in the mountain, you will not get any information. It will only anger you, which is not good. It is better not to kill them. But fortunately they are here." The implication is that you should not just get angry at me. It is the Star Emperor who helps me threaten you. He is also thinking about the Fu Shen Snake. Zhang Pa chuckled and said, "Tell me, if I give you the Fu Shen Snake, what will you do?"

The Great Demon King thought about it and said: "Within the Three Realms, no matter how powerful you are, no matter how high your cultivation level is, you will inevitably die. I and the Star Emperor will always die. It's okay for the Star Emperor. There is only one master in the heaven. Even if we can't Ascending to the God Realm, you can also find an heir and be reincarnated, and you can live from generation to generation; the Demon Realm is different, a lot of demon kings fight back and forth every day, which is annoying, so everyone wants to be liberated and live forever, but there is no immortality in the Three Realms, only gods "Jie Xun." At this point, he looked down at his body and said, "You know this body. In fact, I don't want to take it away. Firstly, the physical requirements are extremely high and it requires a demon cultivator in the god transformation stage. Secondly, even if I take it away, She won't live long, and in two or three thousand years, she will be able to find her body again, but if she doesn't take it, she will die, so she can only continue to struggle, which is really boring. "

This guy talked casually like Nacai. Zhang Ain asked, "How to get to the God Realm?"

The Great Demon King said: "When you have cultivated to the realm of the Demon King, you will have the strength to go to the God Realm, but trouble, do you know about thunder tribulations? What an unlucky thing, any cultivator in the Demon Realm must go through thunder tribulations if he wants to ascend. These thunders will strike one after another. Who can bear the endless blows? Not even a hair is left behind, not to mention ascending, so many demon kings are willing to take the risk of being killed by other demon kings again and again to be reborn. , I don’t want to be struck by lightning, it’s too dangerous, but fortunately, God has eyes, and I have the God Snake with me. As long as it doesn’t bite me, I’m not afraid of being struck by lightning, and I can ascend easily.”

"What?" Zhang was afraid that he didn't understand. This guy was talking nonsense and felt very confused.

"The sky thunder is controlled by the gods. Those guys are very ruthless and are afraid of killing people. Fortunately, I know the descendants of Queen Xi and will be merciful. I can ascend and leave the three realms." The big devil explained.

Can even Lei Jie be humane? It was quite interesting. Zhang Ain asked again: "Ascension to the demon world requires a tribulation from heaven. What about the heavenly world?"

The Great Demon King glanced sideways at Qixing Lord, and then said: "They are lucky, no one will attack them. After cultivating to a certain level, they can naturally ascend. However, nothing is easy in the world. If you go to the God Realm without being struck by lightning in the Three Realms, you will naturally be tortured by people. They, the Star Emperor is a cunning old man, and they definitely understand these things, so they have been delaying their ascension until now. They see that there is no end to the delay, but they are lucky enough to encounter the God-Destroying Snake when it is born. Will torture him, why is this guy so lucky?"

The big devil spoke in a very flattering tone, but he didn't know that this was done deliberately by the big devil after integrating the ghost ancestor's consciousness, just to win over him and make friends with him, so as to obtain the God-subdued Snake.

After listening to the big devil's ramblings for a long time, Zhang was silent in thought. The big devil said again: "Lend me a snake to survive the thunder tribulation, and I will return it to you later."

Zhang Ai asked: "Can I come back after going to the God Realm?" The big devil shook his head and said: "I can't come back." Zhang Ai asked again: "Then how do you pay me back?" The big devil said: "I think you have good qualifications. Sooner or later, I will be able to ascend to the God Realm, and I will pay you back after you go to the God Realm.”

Still carrying something like this? Zhang Ai smiled helplessly and said, "You think far enough, old man." The Demon King said proudly, "That's right."

Zhang Weijing thought for a while and suddenly said: "You and Ghost Ancestor are quite similar."

The Great Demon King laughed when he heard this, and did not hide it: "Don't forget, we are the same body." Zhang Fang said angrily: "What is the same body? You killed someone and took the body! You forgot so quickly Did you say it nicely?"

In any case, the two of them talked nonsense, and the big devil asked: "Lend me one?" Zhang Ain smiled and shook his head: "No." The big devil's face turned cold instantly: "I give an order, Tianlei Mountain will No longer exists, don’t you care about the lives of your disciples?”

"I care, but I thought of one thing." Zhang Ain said. "What's the matter?" the big devil asked coldly. Zhang Ain replied: "I was thinking that the three realms in which we live depend on each other, and one realm cannot be lacking. What if there is a crazy person with great supernatural powers who harms others and does not benefit himself, and wants to bury people from the three realms with him and destroy a certain realm? manage?"

After saying these words, the expressions of the Demon King and Lord Qixing changed. The Demon King asked, "Why did you think of this problem?"

Zhang Ping said: "The Star Emperor said that there are countless existences of the Three Realms like us in the God Realm. I was thinking that the God Realm is composed of countless Three Realms. Just as ordinary people are the basic source of cultivators, the Three Realms are the foundation of the God Realm. Composition, cultivators cannot allow ordinary people to exterminate their clans, and the God Realm will not allow the Three Realms to disappear. There should be rules to restrain everyone from acting rashly, and then protect the Three Realms. "

"What do you want to say?" the big devil asked coldly.

"I'm thinking that there should be a god-level master protecting our three realms. If I release the God-Suppressing Snake and Ping Xi Emperor's blood, will it attract him?" Zhang Ain said.

Not wanting to, the Great Demon King sneered and mocked: "Idiot, it's not like you didn't release the God-Suppressing Snake before. If the masters of the God Realm had discovered it, they should have come long ago."

After hearing this, Zhang Ain thought for a moment and said firmly: "I always believe that there must be a god guarding the three realms."

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