The Monk

Volume 1 Chapter 959 Thunder in Tianlei Mountain

Chapter 959 Thunder in Tianlei Mountain

Facts have proved that none of the eighteen black bosses are responsible. The first one is the leader, and the seventeen following, including the big devil who arrived first, discussed with Zhang Ai: "As long as the eighteen are given up, Snake, from now on, you will be the master of the demon world, and all our subordinates will be under your control."

Zhang Xinxin said: "Don't lie to me, do you think I don't know that the demon world respects strength?" Whoever can eat is the boss; whoever can eat all the dangerous ones is the boss.

Lord Qixing was very surprised when he heard the conditions set by the demon kings. Seeing that the demon world was about to change its owner? What's going on?

Because they were stuck here, the Demon King was upset when he saw them, and said to them in a cold voice: "Why don't you leave, do you want to die?" Tanlang respectfully replied: "My lord has ordered me to take Mr. Zhang back when I bring him down." "

Although the Demon King wanted to kill someone, his first priority was to subdue the divine snake, so he shouted coldly: "Get away." Lord Qixing knew that he was not the opponent of the Demon King, so he retreated ten thousand meters away. Seeing that they were still obedient, the demon king let them go and thought about how to snatch the snake from Zhang Wen's hands.

A demon king set up a barrier and whispered to the others: "I heard that the boy's monster is autonomous and never signs a contract." The implication is that it is better to kill and see. One demon king replied: "What if the rumors are not accurate? What if he signs a heart-to-heart agreement with the God-Destroying Snake now?" Another demon king added: "Let's think about it in other places. If you get a god like the God-Destroying Snake, Will they be allowed to move freely if they don't make a mental agreement? "How can we control the God-Fighting Snake?" In the final analysis, the God-Fighting Snake is still treated as a thing.

No one dares to take risks on things that are uncertain. After all, it involves issues of thunder tribulation and immortality, so everyone would rather be cautious.

Seeing the other demon kings talking in low voices, the big demon king decided to take a dangerous move and said to Zhang Awei with a cold face: "Three numbers, if you don't agree, I will destroy the mountain." As he spoke, he raised his right hand high and followed his gesture, suddenly in mid-air. Tens of thousands of black-armored soldiers appeared, led by the Eight Night Guards.

This guy was sure of himself. Zhang Ai frowned and couldn't think of a way. Do he really want to separate from the Fushen Snake?

The group of snakes he has spent the longest time with in his life was this group of snakes. He was very stupid when he was a child, and by chance, he used his own blood and all his spiritual power to help hatch more than a hundred little snakes through divine tears. It is not an exaggeration to say that they are connected by the same blood. Everyone is kind to everyone, has the same mind, and has lived together for hundreds of years. In his life, he never thought that he would be separated from the Fushen Snake. This thought had never occurred to him.

So at the beginning, the Star Emperor and the Great Demon King pressed him one after another, but he was not in a hurry. He believed that the boat would be straight when it reached the bridge, and he would never be separated from the little snake. He had always thought this way, and this mentality continued until the big devil said to count to three.

When the big devil coldly said, "I only give you three numbers of time," at that moment, Zhang Weijing's heart was suddenly violently touched, and for the first time he felt a mountain of pressure, which was so uncomfortable! With a mountain full of lives on one side and a divine snake on the other, he didn't want to give up on both sides, so he couldn't make a choice. But the less he could make a choice, the more he was asked to choose. Zhang was confused.

Seventeen scribes had just gone up the mountain, and Zhang Wen deliberately shouted loudly to remind everyone on the mountain that with Fu Kong's keen observation and Fang Jian's intelligence, they would definitely know that something was wrong and would gather all the disciples on the mountain to deal with the unexpected.

The last time Tanlang set up a divine array in Tianlei Mountain, Zhang Ain asked for the control magic formula, and then made hundreds of jade formulas for the divine array. With this jade, one can enter and exit the divine array. Except for this, one cannot go out from the inside or enter from the outside. The entire Tianlei Mountain is as dense as an iron barrel. And based on the Greedy Wolf Divine Array as a model, coupled with his own understanding of the divine array, he simply made a divine array on the mountain behind the main peak, an array within an array, just for defense, to protect Yunying, Xi'er and others.

Because of its narrow coverage, that divine formation was only slightly stronger than Greedy Wolf's casual formation. Zhang was afraid of shouting loudly, just to remind Ruiyuan to place the important people in the mountain in that formation. Although he didn't know whether it could block the demon king's army, it was always good to have multiple layers of protection.

But can no amount of protection be enough to withstand the alliance of eighteen demon kings? Zhang Huang was so sad that he was afraid that his heart would turn upside down and he didn't know what to do. At this time, the big devil said softly: "One."

When he said this word, the other demon kings stopped discussing and all looked at Zhang Ai, guessing how he would make a decision.

Hearing this word, Zhang was afraid that his chaos would become more chaotic. His mind was completely broken and confused. He was angry, excited, worried and sad. His head was full of questions. Why is this happening? how so?

He raised his hand and pressed the big walnuts on his chest. He could not give them away under any circumstances.

When he was confused, three people flew from Tianlei Mountain, Fu Kong, Fang Jian and Zhang Tianfang. Zhang Tianfang shouted at the demon kings as he flew: "What are you doing? Get out of here." He has always been so arrogant and reckless. What's strange is that Fu Kong and Fang Jian didn't persuade him this time.

The three of them flew to Zhang Wen and stopped in front of him. When they saw his face, Fang Jian was shocked. It was the first time they had known him for such a long time that he was so confused, his eyes were wandering, and he looked like he didn't know what to do. He asked in a low voice: "What's wrong?" Then he said: "The rear mountain has made arrangements." He wanted to calm his fear.

Zhang Aing knew that he had lost his composure. Hearing Fang Jian's words, Zhang Aing hurriedly recited the Calming Technique. He barely managed to calm down and asked, "What are you doing here?" Zhang Tianfang said loudly, "I will accompany you to kill people." Zhang Aing said with a bitter smile: " Are you afraid of dying together?" Zhang Tianfang said indifferently: "If you die, who is afraid of whom?"

At this time, the big devil said the second word coldly: "Two."

Zhang Tianfang said angrily: "Come here to count? Count your heads!" He swung the ghost sword and struck at it angrily. The big devil's face became angry, he pointed his hand, and a black air appeared in front of him. Zhang Tianfang slashed into the black air with his knife and disappeared without a trace. Zhang Tianfang was shocked by this change and quickly drew out the knife. After careful inspection, he let out a sigh of relief and found that everything was fine.

The big devil glared at Zhang Tianfang and wanted to kill him, but he wanted to threaten Zhang Tianfang into submission, so he let Zhang Tianfang go for the time being. I'm just hesitating in my heart. It's easy to destroy Tianlei Mountain, but if it offends Zhang Awei and causes the Fu Shen Snake to die with him, wouldn't all my hard work be in vain?

The Great Demon King is not the only one who has this idea. The other Demon Kings are also worried. Their eyes are turning on Zhang Ai and the Great Demon King. In any case, Zhang Ai is the key to everyone's ascension to the God Realm. No matter how many people are killed, it will be useless. It will delay things even more. At that time, someone interrupted and said: "The sword is interesting. There are nine ghost emperors trapped in it. Well, it's quite powerful."

He interrupted and didn't want the big devil to continue counting. Everyone in the room understood, but no one pointed out. The Great Demon King understood even more that he had to continue due to face-saving reasons, so he had to speak at that time. But as soon as the corner of his mouth moved, a sword appeared in the air and stabbed directly at the door.

Of course, the big demon king would not be hurt by Jian Hong. He raised his hand to cover his face, and heard a clear clang sound. Jian Hong shattered inch by inch, and the long sword in Fang Jian's hand was broken together.

The Great Demon King gently moved his right hand, and was no longer angry at this time. He looked coldly at the few ignorant boys in front of him and said softly: "Three."

He said it, but unfortunately no one heard it, so Zhang Wenfu was in good health. At this moment, there was a sudden thunder in the sky and the earth. Dozens of thunders sounded almost at the same time without any warning. The cracks shook the earth and the earth. Not to mention the big devil said three softly, someone fired a cannon at this time without even hearing the sound.

There were several thunderous sounds, and a group of unlucky guys were waiting to be hacked in mid-air. Above everyone was a black mass of demonic soldiers, so they were honored to be chopped down. This has nothing to do with cultivation. There are too many people and they stand too close together. There will always be a dozen or twenty unlucky ones who will be chopped off the clouds and dusted.

The eighteen demon kings were shocked. Could it be that the thunder disaster has been advanced? How could there be no warning? Quickly disperse and fly away.

At this time, Zhang Weijing was also hiding from the thunder. This was the first time in his life that he was grateful to Lei on Tianlei Mountain for helping him defend against the enemy.

For some unknown reason, the Tianlei Mountains are prone to thunder, which occurs every two days. If there is no thunder for ten and a half months, people all over the mountain will think that something is wrong with God. Facts have proved that God will not cause problems easily, so he happened to help Zhang Wen.

The wind and clouds in the sky moved without any warning, and they suddenly collided together, and the thunder also started without any warning, and even the eighteen demon kings were not able to detect it in time. Strictly speaking, it cannot be said that they have not discovered anything. They are people with great supernatural powers and have their own understanding of the world. It is a pity that they live in the underground demon world all day long. There is no thunder in that place and they lack understanding of the thunder in Tianlei Mountain.

According to their understanding, there will be thunder only when there is rain, and there will always be obvious signs before lightning strikes. If there are no clouds, there will be no thunder, so they suffer a loss.

With their cultivation, they naturally knew that the wind and clouds were moving in the sky, but because it was a clear day, they thought it was a normal phenomenon. Who knew that not only would there be sudden thunder in Tianlei Mountain, but there would also be sudden drought thunder, and there would be no warning. When the thunder suddenly sounded, they were caught off guard. As a result, a group of unlucky people were gloriously killed.

However, Zhang's fear of being attacked by others turned out to be his advantage. The more he feared, the more he understood. As soon as the storm started in the sky, he knew something was going to go wrong. With the roar of thunder, Fang Jian and Zhang Tianfang were immediately dragged downwards.

At this time, Fu Kong had just put aside the Bu Bu Sheng Lotus Buddha Treasure on his body. Since Zhang Tianfang and Fang Jian rushed forward to fight for their lives, he planned to fight for them too. By coincidence, he just threw the Buddha treasure, and thunder sounded at the same time. The thunder was supported by the peaceful energy of the huge lotus flower blooming from the Buddha treasure. Only then did Fu Kong have time to bring the big lotus flower down.

The thunder in Tianlei Mountain came and went quickly. Just now, dozens of thunders passed by with a loud bang, followed by a few more explosions. Then the clouds dispersed and the thunder stopped. The demon kings were highly cultivated, quick to spot opportunities, and had few thunders, so they were not injured. After the thunder stopped, everyone looked up at the sky and thought: This place is really evil.

After the thunder stopped, everyone remembered what had just happened, and the big devil flew straight towards Zhang Afraid in anger. He wanted to beat this kid to vent his anger.

He wanted to be angry, but others didn't know it. Seeing his angry face, they thought he was going to kill someone, so two demon kings flew over and advised him: "Brother Wang, don't be impulsive."

The big devil was stopped. He knew what his colleagues were thinking, but he didn't bother to explain. He pointed at Zhang Ai who was thousands of meters away and said, "I won't touch you." After saying that, he turned to face the main peak of Tianlei Mountain and uttered one word coldly: "Kill." ”

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