The Monk

Volume 1 Chapter 956 People of the Xi Royal Family

Chapter 956 People from the Xi Royal Family

When Zhang Wen heard this, he said, yes, the Star Emperor said it so lively, what's the matter with shutting down the divine snake? So he asked: "What does it matter?"

Star Emperor said: "I have heard a story. The fact is that many people have heard this story. It is about the origin of the God-Destroying Snake. Do you know?" Zhang Ain replied: "I know a little. I heard that the God-Destroying Snake It is the spiritual pet of Emperor Xi. It is extremely powerful and has the ability to subjugate gods. "

The Star Emperor smiled softly and corrected: "What I heard is different from what you heard. Fushen Snake is not the spiritual pet of Emperor Xi, but a member of Emperor Xi's clan. Emperor Xi's name is Fu Xi. He has the body of a snake and the face of a human. He is the founder of Xi Emperor. An immortal dynasty that unites the universe of stars." He raised his hand and said, "The world outside was created by Emperor Xi, and the original ruler of that world was Emperor Xi!"

Then he took back his hand and whispered: "My name is Star Emperor. In fact, I am just an object. I have learned supernatural powers by looking at the stars for many years. I just borrowed the name from the stars after cultivating human form. Compared with Emperor Xi, how can I be qualified to be called emperor? There are countless stars in the sky. , every star is controlled by many people with great supernatural powers, and they are all subordinates of Emperor Xi, and I am just a so-called god who was born through the shining stars, how can I compare with them?"

When the Star Emperor said this, he looked very depressed, without the confidence and majesty he had in controlling all things in the past. Zhang Ain then whispered a word of advice: "Don't belittle yourself."

The Star Emperor laughed at what he said: "I am not begging for anything. It is precisely because I am not begging you for it that I asked you for the Fushen Snake. The Fushen Snake's original name is Fushen, which means the descendant of Queen Xi. It is not the Fushen Snake popularized by the world. It is simply called Fu Snake. The fact is that in order to respect Emperor Xi, the world added the word "神" between the two characters "Fu Snake". It can be called Fu Shen or Shen Shen. In short, it shows respect. It is precisely because Fu Shen The divine snake is so noble, I don’t dare to force it on you, and neither does the devil.”

"The Snake is naturally intelligent. Although it cannot speak, it has a sharp mind and knows who is good to him and who is not good to him. The Demon King and I did not dare to snatch the snake. The reason is that we need to borrow the Snake to enter the divine world." Di Duo explained.

Hearing this, Zhang Hui understood why the devil did not dare to snatch the snake, and thought to himself: Another life saved by a little snake, these guys are really precious.

The Star Emperor looked at his rejoicing expression, shook his head and said with a smile: "Let me tell you one more thing. According to legend, if there is a chance, the God-Destroying Snake can transform into a human form. The upper body is a human and the lower body is a snake, which is the majestic appearance of the Lord of Eternity. , no one in the world dares to disobey an order.”

"Most of the things in legends cannot be taken seriously, but can you go to the God Realm if you have the Subdued God Snake?" Zhang Ain asked.

The Star Emperor admitted: "As long as the God-Suppressing Snake is willing to recognize me, I can easily enter the God Realm. It has the blood of Emperor Xi. No matter how unruly the people in the God Realm are, they will not prevent the blood of Emperor Xi from returning to the God Realm."

Zhang Ain thought about it and asked, "Why are you telling me this?"

The Star Emperor smiled and said: "Cultivators are just looking for a breakthrough and ascension. I won't say what will happen to you in the three realms for now. I just want to say that if I can go to the God Realm and become the Immortal True God, it will naturally be helpful to you. Maybe in the future. You can also ascend to the divine realm. How about giving me a snake?"

This was a naked temptation, but Zhang Ping shook his head and said, "I won't do it."

Star Emperor kept smiling and said: "Everyone will have a pursuit in his life, and there will always be things that interest you. Don't tell me that you have no love in your life."

Zhang Ain replied: "It's natural to fall in love." He didn't say any more words to avoid being caught by the Star Emperor and threatening him.

However, the Star Emperor had already known about Zhang Wei's life experience, and said at this time: "I asked someone to check what you did in the past. It's quite interesting. Most cultivators are indifferent and seek their own breakthroughs. You are just the opposite, busy managing all kinds of things. I have too many worries and I am not concentrating on my cultivation. If I asked you to exchange the life of Tianlei Mountain for a Fushen Snake, would you exchange it for me?"

Zhang Ai sighed secretly in his heart, it was over, he was threatened after all. Since the Star Emperor could find out his weakness, presumably the Demon King would also find out. The Manshan people were in danger again. After thinking about it for a while, I really couldn't think of any way to protect them, so another huge problem appeared. .

Seeing that he was silent, the Star Emperor knew that he was thinking wildly, so he did not hide it at the moment, and directly stated the arrangement: "I am ordered to guard Tianlei Mountain at the twelfth hour. You can rest assured about safety."

Zhang Awei smiled bitterly and said, "Even if you can stop the Demon King from climbing the mountain, what will I do to you?"

The Star Emperor chuckled and said, "You go back and think slowly, I'm not in a hurry." He raised his hand to see the guest off, and Greedy Wolf entered the hall and took Zhang Wen away.

The sudden threat made Zhang Ai very depressed, and he kept thinking about why he was so weak and had unlucky companions wherever he went. They returned to Xianjing in silence all the way. When Greedy Wolf left, Hai Ling asked him: "What did the master want to say to you?" Zhang Ping said: "The master told me that he asked Twelve Hours to guard Tianlei Mountain to prevent bad people from attacking the mountain. ." In order to avoid making Hai Ling anxious, he concealed the reason.

Hai Ling didn't know this, and after hearing this, he said happily: "I'm going to thank you, sir." But then he remembered that Zhang was afraid of being locked up here by the Star Emperor and was not allowed to go out, so his joy immediately waned by half, and he lost interest.

Zhang Ai said quietly: "Rest first, thank you later." After saying that, he went into the room and lay down, and began to think seriously about what to do in the future.

He has experienced strange things in his life. No one has ever been forced to practice like him. There are always many things that force him to work hard to improve his cultivation, just to be able to cope with various emergencies in order to survive. It is absolutely helpless to say the least.

He lay down and thought about the problem. Hai Ling came over and asked, "Why don't you let me go, sir?" Zhang Ain replied, "It's difficult." Hai Ling had no choice, so he said, "Tomorrow I will ask the sir, he is of the same race as me. , you should listen to my advice.”

The fact is that in the past year, Hai Ling has asked the Star Emperor several times, and the answer was always the same. He stayed in the leisure realm for the time being. If he asked again at this time, it would be just a trip in vain. Zhang feared and said, "Let's talk about it later."

Whoever it was, it would definitely not be easy for him to be imprisoned for more than a year and threatened.

After this day, two years passed in the blink of an eye. Time passes very slowly in the midst of boredom, but it also flies very fast and passes by in an instant. During this period of time, Zhang Wen had become accustomed to living in seclusion, quietly guarding a small world. Hai Ling is very busy, and Lord Qixing takes him to play everywhere every few days.

On this day, Zhang Wen lay down and slept as usual. In this unlucky place, he couldn't practice. No matter how he meditated, his cultivation would not change at all. It was not as comfortable as sleeping. So every day I drank and slept, and slept and drank. Fortunately, he is a cultivator, otherwise he would definitely eat a pig.

While I was sleeping, a clear bell suddenly rang outside Xianjing. There were nine sounds in total. They were melodious and crisp. I didn’t know what they meant.

When the bell stopped ringing, Mr. Xian ran outside quickly. Zhang Wen took a look and realized something was wrong. Hai Ling asked him: "What's wrong?" Zhang Ain shook his head. He had been in heaven for more than three years and heard the bell ring for the first time. He didn't know what was going on.

Two hours later, Xianyun came back, and Zhang Ain asked him what happened. Xianyun just looked at him but didn't say anything. He looked at him for a while and shook his head and said, "It's okay." Zhang was afraid that he would be depressed. If it's okay, it's okay. Why do you look at me like that?

Even if this day is over, I don't expect that seven days later, the Qingyue bell will ring again, nine times again. Xianyun also rushed to Lingxiao Palace, but this time when he came back, he was accompanied by Lord Qixing. A group of people came to the pavilion, first greeted Hai Ling, and then said bluntly to Zhang Awei, clasping his fists: "Soldiers from the demon world invaded Tianlei Mountain."

One sentence made Zhang afraid of Lao Gao jumping up on the spot and yelling: "Asshole, whatever you are afraid of comes from you."

What is an unforeseen disaster? Just look at Zhang Ai and Tianlei Mountain and you will understand everything. Even if you lie down and sleep, someone will come looking for trouble.

Hai Ling didn't know what happened and asked, "What's wrong? Why did the demon world attack Tianlei Mountain?"

Greedy Wolf replied: "We haven't attacked Tianlei Mountain yet. The last time the bell rang, we came back to report the news at twelve o'clock. Twelve of them were guarding Tianlei Mountain. They were attacked by demon thieves. Eight of them were killed and four came back. After the Lord got the news, Furious, he sent eight hundred heavenly generals to destroy the demon thieves, but the whole army was wiped out, so he sounded the warning bell again. "

At this point, Zhang Ping completely understood that the Star Emperor wanted to subdue the divine snake, so he would send people to guard Tianlei Mountain, which was tantamount to trying to gain friendship. But he doesn't want the strength of the heaven to be damaged. When the guard strength is exhausted to a certain extent, he will naturally not send anyone down to the realm, but will push himself out. Anyway, the devil also wants to subjugate the snake. If he refuses again and again, he will see if the devil is willing to kill people.

He understood, but Hai Ling didn't, and asked hurriedly: "Where is your lord? Are you going to fight?"

Greedy Wolf replied: "My lord ordered seven of me to accompany Brother Zhang to the lower realm. Because swordsmen have no eyesight, the young master will stay here until the matter is resolved and the young master can go to the lower realm."

Hai Ling refused and said loudly: "I want to go down with Brother Zhang Ai, and we will fight side by side."

Greedy Wolf smiled and said: "We are not going to fight. Do you think that just the seven of us can defeat the army of demon thieves? The demon king wants to find Brother Zhang and ask questions. We are just taking him down."

"What kind of question? Kill so many people just by asking questions?" Hai Ling was not fooled. Zhang Ain advised: "Believe me, it's okay. I'll come back to pick you up soon." Hai Ling insisted: "No, I want to be with you. I can fight better than you now."

Zhang was afraid that he could not persuade him, so he asked Tanlang: "What do you say, sir?" Tanlang replied: "My lord said that if the young master insists on going down to the world, he must agree to a condition." It seems that the Star Emperor understands Hailing's character very well. Knowing that he would not want to be separated from Zhang Afraid.

After hearing this, Zhang Ain asked: "What are the conditions?" Tanlang took out a star robe and said: "I want to wear this clothes." Hai Ling said: "I will wear it."

Greedy Wolf shook his head lightly and said, "This is a divine weapon with supreme power. It can protect the young master." When Zhang Wen heard this, he thought, This is great. Why did he put on a solemn expression?

Greedy Wolf continued: "This dress is called the Star Robe. It can only be worn by the lord in the heaven, or the heir recognized by the lord." What he said was very clear. The Star Emperor wanted to appoint Hai Ling as his heir and rule the heaven in the future.

When Hai Ling heard this, he quickly waved his hand and said, "I don't want clothes, nor am I an heir."

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